Property definitions

mongodb $ BSONObjectId :: defaultinit
# Wrapper for `bson_oid_t`.
# The `bson_oid_t` structure contains the 12-byte ObjectId notation defined by the
# [BSON ObjectID specificiation](
# ObjectId is a 12-byte BSON type, constructed using:
# * a 4-byte value representing the seconds since the Unix epoch (in Big Endian)
# * a 3-byte machine identifier
# * a 2-byte process id (Big Endian), and
# * a 3-byte counter (Big Endian), starting with a random value.
extern class BSONObjectId `{ bson_oid_t * `}

	# Generates a new `bson_oid_t`.
	new `{
		bson_oid_t *self = malloc(sizeof(bson_oid_t));
		bson_oid_init(self, NULL);
		return self;

	# Object id.
	fun id: String import CString.to_s `{
		char str[25];
		bson_oid_to_string(self, str);
		return CString_to_s(str);

	# Destroy `self`.
	fun destroy `{ free(self); `}