Get the value at query, a string of map keys and array indices

The query is composed of map keys and array indices separated by "." (by default). The separator can be set with sep to any string.

Given the following JSON object parsed as a JsonValue.

var jvalue = """
  "a": {
         "i": 123,
         "b": true
  "b": ["zero", "one", "two"]

Access a value in maps by its key, starting from the key in the root object.

assert jvalue.get("a").is_map
assert jvalue.get("a.i").to_i == 123
assert jvalue.get("a.b").to_bool

Access an item in an array by its index.

assert jvalue.get("b.1").to_s == "one"

Any error at any depth of a query is reported. The client should usually check for errors before using the returned value.

assert jvalue.get("a.b.c").to_error.to_s == "Value at `a.b` is not a map. Got a `map`"
assert jvalue.get("b.3").to_error.to_s == "Index `3` out of bounds at `b`"

Set sep to a custom string to access keys containing a dot.

jvalue = """
  "a.b": { "i": 123 },
  "c/d": [ 456 ]

assert jvalue.get("a.b/i", sep="/").to_i == 123
assert jvalue.get("c/d:0", sep=":").to_i == 456

Property definitions

json $ JsonValue :: get
	# Get the value at `query`, a string of map keys and array indices
	# The `query` is composed of map keys and array indices separated by "." (by default).
	# The separator can be set with `sep` to any string.
	# Given the following JSON object parsed as a `JsonValue`.
	# ~~~
	# var jvalue = """
	# {
	#   "a": {
	#          "i": 123,
	#          "b": true
	#        },
	#   "b": ["zero", "one", "two"]
	# }""".to_json_value
	# ~~~
	# Access a value in maps by its key, starting from the key in the root object.
	# ~~~
	# assert jvalue.get("a").is_map
	# assert jvalue.get("a.i").to_i == 123
	# assert jvalue.get("a.b").to_bool
	# ~~~
	# Access an item in an array by its index.
	# ~~~
	# assert jvalue.get("b.1").to_s == "one"
	# ~~~
	# Any error at any depth of a query is reported. The client should usually
	# check for errors before using the returned value.
	# ~~~
	# assert jvalue.get("a.b.c").to_error.to_s == "Value at `a.b` is not a map. Got a `map`"
	# assert jvalue.get("b.3").to_error.to_s == "Index `3` out of bounds at `b`"
	# ~~~
	# Set `sep` to a custom string to access keys containing a dot.
	# ~~~
	# jvalue = """
	# {
	#   "a.b": { "i": 123 },
	#   "c/d": [ 456 ]
	# }""".to_json_value
	# assert jvalue.get("a.b/i", sep="/").to_i == 123
	# assert jvalue.get("c/d:0", sep=":").to_i == 456
	# ~~~
	fun get(query: Text, sep: nullable Text): JsonValue
		if is_error then return self

		sep = sep or else "."
		var keys = query.split(sep)
		var value = value
		for i in [0..keys.length[ do
			var key = keys[i]
			if value isa MapRead[String, nullable Object] then
				if value.has_key(key) then
					value = value[key]
					var sub_query = sub_query_to_s(keys, i, sep)
					value = new JsonKeyError("Key `{key}` not found.",
							self, sub_query)
			else if value isa Sequence[nullable Object] then
				if key.is_int then
					var index = key.to_i
					if index < value.length then
						value = value[index]
						var sub_query = sub_query_to_s(keys, i, sep)
						value = new JsonKeyError("Index `{key}` out of bounds at `{sub_query}`",
								self, sub_query)
				var sub_query = sub_query_to_s(keys, i, sep)
				value = new JsonKeyError("Value at `{sub_query}` is not a map. Got a `{json_type}`",
						self, sub_query)
		return new JsonValue(value)