An heuristic of the estimated cost going from state to a goal state.

Is is expected that the heuristic is admissible, it means its is an optimistic estimation and never an over-estimate, thus is cannot be higher than the lowest possible remaining cost. See SearchSolver::do_revisit for details.

Default: 0.

Property definitions

ai $ SearchProblem :: heuristic
	# An heuristic of the estimated `cost` going from `state` to a goal state.
	# Is is expected that the heuristic is *admissible*, it means its is an
	# optimistic estimation and never an over-estimate, thus is cannot be
	# higher than the lowest possible remaining cost.
	# See `SearchSolver::do_revisit` for details.
	# Default: `0`.
	fun heuristic(state: S): Float do return 0.0

ai $ PuzzleProblem :: heuristic
	# The sum of the Manhattan distances of each tile to its goal
	# Not the best heuristic but the simplest to implement among the good ones.
	redef fun heuristic(state)
		var p = 0
		var i = -1
		for t in state do
			i += 1

			# The hole does not count
			if t == hole then continue

			var dx = (i % width - t.goal_idx % width).abs
			var dy = (i / width - t.goal_idx / width).abs

			# Add Manhattan distance
			p += dx + dy
		return p.to_f