Abstract search problem over immutable states (S) and actions (A).

This class serves to model problems of planing and path-finding. A state, S, is a point in the search problem and fully models a given state of the world. An action, A, is an available mean of transition between two states.

This abstract class is generic made to work with any kind of states and actions. Therefore, specific subclasses must be developed to implement the required services:

Note that the implemented methods should not temper with the parameters since it is expected that they remain unmodified.

Basic search

These tree method are enough to trigger a basic search.

The methods breadth_first and depth_first return pre-configured solvers for, respectively, a breadth-first search, a depth-first search.

Advanced search

The cost method can be implemented to represent the cost of a single transition. By default, the cost is 1.

The heuristic method can be implemented to represent a lower-bound estimation of the remaining cost to reach a goal state. By default, the heuristic is 0.

If one of these (or both) methods are implemented, the astar method will return a pre-configured solver for a A* search.

More configuration and optimization on the search can to be done in the SearchSolver class.

Introduced properties

abstract fun actions(state: S): nullable SequenceRead[A]

ai :: SearchProblem :: actions

The available applicable actions for a given state.
abstract fun apply_action(state: S, action: A): S

ai :: SearchProblem :: apply_action

The new state when applying a given action
fun astar: SearchSolver[S, A]

ai :: SearchProblem :: astar

return a new best-first solver
fun breadth_first: SearchSolver[S, A]

ai :: SearchProblem :: breadth_first

return a new breadth-first solver
fun cost(state: S, action: A, state2: S): Float

ai :: SearchProblem :: cost

The cost for action from old_state to new_state
fun depth_first: SearchSolver[S, A]

ai :: SearchProblem :: depth_first

return a new depth-first solver
fun epsilon: Float

ai :: SearchProblem :: epsilon

Negligible quantity for float comparisons
fun heuristic(state: S): Float

ai :: SearchProblem :: heuristic

An heuristic of the estimated cost going from state to a goal state.
fun initial_node: SearchNode[S, A]

ai :: SearchProblem :: initial_node

Create the initial node in the search-tree.
abstract fun initial_state: S

ai :: SearchProblem :: initial_state

The starting state for the problem
fun is_goal(state: S): Bool

ai :: SearchProblem :: is_goal

Is the state a goal state?
fun make_memory: Array[Map[S, SearchNode[S, A]]]

ai :: SearchProblem :: make_memory

Various Map implementations of memory.
fun run_configs(steps: Int)

ai :: SearchProblem :: run_configs

Run and evaluate solvers with multiple configuration.

Redefined properties

redef type SELF: SearchProblem[S, A]

ai $ SearchProblem :: SELF

Type of this instance, automatically specialized in every class

All properties

fun !=(other: nullable Object): Bool

core :: Object :: !=

Have self and other different values?
fun ==(other: nullable Object): Bool

core :: Object :: ==

Have self and other the same value?
type CLASS: Class[SELF]

core :: Object :: CLASS

The type of the class of self.
type SELF: Object

core :: Object :: SELF

Type of this instance, automatically specialized in every class
abstract fun actions(state: S): nullable SequenceRead[A]

ai :: SearchProblem :: actions

The available applicable actions for a given state.
abstract fun apply_action(state: S, action: A): S

ai :: SearchProblem :: apply_action

The new state when applying a given action
fun astar: SearchSolver[S, A]

ai :: SearchProblem :: astar

return a new best-first solver
fun breadth_first: SearchSolver[S, A]

ai :: SearchProblem :: breadth_first

return a new breadth-first solver
protected fun class_factory(name: String): CLASS

core :: Object :: class_factory

Implementation used by get_class to create the specific class.
fun class_name: String

core :: Object :: class_name

The class name of the object.
fun cost(state: S, action: A, state2: S): Float

ai :: SearchProblem :: cost

The cost for action from old_state to new_state
fun depth_first: SearchSolver[S, A]

