Global context for tools

Introduced properties

private var _accept_no_arguments: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _accept_no_arguments

Does process_options should accept an empty sequence of arguments.
private var _actor_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _actor_phase

Generate actors
private var _auto_super_init_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _auto_super_init_phase

Phase that inject super in constructors that need it.
private var _autocomplete_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _autocomplete_phase

Phase generating the files for the Vim plugin
private var _cflags_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _cflags_phase

Phase to find cflags, ldflags and cppflags
private var _check_annotation_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _check_annotation_phase

Check for unknown annotation in each module
private var _contracts_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _contracts_phase

Parses contracts annotations.
private var _deriving_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _deriving_phase

Main phase of deriving
private var _detect_covariance_phase: DetectCovariancePhase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _detect_covariance_phase

Phase that intercepts static type tests then display statistics about covariance
private var _detect_variance_constraints_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _detect_variance_constraints_phase

The DetectVarianceConstraints phase
private var _div_by_zero_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _div_by_zero_phase

Instantiate a new specific phase div_by_zero_phase
private var _docphase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _docphase

Nitdoc generation phase
private var _dummy: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _dummy

FIXME: there is conflict in linex in nitc, so use this trick to force invocation
private var _error_count: Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: _error_count

Number of errors
private var _explain_assert_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _explain_assert_phase

Phase modifying the AST to explain assets when they fail
private var _ffi_language_assignation_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _ffi_language_assignation_phase

Phase that assign a FFILanguage to all AExternCodeBlock
private var _flow_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _flow_phase

Run APropdef::do_flow on each propdef
private var _glsl_validation_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _glsl_validation_phase

Shader code validation phase
private var _inheritance_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _inheritance_metrics_phase

Inheritance related metrics phase
private var _keep_going: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _keep_going

Does an error prevent the program to stop at check_errors?
private var _literal_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _literal_phase

Parses literal values in the whole AST and produces errors if needed
private var _local_var_init_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _local_var_init_phase

Run APropdef::do_local_var_init on each propdef
private var _localize_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _localize_phase

Main phase of language
private var _log_directory: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: _log_directory

Directory where to generate log files
private var _log_info: nullable Writer

nitc :: ToolContext :: _log_info

Stream in log_directory where all info messages are written
private var _mclasses_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _mclasses_metrics_phase

MClass related metrics phase
private var _mendel_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _mendel_metrics_phase

Compute MENDEL metrics.
private var _messages: Array[Message]

nitc :: ToolContext :: _messages

private var _mmodules_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _mmodules_metrics_phase

MModules related metrics phase
private var _mmodules_to_check: HashSet[MModule]

nitc :: ToolContext :: _mmodules_to_check

Modules to analyze, other modules will only get a shallow processing.
private var _modelize_class_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _modelize_class_phase

Run AModule::build_classes on each module
private var _modelize_property_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _modelize_property_phase

Run AClassdef::build_property on the classdefs of each module
private var _nit_dir: nullable String

nitc :: ToolContext :: _nit_dir

The identified root directory of the Nit package
private var _nitpackage_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _nitpackage_phase

nitpackage phase
private var _no_warning_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _no_warning_phase

The phase should be executed before any warning on the module is processed.
private var _nullables_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _nullables_metrics_phase

Nullable types related metrics
private var _opt_a: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_a

private var _opt_all: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_all

private var _opt_all: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_all

private var _opt_analysis: OptionEnum

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_analysis

Analysis to apply
private var _opt_ant: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_ant

Compile using ant instead of make (faster, but no error display)
private var _opt_ast: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_ast

private var _opt_autosav: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_autosav

private var _opt_b: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_b

private var _opt_bash_completion: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_bash_completion

Option --bash-completion
private var _opt_break_str: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_break_str

Break too long string literals.
private var _opt_c: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_c

private var _opt_catalog: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_catalog

Compute and use the catalog
private var _opt_check: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_check

Check formatting instead of pretty printing.
private var _opt_check_ini: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_check_ini

private var _opt_check_makefile: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_check_makefile

private var _opt_check_man: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_check_man

private var _opt_check_readme: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_check_readme

private var _opt_colo_dead_methods: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_colo_dead_methods

private var _opt_colors_are_symbols: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_colors_are_symbols

private var _opt_command: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_command

Used to shortcut the prompt and display directly the result in console.
private var _opt_compile_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_compile_dir

private var _opt_compile_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_compile_dir

Where to output tmp files
private var _opt_compile_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_compile_dir

private var _opt_config: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_config

Path to app config file.
private var _opt_csv: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_csv

private var _opt_custom_brand: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_custom_brand

Display a custom brand or logo in the documentation top menu
private var _opt_custom_intro: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_custom_intro

Display a custom introduction text before the packages overview
private var _opt_custom_title: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_custom_title

Use a custom title for the homepage
private var _opt_debug: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_debug

private var _opt_defines: OptionArray

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_defines

private var _opt_depth: OptionEnum

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_depth

Depth of the visit and generation
private var _opt_detect_covariance: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_detect_covariance

private var _opt_diff: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_diff

Show diff between source and pretty printed code.
private var _opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_dir

Where do we put the result?
private var _opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_dir

Where do we put the result?
private var _opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_dir

opt --dirr
private var _opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_dir

private var _opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_dir

The working directory used to store temp files.
private var _opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_dir

private var _opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_dir

Directory where the Nitdoc is rendered
private var _opt_disable_phase: OptionArray

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_disable_phase

private var _opt_discover_call_trace: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_discover_call_trace

private var _opt_erasure: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_erasure

private var _opt_expand: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_expand

private var _opt_feature_envy: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_feature_envy

private var _opt_force: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_force

private var _opt_full: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_full

opt --full
private var _opt_full_contract: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_full_contract

Option --full-contract
private var _opt_gen: OptionEnum

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_gen

What to generate?
private var _opt_gen_ini: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_gen_ini

private var _opt_gen_makefile: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_gen_makefile

private var _opt_gen_man: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_gen_man

private var _opt_generate_hyperdoc: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_generate_hyperdoc

private var _opt_get_all: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_get_all

private var _opt_global: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_global

option --global
private var _opt_group_c_files: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_group_c_files

private var _opt_guard_call: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_guard_call

private var _opt_hardening: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_hardening

private var _opt_help: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_help

Option --help
private var _opt_host: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_host

Host name to bind on (will overwrite the config one).
private var _opt_ignore_visibility: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_ignore_visibility

Option --ignore-visibility
private var _opt_inheritance: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_inheritance

private var _opt_inline_do: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_inline_do

Force do on the same line as the method signature.
private var _opt_inline_some_methods: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_inline_some_methods

private var _opt_invocation_metrics: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_invocation_metrics

private var _opt_isset_checks_metrics: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_isset_checks_metrics

private var _opt_keep_going: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_keep_going

Option --keep-going
private var _opt_large_class: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_large_class

private var _opt_line_width: OptionInt

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_line_width

private var _opt_log: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_log

Option --log
private var _opt_log_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_log_dir

Option --log-dir
private var _opt_long_method: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_long_method

private var _opt_long_params: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_long_params

private var _opt_long_params_threshold: OptionInt

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_long_params_threshold

private var _opt_make_flags: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_make_flags

private var _opt_max_c_lines: OptionInt

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_max_c_lines

private var _opt_mclasses: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_mclasses

private var _opt_meld: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_meld

Show diff between source and pretty printed code using meld.
private var _opt_mendel: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_mendel

private var _opt_mixins: OptionArray

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_mixins

private var _opt_mmodules: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_mmodules

private var _opt_move_generics: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_move_generics

private var _opt_nit_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_nit_dir

Option --nit-dir
private var _opt_nitc: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_nitc

opt --nitc
private var _opt_no_attribute: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_attribute

private var _opt_no_attributes: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_attributes

Do not generate documentation for attributes
private var _opt_no_cc: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_cc

private var _opt_no_check_all: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_check_all

private var _opt_no_check_assert: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_check_assert

private var _opt_no_check_attr_isset: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_check_attr_isset

private var _opt_no_check_autocast: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_check_autocast

private var _opt_no_check_covariance: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_check_covariance

private var _opt_no_check_null: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_check_null

private var _opt_no_color: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_color

Option --no-color
private var _opt_no_contract: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_contract

Option --no-contract
private var _opt_no_empty_doc: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_empty_doc

private var _opt_no_fictive: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_fictive

private var _opt_no_gcc_directive: OptionArray

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_gcc_directive

private var _opt_no_inline: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_inline

private var _opt_no_inline_intern: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_inline_intern

private var _opt_no_main: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_main

private var _opt_no_private: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_private

private var _opt_no_shortcut_equate: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_shortcut_equate

private var _opt_no_shortcut_range: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_shortcut_range

private var _opt_no_stacktrace: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_stacktrace

private var _opt_no_tag_primitives: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_tag_primitives

private var _opt_no_test: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_test

private var _opt_no_time: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_time

opt --no-time
private var _opt_no_union_attribute: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_union_attribute

private var _opt_noact: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_noact

opt --no-act
private var _opt_nocode: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_nocode

Do not include highlighted code
private var _opt_nocolors: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_nocolors

private var _opt_nocolors: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_nocolors

private var _opt_nodot: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_nodot

Do not generate dot/graphviz diagrams
private var _opt_norender: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_norender

Disable HTML rendering
private var _opt_nullables: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_nullables

private var _opt_only_metamodel: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_only_metamodel

Option --only-metamodel
private var _opt_only_parse: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_only_parse

Option --only-parse
private var _opt_output: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_output

Where to output the generated binary
private var _opt_output: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_output

private var _opt_output: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_output

opt --output
private var _opt_output: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_output

Output pretty printed code with this filename.
private var _opt_output: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_output

Where do we put a single result?
private var _opt_output: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_output

Where do we put a single result?
private var _opt_path: OptionArray

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_path

Option --path
private var _opt_pattern: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_pattern

private var _opt_piwik_site_id: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_piwik_site_id

Piwik tracker site id
private var _opt_piwik_tracker: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_piwik_tracker

Piwik tracker URL
private var _opt_port: OptionInt

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_port

Port number to bind on (will overwrite the config one).
private var _opt_poset: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_poset

private var _opt_privacy: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_privacy

Generate private?
private var _opt_private: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_private

Do not generate documentation for private properties
private var _opt_quiet: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_quiet

Option --quiet
private var _opt_readme: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_readme

private var _opt_refinement: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_refinement

private var _opt_release: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_release

private var _opt_rta: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_rta

private var _opt_rta: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_rta

private var _opt_run: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_run

private var _opt_self: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_self

private var _opt_semi_global: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_semi_global

private var _opt_separate: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_separate

private var _opt_set_dummy_tool: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_set_dummy_tool

Option --set-dummy-tool
private var _opt_share_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_share_dir

Option --share-dir
private var _opt_shared_lib: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_shared_lib

private var _opt_shareurl: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_shareurl

Use a shareurl instead of copy shared files
private var _opt_skip_dead_methods: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_skip_dead_methods

private var _opt_skip_empty: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_skip_empty

Force formatting on empty lines.
private var _opt_sloppy: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_sloppy

private var _opt_source: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_source

File pattern used to link documentation to source code.
private var _opt_static_types: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_static_types

private var _opt_stop_on_first_error: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_stop_on_first_error

Option --stop-on-first-error
private var _opt_stub_man: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_stub_man

Option --stub-man
private var _opt_substitute_monomorph: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_substitute_monomorph

private var _opt_tables: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_tables

private var _opt_tables_metrics: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_tables_metrics

private var _opt_test: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_test

Test mode
private var _opt_trace: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_trace

private var _opt_trace_memory: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_trace_memory

private var _opt_trampoline_call: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_trampoline_call

private var _opt_type_poset: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_type_poset

private var _opt_typing_test_metrics: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_typing_test_metrics

private var _opt_verbose: OptionCount

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_verbose

Option --verbose
private var _opt_version: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_version

Option --version
private var _opt_vim_autocomplete: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_vim_autocomplete

Shall we generate the files for the Vim plugin?
private var _opt_warn: OptionCount

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_warn

Option --warn
private var _opt_warning: OptionArray

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_warning

Option --warning
private var _option_context: OptionContext

nitc :: ToolContext :: _option_context

Global OptionContext
private var _output_dir: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: _output_dir

Output directory for metrics files.
private var _parallelization_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _parallelization_phase

Transforms a function annotated with "threaded"
private var _parse_annotations_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _parse_annotations_phase

Parse the annotations on modules, classdefs and propdefs
private var _phased_modules: HashSet[AModule]

nitc :: ToolContext :: _phased_modules

Set of already analyzed modules.
private var _phases: POSet[Phase]

nitc :: ToolContext :: _phases

The various registered phases to performs
private var _phases_list: Sequence[Phase]

nitc :: ToolContext :: _phases_list

The list of registered phases in the application order.
private var _pkgconfig_is_available: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _pkgconfig_is_available

Is the external program pkg-config available?
private var _pkgconfig_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _pkgconfig_phase

Detects the pkgconfig annotation on the module declaration only
private var _platform_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _platform_phase

Detects the platform annotation to set a mobile target platform
private var _readme_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _readme_metrics_phase

README related metrics phase
private var _regex_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _regex_phase

Phase checking for errors in regex
private var _restful_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _restful_phase

Generate serialization and deserialization methods on auto_serializable annotated classes.
private var _rta_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _rta_metrics_phase

RTA related metrics phase
private var _scope_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _scope_phase

Run APropdef::do_scope on each propdef.
private var _semantize_is_lazy: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _semantize_is_lazy

Is phase_process_npropdef not called automatically by run_phases?
private var _serialization_phase_post_model: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _serialization_phase_post_model

The second phase of the serialization
private var _serialization_phase_pre_model: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _serialization_phase_pre_model

Generate serialization and deserialization methods on auto_serializable annotated classes.
private var _serialization_phase_rename: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _serialization_phase_rename

Apply the annotation serialize_as
private var _share_dir: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: _share_dir

Shared files directory.
private var _simple_misc_analysis_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _simple_misc_analysis_phase

Execute AModule::do_simple_misc_analysis on each module.
private var _todo_nmodules: Sequence[AModule]

nitc :: ToolContext :: _todo_nmodules

List of module to process according to run_phases
private var _tooldescription: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: _tooldescription

Name, usage and synopsis of the tool.
private var _ulimit_file: Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: _ulimit_file

The maximum size (in KB) of files written by a command executed trough safe_exec
private var _ulimit_usertime: Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: _ulimit_usertime

The maximum amount of cpu time (in seconds) for a command executed trough safe_exec
private var _umlphase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _umlphase

Phase that generates UML diagrams from model entities.
private var _verbose_level: Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: _verbose_level

Verbose level
private var _warning_blacklist: MultiHashMap[SourceFile, String]

nitc :: ToolContext :: _warning_blacklist

List of tags per source-file whose warnings are not displayed.
private var _warning_count: Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: _warning_count

Number of warnings
private var _webphase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _webphase

Web rendering phase.
fun accept_no_arguments: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: accept_no_arguments

Does process_options should accept an empty sequence of arguments.
fun accept_no_arguments=(accept_no_arguments: Bool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: accept_no_arguments=

Does process_options should accept an empty sequence of arguments.
fun actor_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: actor_phase

Generate actors
protected fun actor_phase=(actor_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: actor_phase=

Generate actors
fun advice(l: nullable Location, tag: String, text: String): nullable Message

nitc :: ToolContext :: advice

Display a second-level warning.
protected fun ast_metrics_phase=(ast_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: ast_metrics_phase=

fun auto_super_init_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: auto_super_init_phase

Phase that inject super in constructors that need it.
protected fun auto_super_init_phase=(auto_super_init_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: auto_super_init_phase=

Phase that inject super in constructors that need it.
fun autocomplete_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: autocomplete_phase

Phase generating the files for the Vim plugin
protected fun autocomplete_phase=(autocomplete_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: autocomplete_phase=

Phase generating the files for the Vim plugin
fun cflags_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: cflags_phase

Phase to find cflags, ldflags and cppflags
protected fun cflags_phase=(cflags_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: cflags_phase=

Phase to find cflags, ldflags and cppflags
fun check_annotation_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: check_annotation_phase

Check for unknown annotation in each module
protected fun check_annotation_phase=(check_annotation_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: check_annotation_phase=

Check for unknown annotation in each module
fun check_errors: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: check_errors

Output all current stacked messages
private fun check_nit_dir(res: String): Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: check_nit_dir

fun check_pkgconfig_packages(packages: Array[String])

nitc :: ToolContext :: check_pkgconfig_packages

Check if the packages are known by the external program pkg-config
fun clear_progress_bar

nitc :: ToolContext :: clear_progress_bar

Clear the line if has_progress_bar (no-op else)
fun contracts_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: contracts_phase

Parses contracts annotations.
protected fun contracts_phase=(contracts_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: contracts_phase=

Parses contracts annotations.
protected fun default_phase=(default_phase: DefaultPhase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: default_phase=

fun deriving_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: deriving_phase

Main phase of deriving
protected fun deriving_phase=(deriving_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: deriving_phase=

Main phase of deriving
private fun detect_covariance_phase: DetectCovariancePhase

nitc :: ToolContext :: detect_covariance_phase

Phase that intercepts static type tests then display statistics about covariance
private fun detect_covariance_phase=(detect_covariance_phase: DetectCovariancePhase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: detect_covariance_phase=

Phase that intercepts static type tests then display statistics about covariance
protected fun detect_variance_constraints_phase=(detect_variance_constraints_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: detect_variance_constraints_phase=

The DetectVarianceConstraints phase
fun div_by_zero_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: div_by_zero_phase

Instantiate a new specific phase div_by_zero_phase
protected fun div_by_zero_phase=(div_by_zero_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: div_by_zero_phase=

Instantiate a new specific phase div_by_zero_phase
private fun do_dummy: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: do_dummy

SEE dummy
fun docphase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: docphase

Nitdoc generation phase
protected fun docphase=(docphase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: docphase=

Nitdoc generation phase
private fun dummy: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: dummy

FIXME: there is conflict in linex in nitc, so use this trick to force invocation
private fun dummy=(dummy: Bool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: dummy=

FIXME: there is conflict in linex in nitc, so use this trick to force invocation
fun error(l: nullable Location, s: String): Message

nitc :: ToolContext :: error

Display an error
fun error_count: Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: error_count

Number of errors
fun error_count=(error_count: Int)

nitc :: ToolContext :: error_count=

Number of errors
fun errors_info

nitc :: ToolContext :: errors_info

Display total error informations
fun exec_and_check(args: Array[String], error: String)

nitc :: ToolContext :: exec_and_check

 Executes a program while checking if it's available and if the execution ended correctly
fun explain_assert_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: explain_assert_phase

Phase modifying the AST to explain assets when they fail
protected fun explain_assert_phase=(explain_assert_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: explain_assert_phase=

Phase modifying the AST to explain assets when they fail
protected fun extern_classes_typing_phase_ast=(extern_classes_typing_phase_ast: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: extern_classes_typing_phase_ast=

protected fun extern_classes_typing_phase_model=(extern_classes_typing_phase_model: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: extern_classes_typing_phase_model=

protected fun extra_java_files_phase=(extra_java_files_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: extra_java_files_phase=

fun fatal_error(l: nullable Location, s: String)

nitc :: ToolContext :: fatal_error

Add an error, show errors and quit
fun ffi_language_assignation_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: ffi_language_assignation_phase

Phase that assign a FFILanguage to all AExternCodeBlock
protected fun ffi_language_assignation_phase=(ffi_language_assignation_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: ffi_language_assignation_phase=

Phase that assign a FFILanguage to all AExternCodeBlock
fun find_nitc: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: find_nitc

Search the nitc compiler to use
fun flow_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: flow_phase

Run APropdef::do_flow on each propdef
protected fun flow_phase=(flow_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: flow_phase=

Run APropdef::do_flow on each propdef
fun format_h1(str: String): String

nitc :: ToolContext :: format_h1

Format and colorize a string heading of level 1 for console output.
fun format_h1(str: String): String

nitc :: ToolContext :: format_h1

Format and colorize a string heading of level 1 for console output.
fun format_h2(str: String): String

nitc :: ToolContext :: format_h2

Format and colorize a string heading of level 2 for console output.
fun format_h2(str: String): String

nitc :: ToolContext :: format_h2

Format and colorize a string heading of level 2 for console output.
fun format_h3(str: String): String

nitc :: ToolContext :: format_h3

Format and colorize a string heading of level 3 for console output.
fun format_h3(str: String): String

nitc :: ToolContext :: format_h3

Format and colorize a string heading of level 3 for console output.
fun format_h4(str: String): String

nitc :: ToolContext :: format_h4

Format and colorize a string heading of level 4 for console output.
fun format_h4(str: String): String

nitc :: ToolContext :: format_h4

Format and colorize a string heading of level 4 for console output.
fun format_p(str: String): String

nitc :: ToolContext :: format_p

Format and colorize a string heading of level 5 for console output.
fun format_p(str: String): String

nitc :: ToolContext :: format_p

Format and colorize a string heading of level 5 for console output.
protected fun generate_hierarchies_phase=(generate_hierarchies_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: generate_hierarchies_phase=

protected fun global_compiler_phase=(global_compiler_phase: GlobalCompilerPhase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: global_compiler_phase=

fun glsl_validation_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: glsl_validation_phase

Shader code validation phase
protected fun glsl_validation_phase=(glsl_validation_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: glsl_validation_phase=

Shader code validation phase
fun has_progress_bar: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: has_progress_bar

Is a progress bar printed?
protected fun header_dependancy_phase=(header_dependancy_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: header_dependancy_phase=

fun info(s: String, level: Int)

nitc :: ToolContext :: info

Display an info
fun inheritance_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: inheritance_metrics_phase

Inheritance related metrics phase
protected fun inheritance_metrics_phase=(inheritance_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: inheritance_metrics_phase=

Inheritance related metrics phase
fun interactive_parse(prompt: String): ANode

nitc :: ToolContext :: interactive_parse

Parse the input of the user as something
fun is_warning_blacklisted(l: nullable Location, tag: String): Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: is_warning_blacklisted

