Compare float numbers with a given precision.

Because of the loss of precision in floating numbers, the == method is often not the best way to compare them.

assert 0.01.is_approx(0.02, 0.1)   == true
assert 0.01.is_approx(0.02, 0.001) == false

Property definitions

core $ Float :: is_approx
	# Compare float numbers with a given precision.
	# Because of the loss of precision in floating numbers,
	# the `==` method is often not the best way to compare them.
	# ~~~
	# assert 0.01.is_approx(0.02, 0.1)   == true
	# assert 0.01.is_approx(0.02, 0.001) == false
	# ~~~
	fun is_approx(other, precision: Float): Bool
		assert precision >= 0.0
		return self <= other + precision and self >= other - precision