File generated by objcwrapper

Partial wrapper of basic UIKit services.

Introduced classes

extern class UIButton

ios :: UIButton

Button on the touch screen
extern class UIButtonType

ios :: UIButtonType

Style of UIButton
extern class UIColor

ios :: UIColor

Color data with opacity
extern class UIControl

ios :: UIControl

Base class for control objects
extern class UILabel

ios :: UILabel

Read-only text view
extern class UILayoutConstraintAxis

ios :: UILayoutConstraintAxis

Defines the orientation of the arranged views in UIStackView
extern class UIScrollView

ios :: UIScrollView

Support for displaying content larger than the window
extern class UIStackView

ios :: UIStackView

Lays out a collection of views in either a column or a row
extern class UIStackViewAlignment

ios :: UIStackViewAlignment

Defines the layout of the arranged views perpendicular to the UIStackView's axis
extern class UIStackViewDistribution

ios :: UIStackViewDistribution

Defines the size and position of the arranged views along the UIStackView's axis
extern class UISwitch

ios :: UISwitch

On/Off button
extern class UITableView

ios :: UITableView

View to display and edit hierarchical lists of information
extern class UITableViewCell

ios :: UITableViewCell

Cell of a UITableViewCell
extern class UITableViewDataSource

ios :: UITableViewDataSource

Mediator the data model for a UITableView
extern class UITableViewDelegate

ios :: UITableViewDelegate

Delegate for a UITableView to configure selection, sections, cells and more
extern class UITableViewStyle

ios :: UITableViewStyle

Style of a UITableView
extern class UITextField

ios :: UITextField

Editable text view
extern class UIView

ios :: UIView

Rectangular area on the screen
extern class UIViewController

ios :: UIViewController

Manages a set of views
extern class UIWindow

ios :: UIWindow

Coordinates an app displays on a device screen

All class definitions

extern class UIButton

ios $ UIButton

Button on the touch screen
extern class UIButtonType

ios $ UIButtonType

Style of UIButton
extern class UIColor

ios $ UIColor

Color data with opacity
extern class UIControl

ios $ UIControl

Base class for control objects
extern class UILabel

ios $ UILabel

Read-only text view
extern class UILayoutConstraintAxis

ios $ UILayoutConstraintAxis

Defines the orientation of the arranged views in UIStackView
extern class UIScrollView

ios $ UIScrollView

Support for displaying content larger than the window
extern class UIStackView

ios $ UIStackView

Lays out a collection of views in either a column or a row
extern class UIStackViewAlignment

ios $ UIStackViewAlignment

Defines the layout of the arranged views perpendicular to the UIStackView's axis
extern class UIStackViewDistribution

ios $ UIStackViewDistribution

Defines the size and position of the arranged views along the UIStackView's axis
extern class UISwitch

ios $ UISwitch

On/Off button
extern class UITableView

ios $ UITableView

View to display and edit hierarchical lists of information
extern class UITableViewCell

ios $ UITableViewCell

Cell of a UITableViewCell
extern class UITableViewDataSource

ios $ UITableViewDataSource

Mediator the data model for a UITableView
extern class UITableViewDelegate

ios $ UITableViewDelegate

Delegate for a UITableView to configure selection, sections, cells and more
extern class UITableViewStyle

ios $ UITableViewStyle

Style of a UITableView
extern class UITextField

ios $ UITextField

Editable text view
extern class UIView

ios $ UIView

Rectangular area on the screen
extern class UIViewController

ios $ UIViewController

Manages a set of views
extern class UIWindow

ios $ UIWindow

Coordinates an app displays on a device screen
package_diagram ios::uikit uikit ios ios ios::uikit->ios app app ios->app cocoa cocoa ios->cocoa json json ios->json core core ios->core ...>app ...cocoa ... ...cocoa->cocoa ...json ... ...json->json ...core ... ...core->core ios::ui ui ios::ui->ios::uikit a_star-m a_star-m a_star-m->ios::ui a_star-m... ... a_star-m...->a_star-m