Is the source-file of l associated with tag in warning_blacklist?
fun keep_going: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: keep_going

Does an error prevent the program to stop at check_errors?
fun keep_going=(keep_going: Bool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: keep_going=

Does an error prevent the program to stop at check_errors?
fun literal_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: literal_phase

Parses literal values in the whole AST and produces errors if needed
protected fun literal_phase=(literal_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: literal_phase=

Parses literal values in the whole AST and produces errors if needed
fun local_var_init_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: local_var_init_phase

Run APropdef::do_local_var_init on each propdef
protected fun local_var_init_phase=(local_var_init_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: local_var_init_phase=

Run APropdef::do_local_var_init on each propdef
fun localize_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: localize_phase

Main phase of language
protected fun localize_phase=(localize_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: localize_phase=

Main phase of language
fun locate_nit_dir: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: locate_nit_dir

Guess a possible nit_dir.
fun log_directory: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: log_directory

Directory where to generate log files
protected fun log_directory=(log_directory: String)

nitc :: ToolContext :: log_directory=

Directory where to generate log files
fun log_info: nullable Writer

nitc :: ToolContext :: log_info

Stream in log_directory where all info messages are written
protected fun log_info=(log_info: nullable Writer)

nitc :: ToolContext :: log_info=

Stream in log_directory where all info messages are written
fun make_main_module(mmodules: Array[MModule]): MModule

nitc :: ToolContext :: make_main_module

Combine module to make a single one if required.
fun mclasses_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: mclasses_metrics_phase

MClass related metrics phase
protected fun mclasses_metrics_phase=(mclasses_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: mclasses_metrics_phase=

MClass related metrics phase
fun mendel_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: mendel_metrics_phase

Compute MENDEL metrics.
protected fun mendel_metrics_phase=(mendel_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: mendel_metrics_phase=

Compute MENDEL metrics.
private fun message_sorter=(message_sorter: Comparator)

nitc :: ToolContext :: message_sorter=

private fun messages: Array[Message]

nitc :: ToolContext :: messages

private fun messages=(messages: Array[Message])

nitc :: ToolContext :: messages=

fun mmodules_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: mmodules_metrics_phase

MModules related metrics phase
protected fun mmodules_metrics_phase=(mmodules_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: mmodules_metrics_phase=

MModules related metrics phase
fun mmodules_to_check: HashSet[MModule]

nitc :: ToolContext :: mmodules_to_check

Modules to analyze, other modules will only get a shallow processing.
protected fun mmodules_to_check=(mmodules_to_check: HashSet[MModule])

nitc :: ToolContext :: mmodules_to_check=

Modules to analyze, other modules will only get a shallow processing.
protected fun model_hyperdoc_phase=(model_hyperdoc_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: model_hyperdoc_phase=

fun modelbuilder: ModelBuilder

nitc :: ToolContext :: modelbuilder

The modelbuilder 1-to-1 associated with the toolcontext
private fun modelbuilder_real=(modelbuilder_real: nullable ModelBuilder)

nitc :: ToolContext :: modelbuilder_real=

fun modelize_class_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: modelize_class_phase

Run AModule::build_classes on each module
protected fun modelize_class_phase=(modelize_class_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: modelize_class_phase=

Run AModule::build_classes on each module
fun modelize_property_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: modelize_property_phase

Run AClassdef::build_property on the classdefs of each module
protected fun modelize_property_phase=(modelize_property_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: modelize_property_phase=

Run AClassdef::build_property on the classdefs of each module
fun nit_dir: nullable String

nitc :: ToolContext :: nit_dir

The identified root directory of the Nit package
fun nit_dir=(nit_dir: nullable String)

nitc :: ToolContext :: nit_dir=

The identified root directory of the Nit package
fun nitpackage_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: nitpackage_phase

nitpackage phase
protected fun nitpackage_phase=(nitpackage_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: nitpackage_phase=

nitpackage phase
fun no_warning_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: no_warning_phase

The phase should be executed before any warning on the module is processed.
protected fun no_warning_phase=(no_warning_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: no_warning_phase=

The phase should be executed before any warning on the module is processed.
fun nullables_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: nullables_metrics_phase

Nullable types related metrics
protected fun nullables_metrics_phase=(nullables_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: nullables_metrics_phase=

Nullable types related metrics
protected fun opt_a=(opt_a: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_a=

protected fun opt_all=(opt_all: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_all=

protected fun opt_all=(opt_all: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_all=

fun opt_analysis: OptionEnum

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_analysis

Analysis to apply
protected fun opt_analysis=(opt_analysis: OptionEnum)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_analysis=

Analysis to apply
fun opt_ant: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_ant

Compile using ant instead of make (faster, but no error display)
protected fun opt_ant=(opt_ant: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_ant=

Compile using ant instead of make (faster, but no error display)
protected fun opt_ast=(opt_ast: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_ast=

protected fun opt_autosav=(opt_autosav: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_autosav=

protected fun opt_b=(opt_b: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_b=

fun opt_bash_completion: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_bash_completion

Option --bash-completion
protected fun opt_bash_completion=(opt_bash_completion: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_bash_completion=

Option --bash-completion
fun opt_break_str: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_break_str

Break too long string literals.
protected fun opt_break_str=(opt_break_str: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_break_str=

Break too long string literals.
protected fun opt_c=(opt_c: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_c=

fun opt_catalog: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_catalog

Compute and use the catalog
protected fun opt_catalog=(opt_catalog: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_catalog=

Compute and use the catalog
fun opt_check: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_check

Check formatting instead of pretty printing.
protected fun opt_check=(opt_check: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_check=

Check formatting instead of pretty printing.
protected fun opt_check_ini=(opt_check_ini: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_check_ini=

protected fun opt_check_makefile=(opt_check_makefile: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_check_makefile=

protected fun opt_check_man=(opt_check_man: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_check_man=

protected fun opt_check_readme=(opt_check_readme: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_check_readme=

protected fun opt_colo_dead_methods=(opt_colo_dead_methods: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_colo_dead_methods=

protected fun opt_colors_are_symbols=(opt_colors_are_symbols: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_colors_are_symbols=

fun opt_command: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_command

Used to shortcut the prompt and display directly the result in console.
protected fun opt_command=(opt_command: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_command=

Used to shortcut the prompt and display directly the result in console.
fun opt_compile_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_compile_dir

Where to output tmp files
protected fun opt_compile_dir=(opt_compile_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_compile_dir=

protected fun opt_compile_dir=(opt_compile_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_compile_dir=

protected fun opt_compile_dir=(opt_compile_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_compile_dir=

Where to output tmp files
fun opt_config: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_config

Path to app config file.
protected fun opt_config=(opt_config: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_config=

Path to app config file.
fun opt_csv: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_csv

protected fun opt_csv=(opt_csv: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_csv=

fun opt_custom_brand: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_custom_brand

Display a custom brand or logo in the documentation top menu
protected fun opt_custom_brand=(opt_custom_brand: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_custom_brand=

Display a custom brand or logo in the documentation top menu
fun opt_custom_intro: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_custom_intro

Display a custom introduction text before the packages overview
protected fun opt_custom_intro=(opt_custom_intro: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_custom_intro=

Display a custom introduction text before the packages overview
fun opt_custom_title: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_custom_title

Use a custom title for the homepage
protected fun opt_custom_title=(opt_custom_title: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_custom_title=

Use a custom title for the homepage
protected fun opt_debug=(opt_debug: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_debug=

protected fun opt_defines=(opt_defines: OptionArray)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_defines=

fun opt_depth: OptionEnum

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_depth

Depth of the visit and generation
protected fun opt_depth=(opt_depth: OptionEnum)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_depth=

Depth of the visit and generation
fun opt_detect_covariance: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_detect_covariance

protected fun opt_detect_covariance=(opt_detect_covariance: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_detect_covariance=

protected fun opt_detect_variance_constraints=(opt_detect_variance_constraints: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_detect_variance_constraints=

fun opt_diff: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_diff

Show diff between source and pretty printed code.
protected fun opt_diff=(opt_diff: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_diff=

Show diff between source and pretty printed code.
fun opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir

opt --dirr
fun opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir

Where do we put the result?
fun opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir

Directory where the Nitdoc is rendered
fun opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir

The working directory used to store temp files.
fun opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir

Where do we put the result?
protected fun opt_dir=(opt_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir=

protected fun opt_dir=(opt_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir=

opt --dirr
protected fun opt_dir=(opt_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir=

Where do we put the result?
protected fun opt_dir=(opt_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir=

protected fun opt_dir=(opt_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir=

Where do we put the result?
protected fun opt_dir=(opt_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir=

The working directory used to store temp files.
protected fun opt_dir=(opt_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir=

Directory where the Nitdoc is rendered
protected fun opt_direct_call_monomorph0=(opt_direct_call_monomorph0: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_direct_call_monomorph0=

protected fun opt_direct_call_monomorph=(opt_direct_call_monomorph: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_direct_call_monomorph=

protected fun opt_disable_phase=(opt_disable_phase: OptionArray)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_disable_phase=

protected fun opt_discover_call_trace=(opt_discover_call_trace: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_discover_call_trace=

protected fun opt_erasure=(opt_erasure: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_erasure=

protected fun opt_expand=(opt_expand: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_expand=

protected fun opt_feature_envy=(opt_feature_envy: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_feature_envy=

protected fun opt_force=(opt_force: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_force=

fun opt_full: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_full

opt --full
protected fun opt_full=(opt_full: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_full=

opt --full
fun opt_full_contract: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_full_contract

Option --full-contract
protected fun opt_full_contract=(opt_full_contract: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_full_contract=

Option --full-contract
protected fun opt_full_name=(opt_full_name: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_full_name=

protected fun opt_full_name_prefix=(opt_full_name_prefix: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_full_name_prefix=

protected fun opt_full_name_similarity=(opt_full_name_similarity: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_full_name_similarity=

fun opt_gen: OptionEnum

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_gen

What to generate?
protected fun opt_gen=(opt_gen: OptionEnum)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_gen=

What to generate?
protected fun opt_gen_force=(opt_gen_force: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_gen_force=

protected fun opt_gen_ini=(opt_gen_ini: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_gen_ini=

protected fun opt_gen_makefile=(opt_gen_makefile: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_gen_makefile=

protected fun opt_gen_man=(opt_gen_man: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_gen_man=

protected fun opt_gen_private=(opt_gen_private: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_gen_private=

protected fun opt_gen_show=(opt_gen_show: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_gen_show=

protected fun opt_gen_unit=(opt_gen_unit: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_gen_unit=

protected fun opt_generate_hyperdoc=(opt_generate_hyperdoc: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_generate_hyperdoc=

protected fun opt_get_all=(opt_get_all: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_get_all=

fun opt_global: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_global

option --global
protected fun opt_global=(opt_global: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_global=

option --global
protected fun opt_group_c_files=(opt_group_c_files: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_group_c_files=

protected fun opt_guard_call=(opt_guard_call: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_guard_call=

protected fun opt_hardening=(opt_hardening: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_hardening=

fun opt_help: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_help

Option --help
protected fun opt_help=(opt_help: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_help=

Option --help
fun opt_host: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_host

Host name to bind on (will overwrite the config one).
protected fun opt_host=(opt_host: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_host=

Host name to bind on (will overwrite the config one).
fun opt_ignore_visibility: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_ignore_visibility

Option --ignore-visibility
protected fun opt_ignore_visibility=(opt_ignore_visibility: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_ignore_visibility=

Option --ignore-visibility
protected fun opt_inheritance=(opt_inheritance: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_inheritance=

protected fun opt_inline_coloring_numbers=(opt_inline_coloring_numbers: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_inline_coloring_numbers=

fun opt_inline_do: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_inline_do

Force do on the same line as the method signature.
protected fun opt_inline_do=(opt_inline_do: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_inline_do=

Force do on the same line as the method signature.
protected fun opt_inline_some_methods=(opt_inline_some_methods: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_inline_some_methods=

protected fun opt_invocation_metrics=(opt_invocation_metrics: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_invocation_metrics=

protected fun opt_isset_checks_metrics=(opt_isset_checks_metrics: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_isset_checks_metrics=

fun opt_keep_going: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_keep_going

Option --keep-going
protected fun opt_keep_going=(opt_keep_going: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_keep_going=

Option --keep-going
protected fun opt_large_class=(opt_large_class: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_large_class=

protected fun opt_line_width=(opt_line_width: OptionInt)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_line_width=

fun opt_log: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_log

Option --log
protected fun opt_log=(opt_log: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_log=

Option --log
fun opt_log_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_log_dir

Option --log-dir
protected fun opt_log_dir=(opt_log_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_log_dir=

Option --log-dir
protected fun opt_long_method=(opt_long_method: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_long_method=

protected fun opt_long_method_threshold=(opt_long_method_threshold: OptionInt)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_long_method_threshold=

protected fun opt_long_params=(opt_long_params: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_long_params=

protected fun opt_long_params_threshold=(opt_long_params_threshold: OptionInt)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_long_params_threshold=

protected fun opt_make_flags=(opt_make_flags: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_make_flags=

protected fun opt_max_c_lines=(opt_max_c_lines: OptionInt)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_max_c_lines=

protected fun opt_mclasses=(opt_mclasses: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_mclasses=

fun opt_meld: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_meld

Show diff between source and pretty printed code using meld.
protected fun opt_meld=(opt_meld: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_meld=

Show diff between source and pretty printed code using meld.
protected fun opt_mendel=(opt_mendel: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_mendel=

protected fun opt_mixins=(opt_mixins: OptionArray)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_mixins=

protected fun opt_mmodules=(opt_mmodules: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_mmodules=

protected fun opt_move_generics=(opt_move_generics: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_move_generics=

protected fun opt_name=(opt_name: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_name=

protected fun opt_name_prefix=(opt_name_prefix: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_name_prefix=

protected fun opt_name_similarity=(opt_name_similarity: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_name_similarity=

fun opt_nit_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nit_dir

Option --nit-dir
protected fun opt_nit_dir=(opt_nit_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nit_dir=

Option --nit-dir
fun opt_nitc: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nitc

opt --nitc
protected fun opt_nitc=(opt_nitc: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nitc=

opt --nitc
protected fun opt_no_abstract_implementation=(opt_no_abstract_implementation: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_abstract_implementation=

protected fun opt_no_attribute=(opt_no_attribute: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_attribute=

fun opt_no_attributes: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_attributes

Do not generate documentation for attributes
protected fun opt_no_attributes=(opt_no_attributes: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_attributes=

Do not generate documentation for attributes
protected fun opt_no_cc=(opt_no_cc: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_cc=

protected fun opt_no_check_all=(opt_no_check_all: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_check_all=

protected fun opt_no_check_assert=(opt_no_check_assert: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_check_assert=

protected fun opt_no_check_attr_isset=(opt_no_check_attr_isset: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_check_attr_isset=

protected fun opt_no_check_autocast=(opt_no_check_autocast: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_check_autocast=

protected fun opt_no_check_covariance=(opt_no_check_covariance: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_check_covariance=

protected fun opt_no_check_erasure_cast=(opt_no_check_erasure_cast: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_check_erasure_cast=

protected fun opt_no_check_null=(opt_no_check_null: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_check_null=

fun opt_no_color: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_color

Option --no-color
protected fun opt_no_color=(opt_no_color: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_color=

Option --no-color
fun opt_no_contract: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_contract

Option --no-contract
protected fun opt_no_contract=(opt_no_contract: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_contract=

Option --no-contract
protected fun opt_no_empty_doc=(opt_no_empty_doc: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_empty_doc=

protected fun opt_no_fictive=(opt_no_fictive: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_fictive=

protected fun opt_no_gcc_directive=(opt_no_gcc_directive: OptionArray)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_gcc_directive=

protected fun opt_no_inline=(opt_no_inline: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_inline=

protected fun opt_no_inline_intern=(opt_no_inline_intern: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_inline_intern=

protected fun opt_no_main=(opt_no_main: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_main=

protected fun opt_no_private=(opt_no_private: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_private=

protected fun opt_no_shortcut_equate=(opt_no_shortcut_equate: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_shortcut_equate=

protected fun opt_no_shortcut_range=(opt_no_shortcut_range: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_shortcut_range=

protected fun opt_no_stacktrace=(opt_no_stacktrace: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_stacktrace=

protected fun opt_no_tag_primitives=(opt_no_tag_primitives: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_tag_primitives=

protected fun opt_no_test=(opt_no_test: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_test=

fun opt_no_time: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_time

opt --no-time
protected fun opt_no_time=(opt_no_time: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_time=

opt --no-time
protected fun opt_no_union_attribute=(opt_no_union_attribute: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_union_attribute=

fun opt_noact: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_noact

opt --no-act
protected fun opt_noact=(opt_noact: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_noact=

opt --no-act
fun opt_nocode: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nocode

Do not include highlighted code
protected fun opt_nocode=(opt_nocode: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nocode=

Do not include highlighted code
fun opt_nocolors: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nocolors

protected fun opt_nocolors=(opt_nocolors: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nocolors=

protected fun opt_nocolors=(opt_nocolors: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nocolors=

fun opt_nodot: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nodot

Do not generate dot/graphviz diagrams
protected fun opt_nodot=(opt_nodot: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nodot=

Do not generate dot/graphviz diagrams
fun opt_norender: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_norender

Disable HTML rendering
protected fun opt_norender=(opt_norender: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_norender=

Disable HTML rendering
protected fun opt_nullables=(opt_nullables: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nullables=

fun opt_only_metamodel: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_only_metamodel

Option --only-metamodel
protected fun opt_only_metamodel=(opt_only_metamodel: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_only_metamodel=

Option --only-metamodel
fun opt_only_parse: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_only_parse

Option --only-parse
protected fun opt_only_parse=(opt_only_parse: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_only_parse=

Option --only-parse
fun opt_output: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_output

Where do we put a single result?
fun opt_output: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_output

Output pretty printed code with this filename.
fun opt_output: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_output

Where to output the generated binary
fun opt_output: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_output

Where do we put a single result?
protected fun opt_output=(opt_output: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_output=

Where to output the generated binary
protected fun opt_output=(opt_output: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_output=

Where do we put a single result?
protected fun opt_output=(opt_output: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_output=

Where do we put a single result?
protected fun opt_output=(opt_output: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_output=

Output pretty printed code with this filename.
protected fun opt_output=(opt_output: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_output=

opt --output
protected fun opt_output=(opt_output: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_output=

fun opt_path: OptionArray

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_path

Option --path
protected fun opt_path=(opt_path: OptionArray)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_path=

Option --path
protected fun opt_pattern=(opt_pattern: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_pattern=

protected fun opt_piwik_site_id=(opt_piwik_site_id: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_piwik_site_id=

Piwik tracker site id
protected fun opt_piwik_tracker=(opt_piwik_tracker: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_piwik_tracker=

Piwik tracker URL
fun opt_port: OptionInt

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_port

Port number to bind on (will overwrite the config one).
protected fun opt_port=(opt_port: OptionInt)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_port=

Port number to bind on (will overwrite the config one).
protected fun opt_poset=(opt_poset: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_poset=

fun opt_privacy: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_privacy

Generate private?
protected fun opt_privacy=(opt_privacy: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_privacy=

Generate private?
fun opt_private: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_private

Do not generate documentation for private properties
protected fun opt_private=(opt_private: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_private=

Do not generate documentation for private properties
protected fun opt_query=(opt_query: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_query=

fun opt_quiet: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_quiet

Option --quiet
protected fun opt_quiet=(opt_quiet: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_quiet=

Option --quiet
protected fun opt_readme=(opt_readme: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_readme=

protected fun opt_refinement=(opt_refinement: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_refinement=

protected fun opt_release=(opt_release: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_release=

protected fun opt_rta=(opt_rta: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_rta=

protected fun opt_rta=(opt_rta: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_rta=

protected fun opt_run=(opt_run: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_run=

protected fun opt_self=(opt_self: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_self=

protected fun opt_semi_global=(opt_semi_global: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_semi_global=

protected fun opt_separate=(opt_separate: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_separate=

fun opt_set_dummy_tool: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_set_dummy_tool

Option --set-dummy-tool
protected fun opt_set_dummy_tool=(opt_set_dummy_tool: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_set_dummy_tool=

Option --set-dummy-tool
fun opt_share_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_share_dir

Option --share-dir
protected fun opt_share_dir=(opt_share_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_share_dir=

Option --share-dir
protected fun opt_shared_lib=(opt_shared_lib: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_shared_lib=

fun opt_shareurl: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_shareurl

Use a shareurl instead of copy shared files
protected fun opt_shareurl=(opt_shareurl: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_shareurl=

Use a shareurl instead of copy shared files
protected fun opt_skip_dead_methods=(opt_skip_dead_methods: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_skip_dead_methods=

fun opt_skip_empty: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_skip_empty

Force formatting on empty lines.
protected fun opt_skip_empty=(opt_skip_empty: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_skip_empty=

Force formatting on empty lines.
protected fun opt_sloppy=(opt_sloppy: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_sloppy=

fun opt_source: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_source

File pattern used to link documentation to source code.
protected fun opt_source=(opt_source: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_source=

File pattern used to link documentation to source code.
protected fun opt_static_types=(opt_static_types: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_static_types=

protected fun opt_stop_on_first_error=(opt_stop_on_first_error: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_stop_on_first_error=

Option --stop-on-first-error
fun opt_stub_man: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_stub_man

Option --stub-man
protected fun opt_stub_man=(opt_stub_man: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_stub_man=

Option --stub-man
protected fun opt_substitute_monomorph=(opt_substitute_monomorph: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_substitute_monomorph=

protected fun opt_tables=(opt_tables: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_tables=

protected fun opt_tables_metrics=(opt_tables_metrics: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_tables_metrics=

fun opt_test: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_test

Test mode
protected fun opt_test=(opt_test: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_test=

