This module is the root of the module hierarchy. It provides a very minimal set of classes and services used as a foundation to define other classes and methods.
bucketed_game :: bucketed_game
Game framework with an emphasis on efficient event coordinationaccept_scroll_and_zoom
gamnit :: camera_control_android
Two fingers camera manipulation, pinch to zoom and slide to scrollgamnit :: camera_control_linux
Mouse wheel and middle mouse button to control camerapthreads :: concurrent_array_and_barrier
A basic usage example of the modulespthreads
and pthreads::cocurrent_collections
pthreads :: concurrent_collections
Introduces thread-safe concurrent collectionsserialization :: custom_serialization
Example of an ad hoc serializer that is tailored to transform business specific objects into customized representation.egl
, sdl
and x11
action, which is a standard and minimal file server
cocoa :: foundation
The Foundation Kit provides basic Objective-C classes and structuresfunctional_types.nit
functional :: functional_types
This module provides functional type to represents various function forms.gtk :: gtk_assistant
gtk :: gtk_dialogs
class and services to create it
main service AsyncHttpRequest
to show more useful information
actors :: mandelbrot
Example implemented from "The computer Language Benchmarks Game" - Mandelbrotmarkdown2 :: markdown_html_rendering
HTML rendering of Markdown documentsmarkdown2 :: markdown_latex_rendering
LaTeX rendering of Markdown documentsmarkdown2 :: markdown_man_rendering
Manpages rendering of Markdown documentsmarkdown2 :: markdown_md_rendering
Markdown rendering of Markdown documentsmore_collections :: more_collections
Highly specific, but useful, collections-related classes.mpi :: mpi_simple
curl :: native_curl
Binding of C libCurl which allow us to interact with
on Android using a custom Java entry point
nitcc_runtime :: nitcc_runtime
Runtime library required by parsers and lexers generated by nitccnlp :: nlp_server
glesv2 :: opengles2_hello_triangle
Basic example of OpenGL ES 2.0 usage using SDL 2performance_analysis :: performance_analysis
Services to gather information on the performance of events by categoriesrestful
annotation documented at lib/nitcorn/restful.nit
sax :: sax_locator
Interface for associating a SAX event with a document location.Locator
msgpack :: serialization_common
Serialization services forserialization_write
and serialization_read
serialization :: serialization_core
Abstract services to serialize Nit objects to different formatsdeserialize_json
and JsonDeserializer
and JsonSerializer
msgpack :: serialization_write
Serialize full Nit objects to MessagePack formatroot
to execute
by refining the Agent class to make
socket :: socket_simple_server
Simple server example using a non-blockingTCPServer
and App::frame_core_draw
to get a stereoscopic view
gamnit :: texture_atlas_parser
Tool to parse XML texture atlas and generated Nit code to access subtexturescore :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
# Most basic classes and methods.
# This module is the root of the module hierarchy.
# It provides a very minimal set of classes and services used as a
# foundation to define other classes and methods.
module kernel
import end # Mark this module is a top level one. (must be only one)
