MongoMatch query used for each browser key

Because parsing user agent string is a pain in the nit, we go lazy on this one. We associate each broswer key like Chromium to the query that allows us to count the number of visits.

Property definitions

popcorn $ PopTrackerBrowsers :: browser_queries=
	# MongoMatch query used for each browser key
	# Because parsing user agent string is a pain in the nit, we go lazy on this
	# one. We associate each broswer key like `Chromium` to the query that allows
	# us to count the number of visits.
	var browser_queries: HashMap[String, MongoMatch] do
		var map = new HashMap[String, MongoMatch]
		map["Chromium"] = (new MongoMatch).regex("user_agent", "Chromium")
		map["Edge"] = (new MongoMatch).regex("user_agent", "Edge")
		map["Firefox"] = (new MongoMatch).regex("user_agent", "Firefox")
		map["IE"] = (new MongoMatch).regex("user_agent", "(MSIE)|(Trident)")
		map["Netscape"] = (new MongoMatch).regex("user_agent", "Netscape")
		map["Opera"] = (new MongoMatch).regex("user_agent", "Opera")
		map["Safari"] = (new MongoMatch).land(null, [
				(new MongoMatch).regex("user_agent", "Safari"),
				(new MongoMatch).regex("user_agent", "^((?!Chrome).)*$")])
		map["Chrome"] = (new MongoMatch).land(null, [
				(new MongoMatch).regex("user_agent", "Chrome"),
				(new MongoMatch).regex("user_agent", "^((?!Edge).)*$")])

		return map