Test mode
protected fun opt_trace=(opt_trace: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_trace=

protected fun opt_trace_memory=(opt_trace_memory: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_trace_memory=

protected fun opt_trampoline_call=(opt_trampoline_call: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_trampoline_call=

protected fun opt_type_poset=(opt_type_poset: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_type_poset=

protected fun opt_typing_test_metrics=(opt_typing_test_metrics: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_typing_test_metrics=

fun opt_verbose: OptionCount

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_verbose

Option --verbose
protected fun opt_verbose=(opt_verbose: OptionCount)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_verbose=

Option --verbose
fun opt_version: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_version

Option --version
protected fun opt_version=(opt_version: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_version=

Option --version
fun opt_vim_autocomplete: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_vim_autocomplete

Shall we generate the files for the Vim plugin?
protected fun opt_vim_autocomplete=(opt_vim_autocomplete: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_vim_autocomplete=

Shall we generate the files for the Vim plugin?
fun opt_warn: OptionCount

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_warn

Option --warn
protected fun opt_warn=(opt_warn: OptionCount)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_warn=

Option --warn
fun opt_warning: OptionArray

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_warning

Option --warning
protected fun opt_warning=(opt_warning: OptionArray)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_warning=

Option --warning
fun option_context: OptionContext

nitc :: ToolContext :: option_context

Global OptionContext
protected fun option_context=(option_context: OptionContext)

nitc :: ToolContext :: option_context=

Global OptionContext
fun output_dir: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: output_dir

Output directory for metrics files.
protected fun output_dir=(output_dir: String)

nitc :: ToolContext :: output_dir=

Output directory for metrics files.
fun parallelization_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: parallelization_phase

Transforms a function annotated with "threaded"
protected fun parallelization_phase=(parallelization_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: parallelization_phase=

Transforms a function annotated with "threaded"
fun parse_annotations_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: parse_annotations_phase

Parse the annotations on modules, classdefs and propdefs
protected fun parse_annotations_phase=(parse_annotations_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: parse_annotations_phase=

Parse the annotations on modules, classdefs and propdefs
fun parse_classdef(string: String): AClassdef

nitc :: ToolContext :: parse_classdef

Parse a full classdef given as a string
fun parse_expr(string: String): AExpr

nitc :: ToolContext :: parse_expr

Parse a full expression given as a string
fun parse_module(string: String): AModule

nitc :: ToolContext :: parse_module

Parse a full module given as a string
fun parse_propdef(string: String): APropdef

nitc :: ToolContext :: parse_propdef

Parse a full propdef given as a string
fun parse_something(string: String): ANode

nitc :: ToolContext :: parse_something

Try to parse the string as something
fun parse_stmts(string: String): AExpr

nitc :: ToolContext :: parse_stmts

Parse a full statement block given as a string
fun parse_superclass(string: String): APropdef

nitc :: ToolContext :: parse_superclass

Parse a super class declaration
protected fun phase_process_npropdef(phase: Phase, npropdef: APropdef)

nitc :: ToolContext :: phase_process_npropdef

Process the given phase on the npropdef
private fun phased_modules: HashSet[AModule]

nitc :: ToolContext :: phased_modules

Set of already analyzed modules.
private fun phased_modules=(phased_modules: HashSet[AModule])

nitc :: ToolContext :: phased_modules=

Set of already analyzed modules.
fun phases: POSet[Phase]

nitc :: ToolContext :: phases

The various registered phases to performs
protected fun phases=(phases: POSet[Phase])

nitc :: ToolContext :: phases=

The various registered phases to performs
fun phases_list: Sequence[Phase]

nitc :: ToolContext :: phases_list

The list of registered phases in the application order.
protected fun phases_list=(phases_list: Sequence[Phase])

nitc :: ToolContext :: phases_list=

The list of registered phases in the application order.
fun pkgconfig_is_available: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: pkgconfig_is_available

Is the external program pkg-config available?
protected fun pkgconfig_is_available=(pkgconfig_is_available: Bool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: pkgconfig_is_available=

Is the external program pkg-config available?
fun pkgconfig_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: pkgconfig_phase

Detects the pkgconfig annotation on the module declaration only
protected fun pkgconfig_phase=(pkgconfig_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: pkgconfig_phase=

Detects the pkgconfig annotation on the module declaration only
protected fun platform_from_name(name: String): nullable Platform

nitc :: ToolContext :: platform_from_name

Get platform compilation settings from its name
fun platform_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: platform_phase

Detects the platform annotation to set a mobile target platform
protected fun platform_phase=(platform_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: platform_phase=

Detects the platform annotation to set a mobile target platform
protected fun poset_metrics_phase=(poset_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: poset_metrics_phase=

fun process_options(args: Sequence[String])

nitc :: ToolContext :: process_options

Parse and process the options given on the command line
fun quit

nitc :: ToolContext :: quit

Output all current stacked messages, total and exit the program
fun readme_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: readme_metrics_phase

README related metrics phase
protected fun readme_metrics_phase=(readme_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: readme_metrics_phase=

README related metrics phase
protected fun refinement_metrics_phase=(refinement_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: refinement_metrics_phase=

fun regex_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: regex_phase

Phase checking for errors in regex
protected fun regex_phase=(regex_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: regex_phase=

Phase checking for errors in regex
fun restful_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: restful_phase

Generate serialization and deserialization methods on auto_serializable annotated classes.
protected fun restful_phase=(restful_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: restful_phase=

Generate serialization and deserialization methods on auto_serializable annotated classes.
fun rta_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: rta_metrics_phase

RTA related metrics phase
protected fun rta_metrics_phase=(rta_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: rta_metrics_phase=

RTA related metrics phase
fun run_global_phases(mmodules: Array[MModule])

nitc :: ToolContext :: run_global_phases

Run process_mainmodule on all phases
fun run_phases(nmodules: Collection[AModule])

nitc :: ToolContext :: run_phases

Run all registered phases on a set of modules
fun run_phases_on_npropdef(npropdef: APropdef)

nitc :: ToolContext :: run_phases_on_npropdef

Run the phase on the given npropdef.
fun safe_exec(command: String): Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: safe_exec

Execute a system command in a more safe context than Sys::system.
fun scope_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: scope_phase

Run APropdef::do_scope on each propdef.
protected fun scope_phase=(scope_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: scope_phase=

Run APropdef::do_scope on each propdef.
protected fun self_metrics_phase=(self_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: self_metrics_phase=

fun semantize_is_lazy: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: semantize_is_lazy

Is phase_process_npropdef not called automatically by run_phases?
fun semantize_is_lazy=(semantize_is_lazy: Bool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: semantize_is_lazy=

Is phase_process_npropdef not called automatically by run_phases?
fun serialization_phase_post_model: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: serialization_phase_post_model

The second phase of the serialization
protected fun serialization_phase_post_model=(serialization_phase_post_model: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: serialization_phase_post_model=

The second phase of the serialization
fun serialization_phase_pre_model: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: serialization_phase_pre_model

Generate serialization and deserialization methods on auto_serializable annotated classes.
protected fun serialization_phase_pre_model=(serialization_phase_pre_model: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: serialization_phase_pre_model=

Generate serialization and deserialization methods on auto_serializable annotated classes.
fun serialization_phase_rename: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: serialization_phase_rename

Apply the annotation serialize_as
protected fun serialization_phase_rename=(serialization_phase_rename: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: serialization_phase_rename=

Apply the annotation serialize_as
fun set_testing_path(path: nullable String)

nitc :: ToolContext :: set_testing_path

Set the NIT_TESTING_PATH environment variable with path.
fun share_dir: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: share_dir

Shared files directory.
protected fun share_dir=(share_dir: String)

nitc :: ToolContext :: share_dir=

Shared files directory.
fun show_unit(test: UnitTest, more_message: nullable String)

nitc :: ToolContext :: show_unit

Show the full description of the test-case.
fun show_unit_status(name: String, tests: SequenceRead[UnitTest])

nitc :: ToolContext :: show_unit_status

Show a single-line status to use as a progression.
fun simple_misc_analysis_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: simple_misc_analysis_phase

Execute AModule::do_simple_misc_analysis on each module.
protected fun simple_misc_analysis_phase=(simple_misc_analysis_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: simple_misc_analysis_phase=

Execute AModule::do_simple_misc_analysis on each module.
protected fun static_types_metrics_phase=(static_types_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: static_types_metrics_phase=

protected fun tables_metrics_phase=(tables_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: tables_metrics_phase=

fun test_dir: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: test_dir

Working directory for testing.
fun todo_nmodules: Sequence[AModule]

nitc :: ToolContext :: todo_nmodules

List of module to process according to run_phases
protected fun todo_nmodules=(todo_nmodules: Sequence[AModule])

nitc :: ToolContext :: todo_nmodules=

List of module to process according to run_phases
fun tooldescription: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: tooldescription

Name, usage and synopsis of the tool.
fun tooldescription=(tooldescription: String)

nitc :: ToolContext :: tooldescription=

Name, usage and synopsis of the tool.
fun toolname: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: toolname

Get the name of the tool or "DUMMY_TOOL" id --set-dummy-tool is set.
protected fun transform_phase=(transform_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: transform_phase=

protected fun typing_phase=(typing_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: typing_phase=

fun ulimit_file: Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: ulimit_file

The maximum size (in KB) of files written by a command executed trough safe_exec
fun ulimit_file=(ulimit_file: Int)

nitc :: ToolContext :: ulimit_file=

The maximum size (in KB) of files written by a command executed trough safe_exec
fun ulimit_usertime: Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: ulimit_usertime

The maximum amount of cpu time (in seconds) for a command executed trough safe_exec
fun ulimit_usertime=(ulimit_usertime: Int)

nitc :: ToolContext :: ulimit_usertime=

The maximum amount of cpu time (in seconds) for a command executed trough safe_exec
fun umlphase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: umlphase

Phase that generates UML diagrams from model entities.
protected fun umlphase=(umlphase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: umlphase=

Phase that generates UML diagrams from model entities.
fun usage

nitc :: ToolContext :: usage

print the full usage of the tool.
fun verbose_level: Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: verbose_level

Verbose level
protected fun verbose_level=(verbose_level: Int)

nitc :: ToolContext :: verbose_level=

Verbose level
protected fun verify_nitni_callback_phase=(verify_nitni_callback_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: verify_nitni_callback_phase=

fun version: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: version

Get the current nit_version or "DUMMY_VERSION" if --set-dummy-tool is set.
fun warning(l: nullable Location, tag: String, text: String): nullable Message

nitc :: ToolContext :: warning

Display a first-level warning.
fun warning_blacklist: MultiHashMap[SourceFile, String]

nitc :: ToolContext :: warning_blacklist

List of tags per source-file whose warnings are not displayed.
protected fun warning_blacklist=(warning_blacklist: MultiHashMap[SourceFile, String])

nitc :: ToolContext :: warning_blacklist=

List of tags per source-file whose warnings are not displayed.
fun warning_count: Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: warning_count

Number of warnings
protected fun warning_count=(warning_count: Int)

nitc :: ToolContext :: warning_count=

Number of warnings
fun webphase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: webphase

Web rendering phase.
protected fun webphase=(webphase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: webphase=

Web rendering phase.

Redefined properties

redef type SELF: ToolContext

nitc $ ToolContext :: SELF

Type of this instance, automatically specialized in every class
redef init init

nitc :: phase $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: test_toolcontext $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: mixin $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: loader $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: modelbuilder $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: nitweb $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: nitx $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: metrics_base $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: nitdoc $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: vim_autocomplete $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: transform $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: naive_interpreter $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: nitrestful $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: nitsaf $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: nitserial $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: java_compiler $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: abstract_compiler $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: nituml $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: global_compiler $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: memory_logger $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: nitpackage $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: separate_compiler $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: test_model_index $ ToolContext :: init

redef init init

nitc :: nitsmells $ ToolContext :: init

redef fun make_main_module(mmodules: Array[MModule]): MModule

nitc :: mixin $ ToolContext :: make_main_module

Combine module to make a single one if required.
redef fun phase_process_npropdef(phase: Phase, npropdef: APropdef)

nitc :: nitpick $ ToolContext :: phase_process_npropdef

Process the given phase on the npropdef
redef fun platform_from_name(name: String): nullable Platform

nitc :: ios $ ToolContext :: platform_from_name

Get platform compilation settings from its name
redef fun platform_from_name(name: String): nullable Platform

nitc :: emscripten $ ToolContext :: platform_from_name

Get platform compilation settings from its name
redef fun platform_from_name(name: String): nullable Platform

nitc :: android $ ToolContext :: platform_from_name

Get platform compilation settings from its name
redef fun process_options(args: Sequence[String])

nitc :: abstract_compiler $ ToolContext :: process_options

Parse and process the options given on the command line
redef fun process_options(args: Sequence[String])

nitc :: nith $ ToolContext :: process_options

Parse and process the options given on the command line
redef fun process_options(args: Sequence[String])

nitc :: separate_compiler $ ToolContext :: process_options

Parse and process the options given on the command line
redef fun process_options(args: Sequence[String])

nitc :: nitc $ ToolContext :: process_options

Parse and process the options given on the command line
redef fun process_options(args: Sequence[String])

nitc :: metrics_base $ ToolContext :: process_options

Parse and process the options given on the command line
redef fun process_options(args: Sequence[String])

nitc :: separate_erasure_compiler $ ToolContext :: process_options

Parse and process the options given on the command line
redef fun process_options(args: Sequence[String])

nitc :: phase $ ToolContext :: process_options

Parse and process the options given on the command line

All properties

fun !=(other: nullable Object): Bool

core :: Object :: !=

Have self and other different values?
fun ==(other: nullable Object): Bool

core :: Object :: ==

Have self and other the same value?
type CLASS: Class[SELF]

core :: Object :: CLASS

The type of the class of self.
type SELF: Object

core :: Object :: SELF

Type of this instance, automatically specialized in every class
private var _accept_no_arguments: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _accept_no_arguments

Does process_options should accept an empty sequence of arguments.
private var _actor_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _actor_phase

Generate actors
private var _auto_super_init_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _auto_super_init_phase

Phase that inject super in constructors that need it.
private var _autocomplete_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _autocomplete_phase

Phase generating the files for the Vim plugin
private var _cflags_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _cflags_phase

Phase to find cflags, ldflags and cppflags
private var _check_annotation_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _check_annotation_phase

Check for unknown annotation in each module
private var _contracts_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _contracts_phase

Parses contracts annotations.
private var _deriving_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _deriving_phase

Main phase of deriving
private var _detect_covariance_phase: DetectCovariancePhase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _detect_covariance_phase

Phase that intercepts static type tests then display statistics about covariance
private var _detect_variance_constraints_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _detect_variance_constraints_phase

The DetectVarianceConstraints phase
private var _div_by_zero_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _div_by_zero_phase

Instantiate a new specific phase div_by_zero_phase
private var _docphase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _docphase

Nitdoc generation phase
private var _dummy: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _dummy

FIXME: there is conflict in linex in nitc, so use this trick to force invocation
private var _error_count: Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: _error_count

Number of errors
private var _explain_assert_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _explain_assert_phase

Phase modifying the AST to explain assets when they fail
private var _ffi_language_assignation_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _ffi_language_assignation_phase

Phase that assign a FFILanguage to all AExternCodeBlock
private var _flow_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _flow_phase

Run APropdef::do_flow on each propdef
private var _glsl_validation_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _glsl_validation_phase

Shader code validation phase
private var _inheritance_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _inheritance_metrics_phase

Inheritance related metrics phase
private var _keep_going: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _keep_going

Does an error prevent the program to stop at check_errors?
private var _literal_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _literal_phase

Parses literal values in the whole AST and produces errors if needed
private var _local_var_init_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _local_var_init_phase

Run APropdef::do_local_var_init on each propdef
private var _localize_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _localize_phase

Main phase of language
private var _log_directory: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: _log_directory

Directory where to generate log files
private var _log_info: nullable Writer

nitc :: ToolContext :: _log_info

Stream in log_directory where all info messages are written
private var _mclasses_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _mclasses_metrics_phase

MClass related metrics phase
private var _mendel_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _mendel_metrics_phase

Compute MENDEL metrics.
private var _messages: Array[Message]

nitc :: ToolContext :: _messages

private var _mmodules_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _mmodules_metrics_phase

MModules related metrics phase
private var _mmodules_to_check: HashSet[MModule]

nitc :: ToolContext :: _mmodules_to_check

Modules to analyze, other modules will only get a shallow processing.
private var _modelize_class_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _modelize_class_phase

Run AModule::build_classes on each module
private var _modelize_property_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _modelize_property_phase

Run AClassdef::build_property on the classdefs of each module
private var _nit_dir: nullable String

nitc :: ToolContext :: _nit_dir

The identified root directory of the Nit package
private var _nitpackage_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _nitpackage_phase

nitpackage phase
private var _no_warning_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _no_warning_phase

The phase should be executed before any warning on the module is processed.
private var _nullables_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _nullables_metrics_phase

Nullable types related metrics
private var _opt_a: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_a

private var _opt_all: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_all

private var _opt_all: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_all

private var _opt_analysis: OptionEnum

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_analysis

Analysis to apply
private var _opt_ant: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_ant

Compile using ant instead of make (faster, but no error display)
private var _opt_ast: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_ast

private var _opt_autosav: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_autosav

private var _opt_b: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_b

private var _opt_bash_completion: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_bash_completion

Option --bash-completion
private var _opt_break_str: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_break_str

Break too long string literals.
private var _opt_c: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_c

private var _opt_catalog: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_catalog

Compute and use the catalog
private var _opt_check: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_check

Check formatting instead of pretty printing.
private var _opt_check_ini: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_check_ini

private var _opt_check_makefile: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_check_makefile

private var _opt_check_man: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_check_man

private var _opt_check_readme: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_check_readme

private var _opt_colo_dead_methods: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_colo_dead_methods

private var _opt_colors_are_symbols: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_colors_are_symbols

private var _opt_command: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_command

Used to shortcut the prompt and display directly the result in console.
private var _opt_compile_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_compile_dir

private var _opt_compile_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_compile_dir

Where to output tmp files
private var _opt_compile_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_compile_dir

private var _opt_config: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_config

Path to app config file.
private var _opt_csv: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_csv

private var _opt_custom_brand: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_custom_brand

Display a custom brand or logo in the documentation top menu
private var _opt_custom_intro: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_custom_intro

Display a custom introduction text before the packages overview
private var _opt_custom_title: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_custom_title

Use a custom title for the homepage
private var _opt_debug: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_debug

private var _opt_defines: OptionArray

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_defines

private var _opt_depth: OptionEnum

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_depth

Depth of the visit and generation
private var _opt_detect_covariance: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_detect_covariance

private var _opt_diff: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_diff

Show diff between source and pretty printed code.
private var _opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_dir

private var _opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_dir

The working directory used to store temp files.
private var _opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_dir

private var _opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_dir

Where do we put the result?
private var _opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_dir

Where do we put the result?
private var _opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_dir

Directory where the Nitdoc is rendered
private var _opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_dir

opt --dirr
private var _opt_disable_phase: OptionArray

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_disable_phase

private var _opt_discover_call_trace: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_discover_call_trace

private var _opt_erasure: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_erasure

private var _opt_expand: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_expand

private var _opt_feature_envy: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_feature_envy

private var _opt_force: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_force

private var _opt_full: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_full

opt --full
private var _opt_full_contract: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_full_contract

Option --full-contract
private var _opt_gen: OptionEnum

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_gen

What to generate?
private var _opt_gen_ini: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_gen_ini

private var _opt_gen_makefile: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_gen_makefile

private var _opt_gen_man: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_gen_man

private var _opt_generate_hyperdoc: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_generate_hyperdoc

private var _opt_get_all: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_get_all

private var _opt_global: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_global

option --global
private var _opt_group_c_files: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_group_c_files

private var _opt_guard_call: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_guard_call

private var _opt_hardening: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_hardening

private var _opt_help: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_help

Option --help
private var _opt_host: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_host

Host name to bind on (will overwrite the config one).
private var _opt_ignore_visibility: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_ignore_visibility

Option --ignore-visibility
private var _opt_inheritance: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_inheritance

private var _opt_inline_do: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_inline_do

Force do on the same line as the method signature.
private var _opt_inline_some_methods: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_inline_some_methods

private var _opt_invocation_metrics: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_invocation_metrics

private var _opt_isset_checks_metrics: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_isset_checks_metrics

private var _opt_keep_going: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_keep_going

Option --keep-going
private var _opt_large_class: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_large_class

private var _opt_line_width: OptionInt

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_line_width

private var _opt_log: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_log

Option --log
private var _opt_log_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_log_dir

Option --log-dir
private var _opt_long_method: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_long_method

private var _opt_long_params: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_long_params

private var _opt_long_params_threshold: OptionInt

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_long_params_threshold

private var _opt_make_flags: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_make_flags

private var _opt_max_c_lines: OptionInt

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_max_c_lines

private var _opt_mclasses: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_mclasses

private var _opt_meld: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_meld

Show diff between source and pretty printed code using meld.
private var _opt_mendel: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_mendel

private var _opt_mixins: OptionArray

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_mixins

private var _opt_mmodules: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_mmodules

private var _opt_move_generics: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_move_generics

private var _opt_nit_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_nit_dir

Option --nit-dir
private var _opt_nitc: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_nitc

opt --nitc
private var _opt_no_attribute: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_attribute

private var _opt_no_attributes: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_attributes

Do not generate documentation for attributes
private var _opt_no_cc: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_cc

private var _opt_no_check_all: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_check_all

private var _opt_no_check_assert: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_check_assert

private var _opt_no_check_attr_isset: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_check_attr_isset

private var _opt_no_check_autocast: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_check_autocast

private var _opt_no_check_covariance: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_check_covariance

private var _opt_no_check_null: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_check_null

private var _opt_no_color: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_color

Option --no-color
private var _opt_no_contract: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_contract