module abstract_collection

core :: abstract_collection

Abstract collection classes and services.
module abstract_text

core :: abstract_text

Abstract class for manipulation of sequences of characters
module app

app :: app

app.nit is a framework to create cross-platform applications
module app

ios :: app

Basic structure for Nit apps on iOS
module app_base

app :: app_base

Base of the app.nit framework, defines App
module array

core :: array

This module introduces the standard array structure.
module assets

app :: assets

Portable services to load resources from the assets folder
module bitset

core :: bitset

Services to handle BitSet
module bytes

core :: bytes

Services for byte streams and arrays
module circular_array

core :: circular_array

Efficient data structure to access both end of the sequence.
module codec_base

core :: codec_base

Base for codecs to use with streams
module codecs

core :: codecs

Group module for all codec-related manipulations
module collection

core :: collection

This module define several collection classes.
module core

core :: core

Standard classes and methods used by default by Nit programs and libraries.
module environ

core :: environ

Access to the environment variables of the process
module error

core :: error

Standard error-management infrastructure.
module exec

core :: exec

Invocation and management of operating system sub-processes.
module file

core :: file

File manipulations (create, read, write, etc.)
module fixed_ints

core :: fixed_ints

Basic integers of fixed-precision
module fixed_ints_text

core :: fixed_ints_text

Text services to complement fixed_ints
module flat

core :: flat

All the array-based text representations
module foundation

cocoa :: foundation

The Foundation Kit provides basic Objective-C classes and structures
module gc

core :: gc

Access to the Nit internal garbage collection mechanism
module hash_collection

core :: hash_collection

Introduce HashMap and HashSet.
module iso8859_1

core :: iso8859_1

Codec for ISO8859-1 I/O
module kernel

core :: kernel

Most basic classes and methods.
module list

core :: list

This module handle double linked lists
module math

core :: math

Mathematical operations
module native

core :: native

Native structures for text and bytes
module numeric

core :: numeric

Advanced services for Numeric types
module platform

ios :: platform

Triggers compilation for the iOS platform
module protocol

core :: protocol

module queue

core :: queue

Queuing data structures and wrappers
module range

core :: range

Module for range of discrete objects.
module re

core :: re

Regular expression support for all services based on Pattern
module ropes

core :: ropes

Tree-based representation of a String.
module sorter

core :: sorter

This module contains classes used to compare things and sorts arrays.
module stream

core :: stream

Input and output streams of characters
module text

core :: text

All the classes and methods related to the manipulation of text entities
module time

core :: time

Management of time and dates
module union_find

core :: union_find

union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
module utf8

core :: utf8

Codec for UTF-8 I/O


module ios

ios :: ios

iOS platform support


module ui

ios :: ui

Implementation of app::ui for iOS


module a_star-m


# File generated by objcwrapper
# Partial wrapper of basic UIKit services.
module uikit

import cocoa::foundation
import ios

# Rectangular area on the screen
extern class UIView in "ObjC" `{ UIView * `}
	super NSObject

	new in "ObjC" `{ return [[UIView alloc] init]; `}

	# Wraps: `UIView.addSubview`
	fun add_subview(view: UIView) in "ObjC" `{
		[self addSubview: view];

	# Wraps: `UIView.removeFromSuperview`
	fun remove_from_superview in "ObjC" `{
		[self removeFromSuperview];

	# Wraps: `UIView.sizeToFit`
	fun size_to_fit in "ObjC" `{
		[self sizeToFit];

	# Wraps: `UIView.frame =`
	fun set_frame(x, y, w, h: Float) in "ObjC" `{
		self.frame = CGRectMake(x, y, w, h);

	# Wraps: `UIView.bounds =`
	fun set_bounds(x, y, w, h: Float) in "ObjC" `{
		self.bounds = CGRectMake(x, y, w, h);

	# Wraps: ` =`
	fun set_center(x, y: Float) in "ObjC" `{ = CGPointMake(x, y);

	# Wraps: `UIView.userInteractionEnabled =`
	fun user_interaction_enabled=(value: Bool) in "ObjC" `{
		self.userInteractionEnabled = value;

