Property definitions

ios $ UIStackViewAlignment :: defaultinit
# Defines the layout of the arranged views perpendicular to the `UIStackView`'s axis
extern class UIStackViewAlignment in "ObjC" `{ NSInteger `}
    new fill in "ObjC" `{ return UIStackViewAlignmentFill; `}
    new leading in "ObjC" `{ return UIStackViewAlignmentLeading; `}
    new top in "ObjC" `{ return UIStackViewAlignmentTop; `}
    new baseline in "ObjC" `{ return UIStackViewAlignmentFirstBaseline; `}
    new center in "ObjC" `{ return UIStackViewAlignmentCenter; `}
    new trailing in "ObjC" `{ return UIStackViewAlignmentTrailing; `}
    new bottom in "ObjC" `{ return UIStackViewAlignmentBottom; `}
    new last_baseline in "ObjC" `{ return UIStackViewAlignmentLastBaseline; `}