Option --no-contract
private var _opt_no_empty_doc: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_empty_doc

private var _opt_no_fictive: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_fictive

private var _opt_no_gcc_directive: OptionArray

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_gcc_directive

private var _opt_no_inline: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_inline

private var _opt_no_inline_intern: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_inline_intern

private var _opt_no_main: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_main

private var _opt_no_private: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_private

private var _opt_no_shortcut_equate: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_shortcut_equate

private var _opt_no_shortcut_range: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_shortcut_range

private var _opt_no_stacktrace: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_stacktrace

private var _opt_no_tag_primitives: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_tag_primitives

private var _opt_no_test: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_test

private var _opt_no_time: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_time

opt --no-time
private var _opt_no_union_attribute: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_no_union_attribute

private var _opt_noact: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_noact

opt --no-act
private var _opt_nocode: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_nocode

Do not include highlighted code
private var _opt_nocolors: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_nocolors

private var _opt_nocolors: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_nocolors

private var _opt_nodot: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_nodot

Do not generate dot/graphviz diagrams
private var _opt_norender: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_norender

Disable HTML rendering
private var _opt_nullables: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_nullables

private var _opt_only_metamodel: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_only_metamodel

Option --only-metamodel
private var _opt_only_parse: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_only_parse

Option --only-parse
private var _opt_output: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_output

Where do we put a single result?
private var _opt_output: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_output

Where do we put a single result?
private var _opt_output: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_output

Output pretty printed code with this filename.
private var _opt_output: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_output

Where to output the generated binary
private var _opt_output: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_output

opt --output
private var _opt_output: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_output

private var _opt_path: OptionArray

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_path

Option --path
private var _opt_pattern: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_pattern

private var _opt_piwik_site_id: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_piwik_site_id

Piwik tracker site id
private var _opt_piwik_tracker: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_piwik_tracker

Piwik tracker URL
private var _opt_port: OptionInt

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_port

Port number to bind on (will overwrite the config one).
private var _opt_poset: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_poset

private var _opt_privacy: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_privacy

Generate private?
private var _opt_private: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_private

Do not generate documentation for private properties
private var _opt_quiet: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_quiet

Option --quiet
private var _opt_readme: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_readme

private var _opt_refinement: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_refinement

private var _opt_release: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_release

private var _opt_rta: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_rta

private var _opt_rta: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_rta

private var _opt_run: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_run

private var _opt_self: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_self

private var _opt_semi_global: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_semi_global

private var _opt_separate: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_separate

private var _opt_set_dummy_tool: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_set_dummy_tool

Option --set-dummy-tool
private var _opt_share_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_share_dir

Option --share-dir
private var _opt_shared_lib: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_shared_lib

private var _opt_shareurl: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_shareurl

Use a shareurl instead of copy shared files
private var _opt_skip_dead_methods: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_skip_dead_methods

private var _opt_skip_empty: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_skip_empty

Force formatting on empty lines.
private var _opt_sloppy: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_sloppy

private var _opt_source: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_source

File pattern used to link documentation to source code.
private var _opt_static_types: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_static_types

private var _opt_stop_on_first_error: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_stop_on_first_error

Option --stop-on-first-error
private var _opt_stub_man: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_stub_man

Option --stub-man
private var _opt_substitute_monomorph: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_substitute_monomorph

private var _opt_tables: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_tables

private var _opt_tables_metrics: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_tables_metrics

private var _opt_test: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_test

Test mode
private var _opt_trace: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_trace

private var _opt_trace_memory: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_trace_memory

private var _opt_trampoline_call: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_trampoline_call

private var _opt_type_poset: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_type_poset

private var _opt_typing_test_metrics: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_typing_test_metrics

private var _opt_verbose: OptionCount

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_verbose

Option --verbose
private var _opt_version: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_version

Option --version
private var _opt_vim_autocomplete: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_vim_autocomplete

Shall we generate the files for the Vim plugin?
private var _opt_warn: OptionCount

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_warn

Option --warn
private var _opt_warning: OptionArray

nitc :: ToolContext :: _opt_warning

Option --warning
private var _option_context: OptionContext

nitc :: ToolContext :: _option_context

Global OptionContext
private var _output_dir: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: _output_dir

Output directory for metrics files.
private var _parallelization_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _parallelization_phase

Transforms a function annotated with "threaded"
private var _parse_annotations_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _parse_annotations_phase

Parse the annotations on modules, classdefs and propdefs
private var _phased_modules: HashSet[AModule]

nitc :: ToolContext :: _phased_modules

Set of already analyzed modules.
private var _phases: POSet[Phase]

nitc :: ToolContext :: _phases

The various registered phases to performs
private var _phases_list: Sequence[Phase]

nitc :: ToolContext :: _phases_list

The list of registered phases in the application order.
private var _pkgconfig_is_available: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _pkgconfig_is_available

Is the external program pkg-config available?
private var _pkgconfig_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _pkgconfig_phase

Detects the pkgconfig annotation on the module declaration only
private var _platform_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _platform_phase

Detects the platform annotation to set a mobile target platform
private var _readme_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _readme_metrics_phase

README related metrics phase
private var _regex_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _regex_phase

Phase checking for errors in regex
private var _restful_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _restful_phase

Generate serialization and deserialization methods on auto_serializable annotated classes.
private var _rta_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _rta_metrics_phase

RTA related metrics phase
private var _scope_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _scope_phase

Run APropdef::do_scope on each propdef.
private var _semantize_is_lazy: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: _semantize_is_lazy

Is phase_process_npropdef not called automatically by run_phases?
private var _serialization_phase_post_model: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _serialization_phase_post_model

The second phase of the serialization
private var _serialization_phase_pre_model: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _serialization_phase_pre_model

Generate serialization and deserialization methods on auto_serializable annotated classes.
private var _serialization_phase_rename: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _serialization_phase_rename

Apply the annotation serialize_as
private var _share_dir: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: _share_dir

Shared files directory.
private var _simple_misc_analysis_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _simple_misc_analysis_phase

Execute AModule::do_simple_misc_analysis on each module.
private var _todo_nmodules: Sequence[AModule]

nitc :: ToolContext :: _todo_nmodules

List of module to process according to run_phases
private var _tooldescription: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: _tooldescription

Name, usage and synopsis of the tool.
private var _ulimit_file: Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: _ulimit_file

The maximum size (in KB) of files written by a command executed trough safe_exec
private var _ulimit_usertime: Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: _ulimit_usertime

The maximum amount of cpu time (in seconds) for a command executed trough safe_exec
private var _umlphase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _umlphase

Phase that generates UML diagrams from model entities.
private var _verbose_level: Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: _verbose_level

Verbose level
private var _warning_blacklist: MultiHashMap[SourceFile, String]

nitc :: ToolContext :: _warning_blacklist

List of tags per source-file whose warnings are not displayed.
private var _warning_count: Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: _warning_count

Number of warnings
private var _webphase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: _webphase

Web rendering phase.
fun accept_no_arguments: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: accept_no_arguments

Does process_options should accept an empty sequence of arguments.
fun accept_no_arguments=(accept_no_arguments: Bool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: accept_no_arguments=

Does process_options should accept an empty sequence of arguments.
fun actor_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: actor_phase

Generate actors
protected fun actor_phase=(actor_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: actor_phase=

Generate actors
fun advice(l: nullable Location, tag: String, text: String): nullable Message

nitc :: ToolContext :: advice

Display a second-level warning.
protected fun ast_metrics_phase=(ast_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: ast_metrics_phase=

fun auto_super_init_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: auto_super_init_phase

Phase that inject super in constructors that need it.
protected fun auto_super_init_phase=(auto_super_init_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: auto_super_init_phase=

Phase that inject super in constructors that need it.
fun autocomplete_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: autocomplete_phase

Phase generating the files for the Vim plugin
protected fun autocomplete_phase=(autocomplete_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: autocomplete_phase=

Phase generating the files for the Vim plugin
fun cflags_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: cflags_phase

Phase to find cflags, ldflags and cppflags
protected fun cflags_phase=(cflags_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: cflags_phase=

Phase to find cflags, ldflags and cppflags
fun check_annotation_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: check_annotation_phase

Check for unknown annotation in each module
protected fun check_annotation_phase=(check_annotation_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: check_annotation_phase=

Check for unknown annotation in each module
fun check_errors: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: check_errors

Output all current stacked messages
private fun check_nit_dir(res: String): Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: check_nit_dir

fun check_pkgconfig_packages(packages: Array[String])

nitc :: ToolContext :: check_pkgconfig_packages

Check if the packages are known by the external program pkg-config
protected fun class_factory(name: String): CLASS

core :: Object :: class_factory

Implementation used by get_class to create the specific class.
fun class_name: String

core :: Object :: class_name

The class name of the object.
fun clear_progress_bar

nitc :: ToolContext :: clear_progress_bar

Clear the line if has_progress_bar (no-op else)
fun contracts_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: contracts_phase

Parses contracts annotations.
protected fun contracts_phase=(contracts_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: contracts_phase=

Parses contracts annotations.
protected fun default_phase=(default_phase: DefaultPhase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: default_phase=

fun deriving_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: deriving_phase

Main phase of deriving
protected fun deriving_phase=(deriving_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: deriving_phase=

Main phase of deriving
private fun detect_covariance_phase: DetectCovariancePhase

nitc :: ToolContext :: detect_covariance_phase

Phase that intercepts static type tests then display statistics about covariance
private fun detect_covariance_phase=(detect_covariance_phase: DetectCovariancePhase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: detect_covariance_phase=

Phase that intercepts static type tests then display statistics about covariance
protected fun detect_variance_constraints_phase=(detect_variance_constraints_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: detect_variance_constraints_phase=

The DetectVarianceConstraints phase
fun div_by_zero_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: div_by_zero_phase

Instantiate a new specific phase div_by_zero_phase
protected fun div_by_zero_phase=(div_by_zero_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: div_by_zero_phase=

Instantiate a new specific phase div_by_zero_phase
private fun do_dummy: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: do_dummy

SEE dummy
fun docphase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: docphase

Nitdoc generation phase
protected fun docphase=(docphase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: docphase=

Nitdoc generation phase
private fun dummy: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: dummy

FIXME: there is conflict in linex in nitc, so use this trick to force invocation
private fun dummy=(dummy: Bool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: dummy=

FIXME: there is conflict in linex in nitc, so use this trick to force invocation
fun error(l: nullable Location, s: String): Message

nitc :: ToolContext :: error

Display an error
fun error_count: Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: error_count

Number of errors
fun error_count=(error_count: Int)

nitc :: ToolContext :: error_count=

Number of errors
fun errors_info

nitc :: ToolContext :: errors_info

Display total error informations
fun exec_and_check(args: Array[String], error: String)

nitc :: ToolContext :: exec_and_check

 Executes a program while checking if it's available and if the execution ended correctly
fun explain_assert_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: explain_assert_phase

Phase modifying the AST to explain assets when they fail
protected fun explain_assert_phase=(explain_assert_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: explain_assert_phase=

Phase modifying the AST to explain assets when they fail
protected fun extern_classes_typing_phase_ast=(extern_classes_typing_phase_ast: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: extern_classes_typing_phase_ast=

protected fun extern_classes_typing_phase_model=(extern_classes_typing_phase_model: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: extern_classes_typing_phase_model=

protected fun extra_java_files_phase=(extra_java_files_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: extra_java_files_phase=

fun fatal_error(l: nullable Location, s: String)

nitc :: ToolContext :: fatal_error

Add an error, show errors and quit
fun ffi_language_assignation_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: ffi_language_assignation_phase

Phase that assign a FFILanguage to all AExternCodeBlock
protected fun ffi_language_assignation_phase=(ffi_language_assignation_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: ffi_language_assignation_phase=

Phase that assign a FFILanguage to all AExternCodeBlock
fun find_nitc: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: find_nitc

Search the nitc compiler to use
fun flow_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: flow_phase

Run APropdef::do_flow on each propdef
protected fun flow_phase=(flow_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: flow_phase=

Run APropdef::do_flow on each propdef
fun format_h1(str: String): String

nitc :: ToolContext :: format_h1

Format and colorize a string heading of level 1 for console output.
fun format_h1(str: String): String

nitc :: ToolContext :: format_h1

Format and colorize a string heading of level 1 for console output.
fun format_h2(str: String): String

nitc :: ToolContext :: format_h2

Format and colorize a string heading of level 2 for console output.
fun format_h2(str: String): String

nitc :: ToolContext :: format_h2

Format and colorize a string heading of level 2 for console output.
fun format_h3(str: String): String

nitc :: ToolContext :: format_h3

Format and colorize a string heading of level 3 for console output.
fun format_h3(str: String): String

nitc :: ToolContext :: format_h3

Format and colorize a string heading of level 3 for console output.
fun format_h4(str: String): String

nitc :: ToolContext :: format_h4

Format and colorize a string heading of level 4 for console output.
fun format_h4(str: String): String

nitc :: ToolContext :: format_h4

Format and colorize a string heading of level 4 for console output.
fun format_p(str: String): String

nitc :: ToolContext :: format_p

Format and colorize a string heading of level 5 for console output.
fun format_p(str: String): String

nitc :: ToolContext :: format_p

Format and colorize a string heading of level 5 for console output.
protected fun generate_hierarchies_phase=(generate_hierarchies_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: generate_hierarchies_phase=

fun get_class: CLASS

core :: Object :: get_class

The meta-object representing the dynamic type of self.
protected fun global_compiler_phase=(global_compiler_phase: GlobalCompilerPhase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: global_compiler_phase=

fun glsl_validation_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: glsl_validation_phase

Shader code validation phase
protected fun glsl_validation_phase=(glsl_validation_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: glsl_validation_phase=

Shader code validation phase
fun has_progress_bar: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: has_progress_bar

Is a progress bar printed?
fun hash: Int

core :: Object :: hash

The hash code of the object.
protected fun header_dependancy_phase=(header_dependancy_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: header_dependancy_phase=

fun info(s: String, level: Int)

nitc :: ToolContext :: info

Display an info
fun inheritance_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: inheritance_metrics_phase

Inheritance related metrics phase
protected fun inheritance_metrics_phase=(inheritance_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: inheritance_metrics_phase=

Inheritance related metrics phase
init init

core :: Object :: init

fun inspect: String

core :: Object :: inspect

Developer readable representation of self.
protected fun inspect_head: String

core :: Object :: inspect_head

fun interactive_parse(prompt: String): ANode

nitc :: ToolContext :: interactive_parse

Parse the input of the user as something
intern fun is_same_instance(other: nullable Object): Bool

core :: Object :: is_same_instance

Return true if self and other are the same instance (i.e. same identity).
fun is_same_serialized(other: nullable Object): Bool

core :: Object :: is_same_serialized

Is self the same as other in a serialization context?
intern fun is_same_type(other: Object): Bool

core :: Object :: is_same_type

Return true if self and other have the same dynamic type.
fun is_warning_blacklisted(l: nullable Location, tag: String): Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: is_warning_blacklisted

Is the source-file of l associated with tag in warning_blacklist?
fun keep_going: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: keep_going

Does an error prevent the program to stop at check_errors?
fun keep_going=(keep_going: Bool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: keep_going=

Does an error prevent the program to stop at check_errors?
fun literal_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: literal_phase

Parses literal values in the whole AST and produces errors if needed
protected fun literal_phase=(literal_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: literal_phase=

Parses literal values in the whole AST and produces errors if needed
fun local_var_init_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: local_var_init_phase

Run APropdef::do_local_var_init on each propdef
protected fun local_var_init_phase=(local_var_init_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: local_var_init_phase=

Run APropdef::do_local_var_init on each propdef
fun localize_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: localize_phase

Main phase of language
protected fun localize_phase=(localize_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: localize_phase=

Main phase of language
fun locate_nit_dir: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: locate_nit_dir

Guess a possible nit_dir.
fun log_directory: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: log_directory

Directory where to generate log files
protected fun log_directory=(log_directory: String)

nitc :: ToolContext :: log_directory=

Directory where to generate log files
fun log_info: nullable Writer

nitc :: ToolContext :: log_info

Stream in log_directory where all info messages are written
protected fun log_info=(log_info: nullable Writer)

nitc :: ToolContext :: log_info=

Stream in log_directory where all info messages are written
fun make_main_module(mmodules: Array[MModule]): MModule

nitc :: ToolContext :: make_main_module

Combine module to make a single one if required.
fun mclasses_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: mclasses_metrics_phase

MClass related metrics phase
protected fun mclasses_metrics_phase=(mclasses_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: mclasses_metrics_phase=

MClass related metrics phase
fun mendel_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: mendel_metrics_phase

Compute MENDEL metrics.
protected fun mendel_metrics_phase=(mendel_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: mendel_metrics_phase=

Compute MENDEL metrics.
private fun message_sorter=(message_sorter: Comparator)

nitc :: ToolContext :: message_sorter=

private fun messages: Array[Message]

nitc :: ToolContext :: messages

private fun messages=(messages: Array[Message])

nitc :: ToolContext :: messages=

fun mmodules_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: mmodules_metrics_phase

MModules related metrics phase
protected fun mmodules_metrics_phase=(mmodules_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: mmodules_metrics_phase=

MModules related metrics phase
fun mmodules_to_check: HashSet[MModule]

nitc :: ToolContext :: mmodules_to_check

Modules to analyze, other modules will only get a shallow processing.
protected fun mmodules_to_check=(mmodules_to_check: HashSet[MModule])

nitc :: ToolContext :: mmodules_to_check=

Modules to analyze, other modules will only get a shallow processing.
protected fun model_hyperdoc_phase=(model_hyperdoc_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: model_hyperdoc_phase=

fun modelbuilder: ModelBuilder

nitc :: ToolContext :: modelbuilder

The modelbuilder 1-to-1 associated with the toolcontext
private fun modelbuilder_real=(modelbuilder_real: nullable ModelBuilder)

nitc :: ToolContext :: modelbuilder_real=

fun modelize_class_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: modelize_class_phase

Run AModule::build_classes on each module
protected fun modelize_class_phase=(modelize_class_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: modelize_class_phase=

Run AModule::build_classes on each module
fun modelize_property_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: modelize_property_phase

Run AClassdef::build_property on the classdefs of each module
protected fun modelize_property_phase=(modelize_property_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: modelize_property_phase=

Run AClassdef::build_property on the classdefs of each module
private intern fun native_class_name: CString

core :: Object :: native_class_name

The class name of the object in CString format.
fun nit_dir: nullable String

nitc :: ToolContext :: nit_dir

The identified root directory of the Nit package
fun nit_dir=(nit_dir: nullable String)

nitc :: ToolContext :: nit_dir=

The identified root directory of the Nit package
fun nitpackage_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: nitpackage_phase

nitpackage phase
protected fun nitpackage_phase=(nitpackage_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: nitpackage_phase=

nitpackage phase
fun no_warning_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: no_warning_phase

The phase should be executed before any warning on the module is processed.
protected fun no_warning_phase=(no_warning_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: no_warning_phase=

The phase should be executed before any warning on the module is processed.
fun nullables_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: nullables_metrics_phase

Nullable types related metrics
protected fun nullables_metrics_phase=(nullables_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: nullables_metrics_phase=

Nullable types related metrics
intern fun object_id: Int

core :: Object :: object_id

An internal hash code for the object based on its identity.
protected fun opt_a=(opt_a: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_a=

protected fun opt_all=(opt_all: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_all=

protected fun opt_all=(opt_all: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_all=

fun opt_analysis: OptionEnum

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_analysis

Analysis to apply
protected fun opt_analysis=(opt_analysis: OptionEnum)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_analysis=

Analysis to apply
fun opt_ant: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_ant

Compile using ant instead of make (faster, but no error display)
protected fun opt_ant=(opt_ant: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_ant=

Compile using ant instead of make (faster, but no error display)
protected fun opt_ast=(opt_ast: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_ast=

protected fun opt_autosav=(opt_autosav: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_autosav=

protected fun opt_b=(opt_b: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_b=

fun opt_bash_completion: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_bash_completion

Option --bash-completion
protected fun opt_bash_completion=(opt_bash_completion: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_bash_completion=

Option --bash-completion
fun opt_break_str: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_break_str

Break too long string literals.
protected fun opt_break_str=(opt_break_str: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_break_str=

Break too long string literals.
protected fun opt_c=(opt_c: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_c=

fun opt_catalog: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_catalog

Compute and use the catalog
protected fun opt_catalog=(opt_catalog: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_catalog=

Compute and use the catalog
fun opt_check: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_check

Check formatting instead of pretty printing.
protected fun opt_check=(opt_check: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_check=

Check formatting instead of pretty printing.
protected fun opt_check_ini=(opt_check_ini: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_check_ini=

protected fun opt_check_makefile=(opt_check_makefile: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_check_makefile=

protected fun opt_check_man=(opt_check_man: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_check_man=

protected fun opt_check_readme=(opt_check_readme: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_check_readme=

protected fun opt_colo_dead_methods=(opt_colo_dead_methods: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_colo_dead_methods=

protected fun opt_colors_are_symbols=(opt_colors_are_symbols: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_colors_are_symbols=

fun opt_command: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_command

Used to shortcut the prompt and display directly the result in console.
protected fun opt_command=(opt_command: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_command=

Used to shortcut the prompt and display directly the result in console.
fun opt_compile_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_compile_dir

Where to output tmp files
protected fun opt_compile_dir=(opt_compile_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_compile_dir=

protected fun opt_compile_dir=(opt_compile_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_compile_dir=

Where to output tmp files
protected fun opt_compile_dir=(opt_compile_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_compile_dir=

fun opt_config: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_config

Path to app config file.
protected fun opt_config=(opt_config: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_config=

Path to app config file.
fun opt_csv: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_csv

protected fun opt_csv=(opt_csv: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_csv=

fun opt_custom_brand: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_custom_brand

Display a custom brand or logo in the documentation top menu
protected fun opt_custom_brand=(opt_custom_brand: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_custom_brand=

Display a custom brand or logo in the documentation top menu
fun opt_custom_intro: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_custom_intro

Display a custom introduction text before the packages overview
protected fun opt_custom_intro=(opt_custom_intro: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_custom_intro=

Display a custom introduction text before the packages overview
fun opt_custom_title: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_custom_title

Use a custom title for the homepage
protected fun opt_custom_title=(opt_custom_title: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_custom_title=

