In order to connect to Neo4j you need a connector:
var client = new Neo4jClient("http://neo4j:7474")
assert client.is_ok
The fundamental units that form a graph are nodes and relationships.
Nodes are used to represent entities stored in base:
var andres = new NeoNode
andres["name"] = "Andres"
# Connect the node to Neo4j
assert andres.is_linked
# Create a second node
var kate = new NeoNode
kate["name"] = "Kate"
assert kate.is_linked
Relationships between nodes are a key part of a graph database. They allow for finding related data. Just like nodes, relationships can have properties.
var loves = new NeoEdge(andres, "LOVES", kate)
assert loves.is_linked
Nodes can also be loaded fron Neo4j:
var url = andres.url.to_s
var from = client.load_node(url)
assert from["name"].to_s == "Andres"
var to = from.out_nodes("LOVES").first # follow the first LOVES relationship
assert to["name"].to_s == "Kate"
For more details, see
to show more useful information
curl :: native_curl
Binding of C libCurl which allow us to interact with network.serialization :: serialization_core
Abstract services to serialize Nit objects to different formatsdeserialize_json
and JsonDeserializer
and JsonSerializer
core :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
# Neo4j connector through its JSON REST API using curl.
# In order to connect to Neo4j you need a connector:
# # Create new Neo4j client
# var client = new Neo4jClient("http://neo4j:7474")
# assert client.is_ok
# The fundamental units that form a graph are nodes and relationships.
# Nodes are used to represent entities stored in base:
# # Create a disconnected node
# var andres = new NeoNode
# andres["name"] = "Andres"
# # Connect the node to Neo4j
# client.save_node(andres)
# assert andres.is_linked
# # Create a second node
# var kate = new NeoNode
# kate["name"] = "Kate"
# client.save_node(kate)
# assert kate.is_linked
# Relationships between nodes are a key part of a graph database.
# They allow for finding related data. Just like nodes, relationships can have properties.
# # Create a relationship
# var loves = new NeoEdge(andres, "LOVES", kate)
# client.save_edge(loves)
# assert loves.is_linked
# Nodes can also be loaded fron Neo4j:
# # Get a node from DB and explore edges
# var url = andres.url.to_s
# var from = client.load_node(url)
# assert from["name"].to_s == "Andres"
# var to = from.out_nodes("LOVES").first # follow the first LOVES relationship
# assert to["name"].to_s == "Kate"
# For more details, see
module neo4j
import curl_json
import error
# `Neo4jClient` is needed to communicate through the REST API
# var client = new Neo4jClient("http://neo4j:7474")
# assert client.is_ok
class Neo4jClient
# Neo4j REST services baseurl
var base_url: String
# REST service to get node data
private var node_url: String
# REST service to batch
private var batch_url: String
# REST service to send cypher requests
private var cypher_url: String
init(base_url: String) do
self.base_url = base_url
var root = service_root
assert root isa JsonObject else
sys.stderr.write "Neo4jClientError: cannot connect to server at <{base_url}>.\n"
self.node_url = root["node"].to_s
self.batch_url = root["batch"].to_s
self.cypher_url = root["cypher"].to_s
fun service_root: Serializable do return get(base_url / "db/data")
# Is the connection with the Neo4j server ok?
fun is_ok: Bool do return service_root isa JsonObject
# Empty the graph
fun clear_graph do
cypher(new CypherQuery.from_string("MATCH (n) OPTIONAL MATCH n-[r]-() DELETE r, n"))
# Last errors
var errors = new Array[String]
# Nodes view stored locally
private var local_nodes = new HashMap[String, nullable NeoNode]
# Save the node in base
# var client = new Neo4jClient("http://neo4j:7474")
# # Create a node
# var andres = new NeoNode
# andres["name"] = "Andres"
# client.save_node(andres)
# assert andres.is_linked
# Once linked, nodes cannot be created twice:
# var oldurl = andres.url
# client.save_node(andres) # do nothing
# assert andres.url == oldurl
fun save_node(node: NeoNode): Bool do
if node.is_linked then return true
node.neo = self
var batch = new NeoBatch(self)
# batch.create_edges(node.out_edges)
var errors = batch.execute
if not errors.is_empty then
errors.add_all errors
return false
local_nodes[node.url.to_s] = node
return true
# Load a node from base
# Data, labels and edges will be loaded lazily.
fun load_node(url: String): NeoNode do
if local_nodes.has_key(url) then
var node = local_nodes[url]
if node != null then return node
var node = new NeoNode.from_neo(self, url)
local_nodes[url] = node
return node
# Remove the entity from base
fun delete_node(node: NeoNode): Bool do
if not node.is_linked then return false
var url = node.url.to_s
local_nodes[url] = null
node.url = null
return true
# Edges view stored locally
private var local_edges = new HashMap[String, nullable NeoEdge]
