Answer with a directory listing for files within local_files.

Property definitions

nitcorn $ FileServer :: answer_directory_listing
	# Answer with a directory listing for files within `local_files`.
	fun answer_directory_listing(request: HttpRequest, turi, local_file: String): HttpResponse do
		# Show the directory listing
		var title = turi
		var files = local_file.files

		alpha_comparator.sort files

		var links = new Array[String]
		if turi.length > 1 then
			var path = (request.uri + "/..").simplify_path
			links.add "<a href=\"{path}/\">..</a>"
		for file in files do
			var local_path = local_file.join_path(file).simplify_path
			var web_path = file.simplify_path
			var file_stat = local_path.file_stat
			if file_stat != null and file_stat.is_dir then web_path = web_path + "/"
			links.add "<a href=\"{web_path}\">{file}</a>"

		var header = self.header
		var header_code
		if header != null then
			header_code = header.write_to_string
		else header_code = ""

		var response = new HttpResponse(200)
		response.body = """
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
		{{{javascript_header or else ""}}}
	<div class="container">

		response.header["Content-Type"] = media_types["html"].as(not null)
		return response