action, which is a standard and minimal file serverHttpRequest
class and services to create it
to show more useful information
more_collections :: more_collections
Highly specific, but useful, collections-related classes.serialization :: serialization_core
Abstract services to serialize Nit objects to different formatscore :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structurerestful
annotation documented at lib/nitcorn/restful.nit
to execute
# Provides the `FileServer` action, which is a standard and minimal file server
module file_server
import reactor
import sessions
import media_types
import http_errors
redef class String
# Returns a `String` copy of `self` without any of the prefixed '/'s
# Examples:
# assert "/home/".strip_start_slashes == "home/"
# assert "////home/".strip_start_slashes == "home/"
# assert "../home/".strip_start_slashes == "../home/"
fun strip_start_slashes: String
for i in chars.length.times do if chars[i] != '/' then return substring_from(i)
return ""
# A simple file server
class FileServer
super Action
# Root folder of `self` file system
var root: String
var root = self.root
# Simplify the root path as each file requested will also be simplified
root = root.simplify_path
# Make sure the root ends with '/', this makes a difference in the security
# check on each file access.
root = root + "/"
self.root = root
# Error page template for a given `code`
fun error_page(code: Int): Writable do return new ErrorTemplate(code)
# Header of each directory page
var header: nullable Writable = null is writable
# Custom JavaScript code added within a `<script>` block to each page
var javascript_header: nullable Writable = null is writable
# Caching attributes of served files, used as the `cache-control` field in response headers
var cache_control = "public, max-age=360" is writable
# Show directory listing?
var show_directory_listing = true is writable
# Default file returned when no static file matches the requested URI.
# If no `default_file` is provided, the FileServer responds 404 error to
# unmatched queries.
var default_file: nullable String = null is writable
redef fun answer(request, turi)
var response
var local_file = root.join_path(turi.strip_start_slashes)
local_file = local_file.simplify_path
# Is it reachable?
# This make sure that the requested file is within the root folder.
if (local_file + "/").has_prefix(root) then
# Does it exists?
var file_stat = local_file.file_stat
if file_stat != null then
if file_stat.is_dir then
# If we target a directory without an ending `/`,
# redirect to the directory ending with `/`.
var uri = request.uri
if not uri.is_empty and uri.chars.last != '/' then
return answer_redirection(request.uri + "/")
# Show index file instead of the directory listing
# only if `index.html` or `index.htm` is available
var index_file = local_file.join_path("index.html")
if index_file.file_exists then
local_file = index_file
index_file = local_file.join_path("index.htm")
if index_file.file_exists then local_file = index_file
file_stat = local_file.file_stat
if show_directory_listing and file_stat != null and file_stat.is_dir then
response = answer_directory_listing(request, turi, local_file)
else if file_stat != null and not file_stat.is_dir then # It's a single file
response = answer_file(local_file)
else response = answer_default
else response = answer_default
else response = new HttpResponse(403)
if response.status_code != 200 then
var tmpl = error_page(response.status_code)
if header != null and tmpl isa ErrorTemplate then tmpl.header = header
response.body = tmpl
return response
# Answer the `default_file` if any.
fun answer_default: HttpResponse do
var default_file = self.default_file
if default_file == null then
return new HttpResponse(404)
var local_file = (root / default_file).simplify_path
return answer_file(local_file)
# Answer a 303 redirection to `location`.
fun answer_redirection(location: String): HttpResponse do
var response = new HttpResponse(303)
response.header["Location"] = location
return response
# Build a reponse containing a single `local_file`.
# Returns a 404 error if local_file does not exists.
fun answer_file(local_file: String): HttpResponse do
if not local_file.file_exists then return new HttpResponse(404)
var response = new HttpResponse(200)
response.files.add local_file
# Set Content-Type depending on the file extension
var ext = local_file.file_extension
if ext != null then
var media_type = media_types[ext]
if media_type != null then
response.header["Content-Type"] = media_type
else response.header["Content-Type"] = "application/octet-stream"
# Cache control
response.header["cache-control"] = cache_control
return response
# Answer with a directory listing for files within `local_files`.
fun answer_directory_listing(request: HttpRequest, turi, local_file: String): HttpResponse do
# Show the directory listing
var title = turi
var files = local_file.files
alpha_comparator.sort files
var links = new Array[String]
if turi.length > 1 then
var path = (request.uri + "/..").simplify_path
links.add "<a href=\"{path}/\">..</a>"
for file in files do
var local_path = local_file.join_path(file).simplify_path
var web_path = file.simplify_path
var file_stat = local_path.file_stat
if file_stat != null and file_stat.is_dir then web_path = web_path + "/"
links.add "<a href=\"{web_path}\">{file}</a>"
var header = self.header
var header_code
if header != null then
header_code = header.write_to_string
else header_code = ""
var response = new HttpResponse(200)
response.body = """
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
{{{javascript_header or else ""}}}
<div class="container">
response.header["Content-Type"] = media_types["html"].as(not null)
return response