in "C" `{
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
# System Classes #
# The root of the class hierarchy.
# Each other class implicitly specializes Object,
# therefore the services of Object are inherited by every other class and are usable
# on each value, including primitive types like integers (`Int`), strings (`String`) and arrays (`Array`).
# Note that `nullable Object`, not `Object`, is the root of the type hierarchy
# since the special value `null` is not considered as an instance of Object.
interface Object
# Type of this instance, automatically specialized in every class
# A common use case of the virtual type `SELF` is to type an attribute and
# store another instance of the same type as `self`. It can also be used as as
# return type to a method producing a copy of `self` or returning an instance
# expected to be the exact same type as self.
# This virtual type must be used with caution as it can hinder specialization.
# In fact, it imposes strict restrictions on all sub-classes and their usage.
# For example, using `SELF` as a return type of a method `foo`
# forces all subclasses to ensure that `foo` returns the correct and updated
# type.
# A dangerous usage take the form of a method typed by `SELF` which creates
# and returns a new instance.
# If not correctly specialized, this method would break when invoked on a
# sub-class.
# A general rule for safe usage of `SELF` is to ensure that inputs typed
# `SELF` are stored in attributes typed `SELF` and returned by methods typed
# `SELF`, pretty much the same things as you would do with parameter types.
type SELF: Object
# An internal hash code for the object based on its identity.
# Unless specific code, you should not use this method but
# use `hash` instead.
# As its name hints it, the internal hash code, is used internally
# to provide a hash value.
# It is also used by the `inspect` method to loosely identify objects
# and helps debugging.
# ~~~
# var a = "Hello"
# var b = a
# assert a.object_id == b.object_id
# ~~~
# The specific details of the internal hash code it let to the specific
# engine. The rules are the following:
# * The `object_id` MUST be invariant for the whole life of the object.
# * Two living instances of the same classes SHOULD NOT share the same `object_id`.
# * Two instances of different classes MIGHT share the same `object_id`.
# * The `object_id` of a garbage-collected instance MIGHT be reused by new instances.
# * The `object_id` of an object MIGHT be non constant across different executions.
# For instance, the `nitc` compiler uses the address of the object in memory
# as its `object_id`.
# TODO rename in something like `internal_hash_code`
fun object_id: Int is intern
# Return true if `self` and `other` have the same dynamic type.
# ~~~
# assert 1.is_same_type(2)
# assert "Hello".is_same_type("World")
# assert not "Hello".is_same_type(2)
# ~~~
# The method returns false if the dynamic type of `other` is a subtype of the dynamic type of `self`
# (or the other way around).
# Unless specific code, you should not use this method because it is inconsistent
# with the fact that a subclass can be used in lieu of a superclass.
fun is_same_type(other: Object): Bool is intern
# Return true if `self` and `other` are the same instance (i.e. same identity).
# ~~~
# var a = new Buffer
# var b = a
# var c = new Buffer
# assert a.is_same_instance(b)
# assert not a.is_same_instance(c)
# assert a == c # because both buffers are empty
# ~~~
# Obviously, the identity of an object is preserved even if the object is mutated.
# ~~~
# var x = [1]
# var y = x
# x.add 2
# assert x.is_same_instance(y)
# ~~~
# Unless specific code, you should use `==` instead of `is_same_instance` because
# most of the time is it the semantic (and user-defined) comparison that make sense.
# Moreover, relying on `is_same_instance` on objects you do not control
# might have unexpected effects when libraries reuse objects or intern them.
fun is_same_instance(other: nullable Object): Bool is intern
# Have `self` and `other` the same value?
# ~~~
# assert 1 + 1 == 2
# assert not 1 == "1"
# assert 1.to_s == "1"
# ~~~
# The exact meaning of *same value* is left to the subclasses.
# Implicitly, the default implementation, is `is_same_instance`.
# The laws of `==` are the following:
# * reflexivity `a.is_same_instance(b) implies a == b`
# * symmetry: `(a == b) == (b == a)`
# * transitivity: `(a == b) and (b == c) implies (a == c)`
# `==` might not be constant on some objects overtime because of their evolution.
# ~~~
# var a = [1]
# var b = [1]
# var c = [1,2]
# assert a == b and not a == c
# a.add 2
# assert not a == b and a == c
# ~~~
# Lastly, `==` is highly linked with `hash` and a specific redefinition of `==` should
# usually be associated with a specific redefinition of `hash`.
# ENSURE `result implies self.hash == other.hash`
fun ==(other: nullable Object): Bool do return self.is_same_instance(other)
# Have `self` and `other` different values?
# `!=` is equivalent with `not ==`.
fun !=(other: nullable Object): Bool do return not (self == other)
