Abstract collection classes and services.

TODO specify the behavior on iterators when collections are modified.

Introduced classes

abstract class CachedIterator[E: Object]

core :: CachedIterator

An iterator that lazyly cache the current item.
interface Collection[E: nullable Object]

core :: Collection

The root of the collection hierarchy.
class Couple[F: nullable Object, S: nullable Object]

core :: Couple

Two objects in a simple structure.
interface CoupleMap[K: nullable Object, V: nullable Object]

core :: CoupleMap

Associative arrays that internally uses couples to represent each (key, value) pairs.
interface IndexedIterator[E: nullable Object]

core :: IndexedIterator

Iterators on indexed collections.
interface Iterator[E: nullable Object]

core :: Iterator

Iterators generate a series of elements, one at a time.
abstract class IteratorDecorator[E: nullable Object]

core :: IteratorDecorator

A basic helper class to specialize specific Iterator decorators
interface Map[K: nullable Object, V: nullable Object]

core :: Map

Maps are associative collections: key -> item.
interface MapIterator[K: nullable Object, V: nullable Object]

core :: MapIterator

Iterators for Map.
class MapKeysIterator[K: nullable Object, V: nullable Object]

core :: MapKeysIterator

Iterator on a 'keys' point of view of a map
interface MapRead[K: nullable Object, V: nullable Object]

core :: MapRead

MapRead are abstract associative collections: key -> item.
class MapValuesIterator[K: nullable Object, V: nullable Object]

core :: MapValuesIterator

Iterator on a 'values' point of view of a map
class Ref[E: nullable Object]

core :: Ref

A collection that contains only one item.
interface RemovableCollection[E: nullable Object]

core :: RemovableCollection

Items can be removed from this collection
interface Sequence[E: nullable Object]

core :: Sequence

Sequence are indexed collection.
interface SequenceRead[E: nullable Object]

core :: SequenceRead

Sequences are indexed collections.
interface Set[E: nullable Object]

core :: Set

Abstract sets.
interface SimpleCollection[E: nullable Object]

core :: SimpleCollection

Items can be added to these collections.

All class definitions

abstract class CachedIterator[E: Object]

core $ CachedIterator

An iterator that lazyly cache the current item.
interface Collection[E: nullable Object]

core $ Collection

The root of the collection hierarchy.
class Couple[F: nullable Object, S: nullable Object]

core $ Couple

Two objects in a simple structure.
interface CoupleMap[K: nullable Object, V: nullable Object]

core $ CoupleMap

Associative arrays that internally uses couples to represent each (key, value) pairs.
interface IndexedIterator[E: nullable Object]

core $ IndexedIterator

Iterators on indexed collections.
interface Iterator[E: nullable Object]

core $ Iterator

Iterators generate a series of elements, one at a time.
abstract class IteratorDecorator[E: nullable Object]

core $ IteratorDecorator

A basic helper class to specialize specific Iterator decorators
interface Map[K: nullable Object, V: nullable Object]

core $ Map

Maps are associative collections: key -> item.
interface MapIterator[K: nullable Object, V: nullable Object]

core $ MapIterator

Iterators for Map.
class MapKeysIterator[K: nullable Object, V: nullable Object]

core $ MapKeysIterator

Iterator on a 'keys' point of view of a map
interface MapRead[K: nullable Object, V: nullable Object]

core $ MapRead

MapRead are abstract associative collections: key -> item.
class MapValuesIterator[K: nullable Object, V: nullable Object]

core $ MapValuesIterator

Iterator on a 'values' point of view of a map
class Ref[E: nullable Object]

core $ Ref

A collection that contains only one item.
interface RemovableCollection[E: nullable Object]

core $ RemovableCollection

Items can be removed from this collection
interface Sequence[E: nullable Object]

core $ Sequence

Sequence are indexed collection.
interface SequenceRead[E: nullable Object]

core $ SequenceRead

Sequences are indexed collections.
interface Set[E: nullable Object]

core $ Set

Abstract sets.
interface SimpleCollection[E: nullable Object]

core $ SimpleCollection

Items can be added to these collections.
package_diagram core::abstract_collection abstract_collection core::kernel kernel core::abstract_collection->core::kernel core::array array core::array->core::abstract_collection core::range range core::range->core::abstract_collection core::list list core::list->core::abstract_collection core::sorter sorter core::sorter->core::array core::sorter->core::range core::circular_array circular_array core::circular_array->core::array core::hash_collection hash_collection core::hash_collection->core::array core::sorter... ... core::sorter...->core::sorter core::circular_array... ... core::circular_array...->core::circular_array core::hash_collection... ... core::hash_collection...->core::hash_collection core::collection collection core::collection->core::list core::collection... ... core::collection...->core::collection


module kernel

core :: kernel

Most basic classes and methods.


module array

core :: array

This module introduces the standard array structure.
module list

core :: list

This module handle double linked lists
module range

core :: range

Module for range of discrete objects.


module a_star

a_star :: a_star

A* pathfinding in graphs
module a_star-m


module abstract_text

core :: abstract_text

Abstract class for manipulation of sequences of characters
module abstract_tree

trees :: abstract_tree

Introduce tree structures abstraction
module activities

android :: activities

Android Activities wrapper
module actors

actors :: actors

Abstraction of the actors concepts
module agent_simulation

actors :: agent_simulation

a "Framework" to make Multi-Agent Simulations in Nit
module ai

ai :: ai

Simple toolkit for artificial intelligence.
module all

sdl2 :: all

Unites the main sdl2 module and its sister library sdl2::image
module android

android :: android

Android services and implementation of app.nit
module android19

gamnit :: android19

Variation using features from Android API 19
module angles

geometry :: angles

Angle related service using Float to represent an angle in radians
module api

github :: api

Nit object oriented interface to Github api.
module app

app :: app

app.nit is a framework to create cross-platform applications
module app

ios :: app

Basic structure for Nit apps on iOS
module app_base

app :: app_base

Base of the app.nit framework, defines App
module app_kit

cocoa :: app_kit

The Application Kit provides services to create GUI
module array_debug

array_debug :: array_debug

Exposes functions to help profile or debug Arrays.
module assets

ios :: assets

Implementation of app::assets
module assets

app :: assets

Portable services to load resources from the assets folder
module assets

android :: assets

Implementation of app::assets
module assets_and_resources

android :: assets_and_resources

Android Assets and Resources Management
module at_boot

android :: at_boot

Import this module to launch Service at device boot
module attributes

sax :: attributes

Interface for a list of XML attributes.
module attributes_impl

sax :: attributes_impl

Default implementation of the Attributes interface.
module audio

linux :: audio

app::audio implementation for GNU/Linux using SDL2 mixer
module audio

android :: audio

Android audio services, wraps a part of android audio API
module audio

ios :: audio

iOS implementation of app::audio using AVAudioPlayer
module audio

app :: audio

Services to load and play Sound and Music from the assets folder
module aware

android :: aware

Android compatibility module
module backtrack

ai :: backtrack

Basic framework for active backtrack solver
module base64

base64 :: base64

Offers the base 64 encoding and decoding algorithms
module basic_ciphers

crypto :: basic_ciphers

Basic cryptographic ciphers and utilities.
module bcm2835

bcm2835 :: bcm2835

Services to control the bcm2835 chipset used in the Raspberry Pi
module binary

binary :: binary

Read and write binary data with any Reader and Writer
module bintree

trees :: bintree

Binary Tree data-structure
module bitmap

bitmap :: bitmap

The Bitmap class represents a 24-bit bitmap image. An instance can be constructed
module bitset

core :: bitset

Services to handle BitSet
module bktree

trees :: bktree

Implementation of BKTree
module bmfont

gamnit :: bmfont

Parse Angel Code BMFont format and draw text
module bootstrap

html :: bootstrap

HTML templates for Bootstrap components.
module boxes

geometry :: boxes

Provides interfaces and classes to represent basic geometry needs.
module bucketed_game

bucketed_game :: bucketed_game

Game framework with an emphasis on efficient event coordination
module bundle

android :: bundle

A mapping class of String to various value types used by the
module bytes

core :: bytes

Services for byte streams and arrays
module bytes

crypto :: bytes

Mix of utilities and services related to bytes
module c

c :: c

Structures and services for compatibility with the C language
module cache

github :: cache

Enable caching on Github API accesses.
module caching

serialization :: caching

Services for caching serialization engines
module camera_control

gamnit :: camera_control

Simple camera control for user, as the method accept_scroll_and_zoom
module camera_control_android

gamnit :: camera_control_android

Two fingers camera manipulation, pinch to zoom and slide to scroll
module camera_control_linux

gamnit :: camera_control_linux

Mouse wheel and middle mouse button to control camera
module cameras

gamnit :: cameras

Camera services producing Model-View-Projection matrices
module cameras_cache

gamnit :: cameras_cache

Cache the Matrix produced by Camera::mvp_matrix
module cardboard

gamnit :: cardboard

Update the orientation of world_camera at each frame using the head position given by android::cardboard
module cardboard

android :: cardboard

Services from the Google Cardboard SDK for virtual reality on Android
module cartesian

cartesian :: cartesian

Memory-efficient Cartesian products on heterogeneous collections.
module chameneosredux

