Wrapper for mongoc_collection_insert().

This function shall insert document into the collection. If no _id element is found in document, then a bson_oid_t will be generated locally and added to the document.

You can retrieve a generated _id from sys.last_mongoc_id.

Property definitions

mongodb $ NativeMongoCollection :: insert
	# Wrapper for `mongoc_collection_insert()`.
	# This function shall insert `document` into the collection.
	# If no `_id` element is found in document, then a `bson_oid_t` will be
	# generated locally and added to the document.
	# You can retrieve a generated `_id` from `sys.last_mongoc_id`.
	fun insert(document: NativeBSON): Bool import set_mongoc_error, set_mongoc_last_id `{
		bson_oid_t oid;
		if(!bson_has_field(document, "_id")) {
			bson_oid_init (&oid, NULL);
			BSON_APPEND_OID (document, "_id", &oid);
			NativeMongoCollection_set_mongoc_last_id(self, &oid);
		bson_error_t error;
		if(!mongoc_collection_insert(self, MONGOC_INSERT_NONE, document, NULL, &error)) {
			NativeMongoCollection_set_mongoc_error(self, &error);
			return false;
		return true;