# Display self on stdout (debug only).
# This method MUST not be used by programs, it is here for debugging
# only and can be removed without any notice.
# TODO: rename to avoid blocking a good identifier like `output`.
fun output
# Display class name on stdout (debug only).
# This method MUST not be used by programs, it is here for debugging
# only and can be removed without any notice.
# TODO: rename to avoid blocking a good identifier like `output`.
fun output_class_name is intern
# The hash code of the object.
# The hash code is used in many data-structures and algorithms to identify objects that might be equal.
# Therefore, the precise semantic of `hash` is highly linked with the semantic of `==`
# and the only law of `hash` is that `a == b implies a.hash == b.hash`.
# ~~~
# assert (1+1).hash == 2.hash
# assert 1.to_s.hash == "1".hash
# ~~~
# `hash` (like `==`) might not be constant on some objects over time because of their evolution.
# ~~~
# var a = [1]
# var b = [1]
# var c = [1,2]
# assert a.hash == b.hash
# a.add 2
# assert a.hash == c.hash
# # There is a very high probability that `b.hash != c.hash`
# ~~~
# A specific redefinition of `==` should usually be associated with a specific redefinition of `hash`.
# Note that, unfortunately, a correct definition of `hash` that is lawful with `==` is sometime tricky
# and a cause of bugs.
# Without redefinition, `hash` is based on the `object_id` of the instance.
fun hash: Int do return object_id
# The main class of the program.
# `Sys` is a singleton class, its only instance is accessible from everywhere with `sys`.
# Because of this, methods that should be accessible from everywhere, like `print` or `exit`,
# are defined in `Sys`.
# Moreover, unless there is an ambiguity with `self`, the receiver of a call to these methods is implicitly `sys`.
# Basically it means that the two following instructions are equivalent.
# ~~~nit
# print "Hello World"
# sys.print "Hello World"
# ~~~
# ## Methods Implicitly Defined in Sys
# `Sys` is the class where are defined top-level methods,
# i.e. those defined outside of any class like in a procedural language.
# Basically it means that
# ~~~nitish
# redef class Sys
# fun foo do print "hello"
# end
# ~~~
# is equivalent with
# ~~~nitish
# fun foo print "hello"
# ~~~
# As a corollary, in a top-level method, `self` (the current receiver) is always `sys`.
class Sys
# The main method of a program.
# In a module, the instructions defined outside any classes or methods
# (usually called the *main* of the module) is
# an implicit definition of this `main` method.
# Basically it means that the following program
# ~~~nit
# print "Hello World"
# ~~~
# is equivalent with
# ~~~nit
# redef class Sys
# redef fun main do
# print "Hello World"
# end
# end
# ~~~
fun main do end
# The entry point for the execution of the whole program.
# When a program starts, the following implicit sequence of instructions is executed
# ~~~nitish
# sys = new Sys
# ~~~
# Whereas the job of the `run` method is just to execute `main`.
# The only reason of the existence of `run` is to allow modules to refine it
# and inject specific work before or after the main part.
fun run do main
# Number of the last error
fun errno: Int `{ return errno; `}
# Quit the program with a specific return code
fun exit(exit_value: Int) is intern
# Return the global sys object, the only instance of the `Sys` class.
fun sys: Sys is intern
# Abstract Classes #
# The ancestor of class where objects are in a total order.
# In order to work, the method '<' has to be redefined.
interface Comparable
# What `self` can be compared to?
type OTHER: Comparable
# Is `self` lesser than `other`?
fun <(other: OTHER): Bool is abstract
# not `other` < `self`
# Note, the implementation must ensure that: `(x<=y) == (x<y or x==y)`
fun <=(other: OTHER): Bool do return not other < self
# not `self` < `other`
# Note, the implementation must ensure that: `(x>=y) == (x>y or x==y)`
fun >=(other: OTHER): Bool do return not self < other
# `other` < `self`
fun >(other: OTHER): Bool do return other < self
# -1 if <, +1 if > and 0 otherwise
# Note, the implementation must ensure that: (x<=>y == 0) == (x==y)
fun <=>(other: OTHER): Int
if self < other then
return -1
else if other < self then
return 1
return 0
# c <= self <= d
fun is_between(c: OTHER, d: OTHER): Bool
return c <= self and self <= d
# The maximum between `self` and `other` (prefers `self` if equals).
fun max(other: OTHER): OTHER
if self < other then
return other
return self
# The minimum between `self` and `c` (prefer `self` if equals)
fun min(c: OTHER): OTHER
if c < self then
return c
return self
# Discrete total orders.
interface Discrete
super Comparable
redef type OTHER: Discrete
# The next element.
fun successor(i: Int): OTHER is abstract
# The previous element.
fun predecessor(i: Int): OTHER is abstract
# The distance between self and d.
# assert 10.distance(15) == 5
# assert 'Z'.distance('A') == 25
fun distance(d: OTHER): Int
var cursor: OTHER
var stop: OTHER
if self < d then
cursor = self
stop = d
else if self > d then
cursor = d
stop = self
return 0
var nb = 0
while cursor < stop do
cursor = cursor.successor(1)