	# Wraps: `UIView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints =`
	fun translates_autoresizing_mask_into_constraits=(value: Bool) in "ObjC" `{
		self.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = value;

	# Wraps: `UIView.backgroundColor =`
	fun background_color=(color: UIColor) in "ObjC" `{
		self.backgroundColor = color;

	# Wraps: `[self viewPrintFormatter]`
	#fun view_print_formatter: UIViewPrintFormatter in "ObjC" `{
	#return [self viewPrintFormatter];

	# Wraps: `[self drawRect:(CGRect)rect forViewPrintFormatter:(UIViewPrintFormatter)formatter]`
	#fun draw_rect_for_view_print_formatter(rect: CGRect, formatter: UIViewPrintFormatter) in "ObjC" `{
	#	[self drawRect: rect forViewPrintFormatter: formatter];

# Coordinates an app displays on a device screen
extern class UIWindow in "ObjC" `{ UIWindow * `}
	super UIView

	new in "ObjC" `{ return [[UIWindow alloc] init]; `}

	# Wraps: `[self makeKeyAndVisible]`
	fun make_key_and_visible in "ObjC" `{
		[self makeKeyAndVisible];

# Manages a set of views
extern class UIViewController in "ObjC" `{ UIViewController * `}
	super NSObject

	new in "ObjC" `{
		return [[UIViewController alloc]initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil];

	# Wraps: `self.view`
	fun view: UIView in "ObjC" `{ return self.view; `}

	# Wraps: `self.view`
	fun view=(view: UIView) in "ObjC" `{ self.view = view; `}

	# Wraps: `self.title`
	fun title: NSString in "ObjC" `{ return self.title; `}

	# Wraps: `self.title`
	fun title=(title: NSString) in "ObjC" `{ self.title = title; `}

# Base class for control objects
extern class UIControl in "ObjC" `{ UIControl * `}
	super UIView

	# Wraps: `self.enabled`
	fun enabled: Bool in "ObjC" `{
		return self.enabled;

	# Wraps: `self.enabled =`
	fun enabled=(enabled: Bool) in "ObjC" `{
		self.enabled = enabled;

# Button on the touch screen
extern class UIButton in "ObjC" `{ UIButton * `}
	super UIControl

	new(kind: UIButtonType) in "ObjC" `{ return [UIButton buttonWithType: kind]; `}

	# Wraps: `[self titleLabel]`
	fun title_label: UILabel in "ObjC" `{
		return [self titleLabel];

	# Wraps: `[self setTitle forState]`
	fun title=(text: NSString) in "ObjC" `{
		[self setTitle:text forState:UIControlStateNormal];

	# Wraps: `[self currentTitle]`
	fun current_title: NSString in "ObjC" `{
		return [self currentTitle];

# Style of `UIButton`
extern class UIButtonType in "ObjC" `{ UIButtonType `}
	new custom in "ObjC" `{ return UIButtonTypeCustom; `}
	new system in "ObjC" `{ return UIButtonTypeSystem; `}
	new detail_disclosure in "ObjC" `{ return UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure; `}
	new info_light in "ObjC" `{ return UIButtonTypeInfoLight; `}
	new info_dark in "ObjC" `{ return UIButtonTypeInfoDark; `}
	new contact_add in "ObjC" `{ return UIButtonTypeContactAdd; `}
	new rounded_rect in "ObjC" `{ return UIButtonTypeRoundedRect; `}

# Read-only text view
extern class UILabel in "ObjC" `{ UILabel * `}
	super UIView

	new in "ObjC" `{ return [[UILabel alloc] init]; `}

	# Wraps: `UILabel.text`
	fun text: NSString in "ObjC" `{
		return [self text];

	# Wraps: `UILabel.text`
	fun text=(text: NSString) in "ObjC" `{
		self.text = text;

	# Wraps: `UILabel.font`
	#fun font: UIFont in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [self font];

	# Wraps: `UILabel.textColor`
	fun text_color: UIColor in "ObjC" `{
		return [self textColor];

	# Wraps: `UILabel.textColor`
	fun text_color=(color: UIColor) in "ObjC" `{
		self.textColor = color;

	# Wraps: `UILabel.shadowColor`
	fun shadow_color: UIColor in "ObjC" `{
		return [self shadowColor];

	# Wraps: `UILabel.shadowOffset`
	#fun shadow_offset: CGSize in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [self shadowOffset];