# Save the edge in base
# From and to nodes will be created.
# var client = new Neo4jClient("http://neo4j:7474")
# var andres = new NeoNode
# var kate = new NeoNode
# var edge = new NeoEdge(andres, "LOVES", kate)
# client.save_edge(edge)
# assert andres.is_linked
# assert kate.is_linked
# assert edge.is_linked
fun save_edge(edge: NeoEdge): Bool do
if edge.is_linked then return true
edge.neo = self
edge.from.out_edges.add edge edge
var batch = new NeoBatch(self)
var errors = batch.execute
if not errors.is_empty then
errors.add_all errors
return false
local_edges[edge.url.to_s] = edge
return true
# Load a edge from base
# Data will be loaded lazily.
fun load_edge(url: String): NeoEdge do
if local_edges.has_key(url) then
var node = local_edges[url]
if node != null then return node
var edge = new NeoEdge.from_neo(self, url)
local_edges[url] = edge
return edge
# Remove the edge from base
fun delete_edge(edge: NeoEdge): Bool do
if not edge.is_linked then return false
var url = edge.url.to_s
local_edges[url] = null
edge.url = null
return true
# Retrieve all nodes with specified `lbl`
# var client = new Neo4jClient("http://neo4j:7474")
# var andres = new NeoNode
# andres.labels.add_all(["Human", "Male"])
# client.save_node(andres)
# var kate = new NeoNode
# kate.labels.add_all(["Human", "Female"])
# client.save_node(kate)
# var nodes = client.nodes_with_label("Human")
# assert nodes.has(andres)
# assert nodes.has(kate)
fun nodes_with_label(lbl: String): Array[NeoNode] do
var res = get(base_url / "db/data/label/{lbl.to_percent_encoding}/nodes")
var nodes = new Array[NeoNode]
for json in do
var obj =
var node = load_node(obj["self"].to_s)
node.internal_properties = obj["data"].as(JsonObject)
nodes.add node
return nodes
# Retrieve nodes belonging to all the specified `labels`.
# var client = new Neo4jClient("http://neo4j:7474")
# var andres = new NeoNode
# andres.labels.add_all(["Human", "Male"])
# client.save_node(andres)
# var kate = new NeoNode
# kate.labels.add_all(["Human", "Female"])
# client.save_node(kate)
# var nodes = client.nodes_with_labels(["Human", "Male"])
# assert nodes.has(andres)
# assert not nodes.has(kate)
fun nodes_with_labels(labels: Array[String]): Array[NeoNode] do
assert not labels.is_empty
# Build the query.
var buffer = new Buffer
buffer.append "match (n) where \{label_0\} in labels(n)"
for i in [1..labels.length[ do
buffer.append " and \{label_{i}\} in labels(n)"
buffer.append " return n"
var query = new CypherQuery.from_string(buffer.write_to_string)
for i in [0..labels.length[ do
query.params["label_{i}"] = labels[i]
# Retrieve the answer.
var res = cypher(query)
var nodes = new Array[NeoNode]
for json in["data"].as(JsonArray) do
var obj =
var node = load_node(obj["self"].to_s)
node.internal_properties = obj["data"].as(JsonObject)
nodes.add node
return nodes
# Perform a `CypherQuery`
# see: CypherQuery
fun cypher(query: CypherQuery): Serializable do
return post("{cypher_url}", query.to_rest)
# GET JSON data from `url`
fun get(url: String): Serializable do
var request = new JsonGET(url)
var response = request.execute
return parse_response(response)
# POST `params` to `url`
fun post(url: String, params: Serializable): Serializable do
var request = new JsonPOST(url)
request.json_data = params
var response = request.execute
return parse_response(response)
# PUT `params` at `url`
fun put(url: String, params: Serializable): Serializable do
var request = new JsonPUT(url)
request.json_data = params
var response = request.execute
return parse_response(response)
# DELETE `url`
fun delete(url: String): Serializable do
var request = new JsonDELETE(url)
var response = request.execute
return parse_response(response)
# Parse the cURL `response` as a JSON string
private fun parse_response(response: CurlResponse): Serializable do
if response isa CurlResponseSuccess then
var str = response.body_str
if str.is_empty then return new JsonObject
var res = str.parse_json
if res isa JsonParseError then
var e = new NeoError(res.to_s, "JsonParseError")
e.cause = res
return e
if res == null then
# empty response wrap it in empty object
return new JsonObject
else if res isa JsonObject and res.has_key("exception") then
var error = "Neo4jError::{res["exception"] or else "null"}"
var msg = ""
if res.has_key("message") then
msg = res["message"].to_s
return new NeoError(msg, error)
return res
else if response isa CurlResponseFailed then
return new NeoError("{response.error_msg} ({response.error_code})", "CurlError")
return new NeoError("Unexpected response \"{response}\".", "CurlError")
