Most services are in JsonValue
, which is created by Text::to_json_value
to show more useful information
serialization :: serialization_core
Abstract services to serialize Nit objects to different formatscore :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
# Dynamic interface to read values from JSON strings
# Most services are in `JsonValue`, which is created by `Text::to_json_value`.
module dynamic
import error
private import static
redef class Text
# Parse `self` to a `JsonValue`
fun to_json_value: JsonValue do return new JsonValue(parse_json)
# Dynamic wrapper of a JSON value, created by `Text::to_json_value`
# Provides high-level services to explore JSON objects with minimal overhead
# dealing with static types. Use this class to manipulate the JSON data first
# and check for errors only before using the resulting data.
# For example, given:
# ~~~
# var json_src = """
# {
# "i": 123,
# "m": {
# "t": true,
# "f": false
# },
# "a": ["zero", "one", "two"]
# }"""
# var json_value = json_src.to_json_value # Parse src to a `JsonValue`
# ~~~
# Access array or map values using their indices.
# ~~~
# var target_int = json_value["i"]
# assert target_int.is_int # Check for error and expected type
# assert target_int.to_i == 123 # Use the value
# ~~~
# Use `get` to reach a value nested in multiple objects.
# ~~~
# var target_str = json_value.get("a.0")
# assert target_str.is_string # Check for error and expected type
# assert target_str.to_s == "zero" # Use the value
# ~~~
# This API is useful for scripts and when you need only a few values from a
# JSON object. To access many values or check the conformity of the JSON
# beforehand, use the `json` serialization services.
class JsonValue
# The wrapped JSON value.
var value: nullable Object
# Is this value null?
# assert "null".to_json_value.is_null
# assert not "123".to_json_value.is_null
fun is_null: Bool do return value == null
# Is this value an integer?
# assert "123".to_json_value.is_int
# assert not "1.23".to_json_value.is_int
# assert not "\"str\"".to_json_value.is_int
fun is_int: Bool do return value isa Int
# Get this value as a `Int`
# require: `self.is_numeric`
# assert "-10".to_json_value.to_i == -10
# assert "123".to_json_value.to_i == 123
# assert "123.456".to_json_value.to_i == 123
fun to_i: Int
var value = value
assert value isa Numeric
return value.to_i
# Is this value a float?
# assert "0.0".to_json_value.is_float
# assert "123.456".to_json_value.is_float
# assert not "123".to_json_value.is_float
fun is_float: Bool do return value isa Float
# Get this value as a `Float`
# require: `self.is_numeric`
# assert "0.0".to_json_value.to_f == 0.0
# assert "123.456".to_json_value.to_f == 123.456
# assert "123".to_json_value.to_f == 123.0
fun to_f: Float
var value = value
assert value isa Numeric
return value.to_f
# Is the value numeric?
# assert "1.234".to_json_value.is_numeric
# assert "1234".to_json_value.is_numeric
# assert not "\"str\"".to_json_value.is_numeric
# assert not "".to_json_value.is_numeric
fun is_numeric: Bool do return is_int or is_float
# Get this value as a `Numeric`
# require: `self.is_numeric`
# assert "1.234".to_json_value.to_numeric == 1.234
# assert "1234".to_json_value.to_numeric == 1234
fun to_numeric: Numeric
if is_int then return to_i
return to_f
# Is this value a boolean?
# assert "true".to_json_value.is_bool
# assert "false".to_json_value.is_bool
fun is_bool: Bool do return value isa Bool
# Get this value as a `Bool`
# require: `self.is_bool`
# assert "true".to_json_value.to_bool
# assert not "false".to_json_value.to_bool
fun to_bool: Bool do return
# Is this value a string?
# assert "\"str\"".to_json_value.is_string
# assert not "123".to_json_value.is_string
fun is_string: Bool do return value isa String
# Get this value as a `String`
# If value is null, return "null", otherwise returns `value.to_s`. It is practical
# on most types, except maps which does not have a custom `to_s`.
# assert "\"str\"".to_json_value.to_s == "str"
# assert "123".to_json_value.to_s == "123"
# assert "true".to_json_value.to_s == "true"
# assert "[1, 2, 3]".to_json_value.to_s == "[1,2,3]"
redef fun to_s do return (value or else "null").to_s
### Objects
# Is this value a Json object (a map)?
# assert """{"a": 123}""".to_json_value.is_map
# assert not "123".to_json_value.is_map
fun is_map: Bool do return value isa MapRead[String, nullable Object]
# Get this value as a `Map[String, JsonValue]`
# require: `self.is_map`
fun to_map: Map[String, JsonValue] do
var value = value
assert value isa MapRead[String, nullable Object]
var map = new HashMap[String, JsonValue]
for k, v in value do map[k] = new JsonValue(v)
return map
### Arrays
# Is this value an array?
# assert "[]".to_json_value.is_array
# assert "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]".to_json_value.is_array
# assert "[null, true, false, 0.0, 1, \"str\"]".to_json_value.is_array
# assert """["a", "b", "c"]""".to_json_value.is_array
fun is_array: Bool do return value isa SequenceRead[nullable Object]
# Get this value as an `Array[JsonValue]`
# require: `self.is_array`
# assert """["a", "b", "c"]""".to_json_value.to_a.join(", ") == "a, b, c"
fun to_a: Array[JsonValue]
var value = value
assert value isa SequenceRead[nullable Object]
var a = new Array[JsonValue]
for e in value do a.add(new JsonValue(e))