	# Wraps: `UILabel.textAlignment`
	#fun text_alignment: NSTextAlignment in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [self textAlignment];

	# Wraps: `UILabel.lineBreakMode`
	#fun line_break_mode: NSLineBreakMode in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [self lineBreakMode];

	# Wraps: `UILabel.attributedText`
	#fun attributed_text: NSAttributedString in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [self attributedText];

	# Wraps: `UILabel.highlightedTextColor`
	fun highlighted_text_color: UIColor in "ObjC" `{
		return [self highlightedTextColor];

	# Wraps: `UILabel.highlighted`
	#fun highlighted: Bool in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [self highlighted];

	# Wraps: `UILabel.userInteractionEnabled`
	#fun user_interaction_enabled: Bool in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [self userInteractionEnabled];

	# Wraps: `UILabel.enabled`
	#fun enabled: Bool in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [self enabled];

	# Wraps: `UILabel.numberOfLines`
	fun number_of_lines: Int in "ObjC" `{
		return [self numberOfLines];

	# Wraps: `UILabel.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth`
	fun adjusts_font_size_to_fit_width: Bool in "ObjC" `{
		return [self adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth];

	# Wraps: `UILabel.adjustsLetterSpacingToFitWidth`
	# Depricated
	#fun adjusts_letter_spacing_to_fit_width: Bool in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [self adjustsLetterSpacingToFitWidth];

	# Wraps: `UILabel.minimumFontSize`
	# Depricated
	#fun minimum_font_size: Float in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [self minimumFontSize];

	# Wraps: `UILabel.baselineAdjustment`
	#fun baseline_adjustment: UIBaselineAdjustment in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [self baselineAdjustment];

	# Wraps: `UILabel.minimumScaleFactor`
	fun minimum_scale_factor: Float in "ObjC" `{
		return [self minimumScaleFactor];

	# Wraps: `UILabel.preferredMaxLayoutWidth`
	fun preferred_max_layout_width: Float in "ObjC" `{
		return [self preferredMaxLayoutWidth];

	# Wraps: `[self textRectForBounds:(CGRect)bounds limitedToNumberOfLines:(NSInteger)numberOfLines]`
	#fun text_rect_for_bounds_limited_to_number_of_lines(bounds: CGRect, number_of_lines: Int): CGRect in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [self textRectForBounds: bounds limitedToNumberOfLines: number_of_lines];

	# Wraps: `[self drawTextInRect:(CGRect)rect]`
	#fun draw_text_in_rect(rect: CGRect) in "ObjC" `{
	#	[self drawTextInRect: rect];

# Color data with opacity
extern class UIColor in "ObjC" `{ UIColor * `}
	super NSObject

	# Wraps: `[self initWithWhite:(CGFloat)white alpha:(CGFloat)alpha]`
	new init_with_white_alpha(white, alpha: Float) in "ObjC" `{
		return [[UIColor alloc] initWithWhite: white alpha: alpha];

	# Wraps: `[self initWithHue:(CGFloat)hue saturation:(CGFloat)saturation brightness:(CGFloat)brightness alpha:(CGFloat)alpha]`
	new init_with_hue_saturation_brightness_alpha(hue, saturation, brightness, alpha: Float) in "ObjC" `{
		return [[UIColor alloc] initWithHue: hue saturation: saturation brightness: brightness alpha: alpha];

	# Wraps: `[self initWithRed:(CGFloat)red green:(CGFloat)green blue:(CGFloat)blue alpha:(CGFloat)alpha]`
	new init_with_red_green_blue_alpha(red, green, blue, alpha: Float) in "ObjC" `{
		return [[UIColor alloc] initWithRed: red green: green blue: blue alpha: alpha];