actors :: chameneosredux

Example implemented from "The computer Language Benchmarks Game" - Chameneos-Redux
module checker

dom :: checker

Simple XML validity checker using the dom module
module circular_array

core :: circular_array

Efficient data structure to access both end of the sequence.
module client

gamnit :: client

Client-side network services for games and such
module clusters

dot :: clusters

Example from http://www.graphviz.org/content/cluster
module cocoa

cocoa :: cocoa

Cocoa API, the development layer of OS X
module cocoa_extern_types

cocoa :: cocoa_extern_types

Test extern classes from the Cocoa framework and extern factories
module cocoa_message_box

cocoa :: cocoa_message_box

Simple message box using the Cocoa framework
module codec_base

core :: codec_base

Base for codecs to use with streams
module codecs

core :: codecs

Group module for all codec-related manipulations
module collection

core :: collection

This module define several collection classes.
module collections

java :: collections

Basic Java collections
module combinations

combinations :: combinations

Memory-efficient Cartesian products, combinations and permutation on collections.
module common

gamnit :: common

Services common to the client and server modules
module commonmark_gen

markdown2 :: commonmark_gen

Generate Nitunit tests from commonmark specification.
module concurrent_array_and_barrier

pthreads :: concurrent_array_and_barrier

A basic usage example of the modules pthreads and pthreads::cocurrent_collections
module concurrent_collections

pthreads :: concurrent_collections

Introduces thread-safe concurrent collections
module config

config :: config

Configuration options for nit tools and apps
module console

console :: console

Defines some ANSI Terminal Control Escape Sequences.
module content_handler

sax :: content_handler

Receives notification of the logical content of a document.
module core

core :: core

Standard classes and methods used by default by Nit programs and libraries.
module counter

counter :: counter

Simple numerical statistical analysis and presentation
module cpp

cpp :: cpp

Services for compatibility with C++ code and libraries
module crapto

crapto :: crapto

Cryptographic attacks and utilities.
module crypto

crypto :: crypto

Mix of all things cryptography-related
module csv

csv :: csv

CSV document handling.
module curl

curl :: curl

Data transfer powered by the native curl library
module curl_http

curl :: curl_http

Example use of the Curl module
module curl_json

neo4j :: curl_json

cURL requests compatible with the JSON REST APIs.
module curl_rest

curl :: curl_rest

module curses

curses :: curses

Curses for Nit
module custom_serialization

serialization :: custom_serialization

Example of an ad hoc serializer that is tailored to transform business specific objects into customized representation.
module dalvik

android :: dalvik

Java related services specific to Android and its Dalvik VM
module data_store

app :: data_store

Key/value storage services
module data_store

ios :: data_store

Implements app::data_store using NSUserDefaults
module data_store

android :: data_store

Implements app::data_store using shared_preferences
module data_store

linux :: data_store

app::data_store implementation on GNU/Linux
module date

date :: date

Services to manipulate Date, Time and DateTime
module decl_handler

sax :: decl_handler

SAX2 extension handler for DTD declaration events.
module decorators

markdown :: decorators

Decorators for markdown parsing.
module depth

gamnit :: depth

Framework for 3D games in Nit
module depth_core

gamnit :: depth_core

Base entities of the depth 3D game framework
module deriving

deriving :: deriving

Automatic derivable implementations of standard basic methods.
module digraph

graph :: digraph

Implementation of directed graphs, also called digraphs.
module display

gamnit :: display

Abstract display services
module display_android

gamnit :: display_android

Gamnit display implementation for Android
module display_ios

gamnit :: display_ios

Gamnit display implementation for iOS
module display_linux

gamnit :: display_linux

Gamnit display implementation for GNU/Linux using egl, sdl and x11
module dom

dom :: dom

Easy XML DOM parser
module dot

dot :: dot

Dot rendering library
module drop_privileges

privileges :: drop_privileges

Example using the privileges module to drop privileges from root
module dtd_handler

sax :: dtd_handler

Receives notification of basic DTD-related events.
module dynamic

json :: dynamic

Dynamic interface to read values from JSON strings
module dynamic_resolution

gamnit :: dynamic_resolution

Virtual screen with a resolution independent from the real screen
module egl

egl :: egl

Interface between rendering APIs (OpenGL, OpenGL ES, etc.) and the native windowing system.
module egl

gamnit :: egl

Use of EGL to implement Gamnit on GNU/Linux and Android
module emscripten

emscripten :: emscripten

Platform for the emscripten framework
module engine_tools

serialization :: engine_tools

Advanced services for serialization engines
module english_utils

crapto :: english_utils

English language utilities for cryptographic purposes.
module entity_resolver

sax :: entity_resolver

Basic interface for resolving entities.
module environ

core :: environ

Access to the environment variables of the process
module error

json :: error

Intro JsonParseError which is exposed by all JSON reading APIs
module error

core :: error

Standard error-management infrastructure.
module error

neo4j :: error

Errors thrown by the neo4j library.
module error_handler

sax :: error_handler

Basic interface for SAX error handlers.
module event_queue

event_queue :: event_queue

Register, update and discard events in a timeline.
module events

sdl2 :: events

SDL 2 events and related services
module events

github :: events

Events are emitted by Github Hooks.
module example_angular

popcorn :: example_angular

This is an example of how to use angular.js with popcorn
module example_vsm

vsm :: example_vsm

Example using a FileIndex
module exec

core :: exec

Invocation and management of operating system sub-processes.
module ext

msgpack :: ext

Application specific MessagePack extension MsgPackExt
module ext

posix :: ext

Services not defined in POSIX but provided by most implementations
module ext

sax :: ext

Interfaces to optional SAX2 handlers.
module extra

curl :: extra

Shortcut services for scripts: http_get and http_download
module extra

pthreads :: extra

Offers some POSIX threads services that are not available on all platforms
module fannkuchredux

actors :: fannkuchredux

Example implemented from "The computer Language Benchmarks Game" - Fannkuch-Redux
module fca

fca :: fca

Formal Concept Analysis
module ffi_support

java :: ffi_support

Core supporting services for the FFI with Java
module file

core :: file

File manipulations (create, read, write, etc.)
module file_server

nitcorn :: file_server

Provides the FileServer action, which is a standard and minimal file server
module fixed_ints_text

core :: fixed_ints_text

Text services to complement fixed_ints
module flat

core :: flat

All the array-based text representations
module flat

gamnit :: flat

Simple API for 2D games, built around Sprite and App::update
module flat_core

gamnit :: flat_core

Core services for the flat API for 2D games
module font

gamnit :: font

Abstract font drawing services, implemented by bmfont and tileset
module for_abuse

for_abuse :: for_abuse

Service management through the for control structure.
module foundation

cocoa :: foundation

The Foundation Kit provides basic Objective-C classes and structures
module functional

functional :: functional

Functional types and functional API for Iterator
module functional_gen

functional :: functional_gen

This module is only used to generate functional_types.nit
module functional_types

functional :: functional_types

This module provides functional type to represents various function forms.
module game

android :: game

Android services and implementation of app.nit for gamnit and mnit
module gamepad

android :: gamepad

Support for gamepad events (over Bluetooth or USB)
module gamnit

gamnit :: gamnit

Game and multimedia framework for Nit
module gamnit_android

gamnit :: gamnit_android

Support services for Gamnit on Android
module gamnit_ios

gamnit :: gamnit_ios

Support services for gamnit on iOS
module gamnit_linux

gamnit :: gamnit_linux

Support services for Gamnit on GNU/Linux
module gdk

gtk :: gdk

Services from GDK
module gdk_enums

gtk :: gdk_enums

module gen_nit

gen_nit :: gen_nit

Support to generate and otherwise manipulate Nit code
module geometry

geometry :: geometry

Provides interfaces and classes to represent basic geometry needs.
module gettext

gettext :: gettext

Internationalization of Strings using gettext library
module github

github :: github

Nit wrapper for Github API
module glesv2

glesv2 :: glesv2

OpenGL graphics rendering library for embedded systems, version 2.0
module glkit

ios :: glkit

GLKit services to create an OpenGL ES context on iOS
module gmp

gmp :: gmp

Multi precision integer and rational number using gmp lib
module graph

neo4j :: graph

Provides an interface for services on a Neo4j graphs.
module gtk

gtk :: gtk

GTK+ widgets and services
module gtk_core

gtk :: gtk_core

Classes and services to use libGTK widgets
module gtk_enums

gtk :: gtk_enums

module hash_collection

core :: hash_collection

Introduce HashMap and HashSet.
module hash_debug

hash_debug :: hash_debug

Inject behavior analysis to hash-collections (HashMap, HashSet, etc.)
module hello

dot :: hello

Example from http://www.graphviz.org/content/hello
module hello_cocoa

cocoa :: hello_cocoa

Hello world using the Cocoa framework
module hello_ios

ios :: hello_ios

Simple iOS app with a single label
module helpers

sax :: helpers

Contains "helper" classes, including support for bootstrapping SAX-based applications.
module hooks

github :: hooks

Github hook event listening with nitcorn.
module htcpcp_server

nitcorn :: htcpcp_server

A server that implements HTCPCP. At the moment there are no additions.
module html