# A Cypher query for Neo4j REST API
# The Neo4j REST API allows querying with Cypher.
# The results are returned as a list of string headers (columns), and a data part,
# consisting of a list of all rows, every row consisting of a list of REST representations
# of the field value - Node, Relationship, Path or any simple value like String.
# Example:
# var client = new Neo4jClient("http://neo4j:7474")
# var query = new CypherQuery
# query.nmatch("(n)-[r:LOVES]->(m)")
# query.nwhere("\"Andres\"")
# query.nreturn("")
# var res = client.cypher(query).as(JsonObject)
# assert res["data"].as(JsonArray) == "Kate"
# For more details, see:
class CypherQuery
# Query string to perform
private var query: String = ""
# `params` to embed in the query like in prepared statements
var params = new JsonObject
# init the query from a query string
init from_string(query: String) do
self.query = query
# init the query with parameters
init with_params(params: JsonObject) do
self.params = params
# Pass the argument `value` as the parameter `key`.
# SEE: `set`
fun []=(key: String, value: nullable Serializable) do
params[key] = value
# Add a `CREATE` statement to the query
fun ncreate(query: String): CypherQuery do
self.query = "{self.query}CREATE {query} "
return self
# Add a `START` statement to the query
fun nstart(query: String): CypherQuery do
self.query = "{self.query}START {query} "
return self
# Add a `MATCH` statement to the query
fun nmatch(query: String): CypherQuery do
self.query = "{self.query}MATCH {query} "
return self
# Add a `WHERE` statement to the query
fun nwhere(query: String): CypherQuery do
self.query = "{self.query}WHERE {query} "
return self
# Add a `AND` statement to the query
fun nand(query: String): CypherQuery do
self.query = "{self.query}AND {query} "
return self
# Add a `RETURN` statement to the query
fun nreturn(query: String): CypherQuery do
self.query = "{self.query}RETURN {query} "
return self
# Pass the argument `value` as the parameter `key`.
# Return `self`.
# ```
# var query = (new CypherQuery).
# nmatch("(n)").
# nwhere("n.key = \{key\}").
# set("key", "foo")
# assert query.params["key"] == "foo"
# ```
# SEE: `[]=`
fun set(key: String, value: nullable Serializable): SELF do
self[key] = value
return self
# Translate the query to the body of a corresponding Neo4j REST request.
fun to_rest: JsonObject do
var obj = new JsonObject
obj["query"] = query
if not params.is_empty then
obj["params"] = params
return obj
redef fun to_s do return to_rest.to_s
# The fundamental units that form a graph are nodes and relationships.
# Entities can have two states:
# * linked: the NeoEntity references an existing node or edge in Neo4j
# * unlinked: the NeoEntity is not yet created in Neo4j
# If the entity is initialized unlinked from neo4j:
# # Create a disconnected node
# var andres = new NeoNode
# andres["name"] = "Andres"
# # At this point, the node is not linked
# assert not andres.is_linked
# Then we can link the entity to the base:
# # Init client
# var client = new Neo4jClient("http://neo4j:7474")
# client.save_node(andres)
# # The node is now linked
# assert andres.is_linked
# Entities can also be loaded from Neo4j:
# # Get a node from Neo4j
# var url = andres.url.to_s
# var node = client.load_node(url)
# assert node.is_linked
# When working in connected mode, all reading operations are executed lazily on the base:
# # Get the node `name` property
# assert node["name"] == "Andres" # loaded lazily from base
abstract class NeoEntity
# Neo4j client connector
private var neo: Neo4jClient is noinit
# Entity unique URL in Neo4j REST API
var url: nullable String = null
# Temp id used in batch mode to update the entity
private var batch_id: nullable Int = null
# Load the entity from base
private init from_neo(neo: Neo4jClient, url: String) is nosuper do
self.neo = neo
self.url = url
# Init entity from JSON representation
private init from_json(neo: Neo4jClient, obj: JsonObject) is nosuper do
self.neo = neo
self.url = obj["self"].to_s
self.internal_properties = obj["data"].as(JsonObject)