ai :: SearchProblem :: depth_first

return a new depth-first solver
fun epsilon: Float

ai :: SearchProblem :: epsilon

Negligible quantity for float comparisons
fun get_class: CLASS

core :: Object :: get_class

The meta-object representing the dynamic type of self.
fun hash: Int

core :: Object :: hash

The hash code of the object.
fun heuristic(state: S): Float

ai :: SearchProblem :: heuristic

An heuristic of the estimated cost going from state to a goal state.
init init

core :: Object :: init

fun initial_node: SearchNode[S, A]

ai :: SearchProblem :: initial_node

Create the initial node in the search-tree.
abstract fun initial_state: S

ai :: SearchProblem :: initial_state

The starting state for the problem
fun inspect: String

core :: Object :: inspect

Developer readable representation of self.
protected fun inspect_head: String

core :: Object :: inspect_head

fun is_goal(state: S): Bool

ai :: SearchProblem :: is_goal

Is the state a goal state?
intern fun is_same_instance(other: nullable Object): Bool

core :: Object :: is_same_instance

Return true if self and other are the same instance (i.e. same identity).
fun is_same_serialized(other: nullable Object): Bool

core :: Object :: is_same_serialized

Is self the same as other in a serialization context?
intern fun is_same_type(other: Object): Bool

core :: Object :: is_same_type

Return true if self and other have the same dynamic type.
fun make_memory: Array[Map[S, SearchNode[S, A]]]

ai :: SearchProblem :: make_memory

Various Map implementations of memory.
intern fun object_id: Int

core :: Object :: object_id

An internal hash code for the object based on its identity.
fun output

core :: Object :: output

Display self on stdout (debug only).
intern fun output_class_name

core :: Object :: output_class_name

Display class name on stdout (debug only).
fun run_configs(steps: Int)

ai :: SearchProblem :: run_configs

Run and evaluate solvers with multiple configuration.
fun serialization_hash: Int

core :: Object :: serialization_hash

Hash value use for serialization
intern fun sys: Sys

core :: Object :: sys

Return the global sys object, the only instance of the Sys class.
abstract fun to_jvalue(env: JniEnv): JValue

core :: Object :: to_jvalue

fun to_s: String

core :: Object :: to_s

User readable representation of self.
package_diagram ai::SearchProblem SearchProblem core::Object Object ai::SearchProblem->core::Object ai::PuzzleProblem PuzzleProblem ai::PuzzleProblem->ai::SearchProblem


interface Object

core :: Object

The root of the class hierarchy.


class PuzzleProblem

ai :: PuzzleProblem

The state (S) is a square grid, modeled as a one-dimensional array of Tile.

Class definitions

ai $ SearchProblem
# Abstract search problem over immutable states (`S`) and actions (`A`).
# This class serves to model problems of planing and path-finding.
# A state, `S`, is a point in the search problem and fully models a given state of the world.
# An action, `A`, is an available mean of transition between two states.
# This abstract class is generic made to work with any kind of states and actions.
# Therefore, specific subclasses must be developed to implement the required services:
# * `initial_state`
# * `actions`
# * `apply_action`
# * `is_goal`
# Note that the implemented methods should not temper with the parameters since it is expected
# that they remain unmodified.
# # Basic search
# These tree method are enough to trigger a basic search.
# The methods `breadth_first` and `depth_first` return pre-configured solvers for, respectively,
# a breadth-first search, a depth-first search.
# # Advanced search
# The `cost` method can be implemented to represent the cost of a single transition.
# By default, the cost is 1.
# The `heuristic` method can be implemented to represent a lower-bound estimation of the remaining
# cost to reach a goal state.
# By default, the heuristic is 0.
# If one of these (or both) methods are implemented, the `astar` method will return a pre-configured
# solver for a A* search.
# More configuration and optimization on the search can to be done in the `SearchSolver` class.
interface SearchProblem[S: Object, A]
	# The starting state for the problem
	fun initial_state: S is abstract