html :: html

HTML output facilities
module html_page

html :: html_page

module http_errors

nitcorn :: http_errors

Offers ErrorTemplate to display error pages
module http_request

ios :: http_request

Implementation of app::http_request for iOS
module http_request

app :: http_request

HTTP request services: AsyncHttpRequest and Text::http_get
module http_request

nitcorn :: http_request

Provides the HttpRequest class and services to create it
module http_request

android :: http_request

Android implementation of app:http_request
module http_request

linux :: http_request

Implementation of app::http_request using GDK and Curl
module http_request_buffer

nitcorn :: http_request_buffer

Http request parsing for buffered inputs.
module http_request_example

app :: http_request_example

Example for the app::http_request main service AsyncHttpRequest
module http_response

nitcorn :: http_response

Provides the HttpResponse class and http_status_codes
module image

sdl2 :: image

Services of the SDL_image 2.0 library
module ini

ini :: ini

Read and write INI configuration files
module input

mnit :: input

Defines abstract classes for user and general inputs to the application.
module input

bcm2835 :: input

module input_events

android :: input_events

Pointer and hardware key events
module input_ios

gamnit :: input_ios

Gamnit event support for iOS
module input_source

sax :: input_source

A single input source for an XML entity.
module inspect

serialization :: inspect

Refine Serializable::inspect to show more useful information
module intent

android :: intent

Services allowing to launch activities and start/stop services using
module intent_api10

android :: intent_api10

Services allowing to launch activities and start/stop services using
module intent_api11

android :: intent_api11

Refines intent module to add API 11 services
module intent_api12

android :: intent_api12

Refines intent module to add API 12 services
module intent_api14

android :: intent_api14

Refines intent module to add API 14 services
module intent_api15

android :: intent_api15

Refines intent module to add API 15 services
module intent_api16

android :: intent_api16

Refines intent module to add API 16 services
module intent_api17

android :: intent_api17

Refines intent module to add API 17 services
module intent_api18

android :: intent_api18

Refines intent module to add API 18 services
module intent_api19

android :: intent_api19

Refines intent module to add API 19 services
module io

java :: io

Services from the java.io package
module ios

ios :: ios

iOS platform support
module iso8859_1

core :: iso8859_1

Codec for ISO8859-1 I/O
module iter_extras

functional :: iter_extras

This modules provides a new functional interface for Iterator.
module java

java :: java

Supporting services for the FFI with Java and to access Java libraries
module jointask_example

pthreads :: jointask_example

Simple example of joinable task using threadpool
module json

json :: json

Read and write JSON formatted text using the standard serialization services
module json_graph_store

neo4j :: json_graph_store

Provides JSON as a mean to store graphs.
module jvm

jvm :: jvm

Java Virtual Machine invocation API and others services from the JNI C API
module keys

gamnit :: keys

Simple service keeping track of which keys are currently pressed
module landscape

android :: landscape

Lock the application in the landscape orientation
module landscape

gamnit :: landscape

Lock the application in the landscape orientation
module langannot

gettext :: langannot

Sample module showing the use of the i18n annotation
module lexer

saxophonit :: lexer

SAXophoNit’s lexer
module lexical_handler

sax :: lexical_handler

SAX2 extension handler for lexical events.
module lexpr

logic :: lexpr

Logical expression.
module libevent

libevent :: libevent

Low-level wrapper around the libevent library to manage events on file descriptors
module libevent_example

libevent :: libevent_example

Minimal usage example of libevent
module limit_fps

gamnit :: limit_fps

Frame-rate control for applications
module linux

linux :: linux

Implementation of app.nit for the Linux platform
module load_image

android :: load_image

Low-level services to load pixel data from the assets
module loader

github :: loader

module log

nitcorn :: log

Services inserting a timestamp in all prints and to log each requests
module log

android :: log

Advanced Android logging services
module logger

logger :: logger

A simple logger for Nit
module logic

logic :: logic

First-order logic data structure and algorithm.
module macro

template :: macro

String templating using macros.
module man

markdown :: man

Simple groff decorator restricted for manpages.
module mandelbrot

actors :: mandelbrot

Example implemented from "The computer Language Benchmarks Game" - Mandelbrot
module markdown

markdown :: markdown

Markdown parsing.
module markdown_ast

markdown2 :: markdown_ast

Markdown AST representation
module markdown_block_parsing

markdown2 :: markdown_block_parsing

Markdown blocks parsing
module markdown_github

markdown2 :: markdown_github

Markdown Github mode
module markdown_html_rendering

markdown2 :: markdown_html_rendering

HTML rendering of Markdown documents
module markdown_inline_parsing

markdown2 :: markdown_inline_parsing

Parser for inline markdown
module markdown_latex_rendering

markdown2 :: markdown_latex_rendering

LaTeX rendering of Markdown documents
module markdown_man_rendering

markdown2 :: markdown_man_rendering

Manpages rendering of Markdown documents
module markdown_md_rendering

markdown2 :: markdown_md_rendering

Markdown rendering of Markdown documents
module markdown_rendering

markdown2 :: markdown_rendering

Markdown document rendering
module math

core :: math

Mathematical operations
module matrix

matrix :: matrix

Services for matrices of Float values
module md5

md5 :: md5

Native MD5 digest implementation as Text::md5
module media_types

nitcorn :: media_types

Services to identify Internet media types (or MIME types, Content-types)
module meta

meta :: meta

Simple user-defined meta-level to manipulate types of instances as object.
module minimal

sdl2 :: minimal

An example to test and demonstrate the sdl2 lib with image and events
module mixer

sdl2 :: mixer

SDL2 mixer with sample/sounds and music
module model_dimensions

gamnit :: model_dimensions

Dimensions related services for Model and Mesh
module model_parser_base

gamnit :: model_parser_base

Services to parse models from a text description
module mongodb

mongodb :: mongodb

MongoDB Nit Driver.
module more_collections

more_collections :: more_collections

Highly specific, but useful, collections-related classes.
module more_lights

gamnit :: more_lights

More implementations of Light
module more_materials

gamnit :: more_materials

Various material implementations
module more_meshes

gamnit :: more_meshes

More simple geometric meshes
module more_models

gamnit :: more_models

Services to load models from the assets folder
module mpd

mpd :: mpd

Music Player Daemon client library
module mpi

mpi :: mpi

Implementation of the Message Passing Interface protocol by wrapping OpenMPI
module msgpack

msgpack :: msgpack

MessagePack, an efficient binary serialization format
module msgpack_to_json

msgpack :: msgpack_to_json

Convert MessagePack format to JSON
module mtl

gamnit :: mtl

Services to parse .mtl material files
module namespace_support

sax :: namespace_support

Encapsulates Namespace logic for use by applications using SAX, or internally by SAX drivers.
module native

core :: native

Native structures for text and bytes
module native_app_glue

android :: native_app_glue

Wrapper of the Android native_app_glue framework to implement app.nit
module native_curl

curl :: native_curl

Binding of C libCurl which allow us to interact with network.
module native_gmp

gmp :: native_gmp

Low-level GMP features
module native_mongodb

mongodb :: native_mongodb

Native wrapper for the MongoDB C Driver
module native_notification

android :: native_notification

Native Java classes for notifications
module native_postgres

postgresql :: native_postgres

A native wrapper ove the postgres c api
module native_sqlite3

sqlite3 :: native_sqlite3

Low-level Sqlite3 features
module native_ui

android :: native_ui

Native services from the android.view and android.widget namespaces
module neo4j

neo4j :: neo4j

Neo4j connector through its JSON REST API using curl.
module network

gamnit :: network

Easy client/server logic for games and simple distributed applications
module nit_activity

android :: nit_activity

Core implementation of app.nit on Android using a custom Java entry point
module nitcc_runtime

nitcc_runtime :: nitcc_runtime

Runtime library required by parsers and lexers generated by nitcc
module nitcorn

nitcorn :: nitcorn

The nitcorn Web server framework creates server-side Web apps in Nit
module nitcorn_hello_world

nitcorn :: nitcorn_hello_world

Hello World Web server example
module nitcorn_reverse_proxy

nitcorn :: nitcorn_reverse_proxy

Minimal example using a ProxyAction
module niti_runtime

niti_runtime :: niti_runtime

Runtime library to loop around the main program for each line in file-name arguments
module nitmd

markdown2 :: nitmd

A Markdown parser for Nit.
module nitmd

markdown :: nitmd

A Markdown parser for Nit.
module nlp

nlp :: nlp

Natural Language Processor based on the StanfordNLP core.
module nlp_index

nlp :: nlp_index

Example showing how to use a NLPFileIndex.
module noise

noise :: noise

Noise generators PerlinNoise and InterpolatedNoise
module notification

android :: notification

Services to show notification in the Android status bar
module numeric

core :: numeric

Advanced services for Numeric types
module obj

gamnit :: obj

Services to parse .obj geometry files
module opengles2_hello_triangle

glesv2 :: opengles2_hello_triangle

Basic example of OpenGL ES 2.0 usage using SDL 2
module opts

opts :: opts

Management of options on the command line
module ordered_tree

ordered_tree :: ordered_tree

Manipulation and presentation of ordered trees.
module pagerank

graph :: pagerank

Add PageRank computation for vertices in Digraph.
module parser

dom :: parser

XML DOM-parsing facilities
module parser_base

parser_base :: parser_base

Simple base for hand-made parsers of all kinds
module particles

gamnit :: particles

Particle effects
module perfect_hashing

perfect_hashing :: perfect_hashing

Perfect hashing and perfect numbering
module performance_analysis

performance_analysis :: performance_analysis

Services to gather information on the performance of events by categories
module pipeline