nb += 1
return nb
# Something that can be cloned
# This interface introduces the `clone` method used to duplicate an instance
# Its specific semantic is left to the subclasses.
interface Cloneable
# Duplicate `self`
# The specific semantic of this method is left to the subclasses;
# Especially, if (and how) attributes are cloned (depth vs. shallow).
# As a rule of thumb, the principle of least astonishment should
# be used to guide the semantic.
# Note that as the returned clone depends on the semantic,
# the `==` method, if redefined, should ensure the equality
# between an object and its clone.
fun clone: SELF is abstract
# A numeric value supporting mathematical operations
interface Numeric
super Comparable
redef type OTHER: Numeric
# Addition of `self` with `i`
fun +(i: OTHER): OTHER is abstract
# Substraction of `i` from `self`
fun -(i: OTHER): OTHER is abstract
# Inverse of `self`
fun -: OTHER is abstract
# Multiplication of `self` with `i`
fun *(i: OTHER): OTHER is abstract
# Division of `self` with `i`
fun /(i: OTHER): OTHER is abstract
# The integer part of `self`.
# assert (0.0).to_i == 0
# assert (0.9).to_i == 0
# assert (-0.9).to_i == 0
# assert (9.9).to_i == 9
# assert (-9.9).to_i == -9
fun to_i: Int is abstract
# The float equivalent of `self`
# assert 5.to_f == 5.0
# assert 5.to_f != 5 # Float and Int are not equals
fun to_f: Float is abstract
# The byte equivalent of `self`
# assert (-1).to_b == 0xFF.to_b
# assert (1.9).to_b == 1.to_b
fun to_b: Byte is abstract
# Is this the value of zero in its domain?
fun is_zero: Bool do return self == zero
# The value of zero in the domain of `self`
fun zero: OTHER is abstract
# The value of `val` in the domain of `self`
# assert 1.0.value_of(2) == 2.0
# assert 1.0.value_of(2.0) == 2.0
# assert 1.value_of(2) == 2
# assert 1.value_of(2.0) == 2
fun value_of(val: Numeric): OTHER is abstract
# Native classes #
# Native Booleans.
# `true` and `false` are the only instances.
# Boolean are manipulated trough three special operators:
# `and`, `or`, `not`.
# Booleans are mainly used by conditional statement and loops.
universal Bool
redef fun object_id is intern
redef fun ==(b) is intern
redef fun !=(b) is intern
redef fun output is intern
redef fun hash do return to_i
# 1 if true and 0 if false
fun to_i: Int
if self then
return 1
return 0
# Native floating point numbers.
# Corresponds to C float.
universal Float
super Numeric
redef type OTHER: Float
redef fun object_id is intern
redef fun ==(i) is intern
redef fun !=(i) is intern
redef fun output is intern
redef fun <=(i) is intern
