Property definitions

gtk $ GtkHeaderBar :: defaultinit
# Horizontal container with a title and subtitle
extern class GtkHeaderBar `{ GtkHeaderBar* `}
	super GtkContainer

	new `{ return (GtkHeaderBar*)gtk_header_bar_new(); `}

	fun title=(title: Text) do native_title = title.to_cstring
	private fun native_title=(title: CString) `{ gtk_header_bar_set_title(self, title); `}

	fun title: String do return native_title.to_s
	private fun native_title: CString `{ return (gchar *)gtk_header_bar_get_title(self); `}

	fun subtitle=(subtitle: Text) do native_subtitle = subtitle.to_cstring
	fun native_subtitle=(subtitle: CString) `{ gtk_header_bar_set_subtitle(self, subtitle); `}

	fun subtitle: String do return native_subtitle.to_s
	fun native_subtitle: CString `{ return (gchar *)gtk_header_bar_get_subtitle(self); `}

	fun custom_title=(title_widget: GtkWidget) `{ gtk_header_bar_set_custom_title(self, title_widget); `}

	fun custom_title: GtkWidget `{ return gtk_header_bar_get_custom_title(self); `}

	fun pack_start(child: GtkWidget) `{ gtk_header_bar_pack_start(self, child); `}

	fun pack_end(child: GtkWidget) `{ gtk_header_bar_pack_end(self, child); `}

	fun show_close_button=(setting: Bool) `{ gtk_header_bar_set_show_close_button(self, setting); `}

	fun show_close_button: Bool `{ return gtk_header_bar_get_show_close_button(self); `}