pipeline :: pipeline

Pipelined filters and operations on iterators.
module platform

android :: platform

Triggers compilation for the android platform
module platform

ios :: platform

Triggers compilation for the iOS platform
module points_and_lines

geometry :: points_and_lines

Interfaces and classes to represent basic geometry needs.
module polygon

geometry :: polygon

Convex Polygons manipulations
module pop_auth

popcorn :: pop_auth

Authentification handlers.
module pop_config

popcorn :: pop_config

Configuration file and options for Popcorn apps
module pop_handlers

popcorn :: pop_handlers

Route handlers.
module pop_json

popcorn :: pop_json

Introduce useful services for JSON REST API handlers.
module pop_repos

popcorn :: pop_repos

Repositories for data management.
module pop_routes

popcorn :: pop_routes

Internal routes representation.
module pop_sessions

popcorn :: pop_sessions

Session handlers
module pop_tasks

popcorn :: pop_tasks

Popcorn threaded tasks
module pop_templates

popcorn :: pop_templates

Template rendering for popcorn
module pop_tests

popcorn :: pop_tests

Popcorn testing services
module pop_validation

popcorn :: pop_validation

Quick and easy validation framework for Json inputs
module popcorn

popcorn :: popcorn

Application server abstraction on top of nitcorn.
module portrait

gamnit :: portrait

Lock the application in the portrait orientation
module portrait

android :: portrait

Config to set the portrait orientation
module poset

poset :: poset

Pre order sets and partial order set (ie hierarchies)
module posix

posix :: posix

Services conforming to POSIX
module postgres

postgresql :: postgres

Services to manipulate a Postgres database
module privileges

privileges :: privileges

Process privileges management utilities
module programs

gamnit :: programs

Services for graphical programs with shaders, attributes and uniforms
module progression

progression :: progression

Event-based interface to track the progression of an operation.
module projection

matrix :: projection

Services on Matrix to transform and project 3D coordinates
module prompt

prompt :: prompt

Basic services to display a prompt
module protocol

core :: protocol

module proxy

nitcorn :: proxy

Provides the ProxyAction action, which redirects requests to another interface
module pthreads

pthreads :: pthreads

Main POSIX threads support and intro the classes Thread, Mutex and Barrier
module pthreads

nitcorn :: pthreads

Activate the use of pthreads with nitcorn
module puzzle

ai :: puzzle

The N-puzzle problem, modeled naively as a SearchProblem.
module quadtree

geometry :: quadtree

QuadTree API mostly used for 2 dimensional collision detection
module queens

ai :: queens

Example of the famous eight-queens problem solved with the ai::backtrack module.
module queries

mongodb :: queries

Mongo queries framework
module queue

core :: queue

Queuing data structures and wrappers
module rbtree

trees :: rbtree

A red–black tree is a data structure which is a type of self-balancing binary search tree.
module re

core :: re

Regular expression support for all services based on Pattern
module reactor

nitcorn :: reactor

Core of the nitcorn project, provides HttpFactory and Action
module read

msgpack :: read

Low-level read MessagePack format from Reader streams
module reader_model

saxophonit :: reader_model

Reader’s model.
module readline

readline :: readline

GNU readline library wrapper
module realtime

realtime :: realtime

Services to keep time of the wall clock time
module redef_collections

pthreads :: redef_collections

Redef some basic collections to be thread-safe
module restful

nitcorn :: restful

Support module for the nitrestful tool and the restful annotation
module restful_annot

nitcorn :: restful_annot

Example for the restful annotation documented at lib/nitcorn/restful.nit
module ropes

core :: ropes

Tree-based representation of a String.
module ropes_debug

ropes_debug :: ropes_debug

Exposes methods for debugging ropes when needed.
module rubix

rubix :: rubix

Rubix-cube modelization library
module safe

serialization :: safe

Services for safer deserialization engines
module sax

sax :: sax

Core SAX APIs.
module sax_locator

sax :: sax_locator

Interface for associating a SAX event with a document location.
module sax_locator_impl

sax :: sax_locator_impl

Provides an optional convenience implementation of Locator.
module sax_parse_exception

sax :: sax_parse_exception

Encapsulates an XML parse error or warning.
module saxophonit

saxophonit :: saxophonit

A SAX 2 parser in Nit.
module scene2d

scene2d :: scene2d

Framework for 2D management of game elements
module sdl2

sdl2 :: sdl2

Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) 2.0 services for easy window creation and 2D drawing
module sdl2_base

sdl2 :: sdl2_base

Basic SDL 2 features
module search

ai :: search

Basic framework for search problems and solver.
module selection

gamnit :: selection

Select Actor from a screen coordinate
module sendmail

sendmail :: sendmail

Send emails using the sendmail program
module sensors

android :: sensors

Access Android sensors
module sequential_id

neo4j :: sequential_id

Provides a sequential identification scheme for Neo4j nodes.
module serialization

serialization :: serialization

General serialization services
module serialization_common

msgpack :: serialization_common

Serialization services for serialization_write and serialization_read
module serialization_core

serialization :: serialization_core

Abstract services to serialize Nit objects to different formats
module serialization_read

msgpack :: serialization_read

Deserialize full Nit objects from MessagePack format
module serialization_read

json :: serialization_read

Services to read JSON: deserialize_json and JsonDeserializer
module serialization_write

msgpack :: serialization_write

Serialize full Nit objects to MessagePack format
module serialization_write

json :: serialization_write

Services to write Nit objects to JSON strings: serialize_to_json and JsonSerializer
module server

gamnit :: server

Server-side network services for games and such
module server_config

nitcorn :: server_config

Classes and services to configure the server
module service

android :: service

Android service support for app.nit centered around the class Service
module sessions

nitcorn :: sessions

Automated session management
module sexp

sexp :: sexp

S-Expression parsing facilities
module sha1

sha1 :: sha1

Provides methods to compute the SHA1 hash of a String
module shadow

gamnit :: shadow

Shadow mapping using a depth texture
module shared_preferences

android :: shared_preferences

Services allowing to save and load datas to internal android device
module shared_preferences_api10

android :: shared_preferences_api10

Services to save/load data using android.content.SharedPreferences for the android platform
module shared_preferences_api11

android :: shared_preferences_api11

Refines shared_preferences module to add API 11 services
module show_basedir

xdg_basedir :: show_basedir

Prints the local base directories as per the XDG Base Directory specification
module signal_handler

nitcorn :: signal_handler

Handle SIGINT and SIGTERM to close the server after all active events
module signals

signals :: signals

ANSI C signal handling
module simple

actors :: simple

A very simple example of the actor model
module simple_file_server

nitcorn :: simple_file_server

Basic file server on port 80 by default, may require root to execute
module simple_simulation

actors :: simple_simulation

Using agent_simulation by refining the Agent class to make
module socket

socket :: socket

Socket services
module socket_c

socket :: socket_c

Low-level socket functionalities
module socket_client

socket :: socket_client

Client sample using the Socket module which connect to the server sample.
module socket_server

socket :: socket_server

Server sample using the Socket module which allow client to connect
module socket_simple_server

socket :: socket_simple_server

Simple server example using a non-blocking TCPServer
module sorter

core :: sorter

This module contains classes used to compare things and sorts arrays.
module sqlite3

sqlite3 :: sqlite3

Services to manipulate a Sqlite3 database
module standard

standard :: standard

Old module implicitly imported by the old compiler.
module stanford

nlp :: stanford

Natural Language Processor based on the StanfordNLP core.
module static

json :: static

Static interface to read Nit objects from JSON strings
module stereoscopic_view

gamnit :: stereoscopic_view

Refine EulerCamera and App::frame_core_draw to get a stereoscopic view
module store

json :: store

Store and load json data.
module stream

core :: stream

Input and output streams of characters
module symbol

symbol :: symbol

Library for simple interning of strings
module syswm

sdl2 :: syswm

Window manager related SDL 2 services
module template

template :: template

Basic template system
module test_markdown

markdown2 :: test_markdown

Test suites for module markdown
module testing

saxophonit :: testing

Various utilities to help testing SAXophoNit (and SAX parsers in general).
module text

core :: text

All the classes and methods related to the manipulation of text entities
module text_stat

text_stat :: text_stat

Injects stat-calculating functionalities to Text and its variants
module texture_atlas_parser

gamnit :: texture_atlas_parser

Tool to parse XML texture atlas and generated Nit code to access subtextures
module textures

gamnit :: textures

Load textures, create subtextures and manage their life-cycle
module thread_ring

actors :: thread_ring

Example implemented from "The computer Language Benchmarks Game" - Thread-Ring
module threaded_example

pthreads :: threaded_example

test for threaded annotation
module threadpool

pthreads :: threadpool

Introduces a minimal ThreadPool implementation using Tasks
module threadpool_example

