Native wrapper for the MongoDB C Driver

See mongoc.

Introduced classes

extern class BSONError

mongodb :: BSONError

Wrapper for bson_error_t.
extern class BSONObjectId

mongodb :: BSONObjectId

Wrapper for bson_oid_t.
extern class NativeBSON

mongodb :: NativeBSON

Wrapper for bson_t.
extern class NativeMongoClient

mongodb :: NativeMongoClient

Wrapper for mongoc_client_t.
extern class NativeMongoCollection

mongodb :: NativeMongoCollection

Wrapper for mongoc_collection_t.
extern class NativeMongoCursor

mongodb :: NativeMongoCursor

Wrapper for mongoc_cursor_t.
extern class NativeMongoDb

mongodb :: NativeMongoDb

Wrapper for mongoc_database_t.

Redefined classes

redef extern class NativeCStringArray

mongodb :: native_mongodb $ NativeCStringArray

Wrapper for char**.
redef class Sys

mongodb :: native_mongodb $ Sys

The main class of the program.

All class definitions

extern class BSONError

mongodb $ BSONError

Wrapper for bson_error_t.
extern class BSONObjectId

mongodb $ BSONObjectId

Wrapper for bson_oid_t.
extern class NativeBSON

mongodb $ NativeBSON

Wrapper for bson_t.
redef extern class NativeCStringArray

mongodb :: native_mongodb $ NativeCStringArray

Wrapper for char**.
extern class NativeMongoClient

mongodb $ NativeMongoClient

Wrapper for mongoc_client_t.
extern class NativeMongoCollection

mongodb $ NativeMongoCollection

Wrapper for mongoc_collection_t.
extern class NativeMongoCursor

mongodb $ NativeMongoCursor

Wrapper for mongoc_cursor_t.
extern class NativeMongoDb

mongodb $ NativeMongoDb

Wrapper for mongoc_database_t.
redef class Sys

mongodb :: native_mongodb $ Sys

The main class of the program.
package_diagram mongodb::native_mongodb native_mongodb c c mongodb::native_mongodb->c core core c->core ...core ... ...core->core mongodb::mongodb mongodb mongodb::mongodb->mongodb::native_mongodb mongodb::queries queries mongodb::queries->mongodb::mongodb popcorn::example_mongodb example_mongodb popcorn::example_mongodb->mongodb::mongodb mongodb::queries... ... mongodb::queries...->mongodb::queries popcorn::example_mongodb... ... popcorn::example_mongodb...->popcorn::example_mongodb


module abstract_collection

core :: abstract_collection

Abstract collection classes and services.
module abstract_text

core :: abstract_text

Abstract class for manipulation of sequences of characters
module array

core :: array

This module introduces the standard array structure.
module bitset

core :: bitset

Services to handle BitSet
module bytes

core :: bytes

Services for byte streams and arrays
module circular_array

core :: circular_array

Efficient data structure to access both end of the sequence.
module codec_base

core :: codec_base

Base for codecs to use with streams
module codecs

core :: codecs

Group module for all codec-related manipulations
module collection

core :: collection

This module define several collection classes.
module core

core :: core

Standard classes and methods used by default by Nit programs and libraries.
module environ

core :: environ

Access to the environment variables of the process
module error

core :: error

Standard error-management infrastructure.
module exec

core :: exec

Invocation and management of operating system sub-processes.
module file

core :: file

File manipulations (create, read, write, etc.)
module fixed_ints

core :: fixed_ints

Basic integers of fixed-precision
module fixed_ints_text

core :: fixed_ints_text

Text services to complement fixed_ints
module flat

core :: flat

All the array-based text representations
module gc

core :: gc

Access to the Nit internal garbage collection mechanism
module hash_collection

core :: hash_collection

Introduce HashMap and HashSet.
module iso8859_1

core :: iso8859_1

Codec for ISO8859-1 I/O
module kernel

core :: kernel

Most basic classes and methods.
module list

core :: list

This module handle double linked lists
module math

core :: math

Mathematical operations
module native

core :: native

Native structures for text and bytes
module numeric

core :: numeric

Advanced services for Numeric types
module protocol

core :: protocol

module queue

core :: queue

Queuing data structures and wrappers
module range

core :: range

Module for range of discrete objects.
module re

core :: re

Regular expression support for all services based on Pattern
module ropes

core :: ropes

Tree-based representation of a String.
module sorter

core :: sorter

This module contains classes used to compare things and sorts arrays.
module stream

core :: stream

Input and output streams of characters
module text

core :: text

All the classes and methods related to the manipulation of text entities
module time

core :: time

Management of time and dates
module union_find

core :: union_find

union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
module utf8

core :: utf8

Codec for UTF-8 I/O


module c

c :: c

Structures and services for compatibility with the C language


module mongodb

mongodb :: mongodb

MongoDB Nit Driver.