Use a custom title for the homepage
protected fun opt_debug=(opt_debug: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_debug=

protected fun opt_defines=(opt_defines: OptionArray)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_defines=

fun opt_depth: OptionEnum

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_depth

Depth of the visit and generation
protected fun opt_depth=(opt_depth: OptionEnum)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_depth=

Depth of the visit and generation
fun opt_detect_covariance: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_detect_covariance

protected fun opt_detect_covariance=(opt_detect_covariance: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_detect_covariance=

protected fun opt_detect_variance_constraints=(opt_detect_variance_constraints: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_detect_variance_constraints=

fun opt_diff: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_diff

Show diff between source and pretty printed code.
protected fun opt_diff=(opt_diff: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_diff=

Show diff between source and pretty printed code.
fun opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir

opt --dirr
fun opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir

Where do we put the result?
fun opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir

The working directory used to store temp files.
fun opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir

Where do we put the result?
fun opt_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir

Directory where the Nitdoc is rendered
protected fun opt_dir=(opt_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir=

Directory where the Nitdoc is rendered
protected fun opt_dir=(opt_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir=

Where do we put the result?
protected fun opt_dir=(opt_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir=

Where do we put the result?
protected fun opt_dir=(opt_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir=

The working directory used to store temp files.
protected fun opt_dir=(opt_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir=

opt --dirr
protected fun opt_dir=(opt_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir=

protected fun opt_dir=(opt_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_dir=

protected fun opt_direct_call_monomorph0=(opt_direct_call_monomorph0: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_direct_call_monomorph0=

protected fun opt_direct_call_monomorph=(opt_direct_call_monomorph: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_direct_call_monomorph=

protected fun opt_disable_phase=(opt_disable_phase: OptionArray)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_disable_phase=

protected fun opt_discover_call_trace=(opt_discover_call_trace: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_discover_call_trace=

protected fun opt_erasure=(opt_erasure: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_erasure=

protected fun opt_expand=(opt_expand: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_expand=

protected fun opt_feature_envy=(opt_feature_envy: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_feature_envy=

protected fun opt_force=(opt_force: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_force=

fun opt_full: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_full

opt --full
protected fun opt_full=(opt_full: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_full=

opt --full
fun opt_full_contract: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_full_contract

Option --full-contract
protected fun opt_full_contract=(opt_full_contract: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_full_contract=

Option --full-contract
protected fun opt_full_name=(opt_full_name: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_full_name=

protected fun opt_full_name_prefix=(opt_full_name_prefix: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_full_name_prefix=

protected fun opt_full_name_similarity=(opt_full_name_similarity: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_full_name_similarity=

fun opt_gen: OptionEnum

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_gen

What to generate?
protected fun opt_gen=(opt_gen: OptionEnum)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_gen=

What to generate?
protected fun opt_gen_force=(opt_gen_force: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_gen_force=

protected fun opt_gen_ini=(opt_gen_ini: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_gen_ini=

protected fun opt_gen_makefile=(opt_gen_makefile: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_gen_makefile=

protected fun opt_gen_man=(opt_gen_man: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_gen_man=

protected fun opt_gen_private=(opt_gen_private: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_gen_private=

protected fun opt_gen_show=(opt_gen_show: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_gen_show=

protected fun opt_gen_unit=(opt_gen_unit: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_gen_unit=

protected fun opt_generate_hyperdoc=(opt_generate_hyperdoc: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_generate_hyperdoc=

protected fun opt_get_all=(opt_get_all: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_get_all=

fun opt_global: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_global

option --global
protected fun opt_global=(opt_global: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_global=

option --global
protected fun opt_group_c_files=(opt_group_c_files: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_group_c_files=

protected fun opt_guard_call=(opt_guard_call: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_guard_call=

protected fun opt_hardening=(opt_hardening: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_hardening=

fun opt_help: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_help

Option --help
protected fun opt_help=(opt_help: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_help=

Option --help
fun opt_host: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_host

Host name to bind on (will overwrite the config one).
protected fun opt_host=(opt_host: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_host=

Host name to bind on (will overwrite the config one).
fun opt_ignore_visibility: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_ignore_visibility

Option --ignore-visibility
protected fun opt_ignore_visibility=(opt_ignore_visibility: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_ignore_visibility=

Option --ignore-visibility
protected fun opt_inheritance=(opt_inheritance: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_inheritance=

protected fun opt_inline_coloring_numbers=(opt_inline_coloring_numbers: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_inline_coloring_numbers=

fun opt_inline_do: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_inline_do

Force do on the same line as the method signature.
protected fun opt_inline_do=(opt_inline_do: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_inline_do=

Force do on the same line as the method signature.
protected fun opt_inline_some_methods=(opt_inline_some_methods: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_inline_some_methods=

protected fun opt_invocation_metrics=(opt_invocation_metrics: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_invocation_metrics=

protected fun opt_isset_checks_metrics=(opt_isset_checks_metrics: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_isset_checks_metrics=

fun opt_keep_going: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_keep_going

Option --keep-going
protected fun opt_keep_going=(opt_keep_going: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_keep_going=

Option --keep-going
protected fun opt_large_class=(opt_large_class: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_large_class=

protected fun opt_line_width=(opt_line_width: OptionInt)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_line_width=

fun opt_log: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_log

Option --log
protected fun opt_log=(opt_log: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_log=

Option --log
fun opt_log_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_log_dir

Option --log-dir
protected fun opt_log_dir=(opt_log_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_log_dir=

Option --log-dir
protected fun opt_long_method=(opt_long_method: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_long_method=

protected fun opt_long_method_threshold=(opt_long_method_threshold: OptionInt)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_long_method_threshold=

protected fun opt_long_params=(opt_long_params: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_long_params=

protected fun opt_long_params_threshold=(opt_long_params_threshold: OptionInt)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_long_params_threshold=

protected fun opt_make_flags=(opt_make_flags: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_make_flags=

protected fun opt_max_c_lines=(opt_max_c_lines: OptionInt)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_max_c_lines=

protected fun opt_mclasses=(opt_mclasses: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_mclasses=

fun opt_meld: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_meld

Show diff between source and pretty printed code using meld.
protected fun opt_meld=(opt_meld: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_meld=

Show diff between source and pretty printed code using meld.
protected fun opt_mendel=(opt_mendel: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_mendel=

protected fun opt_mixins=(opt_mixins: OptionArray)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_mixins=

protected fun opt_mmodules=(opt_mmodules: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_mmodules=

protected fun opt_move_generics=(opt_move_generics: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_move_generics=

protected fun opt_name=(opt_name: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_name=

protected fun opt_name_prefix=(opt_name_prefix: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_name_prefix=

protected fun opt_name_similarity=(opt_name_similarity: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_name_similarity=

fun opt_nit_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nit_dir

Option --nit-dir
protected fun opt_nit_dir=(opt_nit_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nit_dir=

Option --nit-dir
fun opt_nitc: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nitc

opt --nitc
protected fun opt_nitc=(opt_nitc: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nitc=

opt --nitc
protected fun opt_no_abstract_implementation=(opt_no_abstract_implementation: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_abstract_implementation=

protected fun opt_no_attribute=(opt_no_attribute: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_attribute=

fun opt_no_attributes: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_attributes

Do not generate documentation for attributes
protected fun opt_no_attributes=(opt_no_attributes: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_attributes=

Do not generate documentation for attributes
protected fun opt_no_cc=(opt_no_cc: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_cc=

protected fun opt_no_check_all=(opt_no_check_all: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_check_all=

protected fun opt_no_check_assert=(opt_no_check_assert: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_check_assert=

protected fun opt_no_check_attr_isset=(opt_no_check_attr_isset: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_check_attr_isset=

protected fun opt_no_check_autocast=(opt_no_check_autocast: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_check_autocast=

protected fun opt_no_check_covariance=(opt_no_check_covariance: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_check_covariance=

protected fun opt_no_check_erasure_cast=(opt_no_check_erasure_cast: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_check_erasure_cast=

protected fun opt_no_check_null=(opt_no_check_null: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_check_null=

fun opt_no_color: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_color

Option --no-color
protected fun opt_no_color=(opt_no_color: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_color=

Option --no-color
fun opt_no_contract: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_contract

Option --no-contract
protected fun opt_no_contract=(opt_no_contract: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_contract=

Option --no-contract
protected fun opt_no_empty_doc=(opt_no_empty_doc: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_empty_doc=

protected fun opt_no_fictive=(opt_no_fictive: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_fictive=

protected fun opt_no_gcc_directive=(opt_no_gcc_directive: OptionArray)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_gcc_directive=

protected fun opt_no_inline=(opt_no_inline: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_inline=

protected fun opt_no_inline_intern=(opt_no_inline_intern: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_inline_intern=

protected fun opt_no_main=(opt_no_main: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_main=

protected fun opt_no_private=(opt_no_private: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_private=

protected fun opt_no_shortcut_equate=(opt_no_shortcut_equate: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_shortcut_equate=

protected fun opt_no_shortcut_range=(opt_no_shortcut_range: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_shortcut_range=

protected fun opt_no_stacktrace=(opt_no_stacktrace: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_stacktrace=

protected fun opt_no_tag_primitives=(opt_no_tag_primitives: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_tag_primitives=

protected fun opt_no_test=(opt_no_test: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_test=

fun opt_no_time: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_time

opt --no-time
protected fun opt_no_time=(opt_no_time: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_time=

opt --no-time
protected fun opt_no_union_attribute=(opt_no_union_attribute: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_no_union_attribute=

fun opt_noact: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_noact

opt --no-act
protected fun opt_noact=(opt_noact: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_noact=

opt --no-act
fun opt_nocode: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nocode

Do not include highlighted code
protected fun opt_nocode=(opt_nocode: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nocode=

Do not include highlighted code
fun opt_nocolors: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nocolors

protected fun opt_nocolors=(opt_nocolors: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nocolors=

protected fun opt_nocolors=(opt_nocolors: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nocolors=

fun opt_nodot: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nodot

Do not generate dot/graphviz diagrams
protected fun opt_nodot=(opt_nodot: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nodot=

Do not generate dot/graphviz diagrams
fun opt_norender: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_norender

Disable HTML rendering
protected fun opt_norender=(opt_norender: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_norender=

Disable HTML rendering
protected fun opt_nullables=(opt_nullables: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_nullables=

fun opt_only_metamodel: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_only_metamodel

Option --only-metamodel
protected fun opt_only_metamodel=(opt_only_metamodel: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_only_metamodel=

Option --only-metamodel
fun opt_only_parse: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_only_parse

Option --only-parse
protected fun opt_only_parse=(opt_only_parse: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_only_parse=

Option --only-parse
fun opt_output: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_output

Where to output the generated binary
fun opt_output: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_output

Where do we put a single result?
fun opt_output: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_output

Where do we put a single result?
fun opt_output: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_output

Output pretty printed code with this filename.
protected fun opt_output=(opt_output: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_output=

Output pretty printed code with this filename.
protected fun opt_output=(opt_output: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_output=

Where do we put a single result?
protected fun opt_output=(opt_output: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_output=

Where do we put a single result?
protected fun opt_output=(opt_output: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_output=

protected fun opt_output=(opt_output: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_output=

Where to output the generated binary
protected fun opt_output=(opt_output: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_output=

opt --output
fun opt_path: OptionArray

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_path

Option --path
protected fun opt_path=(opt_path: OptionArray)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_path=

Option --path
protected fun opt_pattern=(opt_pattern: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_pattern=

protected fun opt_piwik_site_id=(opt_piwik_site_id: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_piwik_site_id=

Piwik tracker site id
protected fun opt_piwik_tracker=(opt_piwik_tracker: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_piwik_tracker=

Piwik tracker URL
fun opt_port: OptionInt

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_port

Port number to bind on (will overwrite the config one).
protected fun opt_port=(opt_port: OptionInt)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_port=

Port number to bind on (will overwrite the config one).
protected fun opt_poset=(opt_poset: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_poset=

fun opt_privacy: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_privacy

Generate private?
protected fun opt_privacy=(opt_privacy: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_privacy=

Generate private?
fun opt_private: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_private

Do not generate documentation for private properties
protected fun opt_private=(opt_private: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_private=

Do not generate documentation for private properties
protected fun opt_query=(opt_query: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_query=

fun opt_quiet: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_quiet

Option --quiet
protected fun opt_quiet=(opt_quiet: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_quiet=

Option --quiet
protected fun opt_readme=(opt_readme: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_readme=

protected fun opt_refinement=(opt_refinement: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_refinement=

protected fun opt_release=(opt_release: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_release=

protected fun opt_rta=(opt_rta: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_rta=

protected fun opt_rta=(opt_rta: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_rta=

protected fun opt_run=(opt_run: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_run=

protected fun opt_self=(opt_self: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_self=

protected fun opt_semi_global=(opt_semi_global: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_semi_global=

protected fun opt_separate=(opt_separate: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_separate=

fun opt_set_dummy_tool: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_set_dummy_tool

Option --set-dummy-tool
protected fun opt_set_dummy_tool=(opt_set_dummy_tool: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_set_dummy_tool=

Option --set-dummy-tool
fun opt_share_dir: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_share_dir

Option --share-dir
protected fun opt_share_dir=(opt_share_dir: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_share_dir=

Option --share-dir
protected fun opt_shared_lib=(opt_shared_lib: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_shared_lib=

fun opt_shareurl: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_shareurl

Use a shareurl instead of copy shared files
protected fun opt_shareurl=(opt_shareurl: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_shareurl=

Use a shareurl instead of copy shared files
protected fun opt_skip_dead_methods=(opt_skip_dead_methods: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_skip_dead_methods=

fun opt_skip_empty: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_skip_empty

Force formatting on empty lines.
protected fun opt_skip_empty=(opt_skip_empty: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_skip_empty=

Force formatting on empty lines.
protected fun opt_sloppy=(opt_sloppy: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_sloppy=

fun opt_source: OptionString

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_source

File pattern used to link documentation to source code.
protected fun opt_source=(opt_source: OptionString)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_source=

File pattern used to link documentation to source code.
protected fun opt_static_types=(opt_static_types: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_static_types=

protected fun opt_stop_on_first_error=(opt_stop_on_first_error: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_stop_on_first_error=

Option --stop-on-first-error
fun opt_stub_man: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_stub_man

Option --stub-man
protected fun opt_stub_man=(opt_stub_man: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_stub_man=

Option --stub-man
protected fun opt_substitute_monomorph=(opt_substitute_monomorph: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_substitute_monomorph=

protected fun opt_tables=(opt_tables: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_tables=

protected fun opt_tables_metrics=(opt_tables_metrics: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_tables_metrics=

fun opt_test: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_test

Test mode
protected fun opt_test=(opt_test: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_test=

Test mode
protected fun opt_trace=(opt_trace: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_trace=

protected fun opt_trace_memory=(opt_trace_memory: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_trace_memory=

protected fun opt_trampoline_call=(opt_trampoline_call: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_trampoline_call=

protected fun opt_type_poset=(opt_type_poset: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_type_poset=

protected fun opt_typing_test_metrics=(opt_typing_test_metrics: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_typing_test_metrics=

fun opt_verbose: OptionCount

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_verbose

Option --verbose
protected fun opt_verbose=(opt_verbose: OptionCount)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_verbose=

Option --verbose
fun opt_version: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_version

Option --version
protected fun opt_version=(opt_version: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_version=

Option --version
fun opt_vim_autocomplete: OptionBool

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_vim_autocomplete

Shall we generate the files for the Vim plugin?
protected fun opt_vim_autocomplete=(opt_vim_autocomplete: OptionBool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_vim_autocomplete=

Shall we generate the files for the Vim plugin?
fun opt_warn: OptionCount

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_warn

Option --warn
protected fun opt_warn=(opt_warn: OptionCount)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_warn=

Option --warn
fun opt_warning: OptionArray

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_warning

Option --warning
protected fun opt_warning=(opt_warning: OptionArray)

nitc :: ToolContext :: opt_warning=

Option --warning
fun option_context: OptionContext

nitc :: ToolContext :: option_context

Global OptionContext
protected fun option_context=(option_context: OptionContext)

nitc :: ToolContext :: option_context=

Global OptionContext
fun output

core :: Object :: output

Display self on stdout (debug only).
intern fun output_class_name

core :: Object :: output_class_name

Display class name on stdout (debug only).
fun output_dir: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: output_dir

Output directory for metrics files.
protected fun output_dir=(output_dir: String)

nitc :: ToolContext :: output_dir=

Output directory for metrics files.
fun parallelization_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: parallelization_phase

Transforms a function annotated with "threaded"
protected fun parallelization_phase=(parallelization_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: parallelization_phase=

Transforms a function annotated with "threaded"
fun parse_annotations_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: parse_annotations_phase

Parse the annotations on modules, classdefs and propdefs
protected fun parse_annotations_phase=(parse_annotations_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: parse_annotations_phase=

Parse the annotations on modules, classdefs and propdefs
fun parse_classdef(string: String): AClassdef

nitc :: ToolContext :: parse_classdef

Parse a full classdef given as a string
fun parse_expr(string: String): AExpr

nitc :: ToolContext :: parse_expr

Parse a full expression given as a string
fun parse_module(string: String): AModule

nitc :: ToolContext :: parse_module

Parse a full module given as a string
fun parse_propdef(string: String): APropdef

nitc :: ToolContext :: parse_propdef

Parse a full propdef given as a string
fun parse_something(string: String): ANode

nitc :: ToolContext :: parse_something

Try to parse the string as something
fun parse_stmts(string: String): AExpr

nitc :: ToolContext :: parse_stmts

Parse a full statement block given as a string
fun parse_superclass(string: String): APropdef

nitc :: ToolContext :: parse_superclass

Parse a super class declaration
protected fun phase_process_npropdef(phase: Phase, npropdef: APropdef)

nitc :: ToolContext :: phase_process_npropdef

Process the given phase on the npropdef
private fun phased_modules: HashSet[AModule]

nitc :: ToolContext :: phased_modules

Set of already analyzed modules.
private fun phased_modules=(phased_modules: HashSet[AModule])

nitc :: ToolContext :: phased_modules=

Set of already analyzed modules.
fun phases: POSet[Phase]

nitc :: ToolContext :: phases

The various registered phases to performs
protected fun phases=(phases: POSet[Phase])

nitc :: ToolContext :: phases=

The various registered phases to performs
fun phases_list: Sequence[Phase]

nitc :: ToolContext :: phases_list

The list of registered phases in the application order.
protected fun phases_list=(phases_list: Sequence[Phase])

nitc :: ToolContext :: phases_list=

The list of registered phases in the application order.
fun pkgconfig_is_available: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: pkgconfig_is_available

Is the external program pkg-config available?
protected fun pkgconfig_is_available=(pkgconfig_is_available: Bool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: pkgconfig_is_available=

Is the external program pkg-config available?
fun pkgconfig_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: pkgconfig_phase

Detects the pkgconfig annotation on the module declaration only
protected fun pkgconfig_phase=(pkgconfig_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: pkgconfig_phase=

Detects the pkgconfig annotation on the module declaration only
protected fun platform_from_name(name: String): nullable Platform

nitc :: ToolContext :: platform_from_name

Get platform compilation settings from its name
fun platform_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: platform_phase

Detects the platform annotation to set a mobile target platform
protected fun platform_phase=(platform_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: platform_phase=

Detects the platform annotation to set a mobile target platform
protected fun poset_metrics_phase=(poset_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: poset_metrics_phase=

fun process_options(args: Sequence[String])

nitc :: ToolContext :: process_options

Parse and process the options given on the command line
fun quit

nitc :: ToolContext :: quit

Output all current stacked messages, total and exit the program
fun readme_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: readme_metrics_phase

README related metrics phase
protected fun readme_metrics_phase=(readme_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: readme_metrics_phase=

README related metrics phase
protected fun refinement_metrics_phase=(refinement_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: refinement_metrics_phase=

fun regex_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: regex_phase

Phase checking for errors in regex
protected fun regex_phase=(regex_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: regex_phase=

Phase checking for errors in regex
fun restful_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: restful_phase

Generate serialization and deserialization methods on auto_serializable annotated classes.
protected fun restful_phase=(restful_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: restful_phase=

Generate serialization and deserialization methods on auto_serializable annotated classes.
fun rta_metrics_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: rta_metrics_phase

RTA related metrics phase
protected fun rta_metrics_phase=(rta_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: rta_metrics_phase=

RTA related metrics phase
fun run_global_phases(mmodules: Array[MModule])

nitc :: ToolContext :: run_global_phases

Run process_mainmodule on all phases
fun run_phases(nmodules: Collection[AModule])

nitc :: ToolContext :: run_phases

Run all registered phases on a set of modules
fun run_phases_on_npropdef(npropdef: APropdef)

nitc :: ToolContext :: run_phases_on_npropdef

Run the phase on the given npropdef.
fun safe_exec(command: String): Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: safe_exec

Execute a system command in a more safe context than Sys::system.
fun scope_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: scope_phase

Run APropdef::do_scope on each propdef.
protected fun scope_phase=(scope_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: scope_phase=

Run APropdef::do_scope on each propdef.
protected fun self_metrics_phase=(self_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: self_metrics_phase=

fun semantize_is_lazy: Bool

nitc :: ToolContext :: semantize_is_lazy

Is phase_process_npropdef not called automatically by run_phases?
fun semantize_is_lazy=(semantize_is_lazy: Bool)

nitc :: ToolContext :: semantize_is_lazy=

Is phase_process_npropdef not called automatically by run_phases?
fun serialization_hash: Int

core :: Object :: serialization_hash

Hash value use for serialization
fun serialization_phase_post_model: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: serialization_phase_post_model

The second phase of the serialization
protected fun serialization_phase_post_model=(serialization_phase_post_model: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: serialization_phase_post_model=

The second phase of the serialization
fun serialization_phase_pre_model: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: serialization_phase_pre_model

Generate serialization and deserialization methods on auto_serializable annotated classes.
protected fun serialization_phase_pre_model=(serialization_phase_pre_model: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: serialization_phase_pre_model=