# Create a empty (and not-connected) entity
init do
self.internal_properties = new JsonObject
# Is the entity linked to a Neo4j database?
fun is_linked: Bool do return url != null
# In Neo4j, both nodes and relationships can contain properties.
# Properties are key-value pairs where the key is a string.
# Property values are JSON formatted.
# Properties are loaded lazily
fun properties: JsonObject do return internal_properties or else load_properties
private var internal_properties: nullable JsonObject = null
private fun load_properties: JsonObject do
var obj = neo.get(url.to_s / "properties").as(JsonObject)
internal_properties = obj
return obj
# Get the entity `id` if connected to base
fun id: nullable Int do
if url == null then return null
return url.split("/").last.to_i
# Get the entity property at `key`
fun [](key: String): nullable Serializable do
if not properties.has_key(key) then return null
return properties[key]
# Set the entity property `value` at `key`
fun []=(key: String, value: nullable Serializable) do properties[key] = value
# Is the property `key` set?
fun has_key(key: String): Bool do return properties.has_key(key)
# Nodes are used to represent entities stored in base.
# Apart from properties and relationships (edges),
# nodes can also be labeled with zero or more labels.
# A label is a `String` that is used to group nodes into sets.
# All nodes labeled with the same label belongs to the same set.
# A node may be labeled with any number of labels, including none,
# making labels an optional addition to the graph.
# Creating new nodes:
# var client = new Neo4jClient("http://neo4j:7474")
# var andres = new NeoNode
# andres.labels.add "Person"
# andres["name"] = "Andres"
# andres["age"] = 22
# client.save_node(andres)
# assert andres.is_linked
# Get nodes from Neo4j:
# var url = andres.url.to_s
# var node = client.load_node(url)
# assert node["name"] == "Andres"
# assert node["age"].to_s.to_i == 22
class NeoNode
super NeoEntity
private var internal_labels: nullable Array[String] = null
private var internal_in_edges: nullable List[NeoEdge] = null
private var internal_out_edges: nullable List[NeoEdge] = null
init do
self.internal_labels = new Array[String]
self.internal_in_edges = new List[NeoEdge]
self.internal_out_edges = new List[NeoEdge]
redef fun to_s do
var tpl = new FlatBuffer
tpl.append "\{"
tpl.append "labels: [{labels.join(", ")}],"
tpl.append "data: {properties.to_json}"
tpl.append "\}"
return tpl.write_to_string
# A label is a `String` that is used to group nodes into sets.
# A node may be labeled with any number of labels, including none.
# All nodes labeled with the same label belongs to the same set.
# Many database queries can work with these sets instead of the whole graph,
# making queries easier to write and more efficient.
# Labels are loaded lazily
fun labels: Array[String] do return internal_labels or else load_labels
private fun load_labels: Array[String] do
var labels = new Array[String]
var res = neo.get(url.to_s / "labels")
if res isa JsonArray then
for val in res do labels.add val.to_s
internal_labels = labels
return labels
# Get the list of `NeoEdge` pointing to `self`
# Edges are loaded lazily
fun in_edges: List[NeoEdge] do return internal_in_edges or else load_in_edges
private fun load_in_edges: List[NeoEdge] do
var edges = new List[NeoEdge]
var res = neo.get(url.to_s / "relationships/in").as(JsonArray)
for obj in res do
edges.add(new NeoEdge.from_json(neo,
internal_in_edges = edges
return edges
# Get the list of `NeoEdge` pointing from `self`
# Edges are loaded lazily
fun out_edges: List[NeoEdge] do return internal_out_edges or else load_out_edges
private fun load_out_edges: List[NeoEdge] do
var edges = new List[NeoEdge]
var res = neo.get(url.to_s / "relationships/out")
for obj in do
edges.add(new NeoEdge.from_json(neo,
internal_out_edges = edges
return edges
# Get nodes pointed by `self` following a `rel_type` edge
fun out_nodes(rel_type: String): Array[NeoNode] do
var res = new Array[NeoNode]
for edge in out_edges do
if edge.rel_type == rel_type then res.add
return res
# Get nodes pointing to `self` following a `rel_type` edge
fun in_nodes(rel_type: String): Array[NeoNode] do
var res = new Array[NeoNode]