module a_star-m


module loader

github :: loader

module pop_repos

popcorn :: pop_repos

Repositories for data management.
module queries

mongodb :: queries

Mongo queries framework
# Native wrapper for the MongoDB C Driver
# See [mongoc](
module native_mongodb is pkgconfig "libmongoc-1.0"

import c

in "C header" `{
	#include <mongoc.h>

# Wrapper for `bson_t`.
# All data manipulated by `mongoc` are BSON formated.
# The `bson_t` structure represents a BSON document.
# This structure manages the underlying BSON encoded buffer.
# For mutable documents, it can append new data to the document.
# See [`bson_t`](
extern class NativeBSON `{ bson_t * `}

	# Wrapper for `bson_new()`.
	# The `bson_new()` function shall create a new `bson_t` structure on the heap.
	# It should be freed with `bson_destroy()` when it is no longer in use.
	new `{ return bson_new(); `}

	# Wrapper for `bson_new_from_json()`.
	# The `bson_new_from_json()` function allocates and initialize a new `bson_t`
	# by parsing the JSON found in `data`.
	# Only a single JSON object may exist in data or an error will be set and
	# `NULL` returned.
	new from_json_string(data: CString) import set_mongoc_error `{
		bson_error_t error;
		bson_t *bson;
		bson = bson_new_from_json((uint8_t *)data, -1, &error);
		if(!bson) {
			NativeBSON_set_mongoc_error(bson, &error);
			return NULL;
		return bson;

	# Wrapper for `bson_as_json()`.
	# The `bson_as_json()` function shall encode bson as a JSON encoded UTF-8 string.
	# The caller is responsible for freeing the resulting UTF-8 encoded string
	# by calling `bson_free()` with the result.
	fun to_c_string: CString `{ return bson_as_json(self, NULL); `}

	# Wrapper for `bson_destroy()`.
	# The `bson_destroy()` function shall free an allocated `bson_t` structure.
	# This function should always be called when you are done with a `bson_t`
	# unless otherwise specified.
	# This instance should not be used beyond this point!
	fun destroy `{ bson_destroy(self); `}

	# Utility method to set `Sys.last_mongoc_error`.
	fun set_mongoc_error(err: BSONError) do sys.last_mongoc_error = err

# Wrapper for `bson_error_t`.
# The `bson_error_t` structure is used to encapsulate information about an error.
# See [`bson_error_t`](
extern class BSONError `{ bson_error_t * `}

	# Wrapper for `error.domain`.
	# The `error.domain` field contains the logical domain within a library that
	# created the error.
	fun domain: Int `{ return self->domain; `}

	# Wrapper for `error.code`.
	# The `error.code` field contains the domain specific error code.
	fun code: Int `{ return self->code; `}

	# Wrapper for `error.message`.
	# The `error.message` field contains a human printable error message.
	fun message: CString `{ return self->message; `}

# Wrapper for `bson_oid_t`.
# The `bson_oid_t` structure contains the 12-byte ObjectId notation defined by the
# [BSON ObjectID specificiation](
# ObjectId is a 12-byte BSON type, constructed using:
# * a 4-byte value representing the seconds since the Unix epoch (in Big Endian)
# * a 3-byte machine identifier
# * a 2-byte process id (Big Endian), and
# * a 3-byte counter (Big Endian), starting with a random value.
extern class BSONObjectId `{ bson_oid_t * `}

	# Generates a new `bson_oid_t`.
	new `{
		bson_oid_t *self = malloc(sizeof(bson_oid_t));
		bson_oid_init(self, NULL);
		return self;

	# Object id.
	fun id: String import CString.to_s `{
		char str[25];
		bson_oid_to_string(self, str);
		return CString_to_s(str);

	# Destroy `self`.
	fun destroy `{ free(self); `}

redef class Sys
	# Last error raised by `monogdb::MongoClient`.
	# See `MongoClient::last_error`.
	var last_mongoc_error: nullable BSONError = null

	# Last auto generated id if any.
	# See `MongoCollection::insert`.
	var last_mongoc_id: nullable BSONObjectId = null is writable

# Wrapper for `char**`.
# Used to handle array of CString returned by MongoDB.
redef class NativeCStringArray
	# Frees `self`.
	# This instance should not be used beyond this point!
	fun destroy `{ free(self); `}

