Property definitions

cartesian $ Cartesian :: defaultinit
# A view of a Cartesian-product collection over two collections.
# A Cartesian product over two collections is just a collection of pairs.
# Therefore, this view *contains* all the pairs of elements constructed by associating each
# element of the first collection to each element of the second collection.
# However the view is memory-efficient and the pairs are created only when needed.
# A simple Cartesian product
# ~~~~
# var c1 = [1,2]
# var c2 = ["a","b","c"]
# var c12 = new Cartesian[Int,String](c1, c2)
# assert c12.length    == 6
# assert c12.join(";") == "(1,a);(1,b);(1,c);(2,a);(2,b);(2,c)" # All the 6 pairs
# ~~~~
# Note: because it is a view, changes on the base collections are reflected on the view.
# E.g. c12 is a view on c1 and c2, so if c1 changes, then c12 "changes".
# ~~~~
# assert c2.pop        == "c"
# assert c12.length    == 4
# assert c12.join(";") == "(1,a);(1,b);(2,a);(2,b)" # All the 4 remaining pairs
# ~~~~
# Cartesian objects are collections, so can be used to build another Cartesian object.
# ~~~~
# var c3 = [1000..2000[
# var c123 = new Cartesian[Pair[Int,String],Int](c12, c3)
# assert c123.length   == 4000
# ~~~~
# All methods of Collection are inherited, it is so great!
# E.g. search elements?
# ~~~~
# var p12 = new Pair[Int,String](2,"b")
# assert c12.has(p12)      == true
# var p123 = new Pair[Pair[Int, String], Int](p12, 1500)
# var p123bis = new Pair[Pair[Int, String], Int](p12, 0)
# assert c123.has(p123)    == true
# assert c123.has(p123bis) == false
# ~~~~
class Cartesian[E, F]
	super Collection[Pair[E,F]]

	# The first collection
	var ce: Collection[E]

	# The second collection
	var cf: Collection[F]

	redef fun length do return ce.length * cf.length # optional, but so efficient...

	redef fun iterator do return new CartesianIterator[E,F](self)

	# Returns a new Cartesian where the first collection is the second.
	# Because the full collection is virtual, the operation is cheap!
	fun swap: Cartesian[F, E] do return new Cartesian[F, E](cf, ce)