Property definitions

sdl2 $ SDLWindow :: defaultinit
# A window created by SDL
extern class SDLWindow `{ SDL_Window * `}
	# Create a window with the given `title`, `width` and `height`, also apply the `flags`
	new (title: CString, width, height: Int, flags: SDLWindowFlags) `{
		return SDL_CreateWindow(title,
			width, height, flags);

	# Has this window been correctly initialized?
	fun initialized: Bool do return not address_is_null

	# Destroy this window
	fun destroy `{ SDL_DestroyWindow(self); `}

	# Get the `SDLWindowFlags` describing the status of the window
	fun flags: SDLWindowFlags `{ return SDL_GetWindowFlags(self); `}

	# Show a simple message box
	# Similar to `sys.sdl.show_simple_message_box` but attached to this window
	fun show_simple_message_box(level: SDLMessageBoxFlags, title, content: CString) `{
		SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(level, title, content, self);

	# Set the icon of this window
	fun icon=(icon: SDLSurface) `{ SDL_SetWindowIcon(self, icon); `}