Transform and emit mardown text starting at start and

until a token with the same type as token is found. Go until the end of text if token is null.

Property definitions

markdown $ MarkdownProcessor :: emit_text_until
	# Transform and emit mardown text starting at `start` and
	# until a token with the same type as `token` is found.
	# Go until the end of `text` if `token` is null.
	fun emit_text_until(text: Text, start: Int, token: nullable Token): Int do
		var old_text = current_text
		var old_pos = current_pos
		current_text = text
		current_pos = start
		while current_pos < text.length do
			if text[current_pos] == '\n' then
				current_loc.line_start += 1
				current_loc.column_start = -current_pos
			var mt = token_at(text, current_pos)
			if (token != null and not token isa TokenNone) and
			(mt.is_same_type(token) or
			(token isa TokenEmStar and mt isa TokenStrongStar) or
			(token isa TokenEmUnderscore and mt isa TokenStrongUnderscore)) then
				return current_pos
			current_pos += 1
		current_text = old_text
		current_pos = old_pos
		return -1