	# Wraps: `[self initWithCGColor:(CGColorRef)cgColor]`
	#new init_with_cg_color(cg_color: CGColorRef) in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [[UIColor alloc] initWithCGColor: cg_color];

	# Wraps: `[self initWithPatternImage:(UIImage)image]`
	#new init_with_pattern_image(image: UIImage) in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [[UIColor alloc] initWithPatternImage: image];

	# Wraps: `[self initWithCIColor:(CIColor)ciColor]`
	#new init_with_ci_color(ci_color: CIColor) in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [[UIColor alloc] initWithCIColor: ci_color];

	# Wraps: `[UIColor blackColor]`
	new black_color in "ObjC" `{ return [UIColor blackColor]; `}

	# Wraps: `[UIColor darkGrayColor]`
	new dark_gray_color in "ObjC" `{ return [UIColor darkGrayColor]; `}

	# Wraps: `[UIColor lightGrayColor]`
	new light_gray_color in "ObjC" `{ return [UIColor lightGrayColor]; `}

	# Wraps: `[UIColor whiteColor]`
	new white_color in "ObjC" `{ return [UIColor whiteColor]; `}

	# Wraps: `[UIColor grayColor]`
	new gray_color in "ObjC" `{ return [UIColor grayColor]; `}

	# Wraps: `[UIColor redColor]`
	new red_color in "ObjC" `{ return [UIColor redColor]; `}

	# Wraps: `[UIColor greenColor]`
	new green_color in "ObjC" `{ return [UIColor greenColor]; `}

	# Wraps: `[UIColor blueColor]`
	new blue_color in "ObjC" `{ return [UIColor blueColor]; `}

	# Wraps: `[UIColor cyanColor]`
	new cyan_color in "ObjC" `{ return [UIColor cyanColor]; `}

	# Wraps: `[UIColor yellowColor]`
	new yellow_color in "ObjC" `{ return [UIColor yellowColor]; `}

	# Wraps: `[UIColor magentaColor]`
	new magenta_color in "ObjC" `{ return [UIColor magentaColor]; `}

	# Wraps: `[UIColor orangeColor]`
	new orange_color in "ObjC" `{ return [UIColor orangeColor]; `}

	# Wraps: `[UIColor purpleColor]`
	new purple_color in "ObjC" `{ return [UIColor purpleColor]; `}

	# Wraps: `[UIColor brownColor]`
	new brown_color in "ObjC" `{ return [UIColor brownColor]; `}

	# Wraps: `[UIColor clearColor]`
	new clear_color in "ObjC" `{ return [UIColor clearColor]; `}

	# Wraps: `UIColor.CGColor`
	#fun cg_color: CGColorRef in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [self CGColor];

	# Wraps: `UIColor.CIColor`
	#fun ci_color: CIColor in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [self CIColor];

	# Wraps: `[self set]`
	fun set in "ObjC" `{ [self set]; `}

	# Wraps: `[self setFill]`
	fun set_fill in "ObjC" `{ [self setFill]; `}

	# Wraps: `[self setStroke]`
	fun set_stroke in "ObjC" `{ [self setStroke]; `}

	# Wraps: `[self getWhite:(CGFloat)white alpha:(CGFloat)alpha]`
	#fun get_white_alpha(white: Float, alpha: Float): Bool in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [self getWhite: white alpha: alpha];

	# Wraps: `[self getHue:(CGFloat)hue saturation:(CGFloat)saturation brightness:(CGFloat)brightness alpha:(CGFloat)alpha]`
	#fun get_hue_saturation_brightness_alpha(hue: Float, saturation: Float, brightness: Float, alpha: Float): Bool in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [self getHue: hue saturation: saturation brightness: brightness alpha: alpha];

	# Wraps: `[self getRed:(CGFloat)red green:(CGFloat)green blue:(CGFloat)blue alpha:(CGFloat)alpha]`
	#fun get_red_green_blue_alpha(red: Float, green: Float, blue: Float, alpha: Float): Bool in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [self getRed: red green: green blue: blue alpha: alpha];