Generate serialization and deserialization methods on auto_serializable annotated classes.
fun serialization_phase_rename: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: serialization_phase_rename

Apply the annotation serialize_as
protected fun serialization_phase_rename=(serialization_phase_rename: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: serialization_phase_rename=

Apply the annotation serialize_as
fun set_testing_path(path: nullable String)

nitc :: ToolContext :: set_testing_path

Set the NIT_TESTING_PATH environment variable with path.
fun share_dir: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: share_dir

Shared files directory.
protected fun share_dir=(share_dir: String)

nitc :: ToolContext :: share_dir=

Shared files directory.
fun show_unit(test: UnitTest, more_message: nullable String)

nitc :: ToolContext :: show_unit

Show the full description of the test-case.
fun show_unit_status(name: String, tests: SequenceRead[UnitTest])

nitc :: ToolContext :: show_unit_status

Show a single-line status to use as a progression.
fun simple_misc_analysis_phase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: simple_misc_analysis_phase

Execute AModule::do_simple_misc_analysis on each module.
protected fun simple_misc_analysis_phase=(simple_misc_analysis_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: simple_misc_analysis_phase=

Execute AModule::do_simple_misc_analysis on each module.
protected fun static_types_metrics_phase=(static_types_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: static_types_metrics_phase=

intern fun sys: Sys

core :: Object :: sys

Return the global sys object, the only instance of the Sys class.
protected fun tables_metrics_phase=(tables_metrics_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: tables_metrics_phase=

fun test_dir: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: test_dir

Working directory for testing.
abstract fun to_jvalue(env: JniEnv): JValue

core :: Object :: to_jvalue

fun to_s: String

core :: Object :: to_s

User readable representation of self.
fun todo_nmodules: Sequence[AModule]

nitc :: ToolContext :: todo_nmodules

List of module to process according to run_phases
protected fun todo_nmodules=(todo_nmodules: Sequence[AModule])

nitc :: ToolContext :: todo_nmodules=

List of module to process according to run_phases
fun tooldescription: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: tooldescription

Name, usage and synopsis of the tool.
fun tooldescription=(tooldescription: String)

nitc :: ToolContext :: tooldescription=

Name, usage and synopsis of the tool.
fun toolname: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: toolname

Get the name of the tool or "DUMMY_TOOL" id --set-dummy-tool is set.
protected fun transform_phase=(transform_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: transform_phase=

protected fun typing_phase=(typing_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: typing_phase=

fun ulimit_file: Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: ulimit_file

The maximum size (in KB) of files written by a command executed trough safe_exec
fun ulimit_file=(ulimit_file: Int)

nitc :: ToolContext :: ulimit_file=

The maximum size (in KB) of files written by a command executed trough safe_exec
fun ulimit_usertime: Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: ulimit_usertime

The maximum amount of cpu time (in seconds) for a command executed trough safe_exec
fun ulimit_usertime=(ulimit_usertime: Int)

nitc :: ToolContext :: ulimit_usertime=

The maximum amount of cpu time (in seconds) for a command executed trough safe_exec
fun umlphase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: umlphase

Phase that generates UML diagrams from model entities.
protected fun umlphase=(umlphase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: umlphase=

Phase that generates UML diagrams from model entities.
fun usage

nitc :: ToolContext :: usage

print the full usage of the tool.
fun verbose_level: Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: verbose_level

Verbose level
protected fun verbose_level=(verbose_level: Int)

nitc :: ToolContext :: verbose_level=

Verbose level
protected fun verify_nitni_callback_phase=(verify_nitni_callback_phase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: verify_nitni_callback_phase=

fun version: String

nitc :: ToolContext :: version

Get the current nit_version or "DUMMY_VERSION" if --set-dummy-tool is set.
fun warning(l: nullable Location, tag: String, text: String): nullable Message

nitc :: ToolContext :: warning

Display a first-level warning.
fun warning_blacklist: MultiHashMap[SourceFile, String]

nitc :: ToolContext :: warning_blacklist

List of tags per source-file whose warnings are not displayed.
protected fun warning_blacklist=(warning_blacklist: MultiHashMap[SourceFile, String])

nitc :: ToolContext :: warning_blacklist=

List of tags per source-file whose warnings are not displayed.
fun warning_count: Int

nitc :: ToolContext :: warning_count

Number of warnings
protected fun warning_count=(warning_count: Int)

nitc :: ToolContext :: warning_count=

Number of warnings
fun webphase: Phase

nitc :: ToolContext :: webphase

Web rendering phase.
protected fun webphase=(webphase: Phase)

nitc :: ToolContext :: webphase=

Web rendering phase.
package_diagram nitc::ToolContext ToolContext core::Object Object nitc::ToolContext->core::Object


interface Object

core :: Object

The root of the class hierarchy.

Class definitions

nitc $ ToolContext
# Global context for tools
class ToolContext
	# Number of errors
	var error_count: Int = 0 is writable

	# Number of warnings
	var warning_count: Int = 0

	# Directory where to generate log files
	var log_directory: String = "logs"

	# Stream in `log_directory` where all info messages are written
	var log_info: nullable Writer = null

	# Messages
	private var messages = new Array[Message]
	private var message_sorter: Comparator = default_comparator

	# Does an error prevent the program to stop at `check_errors`?
	# Default to false.
	# Set this value to `true` if you need to keep the program going in case of error.
	var keep_going = false is writable

	# List of tags per source-file whose warnings are not displayed.
	# Initially empty, it is up to the toll to fill it.
	# The tag "all" means all warnings and advices.
	var warning_blacklist = new MultiHashMap[SourceFile, String]

	# Is the source-file of `l` associated with `tag` in `warning_blacklist`?
	# currently returns `false` if `l` is null or does not have a source-file.
	fun is_warning_blacklisted(l: nullable Location, tag: String): Bool
		if l == null then return false
		var f = l.file
		if f == null then return false
		var tags = warning_blacklist.get_or_null(f)
		if tags == null then return false
		return tags.has("all") or tags.has(tag)

	# Output all current stacked messages, total and exit the program
	# If there is no error, exit with 0, else exit with 1.
	fun quit
		if error_count > 0 then exit(1) else exit(0)

	# Output all current stacked messages
	# Return true if no errors occurred.
	# If some errors occurred, the behavior depends on the value of `keep_going`.
	# If `keep_going` is false, then the total error informations is displayed and the program exits.
	# Else, false is returned.
	fun check_errors: Bool
		if messages.length > 0 then

			for m in messages do
				if opt_no_color.value then


		if error_count > 0 then
			if not keep_going then
			return false
		return true

	# Display total error informations
	fun errors_info
		if error_count == 0 and warning_count == 0 then return
		if opt_no_color.value then return
		sys.stderr.write "Errors: {error_count}. Warnings: {warning_count}.\n"

	# Display an error
	# Return the message (to add information)
	fun error(l: nullable Location, s: String): Message
		var m = new Message(l, null, s, 2)
		if messages.has(m) then return m
		if l != null then l.add_message m
		if opt_warn.value <= -1 then return m
		messages.add m
		error_count = error_count + 1
		if opt_stop_on_first_error.value then check_errors
		return m

	# Add an error, show errors and quit
	# Because the program will quit, nothing is returned.
	fun fatal_error(l: nullable Location, s: String)

	# Display a first-level warning.
	# First-level warnings are warnings that SHOULD be corrected,
	# and COULD usually be immediately corrected.
	# * There is a simple correction
	# * There is no reason to let the code this way (no reasonable @supresswarning-like annotation)
	# * They always are real issues (no false positive)
	# First-level warnings are displayed by default (except if option `-q` is given).
	# Return the message (to add information) or null if the warning is disabled
	fun warning(l: nullable Location, tag: String, text: String): nullable Message
		if is_warning_blacklisted(l, tag) then return null
		var m = new Message(l, tag, text, 1)
		if messages.has(m) then return null
		if l != null then l.add_message m
		if opt_warning.value.has("no-{tag}") then return null
		if not opt_warning.value.has(tag) and opt_warn.value <= 0 then return null
		messages.add m
		warning_count = warning_count + 1
		if opt_stop_on_first_error.value then check_errors
		return m

	# Display a second-level warning.
	# Second-level warnings are warnings that should require investigation,
	# but cannot always be immediately corrected.
	# * The correction could be complex. e.g. require a refactorisation or an API change.
	# * The correction cannot be done. e.g. Code that use a deprecated API for some compatibility reason.
	# * There is not a real issue (false positive). Note that this should be unlikely.
	# * Transitional: While a real warning, it fires a lot in current code, so a transition is needed
	#   in order to fix them before promoting the advice to a warning.
	# In order to prevent warning inflation Ă  la Java, second-level warnings are not displayed by
	# default and require an additional option `-W`.
	# Return the message (to add information) or null if the warning is disabled
	fun advice(l: nullable Location, tag: String, text: String): nullable Message
		if is_warning_blacklisted(l, tag) then return null
		var m = new Message(l, tag, text, 0)
		if messages.has(m) then return null
		if l != null then l.add_message m
		if opt_warning.value.has("no-{tag}") then return null
		if not opt_warning.value.has(tag) and opt_warn.value <= 1 then return null
		messages.add m
		warning_count = warning_count + 1
		if opt_stop_on_first_error.value then check_errors
		return m

	# Display an info
	fun info(s: String, level: Int)
		if level <= verbose_level then
			print "{s}"
		if log_info != null then
			log_info.write s
			log_info.write "\n"

	# Executes a program while checking if it's available and if the execution ended correctly
	# Stops execution and prints errors if the program isn't available or didn't end correctly
	fun exec_and_check(args: Array[String], error: String)
		info("+ {args.join(" ")}", 2)

		var prog = args.first
		args.remove_at 0

		# Is the wanted program available?
		var proc_which = new ProcessReader.from_a("which", [prog])
		var res = proc_which.status
		if res != 0 then
			print_error "{error}: executable \"{prog}\" not found"
			exit 1

		# Execute the wanted program
		var proc = new Process.from_a(prog, args)
		res = proc.status
		if res != 0 then
			print_error "{error}: execution of \"{prog} {args.join(" ")}\" failed"
			exit 1

	# Global OptionContext
	var option_context = new OptionContext

	# Option --warn
	var opt_warn = new OptionCount("Show additional warnings (advices)", "-W", "--warn")

	# Option --warning
	var opt_warning = new OptionArray("Show/hide a specific warning", "-w", "--warning")

	# Option --quiet
	var opt_quiet = new OptionBool("Do not show warnings", "-q", "--quiet")

	# Option --log
	var opt_log = new OptionBool("Generate various log files", "--log")

	# Option --log-dir
	var opt_log_dir = new OptionString("Directory where to generate log files", "--log-dir")

	# Option --nit-dir
	var opt_nit_dir = new OptionString("Base directory of the Nit installation", "--nit-dir")

	# Option --share-dir
	var opt_share_dir = new OptionString("Directory containing tools assets", "--share-dir")

	# Option --help
	var opt_help = new OptionBool("Show Help (This screen)", "-h", "-?", "--help")

	# Option --version
	var opt_version = new OptionBool("Show version and exit", "--version")

	# Option --set-dummy-tool
	var opt_set_dummy_tool = new OptionBool("Set toolname and version to DUMMY. Useful for testing", "--set-dummy-tool")

	# Option --verbose
	var opt_verbose = new OptionCount("Additional messages from the tool", "-v", "--verbose")

	# Option --stop-on-first-error
	var opt_stop_on_first_error = new OptionBool("Just display the first encountered error then stop", "--stop-on-first-error")

	# Option --keep-going
	var opt_keep_going = new OptionBool("Continue after errors, whatever the consequences", "--keep-going")

	# Option --no-color
	var opt_no_color = new OptionBool("Do not use color to display errors and warnings", "--no-color")

	# Option --bash-completion
	var opt_bash_completion = new OptionBool("Generate bash_completion file for this program", "--bash-completion")

	# Option --stub-man
	var opt_stub_man = new OptionBool("Generate a stub manpage in pandoc markdown format", "--stub-man")

	# Option --no-contract
	var opt_no_contract = new OptionBool("Disable the contracts usage", "--no-contract")

	# Option --full-contract
	var opt_full_contract = new OptionBool("Enable all contracts usage", "--full-contract")

	# Verbose level
	var verbose_level: Int = 0

		option_context.add_option(opt_warn, opt_warning, opt_quiet, opt_stop_on_first_error, opt_keep_going, opt_no_color, opt_log, opt_log_dir, opt_nit_dir, opt_help, opt_version, opt_set_dummy_tool, opt_verbose, opt_bash_completion, opt_stub_man, opt_no_contract, opt_full_contract)

		# Hide some internal options
		opt_stub_man.hidden = true
		opt_bash_completion.hidden = true
		opt_set_dummy_tool.hidden = true

	# Name, usage and synopsis of the tool.
	# It is mainly used in `usage`.
	# Should be correctly set by the client before calling `process_options`
	# A multi-line string is recommmended.
	# eg. `"Usage: tool [OPTION]... [FILE]...\nDo some things."`
	var tooldescription: String = "Usage: [OPTION]... [ARG]..." is writable

	# Does `process_options` should accept an empty sequence of arguments.
	# ie. nothing except options.
	# Is `false` by default.
	# If required, if should be set by the client before calling `process_options`
	var accept_no_arguments = false is writable

	# print the full usage of the tool.
	# Is called by `process_option` on `--help`.
	# It also could be called by the client.
	fun usage
		print tooldescription

	# Parse and process the options given on the command line
	fun process_options(args: Sequence[String])
		self.opt_warn.value = 1

		# init options

		if opt_help.value then
			exit 0

		if opt_version.value then
			print version
			exit 0

		if opt_bash_completion.value then
			var bash_completion = new BashCompletion(self)
			exit 0

		if opt_stub_man.value then
			print """



			for o in option_context.options do
				var first = true
				printn "### "
				for n in o.names do
					if first then first = false else printn ", "
					printn "`{n}`"
				print ""
				print "{o.helptext}."
				print ""
			print """

The Nit language documentation and the source code of its tools and libraries may be downloaded from <>"""
			exit 0

		var errors = option_context.errors
		if not errors.is_empty then
			for e in errors do print "Error: {e}"
			print tooldescription
			print "Use --help for help"
			exit 1

		nit_dir = locate_nit_dir

		if and not accept_no_arguments then
			print tooldescription
			print "Use --help for help"
			exit 1

		# Set verbose level
		verbose_level = opt_verbose.value

		if opt_keep_going.value then keep_going = true

		if self.opt_quiet.value then self.opt_warn.value = 0

		if opt_log_dir.value != null then log_directory = null)
		if opt_log.value then
			# Make sure the output directory exists

			# Redirect the verbose messages
			log_info = (log_directory/"info.txt").to_path.open_wo

	# Get the current `nit_version` or "DUMMY_VERSION" if `--set-dummy-tool` is set.
	fun version: String do
		if opt_set_dummy_tool.value then
			return "DUMMY_VERSION"
		return nit_version

	# Get the name of the tool or "DUMMY_TOOL" id `--set-dummy-tool` is set.
	fun toolname: String do
		if opt_set_dummy_tool.value then
			return "DUMMY_TOOL"
		return sys.program_name.basename

	# The identified root directory of the Nit package
	# It is assignable but is automatically set by `process_options` with `locate_nit_dir`.
	var nit_dir: nullable String = null is writable

	# Shared files directory.
	# Most often `nit/share/`.
	var share_dir: String is lazy do
		var sharedir = opt_share_dir.value
		if sharedir == null then
			sharedir = nit_dir / "share"
			if not sharedir.file_exists then
				fatal_error(null, "Fatal Error: cannot locate shared files directory in {sharedir}. Uses --share-dir to define it's location.")
		return sharedir

	# Guess a possible nit_dir.
	# It uses, in order:
	# * the option `opt_nit_dir`
	# * the environment variable `NIT_DIR`
	# * the runpath of the program from argv[0]
	# * the runpath of the process from /proc
	# * the search in PATH
	# If there is errors (e.g. the indicated path is invalid) or if no
	# path is found, then an error is displayed and the program exits.
	# The result is returned without being assigned to `nit_dir`.
	# This function is automatically called by `process_options`
	fun locate_nit_dir: String
		# the option has precedence
		var res = opt_nit_dir.value
		if res != null then
			if not check_nit_dir(res) then
				fatal_error(null, "Fatal Error: the value of --nit-dir does not seem to be a valid base Nit directory: {res}.")
			return res

		# then the environ variable has precedence
		res = "NIT_DIR".environ
		if not res.is_empty then
			if not check_nit_dir(res) then
				fatal_error(null, "Fatal Error: the value of NIT_DIR does not seem to be a valid base Nit directory: {res}.")
			return res

		# find the runpath of the program from argv[0]
		res = "{sys.program_name.dirname}/.."
		if check_nit_dir(res) then return res.simplify_path

		# find the runpath of the process from /proc
		var exe = "/proc/self/exe"
		if exe.file_exists then
			res = exe.realpath
			res = res.dirname.join_path("..")
			if check_nit_dir(res) then return res.simplify_path

		# search in the PATH
		var path_sep = if is_windows then ";" else ":"
		var ps = "PATH".environ.split(path_sep)
		for p in ps do
			res = p/".."
			if check_nit_dir(res) then return res.simplify_path

		fatal_error(null, "Fatal Error: cannot locate a valid base Nit directory. It is quite unexpected. Try to set the environment variable `NIT_DIR` or to use the `--nit-dir` option.")

	private fun check_nit_dir(res: String): Bool
		return res.file_exists and "{res}/src/nit.nit".file_exists

nitc :: parser_util $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Parse a full module given as a string
	# Fatal error if the `string` is not a syntactically correct module
	fun parse_module(string: String): AModule
		var source = new SourceFile.from_string("", string)
		var lexer = new Lexer(source)
		var parser = new Parser(lexer)
		var tree = parser.parse

		var eof = tree.n_eof
		if eof isa AError then
			self.fatal_error(null, "Fatal Error: {eof.message}.")
		return null)

	# Parse a full classdef given as a string
	# Fatal error if the `string` is not a syntactically correct class definition
	fun parse_classdef(string: String): AClassdef
		var nmodule = parse_module(string)
		var nclassdefs = nmodule.n_classdefs
		if nclassdefs.length != 1 then
			self.fatal_error(null, "Fatal Error: not a classdef.")
		return nclassdefs.first

	# Parse a full propdef given as a string
	# Fatal error if the `string` is not a syntactically correct property definition
	fun parse_propdef(string: String): APropdef
		var mod_string = "class Dummy\n{string}\nend"
		var nclassdef = parse_classdef(mod_string)
		var npropdefs = nclassdef.n_propdefs
		if npropdefs.length != 1 then
			self.fatal_error(null, "Fatal Error: not a propdef.")
		return npropdefs.first

	# Parse a full statement block given as a string
	# Fatal error if the `string` is not a syntactically correct statement block
	fun parse_stmts(string: String): AExpr
		var mod_string = "do\n{string}\nend"
		var nmodule = parse_module(mod_string)
		var nblock = null)
		return nblock

	# Parse a full expression given as a string
	# Fatal error if the `string` is not a syntactically correct expression
	fun parse_expr(string: String): AExpr
		var mod_string = "var dummy = \n{string}"
		var nmodule = parse_module(mod_string)
		var nexpr = null)
		return nexpr

	# Parse a super class declaration
	# Fatal error if the `string` is not a syntactically correct super class declaration
	fun parse_superclass(string: String): APropdef
		var mod_string = "class Dummy\nsuper {string}\nend"
		var nclassdef = parse_classdef(mod_string).as(AStdClassdef)
		var nsuperclasses = nclassdef.n_propdefs
		if nsuperclasses.length != 1 then
			self.fatal_error(null, "Fatal Error: not a super class declaration.")
		return nsuperclasses.first

	# Try to parse the `string` as something
	# Returns the first possible syntacticaly correct type among:
	# - a type `AType`
	# - a single `Token`
	# - an expression `AExpr`
	# - a block of statements `ABlockExpr`
	# - a full module `AModule`
	# - a `AError` if nothing else matches
	#     var tc = new ToolContext
	#     assert tc.parse_something("foo") isa TId
	#     assert tc.parse_something("foo[bar]") isa AExpr
	#     assert tc.parse_something("Foo[Bar]") isa AType
	#     assert tc.parse_something("foo\nbar") isa ABlockExpr
	#     assert tc.parse_something("fun foo do bar\nfoo") isa AModule
	#     assert tc.parse_something("fun fun") isa AParserError
	#     assert tc.parse_something("?%^&") isa ALexerError
	fun parse_something(string: String): ANode
		var source = new SourceFile.from_string("", string)
		var error
		var tree
		var eof
		var lexer

		lexer = new InjectedLexer(source)
		lexer.injected_before.add new TKwvar
		lexer.injected_before.add new TId
		lexer.injected_before.add new TColumn
		lexer.injected_before.add new TClassid
		lexer.injected_before.add new TObra
		lexer.injected_after.add new TCbra
		tree = (new Parser(lexer)).parse
		eof = tree.n_eof
		if not eof isa AError then
			var ntype =
			ntype.parent = null
			return ntype
		error = eof

		lexer = new Lexer(source)
		var first =
		if first isa EOF then return first
		var second =
		if second isa EOF and not second isa AError then
			first.parent = null
			return first

		lexer = new InjectedLexer(source)
		lexer.injected_before.add new TKwvar
		lexer.injected_before.add new TId
		lexer.injected_before.add new TAssign
		lexer.injected_before.add new TOpar
		lexer.injected_after.add new TCpar
		tree = (new Parser(lexer)).parse
		eof = tree.n_eof
		if not eof isa AError then
			var nexpr =
			nexpr.parent = null
			return nexpr
		if eof.location > error.location then error = eof

		lexer = new InjectedLexer(source)
		lexer.injected_before.add new TKwdo
		lexer.injected_before.add new TEol
		lexer.injected_after.add new TEol
		lexer.injected_after.add new TKwend
		tree = (new Parser(lexer)).parse
		eof = tree.n_eof
		if not eof isa AError then
			var nblock =
			nblock.n_kwend = null # drop injected token
			nblock.parent = null
			return nblock
		if eof.location > error.location then error = eof

		lexer = new Lexer(source)
		tree = (new Parser(lexer)).parse
		eof = tree.n_eof
		if not eof isa AError then
			return null)
		if eof.location > error.location then error = eof

		return error

	# Parse the input of the user as something
	fun interactive_parse(prompt: String): ANode
		var oldtext = ""

			printn prompt
			printn " "
			var s = sys.stdin.read_line
			if s == "" then continue
			if s.chars.first == ':' then
				var res = new TString
				res.text = s
				return res

			var text = oldtext + s + "\n"
			oldtext = ""
			var n = parse_something(text)

			if n isa AParserError and n.token isa EOF then
				# Unexpected end of file, thus continuing
				if oldtext == "" then prompt = "." * prompt.length
				oldtext = text

			return n

nitc :: phase $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# The various registered phases to performs
	# The order in the poset is the dependence of phases
	# While you can directly modify the poset (nodes and edges),
	# it is often simpler to use the constructor in `Phase`
	var phases = new POSet[Phase]