pthreads :: threadpool_example

Simple example using threadpool
module tileset

gamnit :: tileset

Support for TileSet, TileSetFont and drawing text with TextSprites
module time

core :: time

Management of time and dates
module toast

android :: toast

Services to display a toast, a small popup on Android
module token

nitcorn :: token

Simple generate_token service, independent of the rest of the nitcorn framework
module trees

trees :: trees

General module for tree data structures
module trie

trees :: trie

A trie (or prefix tree) is a datastructure used to perform prefix searches.
module u16_string

core :: u16_string

Wrapper of ICU's UTF-16 encoded strings and conversion
module ui

android :: ui

Views and services to use the Android native user interface
module ui

linux :: ui

Implementation of the app.nit UI module for GNU/Linux
module ui

app :: ui

Portable UI controls for mobiles apps
module ui

ios :: ui

Implementation of app::ui for iOS
module ui_example

app :: ui_example

User interface example using app::ui
module ui_test

android :: ui_test

Test for app.nit's UI services
module uikit

ios :: uikit

File generated by objcwrapper
module undirected_clusters

dot :: undirected_clusters

Example from http://www.graphviz.org/Gallery/undirected/fdpclust.html
module union_find

core :: union_find

union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
module utf8

core :: utf8

Codec for UTF-8 I/O
module v3_10

gtk :: v3_10

GTK+ services added at version 3.10
module v3_4

gtk :: v3_4

module v3_6

gtk :: v3_6

GTK+ services added at version 3.6
module v3_8

gtk :: v3_8

GTK+ services added at version 3.8
module vararg_routes

nitcorn :: vararg_routes

Routes with parameters.
module vibration

android :: vibration

Vibration services for Android
module virtual_gamepad

gamnit :: virtual_gamepad

Virtual gamepad mapped to keyboard keys for quick and dirty mobile support
module vr

gamnit :: vr

VR support for gamnit depth, for Android only
module vsm

vsm :: vsm

Vector Space Model
module wallet

github :: wallet

Github OAuth tokens management
module websocket

websocket :: websocket

Adds support for a websocket connection in Nit
module websocket_server

websocket :: websocket_server

Sample module for a minimal chat server using Websockets on port 8088
module wifi

android :: wifi

Simple wrapper of the Android WiFi services
module write

msgpack :: write

Low-level write in MessagePack format to Writer streams
module x11

x11 :: x11

Services from the X11 library
module xdg_basedir

xdg_basedir :: xdg_basedir

Services for using the XDG Base Directory specification
module xml_entities

dom :: xml_entities

Basic blocks for DOM-XML representation
module xml_filter

sax :: xml_filter

Interface for an XML filter.
module xml_filter_impl

sax :: xml_filter_impl

Base class for deriving an XML filter.
module xml_reader

sax :: xml_reader

Interface for reading an XML document using callbacks.
module xor

crapto :: xor

Cryptographic attacks and utilities for XOR-based algorithms.
module xor_ciphers

crypto :: xor_ciphers

XOR oriented cryptographic ciphers and utilities.
# Abstract collection classes and services.
# TODO specify the behavior on iterators when collections are modified.
module abstract_collection

import kernel

# The root of the collection hierarchy.
# Collections modelize finite groups of objects, called elements.
# The specific behavior and representation of collections is determined
# by the subclasses of the hierarchy.
# The main service of Collection is to provide a stable `iterator`
# method usable to retrieve all the elements of the collection.
# Additional services are provided.
# For an implementation point of view, Collection provide a basic
# implementation of these services using the `iterator` method.
# Subclasses often provide a more efficient implementation.
# Because of the `iterator` method, Collections instances can use
# the `for` control structure.
# ~~~nitish
# var x: Collection[U]
# # ...
# for u in x do
#	# u is a U
#	# ...
# end
# ~~~
# that is equivalent with the following:
# ~~~nitish
# var x: Collection[U]
# # ...
# var i = x.iterator
# while i.is_ok do
#     var u = i.item # u is a U
#     # ...
#     i.next
# end
# ~~~
interface Collection[E]
	# Get a new iterator on the collection.
	fun iterator: Iterator[E] is abstract

	# Is there no item in the collection?
	#     assert [1,2,3].is_empty  == false
	#     assert [1..1[.is_empty   == true
	fun is_empty: Bool do return length == 0

	# Alias for `not is_empty`.
	# Some people prefer to have conditions grammatically easier to read.
	#     assert [1,2,3].not_empty  == true
	#     assert [1..1[.not_empty   == false
	fun not_empty: Bool do return not self.is_empty

	# Number of items in the collection.
	#     assert [10,20,30].length == 3
	#     assert [20..30[.length   == 10
	fun length: Int
		var nb = 0
		for i in self do nb += 1
		return nb

	# Is `item` in the collection ?
	# Comparisons are done with ==
	#     assert [1,2,3].has(2)    == true
	#     assert [1,2,3].has(9)    == false
	#     assert [1..5[.has(2)     == true
	#     assert [1..5[.has(9)     == false
	fun has(item: nullable Object): Bool
		for i in self do if i == item then return true
		return false

	# Is the collection contain only `item`?
	# Comparisons are done with ==
	# Return true if the collection is empty.
	#     assert [1,1,1].has_only(1)         == true
	#     assert [1,2,3].has_only(1)         == false
	#     assert [1..1].has_only(1)          == true
	#     assert [1..3].has_only(1)          == false
	#     assert [3..3[.has_only(1)          == true # empty collection
	# ENSURE `is_empty implies result == true`
	fun has_only(item: nullable Object): Bool
		for i in self do if i != item then return false
		return true

	# How many occurrences of `item` are in the collection?
	# Comparisons are done with ==
	#     assert [10,20,10].count(10)         == 2
	fun count(item: nullable Object): Int
		var nb = 0
		for i in self do if i == item then nb += 1
		return nb

	# Return the first item of the collection
	#     assert [1,2,3].first                == 1
	fun first: E
		assert length > 0
		return iterator.item

	# Does the collection contain at least each element of `other`?
	#     assert [1,3,4,2].has_all([1..2])    == true
	#     assert [1,3,4,2].has_all([1..5])    == false
	# Repeated elements in the collections are not considered.
	#     assert [1,1,1].has_all([1])         == true
	#     assert [1..5].has_all([1,1,1])      == true
	# Note that the default implementation is general and correct for any lawful Collections.
	# It is memory-efficient but relies on `has` so may be CPU-inefficient for some kind of collections.
	fun has_all(other: Collection[nullable Object]): Bool
		if is_same_instance(other) then return true
		var ol = other.length
		var  l = length
		if ol == 0 then return true
		if l == 0 then return false
		if ol == 1 then return has(other.first)
		for x in other do if not has(x) then return false
		return true

	# Does the collection contain exactly all the elements of `other`?
	# The same elements must be present in both `self` and `other`,
	# but the order of the elements in the collections are not considered.
	#     assert [1..3].has_exactly([3,1,2]) == true  # the same elements
	#     assert [1..3].has_exactly([3,1])   == false # 2 is not in the array
	#     assert [1..2].has_exactly([3,1,2]) == false # 3 is not in the range
	# Repeated elements must be present in both collections in the same amount.
	# So basically it is a multi-set comparison.
	#     assert [1,2,3,2].has_exactly([1,2,2,3]) == true  # the same elements
	#     assert [1,2,3,2].has_exactly([1,2,3])   == false # more 2 in the first array
	#     assert [1,2,3].has_exactly([1,2,2,3])   == false # more 2 in the second array
	# Note that the default implementation is general and correct for any lawful Collections.
	# It is memory-efficient but relies on `count` so may be CPU-inefficient for some kind of collections.
	fun has_exactly(other: Collection[nullable Object]): Bool
		if length != other.length then return false
		for e in self do if self.count(e) != other.count(e) then return false
		return true

	# Does the collection contain at least one element of `other`?
	#     assert [1,3,4,2].has_any([1..10])    == true
	#     assert [1,3,4,2].has_any([5..10])    == false
	# Note that the default implementation is general and correct for any lawful Collections.
	# It is memory-efficient but relies on `has` so may be CPU-inefficient for some kind of collections.
	fun has_any(other: Collection[nullable Object]): Bool
		for o in other do
			if has(o) then return true
		return false

# Iterators generate a series of elements, one at a time.
# They are mainly used with collections and obtained from `Collection::iterator`.
interface Iterator[E]
	# The current item.
	# Require `is_ok`.
	fun item: E is abstract

	# Jump to the next item.
	# Require `is_ok`.
	fun next is abstract

	# Jump to the next item `step` times.
	# ~~~
	# var i = [11, 22, 33, 44].iterator
	# assert i.item == 11
	# i.next_by 2
	# assert i.item == 33
	# ~~~
	# `next_by` should be used instead of looping on `next` because is takes care
	# of stopping if the end of iteration is reached prematurely whereas a loop of
	# `next` will abort because of the precondition on `is_ok`.
	# ~~~
	# i.next_by 100
	# assert not i.is_ok
	# ~~~
	# If `step` is negative, this method aborts.
	# But specific subclasses can change this and do something more meaningful instead.
	# Require `is_ok`
	fun next_by(step: Int)
		assert step >= 0
		while is_ok and step > 0 do
			step -= 1