return a
### Error
# Is this value an error?
# assert "[]".to_json_value[0].is_error
# assert "[".to_json_value.is_error
# assert not "[]".to_json_value.is_error
fun is_error: Bool do return value isa Error
# Get this value as a `Error`.
# require: `self.is_error`
fun to_error: Error do return
### Children access
# Iterator over the values of the array `self`
# require: `self.is_array`
# var a = new Array[String]
# for e in """["a", "b", "c"]""".to_json_value do a.add(e.to_s)
# assert a[0] == "a"
# assert a[1] == "b"
# assert a[2] == "c"
fun iterator: Iterator[JsonValue] do return to_a.iterator
# Get value at index `key` on the array or map `self`
# require: `self.is_array or self.is_map`
# require: `self.is_array implies key isa Int`
# assert """{"a": 123}""".to_json_value["a"].to_i == 123
# assert """{"123": "a"}""".to_json_value[123].to_s == "a"
# assert """{"John Smith": 1980}""".to_json_value["John Smith"].to_i == 1980
# assert """{"a": 123}""".to_json_value["b"].is_error
# assert """["a", "b", "c"]""".to_json_value[0].to_s == "a"
# assert """["a", "b", "c"]""".to_json_value[3].is_error
fun [](key: Object): JsonValue do
var value = value
var result: nullable Object
if is_error then
return self
else if value isa MapRead[String, nullable Object] then
key = key.to_s
if value.has_key(key) then
result = value[key]
result = new JsonKeyError("Key `{key}` not found.", self, key)
else if value isa SequenceRead[nullable Object] then
if key isa Int then
if key < value.length and key >= 0 then
result = value[key]
result = new JsonKeyError("Index `{key}` out of bounds.",
self, key)
result = new JsonKeyError("Invalid key type. Expecting `Int`. Got `{key.class_name}`.",
self, key)
result = new JsonKeyError("Invalid `[]` access on a `{json_type}` JsonValue.",
self, key)
return new JsonValue(result)
# Get the value at `query`, a string of map keys and array indices
# The `query` is composed of map keys and array indices separated by "." (by default).
# The separator can be set with `sep` to any string.
# Given the following JSON object parsed as a `JsonValue`.
# ~~~
# var jvalue = """
# {
# "a": {
# "i": 123,
# "b": true
# },
# "b": ["zero", "one", "two"]
# }""".to_json_value
# ~~~
# Access a value in maps by its key, starting from the key in the root object.
# ~~~
# assert jvalue.get("a").is_map
# assert jvalue.get("a.i").to_i == 123
# assert jvalue.get("a.b").to_bool
# ~~~
# Access an item in an array by its index.
# ~~~
# assert jvalue.get("b.1").to_s == "one"
# ~~~
# Any error at any depth of a query is reported. The client should usually
# check for errors before using the returned value.
# ~~~
# assert jvalue.get("a.b.c").to_error.to_s == "Value at `a.b` is not a map. Got a `map`"
# assert jvalue.get("b.3").to_error.to_s == "Index `3` out of bounds at `b`"
# ~~~
# Set `sep` to a custom string to access keys containing a dot.
# ~~~
# jvalue = """
# {
# "a.b": { "i": 123 },
# "c/d": [ 456 ]
# }""".to_json_value
# assert jvalue.get("a.b/i", sep="/").to_i == 123
# assert jvalue.get("c/d:0", sep=":").to_i == 456
# ~~~
fun get(query: Text, sep: nullable Text): JsonValue
if is_error then return self
sep = sep or else "."
var keys = query.split(sep)
var value = value
for i in [0..keys.length[ do
var key = keys[i]
if value isa MapRead[String, nullable Object] then
if value.has_key(key) then
value = value[key]
var sub_query = sub_query_to_s(keys, i, sep)
value = new JsonKeyError("Key `{key}` not found.",
self, sub_query)
else if value isa Sequence[nullable Object] then
if key.is_int then
var index = key.to_i
if index < value.length then
value = value[index]
var sub_query = sub_query_to_s(keys, i, sep)
value = new JsonKeyError("Index `{key}` out of bounds at `{sub_query}`",
self, sub_query)
var sub_query = sub_query_to_s(keys, i, sep)
value = new JsonKeyError("Value at `{sub_query}` is not a map. Got a `{json_type}`",
self, sub_query)
return new JsonValue(value)
# Concatenate all keys up to `last` for error reports
private fun sub_query_to_s(keys: Array[String], last: Int, sep: Text): String
return [for i in [0..last[ do keys[i]].join(sep)
# Return a human-readable description of the type.
# For debugging purpose only.
private fun json_type: String
if is_array then return "array"
if is_bool then return "bool"
if is_float then return "float"
if is_int then return "int"
if is_null then return "null"
if is_map then return "map"
if is_string then return "string"
if is_error then return "error"
return "undefined"
# Key access error
class JsonKeyError
super Error
# The value on which the access was requested
var json_value: JsonValue
# The requested key
# In the case of `JsonValue::get`, the sub-query that failed.
var key: Object