redef fun <(i) is intern
redef fun >=(i) is intern
redef fun >(i) is intern
redef fun +(i) is intern
redef fun - is intern
redef fun -(i) is intern
redef fun *(i) is intern
redef fun /(i) is intern
redef fun to_i is intern
redef fun to_f do return self
redef fun to_b is intern
redef fun zero do return 0.0
redef fun value_of(val) do return val.to_f
redef fun <=>(other)
if self < other then
return -1
else if other < self then
return 1
return 0
redef fun is_between(c, d)
if self < c or d < self then
return false
return true
# Compare float numbers with a given precision.
# Because of the loss of precision in floating numbers,
# the `==` method is often not the best way to compare them.
# ~~~
# assert 0.01.is_approx(0.02, 0.1) == true
# assert 0.01.is_approx(0.02, 0.001) == false
# ~~~
fun is_approx(other, precision: Float): Bool
assert precision >= 0.0
return self <= other + precision and self >= other - precision
redef fun max(other)
if self < other then
return other
return self
redef fun min(c)
if c < self then
return c
return self
# Native bytes.
# Same as a C `unsigned char`
universal Byte
super Discrete
super Numeric
redef type OTHER: Byte
redef fun successor(i) do return self + i.to_b
redef fun predecessor(i) do return self - i.to_b
redef fun object_id is intern
redef fun hash do return self.to_i
redef fun ==(i) is intern
redef fun !=(i) is intern
redef fun output is intern
redef fun <=(i) is intern
redef fun <(i) is intern
redef fun >=(i) is intern
redef fun >(i) is intern
redef fun +(i) is intern
# On an Byte, unary minus will return `(256 - self) % 256`
# assert -1u8 == 0xFFu8
# assert -0u8 == 0x00u8
redef fun - is intern
redef fun -(i) is intern
redef fun *(i) is intern
redef fun /(i) is intern
# Modulo of `self` with `i`.
# Finds the remainder of division of `self` by `i`.
# assert 5u8 % 2u8 == 1u8
# assert 10u8 % 2u8 == 0u8
fun %(i: Byte): Byte is intern
redef fun zero do return 0.to_b
redef fun value_of(val) do return val.to_b
# `i` bits shift fo the left
# assert 5u8 << 1 == 10u8
fun <<(i: Int): Byte is intern `{ return self << i; `}
# `i` bits shift fo the right
# assert 5u8 >> 1 == 2u8
fun >>(i: Int): Byte is intern `{ return self >> i; `}
redef fun to_i is intern
redef fun to_f is intern
redef fun to_b do return self
redef fun distance(i) do return (self - i).to_i
redef fun <=>(other)
if self < other then
return -1
else if other < self then
return 1
return 0
redef fun is_between(c, d)
if self < c or d < self then
return false
return true
redef fun max(other)
if self < other then
return other
return self
redef fun min(c)
