Property definitions

nitcorn $ RestfulAction :: defaultinit
# Action with `restful` methods
class RestfulAction
	super Action

	redef fun answer(request, truncated_uri) do return new HttpResponse(400)

	# Deserialize `val` from JSON for a parameter typed by `static_type`
	# Accepts `nullable String` for convenience, but returns `null` when `val == null`.
	# This method is called by the code generated by `nitrestful`.
	# It can be specialized to customize its behavior.
	protected fun deserialize_arg(val: nullable String, static_type: String): nullable Object
		if val == null then return null

		var deserializer = new JsonDeserializer(val)
		var obj = deserializer.deserialize(static_type)

		if deserializer.errors.not_empty then
			print_error deserializer.errors.join("\n")
			return null

		return obj

	# Thread pool used by methods annotated with `restful(async)`
	var thread_pool = new ThreadPool is writable