# Wrapper for `mongoc_client_t`.
# `mongoc_client_t` is an opaque type that provides access to a MongoDB node,
# replica-set, or sharded-cluster.
# It maintains management of underlying sockets and routing to individual nodes.
# See [`mongoc_client_t`](
extern class NativeMongoClient `{ mongoc_client_t * `}

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_client_new()`.
	# Creates a new `mongoc_client_t` using the `uri` string provided.
	new(uri: CString) `{
		return mongoc_client_new(uri);

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_client_get_server_status()`.
	# Queries the server for the current server status.
	# Returns `null` if an error occured.
	fun server_status: nullable NativeBSON import set_mongoc_error, nullable `{
		bson_error_t error;
		bson_t *reply = bson_new();
		if(!mongoc_client_get_server_status(self, NULL, reply, &error)){
			NativeMongoClient_set_mongoc_error(self, &error);
			return null_NativeBSON();
		return NativeBSON_as_nullable(reply);

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_client_get_database_names()`.
	# This function queries the MongoDB server for a list of known databases.
	# Returns `null` if an error occured.
	fun database_names: nullable NativeCStringArray
		import set_mongoc_error, NativeCStringArray, nullable `{
		bson_error_t error;
		char **strv;
		if((strv = mongoc_client_get_database_names(self, &error))) {
			return NativeCStringArray_as_nullable(strv);
		NativeMongoClient_set_mongoc_error(self, &error);
		return null_NativeCStringArray();

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_client_destroy()`.
	# This instance should not be used beyond this point!
	fun destroy `{

	# Utility method to set `Sys.last_mongoc_error`.
	fun set_mongoc_error(err: BSONError) do sys.last_mongoc_error = err

# Wrapper for `mongoc_database_t`.
# `mongoc_database_t` provides access to a MongoDB database.
# This handle is useful for actions a particular database object.
# It is not a container for `mongoc_collection_t` structures.
# See [`mongoc_database_t`](
extern class NativeMongoDb `{ mongoc_database_t * `}

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_client_get_database()`.
	# Get a newly allocated `mongoc_database_t` for the database named name.
	# Database are automatically created on the MongoDB server upon insertion of
	# the first document into a collection.
	# There is no need to create a database manually.
	new(client: NativeMongoClient, db_name: CString) `{
		return mongoc_client_get_database(client, db_name);

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_database_get_collection_names()`.
	# Fetches a `NULL` terminated array of `NULL-byte` terminated `char*` strings
	# containing the names of all of the collections in database.
	fun collection_names: nullable NativeCStringArray
		import set_mongoc_error, NativeCStringArray, nullable `{
		bson_error_t error;
		char **strv;
		if((strv = mongoc_database_get_collection_names(self, &error))) {
			return NativeCStringArray_as_nullable(strv);
		NativeMongoDb_set_mongoc_error(self, &error);
		return null_NativeCStringArray();

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_database_get_collection()`.
	# Allocates a new `mongoc_collection_t` structure for the collection named
	# `name` in database.
	fun collection(name: CString): NativeMongoCollection `{
		return mongoc_database_get_collection(self, name);

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_database_has_collection()`.
	# This function checks to see if a collection exists on the MongoDB server
	# within database.
	fun has_collection(name: CString): Bool import set_mongoc_error `{
		bson_error_t error;
		if(!mongoc_database_has_collection(self, name, &error)) {
			NativeMongoDb_set_mongoc_error(self, &error);
			return false;
		return true;

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_database_drop()`.
	# This function attempts to drop a database on the MongoDB server.
	fun drop: Bool import set_mongoc_error `{
		bson_error_t error;
		if(!mongoc_database_drop(self, &error)) {
			NativeMongoDb_set_mongoc_error(self, &error);
			return false;
		return true;

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_database_destroy()`.
	# This instance should not be used beyond this point!
	fun destroy `{ mongoc_database_destroy(self); `}

	# Utility method to set `Sys.last_mongoc_error`.
	fun set_mongoc_error(err: BSONError) do sys.last_mongoc_error = err

# Wrapper for `mongoc_collection_t`.
# `mongoc_collection_t` provides access to a MongoDB collection.
# This handle is useful for actions for most CRUD operations,
# I.e. insert, update, delete, find, etc.
# It is an error to call `mongoc_collection_destroy()` on a collection that has
# operations pending.
# It is required that you release `mongoc_cursor_t` structures before calling
# `mongoc_collection_destroy()`.
# See [`mongoc_collection_t`](
extern class NativeMongoCollection `{ mongoc_collection_t * `}

