Updated the example for pnacl, to make it work with the threading update
[nit.git] / c_src / time.sep.0.h
1 #include "nit.common.h"
2 #include "time_nit.h"
3 long time__Object__get_time(val* self);
4 void time__Sys__nanosleep(val* self, long p0, long p1);
5 void* time___new_TimeT___impl( );
6 void* time__TimeT__init(void* self);
7 void* time___new_TimeT_from_i___impl( int i );
8 void* time__TimeT__from_i(void* self, long p0);
9 void time___TimeT_update___impl( void* recv );
10 void time__TimeT__update(void* self);
11 struct nitni_instance * time___TimeT_ctime___impl( void* recv );
12 val* string__NativeString__to_s_with_copy(char* self);
13 val* time__TimeT__ctime(void* self);
14 double time___TimeT_difftime___impl( void* recv, void* start );
15 double time__TimeT__difftime(void* self, void* p0);
16 val* string__NativeString__to_s_with_length(char* self, long p0);
17 extern const int COLOR_string_search__String__replace;
18 val* time__TimeT__to_s(void* self);
19 int time___TimeT_to_i___impl( void* recv );
20 long time__TimeT__to_i(void* self);
21 void* time___new_Tm_gmtime___impl( );
22 void* time__Tm__gmtime(void* self);
23 void* time___new_Tm_gmtime_from_timet___impl( void* t );
24 void* time__Tm__gmtime_from_timet(void* self, void* p0);
25 void* time___new_Tm_localtime___impl( );
26 void* time__Tm__localtime(void* self);
27 void* time___new_Tm_localtime_from_timet___impl( void* t );
28 void* time__Tm__localtime_from_timet(void* self, void* p0);
29 void* time___Tm_to_timet___impl( void* recv );
30 void* time__Tm__to_timet(void* self);
31 int time___Tm_sec___impl( void* recv );
32 long time__Tm__sec(void* self);
33 int time___Tm_min___impl( void* recv );
34 long time__Tm__min(void* self);
35 int time___Tm_hour___impl( void* recv );
36 long time__Tm__hour(void* self);
37 int time___Tm_mday___impl( void* recv );
38 long time__Tm__mday(void* self);
39 int time___Tm_mon___impl( void* recv );
40 long time__Tm__mon(void* self);
41 int time___Tm_year___impl( void* recv );
42 long time__Tm__year(void* self);
43 int time___Tm_wday___impl( void* recv );
44 long time__Tm__wday(void* self);
45 int time___Tm_yday___impl( void* recv );
46 long time__Tm__yday(void* self);
47 int time___Tm_is_dst___impl( void* recv );
48 short int time__Tm__is_dst(void* self);
49 struct nitni_instance * time___Tm_asctime___impl( void* recv );
50 val* time__Tm__asctime(void* self);
51 struct nitni_instance * time___Tm_strftime___impl( void* recv, struct nitni_instance * format );
52 extern const int COLOR_string__String__to_cstring;
53 val* string__NativeString__to_s(char* self);
54 val* time__Tm__strftime(void* self, val* p0);
55 val* time__Tm__to_s(void* self);