if c < self then
return c
return self
# Is `self` an ASCII whitespace ?
fun is_whitespace: Bool do return self == 0x7Fu8 or self <= 0x20u8
# Native integer numbers.
# Correspond to C int.
universal Int
super Discrete
super Numeric
redef type OTHER: Int
redef fun successor(i) do return self + i
redef fun predecessor(i) do return self - i
redef fun object_id is intern
redef fun hash do return self
redef fun ==(i) is intern
redef fun !=(i) is intern
redef fun output is intern
redef fun <=(i) is intern
redef fun <(i) is intern
redef fun >=(i) is intern
redef fun >(i) is intern
redef fun +(i) is intern
redef fun - is intern
redef fun -(i) is intern
redef fun *(i) is intern
redef fun /(i) is intern
# Modulo of `self` with `i`.
# Finds the remainder of division of `self` by `i`.
# assert 5 % 2 == 1
# assert 10 % 2 == 0
fun %(i: Int): Int is intern
redef fun zero do return 0
redef fun value_of(val) do return val.to_i
# `i` bits shift fo the left
# assert 5 << 1 == 10
fun <<(i: Int): Int is intern `{ return self << i; `}
# `i` bits shift fo the right
# assert 5 >> 1 == 2
fun >>(i: Int): Int is intern `{ return self >> i; `}
redef fun to_i do return self
redef fun to_f is intern
redef fun to_b is intern
redef fun distance(i)
var d = self - i
if d >= 0 then
return d
return -d
redef fun <=>(other)
if self < other then
return -1
else if other < self then
return 1
return 0
redef fun is_between(c, d)
if self < c or d < self then
return false
return true
redef fun max(other)
if self < other then
return other
return self
redef fun min(c)
if c < self then
return c
return self
# The character which code point (unicode-wise) is `self`
# assert 65.code_point == 'A'
# assert 10.code_point == '\n'
# assert 0x220B.code_point == '∋'
fun code_point: Char is intern `{ return (uint32_t)self; `}
# Number of digits of an integer in base `b` (plus one if negative)
# assert 123.digit_count(10) == 3
# assert 123.digit_count(2) == 7 # 1111011 in binary
fun digit_count(b: Int): Int
if b == 10 then return digit_count_base_10
var d: Int # number of digits
var n: Int # current number
# Sign
if self < 0 then
d = 1
n = - self
else if self == 0 then
return 1
d = 0
n = self
# count digits
while n > 0 do
d += 1
n = n / b # euclidian division /
return d
# Optimized version for base 10
fun digit_count_base_10: Int
var val: Int
var result: Int
if self < 0 then
result = 2
val = -self
result = 1
val = self
if val < 10 then return result
if val < 100 then return result+1
if val < 1000 then return result+2
if val < 10000 then return result+3
val = val / 10000
result += 4
# Return the corresponding digit character
# If 0 <= `self` <= 9, return the corresponding character.
# assert 5.to_c == '5'
# If 10 <= `self` <= 36, return the corresponding letter [a..z].
# assert 15.to_c == 'f'
fun to_c: Char
assert self >= 0 and self <= 36 # TODO plan for this
if self < 10 then
return (self + '0'.code_point).code_point
return (self - 10 + 'a'.code_point).code_point
# The absolute value of self
# assert (-10).abs == 10
# assert 10.abs == 10
# assert 0.abs == 0
fun abs: Int do return if self >= 0 then self else -self
# Is `self` an ASCII whitespace ?
fun is_whitespace: Bool do return self == 0x7F or self <= 0x20
# Native characters.
# Characters are denoted with simple quote.
# eg. `'a'` or `'\n'`.
universal Char
super Discrete
redef type OTHER: Char
redef fun object_id is intern
redef fun output `{
if(self < 128){
printf("%c", self);
}else if(self < 2048){
printf("%c%c", 0xC0 | ((0x7C0 & self) >> 6), 0x80 | (0x3F & self));
}else if(self < 65536){
printf("%c%c%c", 0xE0 | ((0xF000 & self) >> 12), 0x80 | ((0xFC0 & self) >> 6) ,0x80 | (0x3F & self));
}else if(self < 2097152){
printf("%c%c%c%c", 0xF0 | ((0x1C0000 & self) >> 18), 0x80 | ((0x3F000 & self) >> 12), 0x80 | ((0xFC0 & self) >> 6), 0x80 | (0x3F & self));
// Bad char
printf("%c", self);
redef fun hash do return code_point
redef fun ==(o) is intern
redef fun !=(o) is intern
redef fun <=(i) is intern
redef fun <(i) is intern
redef fun >=(i) is intern
redef fun >(i) is intern
redef fun successor(i) is intern
redef fun predecessor(i) is intern
# The `i`-th char after self (in code point)
# ~~~
# assert 'A' + 5 == 'F'
# ~~~
# Alias of `successor`.
fun +(i: Int): Char do return successor(i)
# The `i`-th char before self (in code point)
# ~~~
# assert 'F' - 5 == 'A'
# ~~~
# Alias of `predecessor`.
fun -(i: Int): Char do return predecessor(i)
redef fun distance(c)