	# --disable-phase
	var opt_disable_phase = new OptionArray("Disable a specific phase; use `list` to get the list (debug)", "--disable-phase")

	# --sloppy
	var opt_sloppy = new OptionBool("Force lazy semantic analysis of the source-code (debug)", "--sloppy")

	redef init

		option_context.add_option(opt_disable_phase, opt_sloppy)

	redef fun process_options(args)

		for v in opt_disable_phase.value do
			if v == "list" then
				for p in phases_list do
					var deps = p.in_hierarchy.direct_greaters
					if deps.is_empty then
						print p
						print "{p} (dep: {deps.join(", ")})"
				exit 0

			var found = false
			for p in phases do
				if v != p.to_s then continue
				found = true
				p.disabled = true
			if not found then fatal_error(null, "Error: no phase named `{v}`. Use `list` to list all phases.")

		if opt_sloppy.value then semantize_is_lazy = true

	# The list of registered phases in the application order.
	var phases_list: Sequence[Phase] is lazy do
		var phases = self.phases.to_a
		return phases

	# Is `phase_process_npropdef` not called automatically by `run_phases`?
	# When set to true, it is the responsibility of the tools
	# Is false by default.
	var semantize_is_lazy = false is writable

	# Set of already analyzed modules.
	private var phased_modules = new HashSet[AModule]

	# List of module to process according to `run_phases`
	# This allow some new modules to be found and added while analysing the code.
	var todo_nmodules: Sequence[AModule]

	# Run all registered phases on a set of modules
	fun run_phases(nmodules: Collection[AModule])
		var time0 = get_time"*** SEMANTIC ANALYSIS ***", 1)

		var phases = phases_list

		for phase in phases do" registered phases: {phase}", 2)

		var todo_nmodules = nmodules.to_a
		self.todo_nmodules = todo_nmodules

		while not todo_nmodules.is_empty do
			var nmodule = todo_nmodules.shift
			if phased_modules.has(nmodule) then continue
			phased_modules.add nmodule"Semantic analysis module {nmodule.location.file.filename}", 2)

			var vannot = new AnnotationPhaseVisitor

			for phase in phases do
				if phase.disabled then continue
				assert phase.toolcontext == self
				var errcount = self.error_count
				if errcount != self.error_count then
				errcount = self.error_count
				for nclassdef in nmodule.n_classdefs do
					assert phase.toolcontext == self
					if not semantize_is_lazy then for npropdef in nclassdef.n_propdefs do
						assert phase.toolcontext == self
						phase_process_npropdef(phase, npropdef)
				if errcount != self.error_count then
				for na in vannot.annotations do
					var p = na.parent
					if p isa AAnnotations then p = p.parent
					assert p != null
					phase.process_annotated_node(p, na)
				if errcount != self.error_count then

		var time1 = get_time"*** END SEMANTIC ANALYSIS: {time1-time0} ***", 2)


	# Process the given `phase` on the `npropdef`
	# Called by `run_phases`
	protected fun phase_process_npropdef(phase: Phase, npropdef: APropdef)

	# Run the phase on the given npropdef.
	# Does nothing if `semantize_is_lazy` is false.
	fun run_phases_on_npropdef(npropdef: APropdef)
		if not semantize_is_lazy then return
		if npropdef.is_phased then return
		npropdef.is_phased = true"Semantic analysis of property {npropdef.location.file.filename}", 0)

		var phases = phases_list
		for phase in phases do
			if phase.disabled then continue
			assert phase.toolcontext == self
			phase_process_npropdef(phase, npropdef)

nitc :: modelbuilder_base $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext

	# The modelbuilder 1-to-1 associated with the toolcontext
	fun modelbuilder: ModelBuilder do return null)

	private var modelbuilder_real: nullable ModelBuilder = null


nitc :: simple_misc_analysis $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Execute `AModule::do_simple_misc_analysis` on each module.
	var simple_misc_analysis_phase: Phase = new SimpleMiscAnalysisPhase(self, null)

nitc :: literal $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Parses literal values in the whole AST and produces errors if needed
	var literal_phase: Phase = new LiteralPhase(self, null)

nitc :: glsl_validation $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Shader code validation phase
	var glsl_validation_phase: Phase = new GLSLValidationPhase(self, [literal_phase])

nitc :: modelbuilder $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Option --ignore-visibility
	var opt_ignore_visibility = new OptionBool("Do not check, and produce errors, on visibility issues", "--ignore-visibility")

	redef init

	# Combine module to make a single one if required.
	fun make_main_module(mmodules: Array[MModule]): MModule
		assert not mmodules.is_empty
		var mainmodule
		# We need a main module, so we build it by importing all modules
		mainmodule = new MModule(modelbuilder.model, null, + "-m", new Location(mmodules.first.location.file, 0, 0, 0, 0))
		mainmodule.is_fictive = true
		mainmodule.first_real_mmodule = mmodules.first.first_real_mmodule
		if mainmodule.in_importation.direct_greaters.length == 1 and mainmodule.in_importation.direct_greaters.first == mmodules.first then
			# Drop the fictive module if not needed
			mainmodule = mmodules.first
			# Or else run phases on it
		return mainmodule

	# Run `process_mainmodule` on all phases
	fun run_global_phases(mmodules: Array[MModule])
		if not mmodules.is_empty then
			var mainmodule = make_main_module(mmodules)
			for phase in phases_list do
				if phase.disabled then continue
				phase.process_mainmodule(mainmodule, mmodules)


nitc :: test_phase $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	var default_phase = new DefaultPhase(self, null)

nitc :: mixin $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# --mixin
	var opt_mixins = new OptionArray("Additional module to mix-in", "-m", "--mixin")
	# --define
	var opt_defines = new OptionArray("Define a specific property", "-D", "--define")

	redef init
		option_context.add_option(opt_mixins, opt_defines)

	redef fun make_main_module(mmodules)
		var mixins = opt_mixins.value
		if not mixins.is_empty then
			mmodules.add_all modelbuilder.parse(opt_mixins.value)

		var mainmodule = super

		var defines = opt_defines.value
		if not defines.is_empty then
			var location = mainmodule.location
			var model = mainmodule.model

			# Create a fictive module if needed
			if mainmodule == mmodules.first then
				mainmodule = new MModule(model, null, + "-d", location)
				mainmodule.is_fictive = true
				mainmodule.first_real_mmodule = mmodules.first

			var recv = mainmodule.sys_type
			assert recv != null
			var mclassdef = new MClassDef(mainmodule, recv, location)

			for define in defines do
				var spl = define.split_once_on('=')
				var name = spl.first
				var val = null
				if spl.length > 1 then val = spl[1]
				var prop = mainmodule.try_get_primitive_method(name, recv.mclass)
				if prop == null then
					error(null, "Error: --define: no top-level function `{name}`.")
				var ret = prop.intro.msignature.return_mtype
				var v
				if ret == null then
					error(null, "Error: --define: method `{prop}` is not a function.")
				else if ret.to_s == "Bool" then
					if val == null or val == "true" then
						v = true
					else if val == "false" then
						v = false
						error(null, "Error: --define: method `{prop}` needs a Bool.")
				else if ret.to_s == "Int" then
					if val != null and val.is_numeric then
						v = val.to_i
						error(null, "Error: --define: method `{prop}` needs a Int.")
				else if ret.to_s == "String" then
					if val != null then
						v = val
						error(null, "Error: --define: method `{prop}` needs a String.")
					error(null, "Error: --define: method `{prop}` returns an unsupported type `{ret}`.")
				var pd = new MMethodDef(mclassdef, prop, location)
				pd.msignature = prop.intro.msignature
				pd.constant_value = v

		return mainmodule

nitc :: modelize_class $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Run `AModule::build_classes` on each module
	var modelize_class_phase: Phase = new ModelizeClassPhase(self, null)

nitc :: scope $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Run `APropdef::do_scope` on each propdef.
	var scope_phase: Phase = new ScopePhase(self, null)

nitc :: metrics_base $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext

	# --all
	var opt_all = new OptionBool("Compute all metrics", "--all")

	# --mmodules
	var opt_mmodules = new OptionBool("Compute metrics about mmodules", "--mmodules")
	# --mclassses
	var opt_mclasses = new OptionBool("Compute metrics about mclasses", "--mclasses")
	# --mendel
	var opt_mendel = new OptionBool("Compute mendel metrics", "--mendel")
	# --inheritance
	var opt_inheritance = new OptionBool("Compute metrics about inheritance usage", "--inheritance")
	# --genericity
	var opt_refinement = new OptionBool("Compute metrics about refinement usage", "--refinement")
	# --self
	var opt_self = new OptionBool("Compute metrics about the usage of explicit and implicit self", "--self")
	# --ast
	var opt_ast = new OptionBool("Compute metrics about the usage of nodes and identifiers in the AST", "--ast")
	# --nullables
	var opt_nullables = new OptionBool("Compute metrics on nullables send", "--nullables")
	# --static-types
	var opt_static_types = new OptionBool("Compute explicit static types metrics", "--static-types")
	# --tables
	var opt_tables = new OptionBool("Compute tables metrics", "--tables")
	# --rta
	var opt_rta = new OptionBool("Compute RTA metrics", "--rta")
	# --readme
	var opt_readme = new OptionBool("Compute ReadMe metrics", "--readme")
	# --generate-csv
	var opt_csv = new OptionBool("Also export metrics in CSV format", "--csv")
	# --generate_hyperdoc
	var opt_generate_hyperdoc = new OptionBool("Generate Hyperdoc", "--generate_hyperdoc")
	# --poset
	var opt_poset = new OptionBool("Complete metrics on posets", "--poset")
	# --no-colors
	var opt_nocolors = new OptionBool("Disable colors in console outputs", "--no-colors")
	# --dir
	var opt_dir = new OptionString("Directory where some statistics files are generated", "-d", "--dir")

	# Output directory for metrics files.
	var output_dir: String = "."

	redef init

	redef fun process_options(args)
		var val = self.opt_dir.value
		if val != null then
			val = val.simplify_path
			self.output_dir = val

	# Format and colorize a string heading of level 1 for console output.
	# Default style is yellow and bold.
	fun format_h1(str: String): String do
		if opt_nocolors.value then return str
		return str.yellow.bold

	# Format and colorize a string heading of level 2 for console output.
	# Default style is white and bold.
	fun format_h2(str: String): String do
		if opt_nocolors.value then return str
		return str.bold

	# Format and colorize a string heading of level 3 for console output.
	# Default style is white and nobold.
	fun format_h3(str: String): String do
		if opt_nocolors.value then return str
		return str

	# Format and colorize a string heading of level 4 for console output.
	# Default style is green.
	fun format_h4(str: String): String do
		if opt_nocolors.value then return str

	# Format and colorize a string heading of level 5 for console output.
	# Default style is light gray.
	fun format_p(str: String): String do
		if opt_nocolors.value then return str
		return str.light_gray


nitc :: nitsmell_toolcontext $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext

	# --all
	var opt_all = new OptionBool("Print all code smells for top 10 class", "--all")
	# --get-all
	var opt_get_all = new OptionBool("Print all code smells for all class", "--get-all")
	# --feature-envy
	var opt_feature_envy = new OptionBool("Print feature envy", "--feature-envy")
	# --large-class
	var opt_large_class = new OptionBool("Print large class", "--large-class")
	# --long-methods
	var opt_long_method = new OptionBool("Print long method", "--long-methods")
	# --no-abstract-implementation
	var opt_no_abstract_implementation = new OptionBool("Print the no implemented abstract method", "--no-abstract-implementation")
	# --long-params
	var opt_long_params = new OptionBool("Print long parameters", "--long-params")
	# --move-generics
	var opt_move_generics = new OptionBool("Print the move proposition for generic class", "--move-generics")
	# --move-generics
	var opt_long_method_threshold = new OptionInt("Select long method threshold", 0 ,"--long-method-threshold")
	# --long-method-threshold
	var opt_long_params_threshold = new OptionInt("Select long method parameters threshold", 0 ,"--long-params-threshold")
	# --long-params-threshold
	var opt_nocolors = new OptionBool("Disable colors in console outputs", "--no-colors")

	redef init

	# Format and colorize a string heading of level 1 for console output.
	# Default style is yellow and bold.
	fun format_h1(str: String): String do
		if opt_nocolors.value then return str
		return str.yellow.bold

	# Format and colorize a string heading of level 2 for console output.
	# Default style is white and bold.
	fun format_h2(str: String): String do
		if opt_nocolors.value then return str
		return str.bold

	# Format and colorize a string heading of level 3 for console output.
	# Default style is white and nobold.
	fun format_h3(str: String): String do
		if opt_nocolors.value then return str
		return str

	# Format and colorize a string heading of level 4 for console output.
	# Default style is green.
	fun format_h4(str: String): String do
		if opt_nocolors.value then return str

	# Format and colorize a string heading of level 5 for console output.
	# Default style is light gray.
	fun format_p(str: String): String do
		if opt_nocolors.value then return str
		return str.light_gray

nitc :: nitpretty $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# The working directory used to store temp files.
	var opt_dir = new OptionString("Working directory (default is '.nitpretty')", "--dir")

	# Output pretty printed code with this filename.
	var opt_output = new OptionString("Output name (default is pretty.nit)", "-o",

	# Show diff between source and pretty printed code.
	var opt_diff = new OptionBool("Show diff between source and output", "--diff")

	# Show diff between source and pretty printed code using meld.
	var opt_meld = new OptionBool("Show diff between source and output using meld",

	# --line-width
	var opt_line_width = new OptionInt("Maximum length of lines (use 0 to disable automatic line breaks)", 80, "--line-width")

	# --no-inline
	var opt_no_inline = new OptionBool("Disable automatic one-liners", "--no-inline")

	# Break too long string literals.
	var opt_break_str = new OptionBool("Break too long string literals", "--break-strings")

	# Force `do` on the same line as the method signature.
	var opt_inline_do = new OptionBool("Force do keyword on the same line as the method signature",

	# Force formatting on empty lines.
	# By default empty lines are kept as they were typed in the file.
	# When enabling this option, `nitpretty` will decide where to break lines
	# and will put empty lines to separate properties and code blocks.
	var opt_skip_empty = new OptionBool("Force formatting of empty lines", "--skip-empty")

	# Check formatting instead of pretty printing.
	# This option creates a temporary pretty printed file then checks if the
	# output of the diff command on the source file and the pretty printed one is
	# empty.
	var opt_check = new OptionBool("Check format of Nit source files", "--check")

nitc :: light_ffi_base $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Phase that assign a `FFILanguage` to all `AExternCodeBlock`
	var ffi_language_assignation_phase: Phase = new FFILanguageAssignationPhase(self, null)

nitc :: no_warning $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# The phase should be executed before any warning on the module is processed.
	var no_warning_phase: Phase = new NoWarningPhase(self, [literal_phase])

nitc :: flow $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Run `APropdef::do_flow` on each propdef
	var flow_phase: Phase = new FlowPhase(self, [scope_phase])

nitc :: check_annotation $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Check for unknown annotation in each module
	var check_annotation_phase: Phase = new CheckAnnotationPhase(self, null)

nitc :: ast_metrics $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	var ast_metrics_phase: Phase = new AstMetricsPhase(self, null)

nitc :: detect_variance_constraints $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# --detect-variance-constraints
	var opt_detect_variance_constraints = new OptionBool("Detect the definition-site variance constraints on formal parameters", "--detect-variance-constraints")

	# The DetectVarianceConstraints phase
	var detect_variance_constraints_phase: Phase = new DetectVarianceConstraintsPhase(self, null)

nitc :: model_hyperdoc $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	var model_hyperdoc_phase: Phase = new ModelHyperdocPhase(self, null)

nitc :: poset_metrics $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	var poset_metrics_phase: Phase = new PosetMetricsPhase(self, null)

nitc :: refinement_metrics $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	var refinement_metrics_phase: Phase = new RefinementMetricsPhase(self, null)

nitc :: self_metrics $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	var self_metrics_phase: Phase = new SelfMetricsPhase(self, null)

nitc :: tables_metrics $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	var tables_metrics_phase: Phase = new TablesMetricsPhase(self, null)

nitc :: generate_hierarchies $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	var generate_hierarchies_phase: Phase = new GenerateHierarchyPhase(self, null)

nitc :: local_var_init $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Run `APropdef::do_local_var_init` on each propdef
	var local_var_init_phase: Phase = new LocalVarInitPhase(self, [flow_phase])

nitc :: modelize_property $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Run `AClassdef::build_property` on the classdefs of each module
	var modelize_property_phase: Phase = new ModelizePropertyPhase(self, [modelize_class_phase])

nitc :: parse_annotations $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Parse the annotations on modules, classdefs and propdefs
	var parse_annotations_phase: Phase = new ParseAnnotationsPhase(self,
		[modelize_class_phase, modelize_property_phase])

nitc :: deriving $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Main phase of `deriving`
	var deriving_phase: Phase = new DerivingPhase(self, null)

nitc :: regex_phase $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext

	# Phase checking for errors in regex
	var regex_phase: Phase = new RegexPhase(self, [literal_phase])

nitc :: serialization_model_phase $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext

	# Apply the annotation `serialize_as`
	var serialization_phase_rename: Phase = new SerializationPhaseRename(self, null)

	# Generate serialization and deserialization methods on `auto_serializable` annotated classes.
	var serialization_phase_pre_model: Phase = new SerializationPhasePreModel(self,

nitc :: platform $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Detects the `platform` annotation to set a mobile target platform
	var platform_phase: Phase = new PlatformPhase(self, [modelize_property_phase])

	# Get platform compilation settings from its `name`
	protected fun platform_from_name(name: String): nullable Platform
		return null

nitc :: testing_base $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# opt --full
	var opt_full = new OptionBool("Process also imported modules", "--full")
	# opt --output
	var opt_output = new OptionString("Output name (default is 'nitunit.xml')", "-o", "--output")
	# opt --dirr
	var opt_dir = new OptionString("Working directory (default is '.nitunit')", "--dir")
	# opt --no-act
	var opt_noact = new OptionBool("Does not compile and run tests", "--no-act")
	# opt --nitc
	var opt_nitc = new OptionString("nitc compiler to use", "--nitc")
	# opt --no-time
	var opt_no_time = new OptionBool("Disable time information in XML", "--no-time")

	# Working directory for testing.
	fun test_dir: String do
		var dir = opt_dir.value
		if dir == null then return "nitunit.out"
		return dir

	# Search the `nitc` compiler to use
	# If not `nitc` is suitable, then prints an error and quit.
	fun find_nitc: String
		var nitc = opt_nitc.value
		if nitc != null then
			if not nitc.file_exists then
				fatal_error(null, "error: cannot find `{nitc}` given by --nitc.")
			return nitc

		nitc = "NITC".environ
		if nitc != "" then
			if not nitc.file_exists then
				fatal_error(null, "error: cannot find `{nitc}` given by NITC.")
			return nitc

		var nit_dir = nit_dir or else "."
		nitc = nit_dir / "bin/nitc"
		if not nitc.file_exists then
			fatal_error(null, "Error: cannot find nitc. Set envvar NIT_DIR or NITC or use the --nitc option.")
		return nitc

	# Execute a system command in a more safe context than `Sys::system`.
	fun safe_exec(command: String): Int
		info(command, 2)
		var real_command = """
bash -c "
ulimit -f {{{ulimit_file}}} 2> /dev/null
ulimit -t {{{ulimit_usertime}}} 2> /dev/null
		return system(real_command)

	# The maximum size (in KB) of files written by a command executed trough `safe_exec`
	# Default: 64MB
	var ulimit_file = 65536 is writable

	# The maximum amount of cpu time (in seconds) for a command executed trough `safe_exec`
	# Default: 10 CPU minute
	var ulimit_usertime = 600 is writable

	# Show a single-line status to use as a progression.
	# If `has_progress_bar` is true, then the output is a progress bar.
	# The printed the line starts with `'\r'` and is not ended by a `'\n'`.
	# So it is expected that:
	# * no other output is printed between two calls
	# * the last `show_unit_status` is followed by a new-line
	# If `has_progress_bar` is false, then only the first and last state is shown
	fun show_unit_status(name: String, tests: SequenceRead[UnitTest])
		var line = "\r\x1B[K==== {name} ["
		var done = tests.length
		var fails = 0
		for t in tests do
			if not t.is_done then
				line += " "
				done -= 1
			else if t.error == null then
				line += ".".green.bold
				line += "X".red.bold
				fails += 1

		if not has_progress_bar then
			if done == 0 then
				print "==== {name} | tests: {tests.length}"

		if done < tests.length then
			line += "] {done}/{tests.length}"
			line += "] tests: {tests.length} "
			if fails == 0 then
				line += "OK".green.bold
				line += "KO: {fails}".red.bold
		printn "{line}"

	# Is a progress bar printed?
	# true if color (because and non-verbose mode
	# (because verbose mode messes up with the progress bar).
	fun has_progress_bar: Bool
		return not opt_no_color.value and opt_verbose.value <= 0

