Parses an Int or Float

Property definitions

json $ JSONStringParser :: parse_json_number
	# Parses an Int or Float
	fun parse_json_number: Serializable do
		var max = len
		var p = pos
		var c = src[p]
		var is_neg = false
		if c == '-' then
			is_neg = true
			p += 1
			if p >= max then return make_parse_error("Bad JSON number")
			c = src[p]
		var val = 0
		while c.is_numeric do
			val *= 10
			val += c.to_i
			p += 1
			if p >= max then break
			c = src[p]
		if c == '.' then
			p += 1
			if p >= max then return make_parse_error("Bad JSON number")
			c = src[p]
			var fl = val.to_f
			var frac = 0.1
			while c.is_numeric do
				fl += c.to_i.to_f * frac
				frac /= 10.0
				p += 1
				if p >= max then break
				c = src[p]
			if c == 'e' or c == 'E' then
				p += 1
				var exp = 0
				if p >= max then return make_parse_error("Malformed JSON number")
				c = src[p]
				while c.is_numeric do
					exp *= 10
					exp += c.to_i
					p += 1
					if p >= max then break
					c = src[p]
				fl *= (10 ** exp).to_f
			if p < max and not c.is_json_separator then return make_parse_error("Malformed JSON number")
			pos = p
			if is_neg then return -fl
			return fl
		if c == 'e' or c == 'E' then
			p += 1
			if p >= max then return make_parse_error("Bad JSON number")
			var exp = src[p].to_i
			c = src[p]
			while c.is_numeric do
				exp *= 10
				exp += c.to_i
				p += 1
				if p >= max then break
				c = src[p]
			val *= (10 ** exp)
		if p < max and not src[p].is_json_separator then return make_parse_error("Malformed JSON number")
		pos = p
		if is_neg then return -val
		return val