nitiwiki - 

nitiwiki, a simple wiki manager based on markdown.

Basically, nitiwiki compiles a set of markdown files into an HTML wiki.

The wiki content is structured by sections represented by the wiki folders. Sections can contain articles represented by markdown files.


  • automatic wiki structure from folders hierarchy
  • automatic site menu
  • automatic sitemap
  • automatic summaries
  • easy and rapid templating
  • customizable section templates and menus
  • rsync synchronization
  • git synchronization

Wiki structure

Basic wiki structure:

|- assets
|- out
|- pages
|- templates
|   |- footer.html
|   |- header.html
|   |- menu.html
|   `- template.html
`- config.ini


This is where goes all the content of your wiki. Nitiwiki will render an article for each markdown file found in pages.

You can categorize your content in sections using sub-folders:

|- section1
|   `-
|- section2
|   `-


This is where you store CSS and JavaScript files used in the design of your site.

You can also use this directory to put some images or other files that will be used in all your pages.

|- css
|- js
`- logo.png


This folder contains the templates used to generate the HTML pages of your wiki.

The main template is called template.html. It contains the HTML structure of your pages and some macros that will be replaced by the wiki articles.


This is where your wiki will be rendered by nitiwiki. Do not put anything in this folder since it will be overwritten at the next wiki rendering.

The wiki rendering consists in:

  1. copy the assets directory to out
  2. copy attached article files from pages to out
  3. translate markdown files from pages to html files in out


This is the main config file of your wiki. For more details see Configure the wiki.

Manage the wiki

Create a new wiki

Just move to the directory where you want to store your source files and type:

nitiwiki init

This command will import the base structure of your wiki in the current directory. At this point nitiwiki has created the main configuration file of your site: config.ini.

Configure the wiki

All the nitiwiki configuration is done using ini files.

The wiki configuration is contained in the config.ini file located at the root directory of your wiki. This file can be edited to change nitiwiki settings.


  • Displayed name
  • wiki.desc: Long description
  • wiki.logo: Logo image url
  • wiki.root_dir: Absolute path of base directory
  • wiki.source_dir: Source directory (relative path from wiki.root_dir)
  • wiki.out_dir: Output directory (relative)
  • wiki.assets_dir: Assets directory (relative)
  • wiki.templates_dir: Templates directory (relative)
  • wiki.template: Wiki main template file
  • wiki.header: Wiki main header template file
  • wiki.footer: Wiki main footer template file
  • Wiki main menu template file
  • wiki.rsync_dir: Directory used to rsync output
  • wiki.git_origin: Git origin used to fetch data
  • wiki.git_branch: Git branch used to fetch data

For more details on each option see WikiConfig.

Add content

To add content in your wiki simply add markdown files (with .md extension) into the pages/ folder.

Write content

Nitiwiki only support content written in markdown format.

In nitiwiki, linking to a section or an article is done using the wikilinks.

Wikilinks provide easy linking between pages of the wiki. To create a wikilink, just put the name of the page to link to in double brackets. For example [[WikiLink]].

If you ever need to write something like [[WikiLink]] without creating a wikilink, just prefix it with a \\, like \\[[WikiLink]].

There are some special linking precedence that come into play when linking between sections and sub-sections.

Nitiwiki will chose the first entry that match the given wikilinks in that order:

  1. Looks in the current section
  2. Looks in the current section children recursively
  3. Looks in the current section parents until root

To link to or from a subpage, you can use a regular wikilink that does not contain the name of the parent directory of the subpage. Nikiwiki descends the directory hierarchy looking for a page that matches your link.

For example, if FooBar/SubPage links to OtherPage, nikiwiki will first prefer pointing the link to FooBar/SubPage/OtherPage if it exists, next to FooBar/OtherPage and finally to OtherPage in the root of the wiki.

You can also specify a link that contains a relative section name, like FooBar/OtherPage to specify what page to link to.

You can also use / at the start of a link, to specify exactly which page to link to, when there are multiple pages with similar names and the link goes to the wrong page by default. For example, linking from FooBar/SubPage to /OtherPage will link to the OtherPage in the root of the wiki, even if there is a FooBar/OtherPage.

It's also possible to write a wikilink that uses something other than the page name as the link text. For example [[Contact|Contact me!]] links to the Contact page, but the link will appear like this: Contact me!.

You can link to an anchor inside a page, using something like [[WikiLink#foo]].