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_client_get_collection()`.
	# Get a newly allocated `mongoc_collection_t` for the collection named
	# `collection` in the database named `db`.
	# Collections are automatically created on the MongoDB server upon insertion
	# of the first document.
	# There is no need to create a collection manually.
	new(client: NativeMongoClient, db, collection: CString) `{
		return mongoc_client_get_collection(client, db, collection);

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_collection_insert()`.
	# This function shall insert `document` into the collection.
	# If no `_id` element is found in document, then a `bson_oid_t` will be
	# generated locally and added to the document.
	# You can retrieve a generated `_id` from `sys.last_mongoc_id`.
	fun insert(document: NativeBSON): Bool import set_mongoc_error, set_mongoc_last_id `{
		bson_oid_t oid;
		if(!bson_has_field(document, "_id")) {
			bson_oid_init (&oid, NULL);
			BSON_APPEND_OID (document, "_id", &oid);
			NativeMongoCollection_set_mongoc_last_id(self, &oid);
		bson_error_t error;
		if(!mongoc_collection_insert(self, MONGOC_INSERT_NONE, document, NULL, &error)) {
			NativeMongoCollection_set_mongoc_error(self, &error);
			return false;
		return true;

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_collection_save()`.
	# This function shall save a document into the collection.
	# If the document has an `_id` field it will be updated.
	# Otherwise it will be inserted.
	# You can retrieve a generated `_id` from `sys.last_mongoc_id`.
	fun save(document: NativeBSON): Bool import set_mongoc_error, set_mongoc_last_id `{
		bson_oid_t oid;
		if(!bson_has_field(document, "_id")) {
			bson_oid_init (&oid, NULL);
			BSON_APPEND_OID (document, "_id", &oid);
			NativeMongoCollection_set_mongoc_last_id(self, &oid);
		bson_error_t error;
		if(!mongoc_collection_save(self, document, NULL, &error)) {
			NativeMongoCollection_set_mongoc_error(self, &error);
			return false;
		return true;

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_collection_remove(MONGOC_REMOVE_SINGLE_REMOVE)`.
	# This function shall remove the first document in the collection that matches
	# `selector`.
	# The bson selector is not validated, simply passed along as appropriate to the server.
	fun remove(selector: NativeBSON): Bool import set_mongoc_error `{
		bson_error_t error;
		if(!mongoc_collection_remove(self, MONGOC_REMOVE_SINGLE_REMOVE, selector, NULL, &error)) {
			NativeMongoCollection_set_mongoc_error(self, &error);
			return false;
		return true;

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_collection_remove(MONGOC_REMOVE_NONE)`.
	# This function shall remove documents in the collection that match `selector`.
	fun remove_all(selector: NativeBSON): Bool import set_mongoc_error `{
		bson_error_t error;
		if(!mongoc_collection_remove(self, MONGOC_REMOVE_NONE, selector, NULL, &error)) {
			NativeMongoCollection_set_mongoc_error(self, &error);
			return false;
		return true;

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_collection_update(MONGOC_UPDATE_NONE)`.
	# This function shall update the first document in the collection that
	# matches `selector`.
	fun update(selector, update: NativeBSON): Bool import set_mongoc_error `{
		bson_error_t error;
		if(!mongoc_collection_update(self, MONGOC_UPDATE_NONE, selector, update, NULL, &error)) {
			NativeMongoCollection_set_mongoc_error(self, &error);
			return false;
		return true;

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_collection_update(MONGOC_UPDATE_MULTI_UPDATE)`.
	# This function shall update documents in the collection that match `selector`.
	fun update_all(selector, update: NativeBSON): Bool import set_mongoc_error `{
		bson_error_t error;
		if(!mongoc_collection_update(self, MONGOC_UPDATE_MULTI_UPDATE, selector, update, NULL, &error)) {
			NativeMongoCollection_set_mongoc_error(self, &error);
			return false;
		return true;

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_collection_count()`.
	# This function shall execute a count `query` on the underlying collection.
	fun count(query: NativeBSON): Int import set_mongoc_error `{
		bson_error_t error;
		int64_t count = mongoc_collection_count(self, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, query, 0, 0, NULL, &error);
		if(count < 0) {
			NativeMongoCollection_set_mongoc_error(self, &error);
			return -1;
		return count;