var d = self.code_point - c.code_point
if d >= 0 then
return d
return -d
# If `self` is a digit then return this digit else return -1.
# assert '5'.to_i == 5
fun to_i: Int
if self == '-' then
return -1
else if is_digit then
return self.code_point - '0'.code_point
return self.to_lower.code_point - 'a'.code_point + 10
# The unicode code point value of `self`
# assert 'A'.code_point == 65
# assert '\n'.code_point == 10
# assert '∋'.code_point == 0x220B
fun code_point: Int is intern `{ return (long)self; `}
# Is `self` an ASCII character ?
# assert 'x'.is_ascii
# assert not 'ま'.is_ascii
fun is_ascii: Bool do return code_point <= 127
# Return the lower case version of self.
# If self is not a letter, then return self
# assert 'A'.to_lower == 'a'
# assert 'a'.to_lower == 'a'
# assert '$'.to_lower == '$'
fun to_lower: Char
if is_upper then
return (code_point + ('a'.distance('A'))).code_point
return self
# Return the upper case version of self.
# If self is not a letter, then return self
# assert 'a'.to_upper == 'A'
# assert 'A'.to_upper == 'A'
# assert '$'.to_upper == '$'
fun to_upper: Char
if is_lower then
return (code_point - ('a'.distance('A'))).code_point
return self
# Is self a digit? (from '0' to '9')
# assert '0'.is_digit == true
# assert '9'.is_digit == true
# assert 'a'.is_digit == false
fun is_digit : Bool
return self >= '0' and self <= '9'
# Is self a lower case letter? (from 'a' to 'z')
# assert 'a'.is_lower == true
# assert 'z'.is_lower == true
# assert 'A'.is_lower == false
# assert '$'.is_lower == false
fun is_lower : Bool
return self >= 'a' and self <= 'z'
# Is self a upper case letter? (from 'A' to 'Z')
# assert 'A'.is_upper == true
# assert 'A'.is_upper == true
# assert 'z'.is_upper == false
# assert '$'.is_upper == false
fun is_upper : Bool
return self >= 'A' and self <= 'Z'
# Is self a letter? (from 'A' to 'Z' and 'a' to 'z')
# assert 'A'.is_letter == true
# assert 'A'.is_letter == true
# assert 'z'.is_letter == true
# assert '$'.is_letter == false
fun is_letter : Bool
return is_lower or is_upper
# Is self a whitespace character?
# These correspond to the "Other" and "Separator" groups of the Unicode.
# In the ASCII encoding, this is those <= to space (0x20) plus delete (0x7F).
# assert 'A'.is_whitespace == false
# assert ','.is_whitespace == false
# assert ' '.is_whitespace == true # space
# assert ' '.is_whitespace == true # non-breaking space
# assert '\t'.is_whitespace == true
fun is_whitespace: Bool
var i = code_point
return i <= 0x20 or i == 0x7F or i == 0xA0
# Pointer classes are used to manipulate extern C structures.
extern class Pointer
# C `NULL` pointer
new nul `{ return NULL; `}
# Is the address behind this Object at NULL?
fun address_is_null: Bool `{ return self == NULL; `}
# Free the memory pointed by this pointer
fun free `{ free(self); `}
# Use the address value
redef fun hash `{ return (long)(intptr_t)self; `}
# Is equal to any instance pointing to the same address
redef fun ==(o) do return o isa Pointer and native_equals(o)
private fun native_equals(o: Pointer): Bool `{ return self == o; `}
# Task with a `main` method to be implemented by subclasses
# This class is provided for compatibility between different parallelization systems.
# It can be used to run a fragment of code on a different thread and
# to register a reaction to UI events.
interface Task
# Main method of this task
fun main do end
# Is this program currently running in a Windows OS?
fun is_windows: Bool `{
#ifdef _WIN32
return 1;
return 0;