Property definitions

core $ Sequence :: defaultinit
# Sequence are indexed collection.
# The first item is 0. The last is `length-1`.
interface Sequence[E]
	super SequenceRead[E]
	super SimpleCollection[E]

	# Set the first item.
	# Is equivalent with `self[0] = item`.
	#     var a = [1,2,3]
	#     a.first = 10
	#     assert a == [10,2,3]
	fun first=(item: E)
	do self[0] = item end

	# Set the last item.
	# Is equivalent with `self[length-1] = item`.
	#     var a = [1,2,3]
	#     a.last = 10
	#     assert a == [1,2,10]
	# If the sequence is empty, `last=` is equivalent with `self[0]=` (thus with `first=`)
	#     var b = new Array[Int]
	#     b.last = 10
	#     assert b == [10]
	fun last=(item: E)
		var l = length
		if l > 0 then
			self[l-1] = item
			self[0] = item

	# A synonym of `push`
	redef fun add(e) do push(e)

	# Add an item after the last one.
	#     var a = [1,2,3]
	#     a.push(10)
	#     a.push(20)
	#     assert a  == [1,2,3,10,20]
	fun push(e: E) is abstract

	# Add each item of `coll` after the last.
	#     var a = [1,2,3]
	#     a.append([7..9])
	#     assert a  == [1,2,3,7,8,9]
	# Alias of `add_all`
	fun append(coll: Collection[E]) do add_all(coll)

	# Remove the last item.
	#     var a = [1,2,3]
	#     assert a.pop  == 3
	#     assert a.pop  == 2
	#     assert a == [1]
	# REQUIRE `not is_empty`
	fun pop: E is abstract

	# Add an item before the first one.
	#     var a = [1,2,3]
	#     a.unshift(10)
	#     a.unshift(20)
	#     assert a  == [20,10,1,2,3]
	fun unshift(e: E) is abstract

	# Add all items of `coll` before the first one.
	#     var a = [1,2,3]
	#     a.prepend([7..9])
	#     assert a  == [7,8,9,1,2,3]
	# Alias of `insert_at(coll, 0)`
	fun prepend(coll: Collection[E]) do insert_all(coll, 0)

	# Remove the first item.
	# The second item thus become the first.
	#     var a = [1,2,3]
	#     assert a.shift  == 1
	#     assert a.shift  == 2
	#     assert a == [3]
	# REQUIRE `not is_empty`
	fun shift: E is abstract

	# Set the `item` at `index`.
	#     var a = [10,20,30]
	#     a[1] = 200
	#     assert a  == [10,200,30]
	# like with `[]`, index should be between `0` and `length-1`
	# However, if `index==length`, `[]=` works like `push`.
	#     a[3] = 400
	#     assert a  == [10,200,30,400]
	# REQUIRE `index >= 0 and index <= length`
	fun []=(index: Int, item: E) is abstract

	# Set the index-th element but wrap
	# Whereas `self[]=` requires the index to exists, the `modulo` accessor automatically
	# wraps overbound and underbouds indexes.
	# ~~~
	# var a = [10,20,30]
	# a.modulo(1) = 200
	# a.modulo(3) = 100
	# a.modulo(-1) = 300
	# a.modulo(-10) = 301
	# assert a == [100, 200, 301]
	# ~~~
	# REQUIRE `not_empty`
	# ENSURE `self[modulo_index(index)] == value`
	fun modulo=(index: Int, value: E) do self[modulo_index(index)] = value

	# Insert an element at a given position, following elements are shifted.
	#     var a = [10, 20, 30, 40]
	#     a.insert(100, 2)
	#     assert a      ==  [10, 20, 100, 30, 40]
	# REQUIRE `index >= 0 and index <= length`
	# ENSURE `self[index] == item`
	fun insert(item: E, index: Int) is abstract

	# Insert all elements at a given position, following elements are shifted.
	#     var a = [10, 20, 30, 40]
	#     a.insert_all([100..102], 2)
	#     assert a      ==  [10, 20, 100, 101, 102, 30, 40]
	# REQUIRE `index >= 0 and index <= length`
	# ENSURE `self[index] == coll.first`
	fun insert_all(coll: Collection[E], index: Int)
		assert index >= 0 and index < length
		if index == length then
		for c in coll do
			insert(c, index)
			index += 1

	# Remove the item at `index` and shift all following elements
	#     var a = [10,20,30]
	#     a.remove_at(1)
	#     assert a  == [10,30]
	# REQUIRE `index >= 0 and index < length`
	fun remove_at(index: Int) is abstract

	# Rotates the elements of self once to the left
	# ~~~nit
	# var a = [12, 23, 34, 45]
	# a.rotate_left
	# assert a == [23, 34, 45, 12]
	# ~~~
	fun rotate_left do
		var fst = shift
		push fst

	# Rotates the elements of self once to the right
	# ~~~nit
	# var a = [12, 23, 34, 45]
	# a.rotate_right
	# assert a == [45, 12, 23, 34]
	# ~~~
	fun rotate_right do
		var lst = pop
		unshift lst