Trails of Pages

Wikilinks, with the directive trail, will register the target page as an element of a trail. Each trail are chained together and will display navigational link prev for the previous page of the trail, next for the next page of the trail and up to go to the pages that has used the trail wikilink.

For instance, if the page has the following content:

To use nitiwiki, first [[trail: install|install it]],
then [[trail: simple_wiki|create a first wiki]].

You can also do advanced things like:

* [[trail: github|editing pages with github]]
* [[trail: templating| adapting the templates]]

A trail will be made and will consist of the sequence of pages install, simple_wiki, github and templating. On each one of these pages, there will be links for the previous page, the next page and the page.

If a page includes trail wikilinks and is also the target for trail wikilinks, then the two trails are merged and pages will be visitable in a depth-first order. This nesting of trails can be used to have sections and sub-sections.

Render the wiki in HTML

Once you have done your changes, use:

nitiwiki --status

This will show the impacts of your changes on the wiki structure.

Then type:

nitiwiki --render

This will the generate the html output of your new content. The option --force can be used to regenerate all the wiki. This can be uselful when you perform changes on the template files.

Configure sections

Section appearance can be customized using config files.

Each section in the pages/ folder can contain a config.ini file. Options set on a section will be propagated to all its children unless they have their own config file.

Allowed options are:

  • section.title: Custom title for this section
  • section.template: Custom template file
  • section.header: Custom header template file
  • section.footer: Custom footer template file
  • Custom menu template file
  • section.is_hidden: Set this to true will hide the section in all menus and sitemaps.

Customize templates

Templating your wiki involves modifying 4 template files:

  • template.html
  • header.html
  • footer.html
  • menu.html

Each of these file contains an HTML skeletton used by nitiwiki to render your files. Templates can contains macros marked %MACRO% that will be replaced by dynamic content.

Every template can access to:

  • ROOT_URL: Wiki root url
  • TITLE: Wiki name
  • SUBTITLE: Wiki description
  • LOGO: Wiki logo image path

Additional macros can be used in specialized templates.

Main template

The template file template.html represents the overall structure of your wiki pages.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <link href="%ROOT_URL%/assets/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet">

Additionnal macros:

Header template

The template file header.html is generated on top of all the wiki pages.

    <a href="#"><img src="%ROOT_URL%/%LOGO%" alt="logo"/></a>

The template file footer.html is generated on the bottom of all the wiki pages.

    <p>%TITLE% &copy; %YEAR%</p>
    <p>last modification %GEN_TIME%</p>

Additionnal macros:

  • YEAR: Current year
  • GEN_TIME: Page generation date

Topmenu template

The template file menu.html contains the menu structure generated on all your pages.

Its content can be static:

<nav class="menu">
    <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
        <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Page1</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Page2</a></li>

Or dynamic using the macro MENUS:

<nav class="menu">
    <ul class="nav navbar-nav">

Advanced usages

Working with git

nitiwiki allows you to store your wiki changes in git. Using the option --fetch will update the local wiki instance according to git informations found in the config file.

Be sure to set wiki.git_origin and wiki.git_branch in order to correctly pull changes.

To automatically update your wiki when changes are pushed on the origin repository you can use the following command in a git hook:

nitiwiki --fetch --render

Working with a remote server

Sometimes you cannot do what you want on your webserver (like setting crons). For this purpose, nitiwiki provide a quick way to update a distant instance through ssh using rsync.

With the option --rsync, nitwiki will update a distant location with the last rendered output. This way you can manually update your webserver after changes or set a cron on a different server that you can control.

Using the following command in your cron will update the web server instance from git:

nitiwiki --fetch --render --rsync

Be sure to set wiki.rsync_dir in order to correctly push your changes. When using --rsync, keep in mind that the rendered output must be configured to work on the web server.

Serve and edit with nitiwiki_server

nitiwiki_server is a lightweight web server to publish the generated files and accept modifications from a web form.

The binary available in bin/nitiwiki_server is configured for simple usage or demo. The source of the server, at src/wiki_edit, can be tweaked for more advanced use. It is also possible to import the source and add an instance of EditAction to a custom nitcorn server.

To launch the server, change directory to the root of the wiki and run nitiwiki_server. It uses config.ini from the local directory and listen on localhost:8080. The template should define the macro %EDIT% and config.ini should define wiki.edit=/edit/. To limit who can edit the wiki, list the md5 sum of accepted passwords (one per line) in the local file passwords.
