Set the color of the pixel at x, y (from the top-left corner)

The argument color should be an array of up to 4 floats (RGBA). If color has less than 4 items, the missing items are replaced by 1.0.

Require: x < width.to_i and y < height.to_i

Property definitions

gamnit $ CustomTexture :: []=
	# Set the `color` of the pixel at `x`, `y` (from the top-left corner)
	# The argument `color` should be an array of up to 4 floats (RGBA).
	# If `color` has less than 4 items, the missing items are replaced by 1.0.
	# Require: `x < width.to_i and y < height.to_i`
	fun []=(x, y: Int, color: Array[Float])
		assert x < width.to_i and y < height.to_i else print_error "{class_name}::[] out of bounds"

		# Simple conversion from [0.0..1.0] to [0..255]
		var bytes = [for c in color do (c*255.0).round.to_i.clamp(0, 255).to_bytes.last]
		while bytes.length < 4 do bytes.add 255

		var offset = 4*(x + y*width.to_i)
		for i in [0..4[ do cpixels[offset+i] = bytes[i].to_b

		loaded = false