	# Is there a current item ?
	fun is_ok: Bool is abstract

	# Iterate over `self`
	fun iterator: Iterator[E] do return self

	# Pre-iteration hook.
	# Used to inform `self` that the iteration is starting.
	# Specific iterators can use this to prepare some resources.
	# Is automatically invoked at the beginning of `for` structures.
	# Do nothing by default.
	fun start do end

	# Post-iteration hook.
	# Used to inform `self` that the iteration is over.
	# Specific iterators can use this to free some resources.
	# Is automatically invoked at the end of `for` structures.
	# Do nothing by default.
	fun finish do end

	# A decorator around `self` that advance self a given number of steps instead of one.
	# ~~~
	# var i = [11, 22, 33, 44, 55].iterator
	# var i2 = i.to_step(2)
	# assert i2.item == 11
	# i2.next
	# assert i2.item == 33
	# assert i.item == 33
	# ~~~
	fun to_step(step: Int): Iterator[E] do return new StepIterator[E](self, step)

# A basic helper class to specialize specific Iterator decorators
abstract class IteratorDecorator[E]
	super Iterator[E]

	# The underling iterator
	protected var real: Iterator[E]

	redef fun is_ok do return real.is_ok
	redef fun item do return real.item
	redef fun finish do real.finish
	redef fun next do real.next
	redef fun next_by(step) do real.next_by(step)

# A decorator that advance a given number of steps
private class StepIterator[E]
	super IteratorDecorator[E]
	var step: Int

	redef fun next do real.next_by(step)
	redef fun next_by(step) do real.next_by(step * self.step)

# An iterator that lazyly cache the current item.
# This class can be used as an helper to build simple iterator with a single and simplier `next_item` method.
# The only constraint is that `next_item` returns null on the last item, so `null` cannot be a valid element.
abstract class CachedIterator[E: Object]
	super Iterator[E]

	# Get the next item if any.
	# Returns null if there is no next item.
	fun next_item: nullable E is abstract

	# The last item effectively read.
	# `null` if on start, after a next of if no more items are available.
	protected var cache: nullable E = null

	# The current item, if any.
	# If not, the cache is effectively filled (with `next_item`).
	# Return `null` iff there is no more elements.
	protected fun current_item: nullable E
		var cache = self.cache
		if cache != null then return cache
		cache = next_item
		self.cache = cache
		return cache

	redef fun item do return current_item.as(not null)

	redef fun is_ok do return current_item != null

	redef fun next do
		# If needed, fill the cache (an consume the current element)
		# Empty the cache (so the next element will be read)
		cache = null

# A collection that contains only one item.
# Used to pass arguments by reference.
# Also used when one want to give a single element when a full
# collection is expected
class Ref[E]
	super Collection[E]

	redef fun first do return item

	redef fun is_empty do return false

	redef fun length do return 1

	redef fun has(an_item) do return item == an_item

	redef fun has_only(an_item) do return item == an_item

	redef fun count(an_item)
		if item == an_item then
			return 1
			return 0

	redef fun iterator do return new RefIterator[E](self)

	# The stored item
	var item: E is writable

# This iterator is quite stupid since it is used for only one item.
private class RefIterator[E]
	super Iterator[E]
	redef fun item do return _container.item

	redef fun next do is_ok = false

	redef var is_ok = true

	var container: Ref[E]

# Items can be removed from this collection
interface RemovableCollection[E]
	super Collection[E]

	# Remove all items
	#     var a = [1,2,3]
	#     a.clear
	#     assert a.length == 0
	# ENSURE `is_empty`
	fun clear is abstract

	# Remove an occurrence of `item`
	#     var a = [1,2,3,1,2,3]
	#     a.remove 2
	#     assert a == [1,3,1,2,3]
	fun remove(item: nullable Object) is abstract

	# Remove all occurrences of `item`
	#     var a = [1,2,3,1,2,3]
	#     a.remove_all 2
	#     assert a == [1,3,1,3]
	fun remove_all(item: nullable Object) do while has(item) do remove(item)

# Items can be added to these collections.
interface SimpleCollection[E]
	super RemovableCollection[E]

	# Add `item` to this collection.
	#     var a = [1,2]
	#     a.add 3
	#     assert a.has(3)  == true
	#     assert a.has(10) == false
	# Ensure col.has(item)
	fun add(item: E) is abstract

	# Add each item of `coll`.
	#     var a = [1,2]
	#     a.add_all([3..5])
	#     assert a.has(4)  == true
	#     assert a.has(10) == false
	fun add_all(coll: Collection[E]) do for i in coll do add(i)

# Abstract sets.
# Set is a collection without duplicates (according to `==`)
#      var s: Set[String] = new ArraySet[String]
#      var a = "Hello"
#      var b = "Hel" + "lo"
#      # ...
#      s.add(a)
#      assert s.has(b)      ==  true
interface Set[E]
	super SimpleCollection[E]
	super Cloneable

	redef fun has_only(item)
		var l = length
		if l == 1 then
			return has(item)
		else if l == 0 then
			return true
			return false

	# Only 0 or 1
	redef fun count(item)
		if has(item) then
			return 1
			return 0

	# Synonym of remove since there is only one item
	redef fun remove_all(item) do remove(item)

	# Equality is defined on set and means that each set contains the same elements
	redef fun ==(other)
		if not other isa Set[nullable Object] then return false
		if other.length != length then return false
		return has_all(other)

	# Because of the law between `==` and `hash`, `hash` is redefined to be the sum of the hash of the elements
	redef fun hash
		# 23 is a magic number empirically determined to be not so bad.
		var res = 23 + length
		# Note: the order of the elements must not change the hash value.
		# So, unlike usual hash functions, the accumulator is not combined with itself.
		for e in self do
			if e != null then res += e.hash
		return res

	# Returns the union of this set with the `other` set
	fun union(other: Set[E]): Set[E]
		var nhs = new_set
		nhs.add_all self
		nhs.add_all other
		return nhs

	# Returns the intersection of this set with the `other` set
	fun intersection(other: Set[E]): Set[E]
		var nhs = new_set
		for v in self do if other.has(v) then nhs.add(v)
		return nhs

	redef fun clone do return union(self)

	# Returns a new instance of `Set`.
	# Depends on the subclass, mainly used for copy services
	# like `union` or `intersection`.
	protected fun new_set: Set[E] is abstract

# MapRead are abstract associative collections: `key` -> `item`.
interface MapRead[K, V]
	# Get the item at `key`
	#     var x = new HashMap[String, Int]
	#     x["four"] = 4
	#     assert x["four"] == 4
	#     # assert x["five"] #=> abort
	# If the key is not in the map, `provide_default_value` is called (that aborts by default)
	# See `get_or_null` and `get_or_default` for safe variations.
	fun [](key: nullable Object): V is abstract

	# Get the item at `key` or null if `key` is not in the map.
	#     var x = new HashMap[String, Int]
	#     x["four"] = 4
	#     assert x.get_or_null("four") == 4
	#     assert x.get_or_null("five") == null
	# Note: use `has_key` and `[]` if you need the distinction between a key associated with null, and no key.
	fun get_or_null(key: nullable Object): nullable V
		if has_key(key) then return self[key]
		return null

	# Get the item at `key` or return `default` if not in map
	#     var x = new HashMap[String, Int]
	#     x["four"] = 4
	#     assert x.get_or_default("four", 40) == 4
	#     assert x.get_or_default("five", 50) == 50
	fun get_or_default(key: nullable Object, default: V): V
		if has_key(key) then return self[key]
		return default

	# Is there an item associated with `key`?
	#     var x = new HashMap[String, Int]
	#     x["four"] = 4
	#     assert x.has_key("four") == true
	#     assert x.has_key("five") == false
	# By default it is a synonymous to `keys.has` but could be redefined with a direct implementation.
	fun has_key(key: nullable Object): Bool do return self.keys.has(key)

	# Get a new iterator on the map.
	fun iterator: MapIterator[K, V] is abstract

	# Return the point of view of self on the values only.
	# Note that `self` and `values` are views on the same data;
	# therefore any modification of one is visible on the other.
	#     var x = new HashMap[String, Int]
	#     x["four"] = 4
	#     assert x.values.has(4) == true
	#     assert x.values.has(5) == false
	fun values: Collection[V] is abstract

	# Return the point of view of self on the keys only.
	# Note that `self` and `keys` are views on the same data;
	# therefore any modification of one is visible on the other.
	#     var x = new HashMap[String, Int]
	#     x["four"] = 4
	#     assert x.keys.has("four") == true
	#     assert x.keys.has("five") == false
	fun keys: Collection[K] is abstract

	# Is there no item in the collection?
	#     var x = new HashMap[String, Int]
	#     assert x.is_empty  == true
	#     x["four"] = 4
	#     assert x.is_empty  == false
	fun is_empty: Bool is abstract

	# Alias for `not is_empty`.
	# Some people prefer to have conditions grammatically easier to read.
	#     var map = new HashMap[String, Int]
	#     assert map.not_empty == false
	#     map["one"] = 1
	#     assert map.not_empty == true
	fun not_empty: Bool do return not self.is_empty

