Parses a JSON Entity

var p = new JSONStringParser("""{"numbers": [1,23,3], "string": "string"}""")
assert p.parse_entity isa JsonObject

Property definitions

json $ JSONStringParser :: parse_entity
	# Parses a JSON Entity
	# ~~~nit
	# var p = new JSONStringParser("""{"numbers": [1,23,3], "string": "string"}""")
	# assert p.parse_entity isa JsonObject
	# ~~~
	fun parse_entity: nullable Serializable do
		var srclen = len
		if pos >= srclen then return make_parse_error("Empty JSON")
		var c = src[pos]
		if c == '[' then
			pos += 1
			return parse_json_array
		else if c == '"' then
			var s = parse_json_string
			return s
		else if c == '{' then
			pos += 1
			return parse_json_object
		else if c == 'f' then
			if pos + 4 >= srclen then make_parse_error("Error: bad JSON entity")
			if src[pos + 1] == 'a' and src[pos + 2] == 'l' and src[pos + 3] == 's' and src[pos + 4] == 'e' then
				pos += 5
				return false
			return make_parse_error("Error: bad JSON entity")
		else if c == 't' then
			if pos + 3 >= srclen then make_parse_error("Error: bad JSON entity")
			if src[pos + 1] == 'r' and src[pos + 2] == 'u' and src[pos + 3] == 'e' then
				pos += 4
				return true
			return make_parse_error("Error: bad JSON entity")
		else if c == 'n' then
			if pos + 3 >= srclen then make_parse_error("Error: bad JSON entity")
			if src[pos + 1] == 'u' and src[pos + 2] == 'l' and src[pos + 3] == 'l' then
				pos += 4
				return null
			return make_parse_error("Error: bad JSON entity")
		if not c.is_json_num_start then return make_parse_error("Bad JSON character")
		return parse_json_number