Reset the camera position so that height world units are visible on the y axis at z=0

By default, height is set to display.height.

After the reset, the camera sits on the Z axis and rotation values are reset to 0. The X axis is horizontal on the screen and the Y axis is vertical. Higher values on the Z axis are closer to the camera.

Property definitions

gamnit $ EulerCamera :: reset_height
	# Reset the camera position so that `height` world units are visible on the y axis at z=0
	# By default, `height` is set to `display.height`.
	# After the reset, the camera sits on the Z axis and rotation values are reset to 0.
	# The X axis is horizontal on the screen and the Y axis is vertical.
	# Higher values on the Z axis are closer to the camera.
	fun reset_height(height: nullable Float)
		if height == null then height = display.height.to_f

		var opp = height / 2.0
		var angle = field_of_view_y / 2.0
		var adj = opp / angle.tan

		position.x = 0.0
		position.y = 0.0
		position.z = adj

		pitch = 0.0
		yaw = 0.0
		roll = 0.0