	# The available applicable actions for a given state.
	# While there is a potential large number of distinct states and actions, there should be only
	# a small number of possible action from a specific state (a small, or at least finite, branching factor).
	fun actions(state: S): nullable SequenceRead[A] is abstract

	# The new state when applying a given action
	# The returned state can be:
	# * a completely new state,
	# * an existing state,
	# * a new state but equals to an existing state
	#   in this case, ensure that the `==` and `hash` method
	#   are correctly implemented.
	# Remember, this method should not modify its parameters.
	# REQUIRE: `actions(state).has(action)`
	fun apply_action(state:S, action:A): S is abstract

	# Is the state a goal state?
	# Once a goal state is found, the solver is automatically stopped.
	# A problem can have 0, one or more goals if it makes sense
	# but solver must be used accordingly.
	# Default: no goals
	fun is_goal(state:S): Bool do return false

	# The cost for `action` from `old_state` to `new_state`
	# REQUIRE: `apply_action(old_state, action) == new_state`
	# Default: `1`.
	# Note that having a 0 or negative value can make some search
	# algorithms fail, or not terminate.
	fun cost(state:S, action:A, state2: S): Float do return 1.0

	# An heuristic of the estimated `cost` going from `state` to a goal state.
	# Is is expected that the heuristic is *admissible*, it means its is an
	# optimistic estimation and never an over-estimate, thus is cannot be
	# higher than the lowest possible remaining cost.
	# See `SearchSolver::do_revisit` for details.
	# Default: `0`.
	fun heuristic(state: S): Float do return 0.0

	# return a new breadth-first solver
	fun breadth_first: SearchSolver[S, A]
		var todo = (new Array[SearchNode[S, A]]).as_fifo
		var sol = new SearchSolver[S, A](self, todo)
		return sol

	# return a new depth-first solver
	fun depth_first: SearchSolver[S, A]
		var todo = (new List[SearchNode[S, A]]).as_lifo
		var sol = new SearchSolver[S, A](self, todo)
		return sol

	# return a new best-first solver
	# notes:
	# * if `heuristic` is not defined, this is basically a Dijkstra search.
	# * if `cost` in not defined either, this is basically a breadth-first search.
	fun astar: SearchSolver[S, A]
		var cpt = new NodeComparator[S, A]
		var todo = new MinHeap[SearchNode[S, A]](cpt)
		var sol = new SearchSolver[S, A](self, todo)
		return sol

	# Create the initial node in the search-tree.
	# Used internally by the solvers but made public for those who want to replay a plan.
	fun initial_node: SearchNode[S, A]
		var res = new SearchNode[S,A](self, initial_state, null, null, 0.0, 0)
		return res

	# Negligible quantity for float comparisons
	# Because of float imprecision, two really near float values should be considered equals.
	# However, the specific epsilon value could be specific to the problem.
	# The epsilon value is used for cost comparisons.
	# Default: 1E-9
	fun epsilon: Float do return 0.000000001

	# Run and evaluate solvers with multiple configuration.
	# This method can be used to evaluate which configuration to choose by default for a given problem.
	# `steps` is the maximum number of steps a giver configuration can run.
	fun run_configs(steps: Int)
		var c = 0
			if astar.run_config(steps, c, "A*") then break
			c += 1

	# Various Map implementations of memory.
	# In order to try more configurations with `run_config`, this method
	# is called to provide alternative implementation.
	# For instance, a subclass can redefine this method and extends the result with an additional `RBTreeMap`.
	# Note: because the true nature of the sates `S` is left to the user, some
	# specific Map implementation could be more efficient than a HashMop.
	# Default: A `HashMap`
	fun make_memory: Array[Map[S, SearchNode[S, A]]]
		var res = new Array[Map[S, SearchNode[S, A]]]
		res.add new HashMap[S, SearchNode[S, A]]
		return res