Load a file content as INI

New properties will be appended to the self, existing properties will be overwrote by the values contained in file.

var ini = new IniFile
ini["key1"] = "value1"
ini["key2"] = "value2"


assert ini["key1"] == "value1"
assert ini["key2"] == "changed"
assert ini["key3"] == "added"


The process fails silently if the file does not exist.

ini = new IniFile
assert ini.is_empty

Returns true if the parsing finished correctly.

See also stop_on_first_error and errors.

Property definitions

ini $ IniFile :: load_file
	# Load a `file` content as INI
	# New properties will be appended to the `self`, existing properties will be
	# overwrote by the values contained in `file`.
	# ~~~
	# var ini = new IniFile
	# ini["key1"] = "value1"
	# ini["key2"] = "value2"
	# """
	# key2=changed
	# key3=added
	# """.write_to_file("load_config.ini")
	# ini.load_file("load_config.ini")
	# assert ini["key1"] == "value1"
	# assert ini["key2"] == "changed"
	# assert ini["key3"] == "added"
	# "load_config.ini".to_path.delete
	# ~~~
	# The process fails silently if the file does not exist.
	# ~~~
	# ini = new IniFile
	# ini.load_file("ini_not_found.ini")
	# assert ini.is_empty
	# ~~~
	# Returns `true` if the parsing finished correctly.
	# See also `stop_on_first_error` and `errors`.
	fun load_file(file: String): Bool do return load_string(file.to_path.read_all)