for edge in in_edges do
if edge.rel_type == rel_type then res.add edge.from
return res
# A relationship between two nodes.
# Relationships between nodes are a key part of a graph database.
# They allow for finding related data. Just like nodes, relationships can have properties.
# Create a relationship:
# var client = new Neo4jClient("http://neo4j:7474")
# # Create nodes
# var andres = new NeoNode
# andres["name"] = "Andres"
# var kate = new NeoNode
# kate["name"] = "Kate"
# # Create a relationship of type `LOVES`
# var loves = new NeoEdge(andres, "LOVES", kate)
# client.save_edge(loves)
# assert loves.is_linked
# Get an edge from DB:
# var url = loves.url.to_s
# var edge = client.load_edge(url)
# assert edge.from["name"].to_s == "Andres"
# assert["name"].to_s == "Kate"
class NeoEdge
super NeoEntity
private var internal_from: nullable NeoNode
private var internal_to: nullable NeoNode
private var internal_type: nullable String
private var internal_from_url: nullable String
private var internal_to_url: nullable String
init(from: NeoNode, rel_type: String, to: NeoNode) do
self.internal_from = from
self.internal_to = to
self.internal_type = rel_type
redef init from_neo(neo, url) do
var obj = neo.get(url).as(JsonObject)
self.internal_type = obj["type"].to_s
self.internal_from_url = obj["start"].to_s
self.internal_to_url = obj["end"].to_s
redef init from_json(neo, obj) do
self.internal_type = obj["type"].to_s
self.internal_from_url = obj["start"].to_s
self.internal_to_url = obj["end"].to_s
# Get `from` node
fun from: NeoNode do return internal_from or else load_from
private fun load_from: NeoNode do
var node = neo.load_node(internal_from_url.to_s)
internal_from = node
return node
# Get `to` node
fun to: NeoNode do return internal_to or else load_to
private fun load_to: NeoNode do
var node = neo.load_node(internal_to_url.to_s)
internal_to = node
return node
# Get edge type
fun rel_type: nullable String do return internal_type
# Get the JSON body of a REST request that create the relationship.
private fun to_rest: JsonObject do
var obj = new JsonObject
if to.is_linked then
obj["to"] = to.url
obj["to"] = "\{{to.batch_id.to_s}\}"
obj["type"] = rel_type
obj["data"] = properties
return obj
# Batches are used to perform multiple operations on the REST API in one cURL request.
# This can significantly improve performance for large insert and update operations.
# see:
# This service is transactional.
# If any of the operations performed fails (returns a non-2xx HTTP status code),
# the transaction will be rolled back and all changes will be undone.
# Example:
# var client = new Neo4jClient("http://neo4j:7474")
# var node1 = new NeoNode
# var node2 = new NeoNode
# var edge = new NeoEdge(node1, "TO", node2)
# var batch = new NeoBatch(client)
# batch.save_node(node1)
# batch.save_node(node2)
# batch.save_edge(edge)
# batch.execute
# assert node1.is_linked
# assert node2.is_linked
# assert edge.is_linked
class NeoBatch
# Neo4j client connector
var client: Neo4jClient
# Jobs to perform in this batch
# The batch service expects an array of job descriptions as input,
# each job description describing an action to be performed via the normal server API.
var jobs = new HashMap[Int, NeoJob]
# Append a new job to the batch in JSON Format
# see `NeoJob`
fun new_job(nentity: NeoEntity): NeoJob do
var id = jobs.length
var job = new NeoJob(id, nentity)
jobs[id] = job
return job
# Load a node in batch mode also load labels, data and edges
fun load_node(node: NeoNode) do
var job = new_job(node)
job.action = load_node_data_action
job.method = "GET"
if != null then = "/node/{}"
else = "\{{node.batch_id.to_s}\}"
job = new_job(node)
job.action = load_node_labels_action
job.method = "GET"
if != null then = "/node/{}/labels"
else = "\{{node.batch_id.to_s}\}/labels"
# Load in and out edges into node
fun load_node_edges(node: NeoNode) do
var job = new_job(node)
job.action = load_node_in_edges_action
job.method = "GET"
if != null then = "/node/{}/relationships/in"
else = "\{{node.batch_id.to_s}\}/relationships/in"
job = new_job(node)
job.action = load_node_out_edges_action
job.method = "GET"
if != null then = "/node/{}/relationships/out"
else = "\{{node.batch_id.to_s}\}/relationships/out"
