Alias for join_path

assert "hello" / "world"      ==  "hello/world"
assert "hel/lo" / "wor/ld"    ==  "hel/lo/wor/ld"
assert "" / "world"           ==  "world"
assert "/hello" / "/world"    ==  "/world"

This operator is quite useful for chaining changes of path. The next one being relative to the previous one.

var a = "foo"
var b = "/bar"
var c = "baz/foobar"
assert a/b/c == "/bar/baz/foobar"

Property definitions

core :: file $ Text :: /
	# Alias for `join_path`
	#     assert "hello" / "world"      ==  "hello/world"
	#     assert "hel/lo" / "wor/ld"    ==  "hel/lo/wor/ld"
	#     assert "" / "world"           ==  "world"
	#     assert "/hello" / "/world"    ==  "/world"
	# This operator is quite useful for chaining changes of path.
	# The next one being relative to the previous one.
	#     var a = "foo"
	#     var b = "/bar"
	#     var c = "baz/foobar"
	#     assert a/b/c == "/bar/baz/foobar"
	fun /(path: Text): String do return join_path(path)