	# Wraps: `[self colorWithAlphaComponent:(CGFloat)alpha]`
	fun color_with_alpha_component(alpha: Float): UIColor in "ObjC" `{
		return [self colorWithAlphaComponent: alpha];

	# Wraps: `[self CGColor]`
	#fun cg_color: CGColorRef in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [self CGColor];

	# Wraps: `[UIColor groupTableViewBackgroundColor]`
	new group_table_view_background_color in "ObjC" `{ return [UIColor groupTableViewBackgroundColor]; `}

	# Wraps: `[UIColor lightTextColor]`
	new light_text_color in "ObjC" `{ return [UIColor lightTextColor]; `}

	# Wraps: `[UIColor darkTextColor]`
	new dark_text_color in "ObjC" `{ return [UIColor darkTextColor]; `}

# Wraps: `[UIColor colorWithWhite:(CGFloat)white alpha:(CGFloat)alpha]`
#fun ui_color_color_with_white_alpha(white: Float, alpha: Float): UIColor in "ObjC" `{
#	return [UIColor colorWithWhite: white alpha: alpha];

# Wraps: `[UIColor colorWithHue:(CGFloat)hue saturation:(CGFloat)saturation brightness:(CGFloat)brightness alpha:(CGFloat)alpha]`
#fun ui_color_color_with_hue_saturation_brightness_alpha(hue: Float, saturation: Float, brightness: Float, alpha: Float): UIColor in "ObjC" `{
#	return [UIColor colorWithHue: hue saturation: saturation brightness: brightness alpha: alpha];

# Wraps: `[UIColor colorWithRed:(CGFloat)red green:(CGFloat)green blue:(CGFloat)blue alpha:(CGFloat)alpha]`
#fun ui_color_color_with_red_green_blue_alpha(red: Float, green: Float, blue: Float, alpha: Float): UIColor in "ObjC" `{
#	return [UIColor colorWithRed: red green: green blue: blue alpha: alpha];

# Wraps: `[UIColor colorWithCGColor:(CGColorRef)cgColor]`
#fun ui_color_color_with_cg_color(cg_color: CGColorRef): UIColor in "ObjC" `{
#	return [UIColor colorWithCGColor: cg_color];

# Wraps: `[UIColor colorWithPatternImage:(UIImage)image]`
#fun ui_color_color_with_pattern_image(image: UIImage): UIColor in "ObjC" `{
#	return [UIColor colorWithPatternImage: image];

# Wraps: `[UIColor colorWithCIColor:(CIColor)ciColor]`
#fun ui_color_color_with_ci_color(ci_color: CIColor): UIColor in "ObjC" `{
#	return [UIColor colorWithCIColor: ci_color];

# Editable text view
extern class UITextField in "ObjC" `{ UITextField * `}
	super UIControl

	new in "ObjC" `{ return [[UITextField alloc] init]; `}

	# Wraps: `UITextField.text`
	fun text: NSString in "ObjC" `{
		return [self text];

	# Wraps: `UITextField.text`
	fun text=(text: NSString) in "ObjC" `{
		self.text = text;

	# Wraps: `UITextField.secureTextEntry`
	fun secure_text_entry=(value: Bool) in "ObjC" `{
		self.secureTextEntry = value;

	# Wraps: `UITextField.placeholder`
	fun placeholder=(text: NSString) in "ObjC" `{ self.placeholder = text; `}

# Lays out a collection of views in either a column or a row
extern class UIStackView in "ObjC" `{ UIStackView * `}
	super UIView

	new in "ObjC" `{
		return [[UIStackView alloc] init];

	# Wraps: `[self addArrangedSubview:(UIView)view]`
	fun add_arranged_subview(view: UIView) in "ObjC" `{
		[self addArrangedSubview: view];

	# Wraps: `[self removeArrangedSubview:(UIView)view]`
	fun remove_arranged_subview(view: UIView) in "ObjC" `{
		[self removeArrangedSubview: view];