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_collection_find()`.
	# This function shall execute a `query` on the underlying collection.
	# If no options are necessary, `query` can simply contain a query such as `{a:1}`.
	# If you would like to specify options such as a sort order,
	# the query must be placed inside of `{"$query": {}}`.
	fun find(query: NativeBSON, skip, limit: Int): nullable NativeMongoCursor import nullable, set_mongoc_error `{
		bson_error_t error;
		mongoc_cursor_t	*cursor;
		cursor = mongoc_collection_find(self, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, skip, limit, 0, query, NULL, NULL);
		if (mongoc_cursor_error(cursor, &error)) {
			NativeMongoCollection_set_mongoc_error(self, &error);
			return null_NativeMongoCursor();
		return NativeMongoCursor_as_nullable(cursor);

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_collection_aggregate()`.
	# This function shall execute an aggregation `pipeline` on the underlying collection.
	# The `pipeline` parameter should contain a field named `pipeline` containing
	# a BSON array of pipeline stages.
	fun aggregate(pipeline: NativeBSON): nullable NativeMongoCursor import nullable, set_mongoc_error `{
		bson_error_t error;
		mongoc_cursor_t	*cursor;
		cursor = mongoc_collection_aggregate(self, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, pipeline, NULL, NULL);
		if (mongoc_cursor_error(cursor, &error)) {
			NativeMongoCollection_set_mongoc_error(self, &error);
			return null_NativeMongoCursor();
		return NativeMongoCursor_as_nullable(cursor);

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_collection_stats()`.
	# This function is a helper to retrieve statistics about the collection.
	fun stats: nullable NativeBSON import set_mongoc_error, nullable `{
		bson_error_t error;
		bson_t *reply = bson_new();
		if(!mongoc_collection_stats(self, NULL, reply, &error)){
			NativeMongoCollection_set_mongoc_error(self, &error);
			return null_NativeBSON();
		return NativeBSON_as_nullable(reply);

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_collection_drop()`.
	# This function requests that the `collection` be dropped,
	# including all indexes associated with the collection.
	fun drop: Bool import set_mongoc_error `{
		bson_error_t error;
		if(!mongoc_collection_drop(self, &error)) {
			NativeMongoCollection_set_mongoc_error(self, &error);
			return false;
		return true;

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_collection_rename()`.
	# This function is a helper to rename an existing collection on a MongoDB server.
	# The name of the collection will also be updated internally so it is safe
	# to continue using this collection after the rename.
	# Additional operations will occur on renamed collection.
	fun rename(new_database, new_name: CString): Bool `{
		bson_error_t error;
		if(!mongoc_collection_rename(self, new_database, new_name, false, &error)){
			NativeMongoCollection_set_mongoc_error(self, &error);
			return false;
		return true;

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_collection_destroy()`.
	# This instance should not be used beyond this point!
	fun destroy `{ mongoc_collection_destroy(self); `}

	# Utility method to set `Sys.last_mongoc_last_id`.
	fun set_mongoc_last_id(id: BSONObjectId) do sys.last_mongoc_id = id

	# Utility method to set `Sys.last_mongoc_error`.
	fun set_mongoc_error(err: BSONError) do sys.last_mongoc_error = err

# Wrapper for `mongoc_cursor_t`.
# `mongoc_cursor_t` provides access to a MongoDB query cursor.
# It wraps up the wire protocol negotation required to initiate a query and
# retreive an unknown number of documents.
# Cursors are lazy, meaning that no network traffic occurs until the first call
# to mongoc_cursor_next().
# At that point we can:
# * Retreive more records with repeated calls to `mongoc_cursor_next()`.
# * Test for more records with `mongoc_cursor_more()`.
# * Retrieve the document under the cursor with `mongoc_cursor_current()`.
# See [`mongoc_cursor_t`](
extern class NativeMongoCursor `{ mongoc_cursor_t* `}

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_cursor_current()`.
	# Fetches the cursors current document or NULL if there has been an error.
	fun current: NativeBSON `{
		// As said in documentation, BSON objects should not be freed manually.
		bson_t* bson = (bson_t*) mongoc_cursor_current(self);
		// Copy BSON so we can let the GC free it automatically.
		return bson_copy(bson);

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_cursor_next()`.
	# This function shall iterate the underlying cursor, setting `current` to the next
	# document.
	# This function is a blocking function.
	fun next: Bool `{
		const bson_t *doc;
		return mongoc_cursor_next(self, &doc);

	# Wrapper for `mongoc_cursor_destroy()`.
	# This instance should not be used beyond this point!
	fun destroy `{ mongoc_cursor_destroy(self); `}