	# Clear the line if `has_progress_bar` (no-op else)
	fun clear_progress_bar
		if has_progress_bar then printn "\r\x1B[K"

	# Show the full description of the test-case.
	# The output honors `--no-color`.
	# `more message`, if any, is added after the error message.
	fun show_unit(test: UnitTest, more_message: nullable String) do
		print test.to_screen(more_message, not opt_no_color.value)

	# Set the `NIT_TESTING_PATH` environment variable with `path`.
	# If `path == null` then `NIT_TESTING_PATH` is set with the empty string.
	fun set_testing_path(path: nullable String) do
		"NIT_TESTING_PATH".setenv(path or else "")

nitc :: vim_autocomplete $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Phase generating the files for the Vim plugin
	var autocomplete_phase: Phase = new AutocompletePhase(self, [modelize_class_phase])

	# Shall we generate the files for the Vim plugin?
	var opt_vim_autocomplete = new OptionBool(
		"Generate metadata files used by the Vim plugin for autocompletion", "--vim-autocomplete")

		option_context.add_option opt_vim_autocomplete
		opt_vim_autocomplete.hidden = true

nitc :: actors_generation_phase $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Generate actors
	var actor_phase: Phase = new ActorPhase(self, [modelize_class_phase, modelize_property_phase])

nitc :: static_types_metrics $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	var static_types_metrics_phase: Phase = new StaticTypesMetricsPhase(self, null)

nitc :: serialization_code_gen_phase $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext

	# The second phase of the serialization
	var serialization_phase_post_model: Phase = new SerializationPhasePostModel(self,
		[modelize_property_phase, serialization_phase_pre_model])

nitc :: mclasses_metrics $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext

	# MClass related metrics phase
	var mclasses_metrics_phase: Phase = new MClassesMetricsPhase(self, null)

nitc :: mmodules_metrics $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext

	# MModules related metrics phase
	var mmodules_metrics_phase: Phase = new MModulesMetricsPhase(self, null)

nitc :: readme_metrics $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext

	# README related metrics phase
	var readme_metrics_phase: Phase = new ReadmeMetricsPhase(self, null)

nitc :: auto_super_init $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Phase that inject `super` in constructors that need it.
	var auto_super_init_phase: Phase = new AutoSuperInitPhase(self, [typing_phase])

nitc :: explain_assert $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext

	# Phase modifying the AST to explain assets when they fail
	var explain_assert_phase: Phase = new ExplainAssertPhase(self, [modelize_class_phase, typing_phase, literal_phase])

nitc :: inheritance_metrics $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext

	# Inheritance related metrics phase
	var inheritance_metrics_phase: Phase = new InheritanceMetricsPhase(self, null)

nitc :: mendel_metrics $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Compute MENDEL metrics.
	# See `mendel_metrics` module documentation.
	var mendel_metrics_phase: Phase = new MendelMetricsPhase(self, null)

nitc :: div_by_zero $ ToolContext
# Note, `ToolContext` is the main overlord class
# Among its jobs, it orchestrates and executes the various phases
redef class ToolContext
	# Instantiate a new specific phase `div_by_zero_phase`
	# It must be executed after the two phases `literal_phase` and `typing_phase`
	# Those two phases are statically known since they are introduced by the modules `literal` and `typing`
	# Note that the constructor automatically register the phase to the ToolContext; this explains why there is `self`
	var div_by_zero_phase: Phase = new DivByZeroPhase(self, [literal_phase, typing_phase])

nitc :: i18n_phase $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Main phase of `language`
	var localize_phase: Phase = new I18NPhase(self, [literal_phase])

nitc :: parallelization_phase $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Transforms a function annotated with "threaded"
	var parallelization_phase: Phase = new ParallelizationPhase(self, null)

nitc :: detect_covariance $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# --detect-variance-constraints
	var opt_detect_covariance = new OptionBool("Detect the static covariance usages", "--detect-covariance")

	# Phase that intercepts static type tests then display statistics about covariance
	private var detect_covariance_phase = new DetectCovariancePhase(self, null)

nitc :: nitni_callbacks $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	var verify_nitni_callback_phase: Phase = new VerifyNitniCallbacksPhase(self, [typing_phase])

nitc :: contracts $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Parses contracts annotations.
	var contracts_phase: Phase = new ContractsPhase(self, [modelize_property_phase,typing_phase])

nitc :: naive_interpreter $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# --discover-call-trace
	var opt_discover_call_trace = new OptionBool("Trace calls of the first invocation of methods", "--discover-call-trace")

	redef init

nitc :: pkgconfig $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Detects the `pkgconfig` annotation on the module declaration only
	var pkgconfig_phase: Phase = new PkgconfigPhase(self, [literal_phase])

	# Is the external program `pkg-config` available?
	var pkgconfig_is_available: Bool is lazy do
		# Ignore/silence the process output
		var proc_which = new ProcessReader("which", "pkg-config")

		var status = proc_which.status
		if status != 0 then
			error(null, "Error: program `pkg-config` not found, make sure it is installed.")
			return false
		return true

	# Check if the `packages` are known by the external program `pkg-config`
	# Missing packages are reported to the console via `ToolContext::error`.
	# Check for errors using `check_errors`.
	fun check_pkgconfig_packages(packages: Array[String])
		if not pkgconfig_is_available then return

		for pkg in packages do
			var proc_exist = new Process("pkg-config", "--exists", pkg)
			var status = proc_exist.status
			if status == 1 then
					"Error: dev package for `{pkg}` unknown by `pkg-config`, install it with `apt-get`, `brew` or similar.")
			else if status != 0 then
					"Error: something went wrong calling `pkg-config`, make sure it is correctly configured.")

nitc :: nullables_metrics $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext

	# Nullable types related metrics
	var nullables_metrics_phase: Phase = new NullablesMetricsPhase(self, null)

nitc :: rta_metrics $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext

	# RTA related metrics phase
	var rta_metrics_phase: Phase = new RTAMetricsPhase(self, null)

nitc :: c_compiler_options $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Phase to find `cflags`, `ldflags` and `cppflags`
	var cflags_phase: Phase = new CCompilerOptionsPhase(self, [platform_phase])

nitc :: extra_java_files $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	var extra_java_files_phase: Phase = new JavaExtraFilesPhase(self, [literal_phase])

nitc :: abstract_compiler $ ToolContext
# Add compiling options
redef class ToolContext
	# --output
	var opt_output = new OptionString("Filename of the generated executable", "-o", "--output")
	# --dir
	var opt_dir = new OptionString("Output directory", "--dir")
	# --run
	var opt_run = new OptionBool("Execute the binary after the compilation", "--run")
	# --no-cc
	var opt_no_cc = new OptionBool("Do not invoke the C compiler", "--no-cc")
	# --no-main
	var opt_no_main = new OptionBool("Do not generate main entry point", "--no-main")
	# --shared-lib
	var opt_shared_lib = new OptionBool("Compile to a native shared library", "--shared-lib")
	# --make-flags
	var opt_make_flags = new OptionString("Additional options to the `make` command", "--make-flags")
	# --max-c-lines
	var opt_max_c_lines = new OptionInt("Maximum number of lines in generated C files. Use 0 for unlimited", 10000, "--max-c-lines")
	# --group-c-files
	var opt_group_c_files = new OptionBool("Group all generated code in the same series of files", "--group-c-files")
	# --compile-dir
	var opt_compile_dir = new OptionString("Directory used to generate temporary files", "--compile-dir")
	# --hardening
	var opt_hardening = new OptionBool("Generate contracts in the C code against bugs in the compiler", "--hardening")
	# --no-check-covariance
	var opt_no_check_covariance = new OptionBool("Disable type tests of covariant parameters (dangerous)", "--no-check-covariance")
	# --no-check-attr-isset
	var opt_no_check_attr_isset = new OptionBool("Disable isset tests before each attribute access (dangerous)", "--no-check-attr-isset")
	# --no-check-assert
	var opt_no_check_assert = new OptionBool("Disable the evaluation of explicit `assert` and `as` (dangerous)", "--no-check-assert")
	# --no-check-autocast
	var opt_no_check_autocast = new OptionBool("Disable implicit casts on unsafe expression usage (dangerous)", "--no-check-autocast")
	# --no-check-null
	var opt_no_check_null = new OptionBool("Disable tests of null receiver (dangerous)", "--no-check-null")
	# --no-check-all
	var opt_no_check_all = new OptionBool("Disable all tests (dangerous)", "--no-check-all")
	# --typing-test-metrics
	var opt_typing_test_metrics = new OptionBool("Enable static and dynamic count of all type tests", "--typing-test-metrics")
	# --invocation-metrics
	var opt_invocation_metrics = new OptionBool("Enable static and dynamic count of all method invocations", "--invocation-metrics")
	# --isset-checks-metrics
	var opt_isset_checks_metrics = new OptionBool("Enable static and dynamic count of isset checks before attributes access", "--isset-checks-metrics")
	# --no-stacktrace
	var opt_no_stacktrace = new OptionBool("Disable the generation of stack traces", "--no-stacktrace")
	# --no-gcc-directives
	var opt_no_gcc_directive = new OptionArray("Disable advanced gcc directives for optimization", "--no-gcc-directive")
	# --release
	var opt_release = new OptionBool("Compile in release mode and finalize application", "--release")
	# -g
	var opt_debug = new OptionBool("Compile in debug mode (no C-side optimization)", "-g", "--debug")
	# --trace
	var opt_trace = new OptionBool("Compile with lttng's instrumentation", "--trace")

	redef init
		self.option_context.add_option(self.opt_output, self.opt_dir, self.opt_run, self.opt_no_cc, self.opt_no_main, self.opt_shared_lib, self.opt_make_flags, self.opt_compile_dir, self.opt_hardening)
		self.option_context.add_option(self.opt_no_check_covariance, self.opt_no_check_attr_isset, self.opt_no_check_assert, self.opt_no_check_autocast, self.opt_no_check_null, self.opt_no_check_all)
		self.option_context.add_option(self.opt_typing_test_metrics, self.opt_invocation_metrics, self.opt_isset_checks_metrics)
		self.option_context.add_option(self.opt_max_c_lines, self.opt_group_c_files)

		opt_no_main.hidden = true
		opt_shared_lib.hidden = true

	redef fun process_options(args)

		if opt_output.value != null and opt_dir.value != null then
			print "Option Error: cannot use both --dir and --output"

		if opt_no_check_all.value then
			opt_no_check_covariance.value = true
			opt_no_check_attr_isset.value = true
			opt_no_check_assert.value = true
			opt_no_check_autocast.value = true
			opt_no_check_null.value = true

nitc :: global_compiler $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# option --global
	var opt_global = new OptionBool("Use global compilation", "--global")

	var global_compiler_phase = new GlobalCompilerPhase(self, [contracts_phase])

	redef init do

nitc :: emscripten $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	redef fun platform_from_name(name)
		if name == "emscripten" then return new EmscriptenPlatform
		return super

nitc :: separate_compiler $ ToolContext
# Add separate compiler specific options
redef class ToolContext
	# --separate
	var opt_separate = new OptionBool("Use separate compilation", "--separate")
	# --no-inline-intern
	var opt_no_inline_intern = new OptionBool("Do not inline call to intern methods", "--no-inline-intern")
	# --no-union-attribute
	var opt_no_union_attribute = new OptionBool("Put primitive attributes in a box instead of an union", "--no-union-attribute")
	# --no-shortcut-equate
	var opt_no_shortcut_equate = new OptionBool("Always call == in a polymorphic way", "--no-shortcut-equal")
	# --no-tag-primitives
	var opt_no_tag_primitives = new OptionBool("Use only boxes for primitive types", "--no-tag-primitives")

	# --colors-are-symbols
	var opt_colors_are_symbols = new OptionBool("Store colors as symbols instead of static data (link-boost)", "--colors-are-symbols")
	# --trampoline-call
	var opt_trampoline_call = new OptionBool("Use an indirection when calling", "--trampoline-call")
	# --guard-call
	var opt_guard_call = new OptionBool("Guard VFT calls with a direct call", "--guard-call")
	# --substitute-monomorph
	var opt_substitute_monomorph = new OptionBool("Replace monomorphic trampolines with direct calls (link-boost)", "--substitute-monomorph")
	# --link-boost
	var opt_link_boost = new OptionBool("Enable all link-boost optimizations", "--link-boost")

	# --inline-coloring-numbers
	var opt_inline_coloring_numbers = new OptionBool("Inline colors and ids (semi-global)", "--inline-coloring-numbers")
	# --inline-some-methods
	var opt_inline_some_methods = new OptionBool("Allow the separate compiler to inline some methods (semi-global)", "--inline-some-methods")
	# --direct-call-monomorph
	var opt_direct_call_monomorph = new OptionBool("Allow the separate compiler to direct call monomorphic sites (semi-global)", "--direct-call-monomorph")
	# --direct-call-monomorph0
	var opt_direct_call_monomorph0 = new OptionBool("Allow the separate compiler to direct call monomorphic sites (semi-global)", "--direct-call-monomorph0")
	# --skip-dead-methods
	var opt_skip_dead_methods = new OptionBool("Do not compile dead methods (semi-global)", "--skip-dead-methods")
	# --semi-global
	var opt_semi_global = new OptionBool("Enable all semi-global optimizations", "--semi-global")
	# --no-colo-dead-methods
	var opt_colo_dead_methods = new OptionBool("Force colorization of dead methods", "--colo-dead-methods")
	# --tables-metrics
	var opt_tables_metrics = new OptionBool("Enable static size measuring of tables used for vft, typing and resolution", "--tables-metrics")
	# --type-poset
	var opt_type_poset = new OptionBool("Build a poset of types to create more condensed tables", "--type-poset")

	redef init
		self.option_context.add_option(opt_colors_are_symbols, opt_trampoline_call, opt_guard_call, opt_direct_call_monomorph0, opt_substitute_monomorph, opt_link_boost)
		self.option_context.add_option(self.opt_inline_coloring_numbers, opt_inline_some_methods, opt_direct_call_monomorph, opt_skip_dead_methods, opt_semi_global)

	redef fun process_options(args)

		var tc = self
		if tc.opt_semi_global.value then
			tc.opt_inline_coloring_numbers.value = true
			tc.opt_inline_some_methods.value = true
			tc.opt_direct_call_monomorph.value = true
			tc.opt_skip_dead_methods.value = true
		if tc.opt_link_boost.value then
			tc.opt_colors_are_symbols.value = true
			tc.opt_substitute_monomorph.value = true
		if tc.opt_substitute_monomorph.value then
			tc.opt_trampoline_call.value = true

	var separate_compiler_phase = new SeparateCompilerPhase(self, [contracts_phase])

nitc :: ios $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	redef fun platform_from_name(name)
		if name == "ios" then return new IOSPlatform
		return super

nitc :: on_demand_compiler $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext

	# --compile-dir
	var opt_compile_dir = new OptionString("Directory used to generate temporary files", "--compile-dir")

	init do option_context.add_option opt_compile_dir

nitc :: frontend $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# FIXME: there is conflict in linex in nitc, so use this trick to force invocation
	private var dummy: Bool = do_dummy

	# SEE `dummy`
	private fun do_dummy: Bool
		# Force no warning before analysing classes
		phases.add_edge(modelize_class_phase, no_warning_phase)
		# Force easy warnings after modelbuilder
		phases.add_edge(simple_misc_analysis_phase, modelize_property_phase)
		# Force easy warnings before intraproc-errors
		phases.add_edge(scope_phase, simple_misc_analysis_phase)
		# Code genrated by the serialization phase must be analyzed for literals
		phases.add_edge(literal_phase, serialization_phase_pre_model)
		phases.add_edge(modelize_class_phase, serialization_phase_pre_model)
		phases.add_edge(modelize_class_phase, parallelization_phase)
		return true

nitc :: nitrestful $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Generate serialization and deserialization methods on `auto_serializable` annotated classes.
	var restful_phase: Phase = new RestfulPhase(self, [modelize_class_phase])

	# Where do we put a single result?
	var opt_output: OptionString = new OptionString("Output file (can also be 'stdout')", "-o", "--output")

	# Where do we put the result?
	var opt_dir: OptionString = new OptionString("Output directory", "--dir")

	redef init
		option_context.add_option(opt_output, opt_dir)

nitc :: nitserial $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Where do we put a single result?
	var opt_output: OptionString = new OptionString("Output file (can also be 'stdout')", "-o", "--output")

	# Where do we put the result?
	var opt_dir: OptionString = new OptionString("Output directory", "--dir")

	# Depth of the visit and generation
	var opt_depth = new OptionEnum(["module", "group", "package"],
		"Depth of the visit and generation", 0, "-d", "--depth")

	redef init
		option_context.add_option(opt_output, opt_dir, opt_depth)

nitc :: nituml $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext

	# Phase that generates UML diagrams from model entities.
	var umlphase: Phase = new UMLPhase(self, null)

	# What to generate?
	var opt_gen = new OptionEnum(["class", "package"], "Choose which type of uml diagram to generate", 0, "--diagram")

	# Generate private?
	var opt_privacy = new OptionBool("Generates private API", "-p", "--private")

	redef init do
		option_context.add_option opt_gen
		option_context.add_option opt_privacy

nitc :: nith $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	redef fun process_options(args)

		var sum = opt_separate.value.to_i + opt_erasure.value.to_i
		if sum > 1 then
			print "Options --separate and --erasure are exclusive"
		else if sum == 0 then
			# --separate by default
			opt_separate.value = true

nitc :: android $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	redef fun platform_from_name(name)
		if name == "android" then return new AndroidPlatform
		return super

nitc :: nitx $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext

	# Used to shortcut the prompt and display directly the result in console.
	var opt_command = new OptionString("Nitx command to perform", "-c", "--command")

	# Compute and use the catalog
	var opt_catalog = new OptionBool("Use catalog", "--catalog")

	init do option_context.add_option(opt_command, opt_catalog)

nitc :: nitdoc $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext

	# Nitdoc generation phase
	var docphase: Phase = new Nitdoc(self, null)

	# Directory where the Nitdoc is rendered
	var opt_dir = new OptionString("Output directory", "-d", "--dir")

	# Do not generate documentation for attributes
	var opt_no_attributes = new OptionBool("Ignore the attributes", "--no-attributes")

	# Do not generate documentation for private properties
	var opt_private = new OptionBool("Also generate private API", "--private")

	# Use a shareurl instead of copy shared files
	# This is usefull if you don't want to store the Nitdoc templates with your
	# documentation.
	var opt_shareurl = new OptionString("Use shareurl instead of copy shared files", "--shareurl")

	# Use a custom title for the homepage
	var opt_custom_title = new OptionString("Custom title for homepage", "--custom-title")

	# Display a custom brand or logo in the documentation top menu
	var opt_custom_brand = new OptionString("Custom link to external site", "--custom-brand")

	# Display a custom introduction text before the packages overview
	var opt_custom_intro = new OptionString("Custom intro text for homepage", "--custom-overview-text")

	# Display a custom footer on each documentation page
	# Generally used to display the documentation or product version.
	var opt_custom_footer = new OptionString("Custom footer text", "--custom-footer-text")

	# Piwik tracker URL
	# If you want to monitor your visitors.
	var opt_piwik_tracker = new OptionString("Piwik tracker URL (ex: ``)", "--piwik-tracker")

	# Piwik tracker site id
	var opt_piwik_site_id = new OptionString("Piwik site ID", "--piwik-site-id")

	# Do not generate dot/graphviz diagrams
	var opt_nodot = new OptionBool("Do not generate graphs with graphviz", "--no-dot")

	# Do not include highlighted code
	var opt_nocode = new OptionBool("Do not generate code with nitlight", "--no-code")

	# File pattern used to link documentation to source code.
	var opt_source = new OptionString("Format to link source code (%f for filename, " +
		"%l for first line, %L for last line) only works with option --no-code", "--source")

	# Disable HTML rendering
	var opt_norender = new OptionBool("DO not render any HTML", "--no-render")

	# Test mode
	# Display test data and remove the progress bar
	var opt_test = new OptionBool("Output test data", "--test")

	redef init do
			opt_dir, opt_no_attributes, opt_private,
			opt_share_dir, opt_shareurl, opt_custom_title,
			opt_custom_footer, opt_custom_intro, opt_custom_brand,
			opt_piwik_tracker, opt_piwik_site_id,
			opt_nodot, opt_nocode, opt_source, opt_norender, opt_test)

nitc :: nitpick $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	# Modules to analyze, other modules will only get a shallow processing.
	var mmodules_to_check = new HashSet[MModule]
	redef fun phase_process_npropdef(phase, npropdef)
		var pd = npropdef.mpropdef

		# Do not analyze the property bodies outside specified modules
		if pd != null and not mmodules_to_check.has(pd.mclassdef.mmodule) then return

nitc :: nitsaf $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext

	# Analysis to apply
	var opt_analysis = new OptionEnum(["reaching-defs"], "Analysis to apply", 0, "--analysis")

	redef init do

nitc :: java_compiler $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext

	# Where to output the generated binary
	var opt_output = new OptionString("Output file", "-o", "--output")

	# Where to output tmp files
	var opt_compile_dir = new OptionString("Directory used to generate temporary files", "--compile-dir")

	# Compile using ant instead of make (faster, but no error display)
	var opt_ant = new OptionBool("Batch with ant (faster, but no error display)", "--ant")

	redef init do
		option_context.add_option(opt_output, opt_compile_dir, opt_ant)

nitc :: codesmells_metrics $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	var codesmells_metrics_phase = new CodeSmellsMetricsPhase(self, null)

nitc :: nitsmells $ ToolContext
# For force nit to do the good linéarisation to remove the toolcontext redef warning
redef class ToolContext
     redef init do super

nitc :: nitc $ ToolContext
redef class ToolContext
	redef fun process_options(args)

		var sum = opt_global.value.to_i + opt_separate.value.to_i + opt_erasure.value.to_i
		if sum > 1 then
			print "Options --global, --separate and --erasure are exclusive"
		else if sum == 0 then
			# --separate by default
			opt_separate.value = true