	# Wraps: `[self insertArrangedSubview:(UIView)view atIndex:(NSUInteger)stackIndex]`
	fun insert_arranged_subview_at_index(view: UIView, stack_index: Int) in "ObjC" `{
		[self insertArrangedSubview: view atIndex: stack_index];

	# Wraps: `[self initWithArrangedSubviews:(NSArray)views]`
	#new init_with_arranged_subviews(views: NSArray) in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [[UIStackView alloc] initWithArrangedSubviews: views];

	# Wraps: `UIStackView.arrangedSubviews`
	#fun arranged_subviews: NSArray in "ObjC" `{
	#	return [self arrangedSubviews];

	# Wraps: `UIStackView.axis`
	fun axis: UILayoutConstraintAxis in "ObjC" `{ return [self axis]; `}

	# Wraps: `UIStackView.axis =`
	fun axis=(value: UILayoutConstraintAxis) in "ObjC" `{ self.axis = value; `}

	# Wraps: `UIStackView.distribution`
	fun distribution: UIStackViewDistribution in "ObjC" `{ return [self distribution]; `}

	# Wraps: `UIStackView.distribution =`
	fun distribution=(value: UIStackViewDistribution) in "ObjC" `{ self.distribution = value; `}

	# Wraps: `UIStackView.alignment`
	fun alignment: UIStackViewAlignment in "ObjC" `{ return [self alignment]; `}

	# Wraps: `UIStackView.alignment =`
	fun alignment=(value: UIStackViewAlignment) in "ObjC" `{ self.alignment = value; `}

	# Wraps: `UIStackView.spacing`
	fun spacing: Float in "ObjC" `{ return [self spacing]; `}

	# Wraps: `UIStackView.spacing =`
	fun spacing=(value: Float) in "ObjC" `{ self.spacing = value; `}

	# Wraps: `UIStackView.baselineRelativeArrangement`
	fun baseline_relative_arrangement: Bool in "ObjC" `{
		return self.baselineRelativeArrangement;

	# Wraps: `UIStackView.baselineRelativeArrangement`
	fun baseline_relative_arrangement=(value: Bool) in "ObjC" `{
		self.baselineRelativeArrangement = value;

	# Wraps: `UIStackView.layoutMarginsRelativeArrangement`
	fun layout_margins_relative_arrangement: Bool in "ObjC" `{
		return self.layoutMarginsRelativeArrangement;

	# Wraps: `UIStackView.layoutMarginsRelativeArrangement`
	fun layout_margins_relative_arrangement=(value: Bool) in "ObjC" `{
		self.layoutMarginsRelativeArrangement = value;

# Defines the orientation of the arranged views in `UIStackView`
extern class UILayoutConstraintAxis in "ObjC" `{ NSInteger `}
	new horizontal in "ObjC" `{ return UILayoutConstraintAxisHorizontal; `}
	new vertical in "ObjC" `{ return UILayoutConstraintAxisVertical; `}

# Defines the size and position of the arranged views along the `UIStackView`'s axis
extern class UIStackViewDistribution in "ObjC" `{ NSInteger `}
	new horizontal in "ObjC" `{ return UILayoutConstraintAxisHorizontal; `}
    new fill in "ObjC" `{ return UIStackViewDistributionFill; `}
    new fill_equally in "ObjC" `{ return UIStackViewDistributionFillEqually; `}
    new fill_proportionally in "ObjC" `{ return UIStackViewDistributionFillProportionally; `}
    new equal_spacing in "ObjC" `{ return UIStackViewDistributionEqualSpacing; `}
    new equal_centering in "ObjC" `{ return UIStackViewDistributionEqualCentering; `}