	# Number of items in the collection.
	#     var x = new HashMap[String, Int]
	#     assert x.length  == 0
	#     x["four"] = 4
	#     assert x.length  == 1
	#     x["five"] = 5
	#     assert x.length  == 2
	fun length: Int is abstract

	# Called by the underling implementation of `[]` to provide a default value when a `key` has no value
	# By default the behavior is to abort.
	# Note: the value is returned *as is*, implementations may want to store the value in the map before returning it
	# @toimplement
	protected fun provide_default_value(key: nullable Object): V do abort

	# Does `self` and `other` have the same keys associated with the same values?
	# ~~~
	# var a = new HashMap[String, Int]
	# var b = new ArrayMap[Object, Numeric]
	# assert a == b
	# a["one"] = 1
	# assert a != b
	# b["one"] = 1
	# assert a == b
	# b["one"] = 2
	# assert a != b
	# ~~~
	redef fun ==(other)
		if not other isa MapRead[nullable Object, nullable Object] then return false
		if other.length != self.length then return false
		for k, v in self do
			if not other.has_key(k) then return false
			if other[k] != v then return false
		return true

	# A hashcode based on the hashcode of the keys and the values.
	# ~~~
	# var a = new HashMap[String, Int]
	# var b = new ArrayMap[Object, Numeric]
	# a["one"] = 1
	# b["one"] = 1
	# assert a.hash == b.hash
	# ~~~
	redef fun hash
		var res = length
		for k, v in self do
			if k != null then res += k.hash * 7
			if v != null then res += v.hash * 11
		return res

# Maps are associative collections: `key` -> `item`.
# The main operator over maps is [].
#     var map: Map[String, Int] = new ArrayMap[String, Int]
#     # ...
#     map["one"] = 1      # Associate 'one' to '1'
#     map["two"] = 2      # Associate 'two' to '2'
#     assert map["one"]             ==  1
#     assert map["two"]             ==  2
# Instances of maps can be used with the for structure
#     for key, value in map do
#         assert (key == "one" and value == 1) or (key == "two" and value == 2)
#     end
# The keys and values in the map can also be manipulated directly with the `keys` and `values` methods.
#     assert map.keys.has("one")    ==  true
#     assert map.keys.has("tree")   ==  false
#     assert map.values.has(1)      ==  true
#     assert map.values.has(3)      ==  false
interface Map[K, V]
	super MapRead[K, V]

	# Set the `value` at `key`.
	# Values can then get retrieved with `[]`.
	#     var x = new HashMap[String, Int]
	#     x["four"] = 4
	#     assert x["four"]   == 4
	# If the key was associated with a value, this old value is discarded
	# and replaced with the new one.
	#     x["four"] = 40
	#     assert x["four"]         == 40
	#     assert x.values.has(4)   == false
	fun []=(key: K, value: V) is abstract

	# Add each (key,value) of `map` into `self`.
	# If a same key exists in `map` and `self`, then the value in self is discarded.
	#     var x = new HashMap[String, Int]
	#     x["four"] = 4
	#     x["five"] = 5
	#     var y = new HashMap[String, Int]
	#     y["four"] = 40
	#     y["nine"] = 90
	#     x.add_all y
	#     assert x["four"]  == 40
	#     assert x["five"]  == 5
	#     assert x["nine"]  == 90
	fun add_all(map: MapRead[K, V])
		var i = map.iterator
		while i.is_ok do
			self[i.key] = i.item

	# Alias for `add_all`
	fun recover_with(map: MapRead[K, V]) is deprecated do add_all(map)

	# Remove all items
	#     var x = new HashMap[String, Int]
	#     x["four"] = 4
	#     x.clear
	#     assert x.keys.has("four") == false
	# ENSURE `is_empty`
	fun clear is abstract

	redef fun values: RemovableCollection[V] is abstract

	redef fun keys: RemovableCollection[K] is abstract

# Iterators for Map.
interface MapIterator[K, V]
	# The current item.
	# Require `is_ok`.
	fun item: V is abstract

	# The key of the current item.
	# Require `is_ok`.
	fun key: K is abstract

	# Jump to the next item.
	# Require `is_ok`.
	fun next is abstract

	# Is there a current item ?
	fun is_ok: Bool is abstract

	# Set a new `item` at `key`.
	#fun item=(item: E) is abstract

	# Pre-iteration hook.
	# Used to inform `self` that the iteration is starting.
	# Specific iterators can use this to prepare some resources.
	# Is automatically invoked at the beginning of `for` structures.
	# Do nothing by default.
	fun start do end

	# Post-iteration hook.
	# Used to inform `self` that the iteration is over.
	# Specific iterators can use this to free some resources.
	# Is automatically invoked at the end of `for` structures.
	# Do nothing by default.
	fun finish do end

# Iterator on a 'keys' point of view of a map
class MapKeysIterator[K, V]
	super Iterator[K]
	# The original iterator
	var original_iterator: MapIterator[K, V]

	redef fun is_ok do return self.original_iterator.is_ok
	redef fun next do self.original_iterator.next
	redef fun item do return self.original_iterator.key

# Iterator on a 'values' point of view of a map
class MapValuesIterator[K, V]
	super Iterator[V]
	# The original iterator
	var original_iterator: MapIterator[K, V]

	redef fun is_ok do return self.original_iterator.is_ok
	redef fun next do self.original_iterator.next
	redef fun item do return self.original_iterator.item

# Sequences are indexed collections.
# The first item is 0. The last is `length-1`.
# The order is the main caracteristic of sequence
# and all concrete implementation of sequences are basically interchangeable.
interface SequenceRead[E]
	super Collection[E]

	# Get the first item.
	# Is equivalent with `self[0]`.
	#     var a = [1,2,3]
	#     assert a.first   == 1
	# REQUIRE `not is_empty`
	redef fun first
		assert not_empty: not is_empty
		return self[0]

	# Return the index-th element of the sequence.
	# The first element is 0 and the last is `length-1`
	# If index is invalid, the program aborts
	#     var a = [10,20,30]
	#     assert a[0]   == 10
	#     assert a[1]   == 20
	#     assert a[2]   == 30
	# REQUIRE `index >= 0 and index < length`
	fun [](index: Int): E is abstract

	# Return the index-th element but wrap
	# Whereas `self[]` requires the index to exists, the `modulo` accessor automatically
	# wraps overbound and underbouds indexes.
	# ~~~
	# var a = [10,20,30]
	# assert a.modulo(1) == 20
	# assert a.modulo(3) == 10
	# assert a.modulo(-1) == 30
	# assert a.modulo(-10) == 30
	# ~~~
	# REQUIRE `not_empty`
	# ENSURE `result == self[modulo_index(index)]`
	fun modulo(index: Int): E do return self[modulo_index(index)]

	# Returns the real index for a modulo index.
	# ~~~
	# var a = [10,20,30]
	# assert a.modulo_index(1) == 1
	# assert a.modulo_index(3) == 0
	# assert a.modulo_index(-1) == 2
	# assert a.modulo_index(-10) == 2
	# ~~~
	# REQUIRE `not_empty`
	fun modulo_index(index: Int): Int
		var length = self.length
		if index >= 0 then
			return index % length
			return length - (-1 - index) % length - 1

	# Try to get an element, return `null` if the `index` is invalid.
	# ~~~
	# var a = [10,20,30]
	# assert a.get_or_null(1) == 20
	# assert a.get_or_null(3) == null
	# assert a.get_or_null(-1) == null
	# assert a.get_or_null(-10) == null
	# ~~~
	fun get_or_null(index: Int): nullable E
		if index >= 0 and index < length then return self[index]
		return null

	# Try to get an element, return `default` if the `index` is invalid.
	# ~~~
	# var a = [10,20,30]
	# assert a.get_or_default(1, -1) == 20
	# assert a.get_or_default(3, -1) == -1
	# assert a.get_or_default(-1, -1) == -1
	# assert a.get_or_default(-10, -1) == -1
	# ~~~
	fun get_or_default(index: Int, default: E): E
		if index >= 0 and index < length then return self[index]
		return default

	# Get the last item.
	# Is equivalent with `self[length-1]`.
	#     var a = [1,2,3]
	#     assert a.last   == 3
	# REQUIRE `not is_empty`
	fun last: E
		assert not_empty: not is_empty
		return self[length-1]

	# The index of the first occurrence of `item`.
	# Return -1 if `item` is not found.
	# Comparison is done with `==`.
	#     var a = [10,20,30,10,20,30]
	#     assert a.index_of(20)   == 1
	#     assert a.index_of(40)   == -1
	fun index_of(item: nullable Object): Int do return index_of_from(item, 0)

	# The index of the last occurrence of `item`.
	# Return -1 if `item` is not found.
	# Comparison is done with `==`.
	#     var a = [10,20,30,10,20,30]
	#     assert a.last_index_of(20)   == 4
	#     assert a.last_index_of(40)   == -1
	fun last_index_of(item: nullable Object): Int do return last_index_of_from(item, length-1)

