In order to connect to Neo4j you need a connector:
var client = new Neo4jClient("http://neo4j:7474")
assert client.is_ok
The fundamental units that form a graph are nodes and relationships.
Nodes are used to represent entities stored in base:
var andres = new NeoNode
andres["name"] = "Andres"
# Connect the node to Neo4j
assert andres.is_linked
# Create a second node
var kate = new NeoNode
kate["name"] = "Kate"
assert kate.is_linked
Relationships between nodes are a key part of a graph database. They allow for finding related data. Just like nodes, relationships can have properties.
var loves = new NeoEdge(andres, "LOVES", kate)
assert loves.is_linked
Nodes can also be loaded fron Neo4j:
var url = andres.url.to_s
var from = client.load_node(url)
assert from["name"].to_s == "Andres"
var to = from.out_nodes("LOVES").first # follow the first LOVES relationship
assert to["name"].to_s == "Kate"
For more details, see