# Create a `NeoNode` or a `NeoEdge` in batch mode.
fun save_entity(nentity: NeoEntity) do
if nentity isa NeoNode then
else if nentity isa NeoEdge then
else abort
# Create a node in batch mode also create labels and edges
fun save_node(node: NeoNode) do
if != null or node.batch_id != null then return
# create node
var job = new_job(node)
node.batch_id =
job.action = create_node_action
job.method = "POST" = "/node"
job.body =
# add labels
job = new_job(node)
job.method = "POST" = "\{{node.batch_id.to_s}\}/labels"
job.body = new JsonArray.from(node.labels)
# add edges
# Create multiple nodes
# also create labels and edges
fun save_nodes(nodes: Collection[NeoNode]) do for node in nodes do save_node(node)
# Create an edge
# nodes `edge.from` and `` will be created if not in base
fun save_edge(edge: NeoEdge) do
if != null or edge.batch_id != null then return
# create nodes
# create edge
var job = new_job(edge)
edge.batch_id =
job.action = create_edge_action
job.method = "POST"
if != null then = "/node/{}/relationships"
else = "\{{edge.from.batch_id.to_s}\}/relationships"
job.body = edge.to_rest
# Create multiple edges
fun save_edges(edges: Collection[NeoEdge]) do for edge in edges do save_edge(edge)
# Execute the batch and update local nodes
fun execute: List[NeoError] do
var request = new JsonPOST(client.batch_url)
# request.headers["X-Stream"] = "true"
var json_jobs = new JsonArray
for job in jobs.values do json_jobs.add job.to_rest
request.json_data = json_jobs
var response = request.execute
var res = client.parse_response(response)
return finalize_batch(res)
# Associate data from response in original nodes and edges
private fun finalize_batch(response: Serializable): List[NeoError] do
var errors = new List[NeoError]
if not response isa JsonArray then
errors.add(new NeoError("Unexpected batch response format.", "Neo4jError"))
return errors
# print " {res.length} jobs executed"
for res in response do
if not res isa JsonObject then
errors.add(new NeoError("Unexpected job format in batch response.", "Neo4jError"))
var id = res["id"].as(Int)
var job = jobs[id]
if job.action == create_node_action then
var node =
node.batch_id = null
node.url = res["location"].to_s
else if job.action == create_edge_action then
var edge =
edge.batch_id = null
edge.url = res["location"].to_s
else if job.action == load_node_data_action then
var node =
node.internal_properties = res["body"].as(JsonObject)["data"].as(JsonObject)
else if job.action == load_node_labels_action then
var node =
var labels = new Array[String]
for l in res["body"].as(JsonArray) do labels.add l.to_s
node.internal_labels = labels
else if job.action == load_node_in_edges_action then
var node =
var edges = res["body"].as(JsonArray)
node.internal_in_edges = new List[NeoEdge]
for edge in edges do
node.internal_in_edges.add client.load_edge(["self"].to_s)
else if job.action == load_node_out_edges_action then
var node =
var edges = res["body"].as(JsonArray)
node.internal_out_edges = new List[NeoEdge]
for edge in edges do
node.internal_out_edges.add client.load_edge(["self"].to_s)
return errors
# JobActions
# TODO replace with enum
private fun create_node_action: Int do return 1
private fun create_edge_action: Int do return 2
private fun load_node_data_action: Int do return 3
private fun load_node_labels_action: Int do return 4
private fun load_node_in_edges_action: Int do return 5
private fun load_node_out_edges_action: Int do return 6
# A job that can be executed in a `NeoBatch`
# This is a representation of a neo job in JSON Format
# Each job description should contain a `to` attribute, with a value relative to the data API root
# (so http://neo4j:7474/db/data/node becomes just /node), and a `method` attribute containing
# HTTP verb to use.
# Optionally you may provide a `body` attribute, and an `id` attribute to help you keep track
# of responses, although responses are guaranteed to be returned in the same order the job
# descriptions are received.
class NeoJob
# The job uniq `id`
var id: Int
# Entity targeted by the job
var entity: NeoEntity
init(id: Int, entity: NeoEntity) do = id
self.entity = entity
# What kind of action do the job
# used to attach responses to original Neo objets
private var action: nullable Int = null
# Job HTTP method: `GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE`...
var method: String
# Job service target: `/node`, `/labels` etc...
var to: String
# Body to send with the job service request
var body: nullable Serializable = null
# JSON formated job
fun to_rest: JsonObject do
var job = new JsonObject
job["id"] = id
job["method"] = method
job["to"] = to
if not body == null then
job["body"] = body
return job