	# The index of the first occurrence of `item`, starting from pos.
	# Return -1 if `item` is not found.
	# Comparison is done with `==`.
	#     var a = [10,20,30,10,20,30]
	#     assert a.index_of_from(20, 3)   == 4
	#     assert a.index_of_from(20, 4)   == 4
	#     assert a.index_of_from(20, 5)   == -1
	fun index_of_from(item: nullable Object, pos: Int): Int
		var p = 0
		var i = iterator
		while i.is_ok do
			if p>=pos and i.item == item then return i.index
			p += 1
		return -1

	# The index of the last occurrence of `item` starting from `pos` and decrementing.
	# Return -1 if `item` is not found.
	# Comparison is done with `==`.
	#     var a = [10,20,30,10,20,30]
	#     assert a.last_index_of_from(20, 2)   == 1
	#     assert a.last_index_of_from(20, 1)   == 1
	#     assert a.last_index_of_from(20, 0)   == -1
	fun last_index_of_from(item: nullable Object, pos: Int): Int do
		var i = pos
		while i >= 0 do
			if self[i] == item then return i
			i -= 1
		return -1

	# Two sequences are equals if they have the same items in the same order.
	#     var a = new List[Int]
	#     a.add(1)
	#     a.add(2)
	#     a.add(3)
	#     assert a == [1,2,3]
	#     assert a != [1,3,2]
	redef fun ==(o)
		if not o isa SequenceRead[nullable Object] then return false
		var l = length
		if o.length != l then return false
		var i = 0
		while i < l do
			if self[i] != o[i] then return false
			i += 1
		return true

	# Because of the law between `==` and `hash`, `hash` is redefined to be the sum of the hash of the elements
	redef fun hash
		# The 17 and 2/3 magic numbers were determined empirically.
		# Note: the standard hash functions djb2, sbdm and fnv1 were also
		# tested but were comparable (or worse).
		var res = 17 + length
		for e in self do
			res = res * 3 / 2
			if e != null then res += e.hash
		return res

	redef fun iterator: IndexedIterator[E] is abstract

	# Gets a new Iterator starting at position `pos`
	#     var iter = [10,20,30,40,50].iterator_from(2)
	#     assert iter.to_a == [30, 40, 50]
	fun iterator_from(pos: Int): IndexedIterator[E]
		var res = iterator
		while pos > 0 and res.is_ok do
			pos -= 1
		return res

	# Gets an iterator starting at the end and going backwards
	#     var reviter = [1,2,3].reverse_iterator
	#     assert reviter.to_a == [3,2,1]
	fun reverse_iterator: IndexedIterator[E] is abstract

	# Gets an iterator on the chars of self starting from `pos`
	#     var reviter = [10,20,30,40,50].reverse_iterator_from(2)
	#     assert reviter.to_a == [30,20,10]
	fun reverse_iterator_from(pos: Int): IndexedIterator[E]
		var res = reverse_iterator
		while pos > 0 and res.is_ok do
			pos -= 1
		return res

# Sequence are indexed collection.
# The first item is 0. The last is `length-1`.
interface Sequence[E]
	super SequenceRead[E]
	super SimpleCollection[E]

	# Set the first item.
	# Is equivalent with `self[0] = item`.
	#     var a = [1,2,3]
	#     a.first = 10
	#     assert a == [10,2,3]
	fun first=(item: E)
	do self[0] = item end

	# Set the last item.
	# Is equivalent with `self[length-1] = item`.
	#     var a = [1,2,3]
	#     a.last = 10
	#     assert a == [1,2,10]
	# If the sequence is empty, `last=` is equivalent with `self[0]=` (thus with `first=`)
	#     var b = new Array[Int]
	#     b.last = 10
	#     assert b == [10]
	fun last=(item: E)
		var l = length
		if l > 0 then
			self[l-1] = item
			self[0] = item

	# A synonym of `push`
	redef fun add(e) do push(e)

	# Add an item after the last one.
	#     var a = [1,2,3]
	#     a.push(10)
	#     a.push(20)
	#     assert a  == [1,2,3,10,20]
	fun push(e: E) is abstract

	# Add each item of `coll` after the last.
	#     var a = [1,2,3]
	#     a.append([7..9])
	#     assert a  == [1,2,3,7,8,9]
	# Alias of `add_all`
	fun append(coll: Collection[E]) do add_all(coll)

	# Remove the last item.
	#     var a = [1,2,3]
	#     assert a.pop  == 3
	#     assert a.pop  == 2
	#     assert a == [1]
	# REQUIRE `not is_empty`
	fun pop: E is abstract

	# Add an item before the first one.
	#     var a = [1,2,3]
	#     a.unshift(10)
	#     a.unshift(20)
	#     assert a  == [20,10,1,2,3]
	fun unshift(e: E) is abstract

	# Add all items of `coll` before the first one.
	#     var a = [1,2,3]
	#     a.prepend([7..9])
	#     assert a  == [7,8,9,1,2,3]
	# Alias of `insert_at(coll, 0)`
	fun prepend(coll: Collection[E]) do insert_all(coll, 0)

	# Remove the first item.
	# The second item thus become the first.
	#     var a = [1,2,3]
	#     assert a.shift  == 1
	#     assert a.shift  == 2
	#     assert a == [3]
	# REQUIRE `not is_empty`
	fun shift: E is abstract

	# Set the `item` at `index`.
	#     var a = [10,20,30]
	#     a[1] = 200
	#     assert a  == [10,200,30]
	# like with `[]`, index should be between `0` and `length-1`
	# However, if `index==length`, `[]=` works like `push`.
	#     a[3] = 400
	#     assert a  == [10,200,30,400]
	# REQUIRE `index >= 0 and index <= length`
	fun []=(index: Int, item: E) is abstract

	# Set the index-th element but wrap
	# Whereas `self[]=` requires the index to exists, the `modulo` accessor automatically
	# wraps overbound and underbouds indexes.
	# ~~~
	# var a = [10,20,30]
	# a.modulo(1) = 200
	# a.modulo(3) = 100
	# a.modulo(-1) = 300
	# a.modulo(-10) = 301
	# assert a == [100, 200, 301]
	# ~~~
	# REQUIRE `not_empty`
	# ENSURE `self[modulo_index(index)] == value`
	fun modulo=(index: Int, value: E) do self[modulo_index(index)] = value

	# Insert an element at a given position, following elements are shifted.
	#     var a = [10, 20, 30, 40]
	#     a.insert(100, 2)
	#     assert a      ==  [10, 20, 100, 30, 40]
	# REQUIRE `index >= 0 and index <= length`
	# ENSURE `self[index] == item`
	fun insert(item: E, index: Int) is abstract

	# Insert all elements at a given position, following elements are shifted.
	#     var a = [10, 20, 30, 40]
	#     a.insert_all([100..102], 2)
	#     assert a      ==  [10, 20, 100, 101, 102, 30, 40]
	# REQUIRE `index >= 0 and index <= length`
	# ENSURE `self[index] == coll.first`
	fun insert_all(coll: Collection[E], index: Int)
		assert index >= 0 and index < length
		if index == length then
		for c in coll do
			insert(c, index)
			index += 1

	# Remove the item at `index` and shift all following elements
	#     var a = [10,20,30]
	#     a.remove_at(1)
	#     assert a  == [10,30]
	# REQUIRE `index >= 0 and index < length`
	fun remove_at(index: Int) is abstract

	# Rotates the elements of self once to the left
	# ~~~nit
	# var a = [12, 23, 34, 45]
	# a.rotate_left
	# assert a == [23, 34, 45, 12]
	# ~~~
	fun rotate_left do
		var fst = shift
		push fst

	# Rotates the elements of self once to the right
	# ~~~nit
	# var a = [12, 23, 34, 45]
	# a.rotate_right
	# assert a == [45, 12, 23, 34]
	# ~~~
	fun rotate_right do
		var lst = pop
		unshift lst

# Iterators on indexed collections.
interface IndexedIterator[E]
	super Iterator[E]
	# The index of the current item.
	fun index: Int is abstract

# Associative arrays that internally uses couples to represent each (key, value) pairs.
# This is an helper class that some specific implementation of Map may implements.
interface CoupleMap[K, V]
	super Map[K, V]

	# Return the couple of the corresponding key
	# Return null if the key is no associated element
	protected fun couple_at(key: nullable Object): nullable Couple[K, V] is abstract

	# Return a new iteralot on all couples
	# Used to provide `iterator` and others
	protected fun couple_iterator: Iterator[Couple[K,V]] is abstract

	redef fun iterator do return new CoupleMapIterator[K,V](couple_iterator)

	redef fun [](key)
		var c = couple_at(key)
		if c == null then
			return provide_default_value(key)
			return c.second

	redef fun has_key(key) do return couple_at(key) != null

# Iterator on CoupleMap
# Actually it is a wrapper around an iterator of the internal array of the map.
private class CoupleMapIterator[K, V]
	super MapIterator[K, V]
	redef fun item do return _iter.item.second

	#redef fun item=(e) do _iter.item.second = e

	redef fun key do return _iter.item.first

	redef fun is_ok do return _iter.is_ok

	redef fun next

	var iter: Iterator[Couple[K,V]]

# Some tools ###################################################################

# Two objects in a simple structure.
class Couple[F, S]

	# The first element of the couple.
	var first: F is writable

	# The second element of the couple.
	var second: S is writable