# Defines the layout of the arranged views perpendicular to the `UIStackView`'s axis
extern class UIStackViewAlignment in "ObjC" `{ NSInteger `}
    new fill in "ObjC" `{ return UIStackViewAlignmentFill; `}
    new leading in "ObjC" `{ return UIStackViewAlignmentLeading; `}
    new top in "ObjC" `{ return UIStackViewAlignmentTop; `}
    new baseline in "ObjC" `{ return UIStackViewAlignmentFirstBaseline; `}
    new center in "ObjC" `{ return UIStackViewAlignmentCenter; `}
    new trailing in "ObjC" `{ return UIStackViewAlignmentTrailing; `}
    new bottom in "ObjC" `{ return UIStackViewAlignmentBottom; `}
    new last_baseline in "ObjC" `{ return UIStackViewAlignmentLastBaseline; `}

# View to display and edit hierarchical lists of information
extern class UITableView in "ObjC" `{ UITableView * `}
	super UIView

	# Wraps: `[self initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame style:(UITableViewStyle)style]`
	new (style: UITableViewStyle) in "ObjC" `{
		return [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame: [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds] style:style];

	# Wraps: `[self reloadData]`
	fun reload_data in "ObjC" `{ [self reloadData]; `}

	# Wraps: `self.autoresizingMask =`
	fun autoresizing_mask in "ObjC" `{
		self.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight|UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth;

	# Wraps: `self.delegate =`
	fun delegate=(delegate: UITableViewDelegate) in "ObjC" `{ self.delegate = delegate; `}

	# Wraps: `self.dataSource =`
	fun data_source=(source: UITableViewDataSource) in "ObjC" `{ self.dataSource = source; `}

	# Wraps: `[self dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier]`
	fun dequeue_reusable_cell_with_identifier(identifier: NSString): UITableViewCell in "ObjC" `{
		return [self dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:identifier];

# Delegate for a `UITableView` to configure selection, sections, cells and more
extern class UITableViewDelegate in "ObjC" `{ id<UITableViewDelegate> `}
	super NSObject

# Mediator the data model for a `UITableView`
extern class UITableViewDataSource in "ObjC" `{ id<UITableViewDataSource> `}
	super NSObject

# Cell of a `UITableViewCell`
extern class UITableViewCell in "ObjC" `{ UITableViewCell * `}
	super NSObject

	new (identifier: NSString) in "ObjC" `{
		return [[UITableViewCell alloc]

	# Wraps: `[self textLabel]`
	fun text_label: UILabel in "ObjC" `{ return [self textLabel]; `}

	# Wraps: `[self contentView]`
	fun content_view: UIView in "ObjC" `{ return [self contentView]; `}

# Style of a `UITableView`
extern class UITableViewStyle in "ObjC" `{ UITableViewStyle* `}
	super NSObject

	new plain in "ObjC" `{ return UITableViewStylePlain; `}
	new grouped in "ObjC" `{ return UITableViewStyleGrouped; `}

# On/Off button
extern class UISwitch in "ObjC" `{ UISwitch * `}
	super UIView

	new in "ObjC" `{ return [[UISwitch alloc] init]; `}

	# Wraps: `UISwitch.onTintColor`
#	fun on_tint_color: UIColor in "ObjC" `{
#		return [self onTintColor];
#	`}

	# Wraps: `UISwitch.tintColor`
#	fun tint_color: UIColor in "ObjC" `{
#		return [self tintColor];
#	`}

	# Wraps: `UISwitch.thumbTintColor`
#	fun thumb_tint_color: UIColor in "ObjC" `{
#		return [self thumbTintColor];
#	`}

	# Wraps: `UISwitch.onImage`
#	fun on_image: UIImage in "ObjC" `{
#		return [self onImage];
#	`}

	# Wraps: `UISwitch.offImage`
#	fun off_image: UIImage in "ObjC" `{
#		return [self offImage];
#	`}

	# Wraps: `UISwitch.on`
	fun on: Bool in "ObjC" `{
		return self.on;

	# Wraps: `[self setOn:(BOOL)on animated:(BOOL)animated]`
	fun set_on_animated(on: Bool, animated: Bool) in "ObjC" `{
		[self setOn: on animated: animated];

# Support for displaying content larger than the window
extern class UIScrollView in "ObjC" `{ UIScrollView* `}
	super UIView

	new in "ObjC" `{ return [[UIScrollView alloc] init]; `}