Return the representation of self, with scientific notation

Adpat the number of decimals as needed from 1 to a maximum of 6

assert 12.34.to_sci       == "1.234e+01"
assert 123.45.to_sci.to_f.to_sci  == "1.2345e+02"
assert 0.001234.to_sci  == "1.234e-03"
assert (inf).to_sci == "inf"
assert (nan).to_sci == "nan"

Property definitions

core :: abstract_text $ Float :: to_sci
	# Return the representation of `self`, with scientific notation
	# Adpat the number of decimals as needed from 1 to a maximum of 6
	# ~~~
	# assert 12.34.to_sci       == "1.234e+01"
	# assert 123.45.to_sci.to_f.to_sci  == "1.2345e+02"
	# assert 0.001234.to_sci  == "1.234e-03"
	# assert (inf).to_sci == "inf"
	# assert (nan).to_sci == "nan"
	# ~~~
	fun to_sci: String
		var is_inf_or_nan = check_inf_or_nan
		if is_inf_or_nan != null then return is_inf_or_nan
		return adapt_number_of_decimal(return_from_specific_format("%e".to_cstring), true)