core :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structureFileServer
action, which is a standard and minimal file server
annotation documented at lib/nitcorn/restful.nit
to execute
# Simple `generate_token` service, independent of the rest of the nitcorn framework
module token
import base64
# Generate a random token of `length` chars long
# The default value of `length` is 64, but it may change in the future.
# On Linux, `/dev/urandom` is used as source of random data.
# On other platforms, `rand` is used to generate pseudo-random data.
# using `rand` can be forced with `force_rand`.
# Uses `base64` to represent random bytes in the readable ASCII range.
# ~~~
# srand_from 0
# assert generate_token(4, force_rand=true) == "AMzV"
# assert generate_token(8, force_rand=true) == "G8Oibf+s"
# assert generate_token(16, force_rand=true) == "VUCPPlWLR8lZQvbb"
# assert generate_token(32, force_rand=true) == "JtJB9vJd+u3c6dyL+Q8U5IKZIueRoZ6h"
# assert generate_token( force_rand=true) == "+59Ev7/35sOPeq1y8mI5+npAE1SYbfhVgGeDAq2vo5N3mnWxSJvucd6H3HwxT8v8"
# ~~~
fun generate_token(length: nullable Int, force_rand: nullable Bool): String
length = length or else 64
# TODO generate more entropy
# Generate random bytes
var bin_length = ((length.to_f/4.0).ceil * 3.0).to_i
var bytes = null
var linux_random = "/dev/urandom"
if linux_random.file_exists then
# Use Linux's random number generator
var reader = new
bytes = reader.read_bytes(bin_length)
# TODO other operating systems random number generators
# Fallback
if bytes == null or bytes.length != bin_length or force_rand == true then
bytes = new Bytes.with_capacity(bin_length)
for i in bin_length.times do bytes.add 256.rand
# Encode in base64 so it is readable
var str = bytes.encode_base64.to_s
if str.length > length then
# This happens if `length % 4 != 0`
str = str.substring(0, length)
return str