is used with most of the Mongo services like find
, find_all
Building a query can be done with the fluent interface:
var query = (new MongoMatch).
eq("login", "Morriar").
gt("age", 18).
exists("email", true).
is_in("status", [1, 2, 3, 4])
Fore more help on how to use the query operators of MongoDB please refer to the official MongoDB documentation:
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: all
Array contains allmongodb :: MongoMatch :: defaultinit
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: elem_match
Array element matchmongodb :: MongoMatch :: eq
Match documents wherefield
equals value
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: exists
Match documents wherefield
exists or not
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: gt
Match documents wherefield
is greater than value
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: gte
Match documents wherefield
is greater or equal to value
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: is_in
Match documents wherefield
is in values
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: is_nin
Match documents wherefield
is not in values
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: land
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: lnor
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: lnot
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: lor
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: lt
Match documents wherefield
is less than value
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: lte
Match documents wherefield
is less or equal to value
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: ne
Match documents wherefield
not equals value
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: op
Define a custom operaton forfield
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: regex
Match documents wherefield
matches pattern
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: size
Array size matchmongodb $ MongoMatch :: SELF
Type of this instance, automatically specialized in every classserialization :: Serializable :: accept_json_serializer
Refinable service to customize the serialization of this class to JSONserialization :: Serializable :: accept_msgpack_attribute_counter
Hook to customize the behavior of theAttributeCounter
serialization :: Serializable :: accept_msgpack_serializer
Hook to customize the serialization of this class to MessagePackserialization :: Serializable :: add_to_bundle
Called by[]=
to dynamically choose the appropriate method according
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: all
Array contains allcore :: Object :: class_factory
Implementation used byget_class
to create the specific class.
serialization :: Serializable :: core_serialize_to
Actual serialization ofself
to serializer
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: defaultinit
json :: JsonObject :: defaultinit
json :: JsonMapRead :: defaultinit
core :: Object :: defaultinit
core :: HashMap :: defaultinit
core :: Map :: defaultinit
core :: MapRead :: defaultinit
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: elem_match
Array element matchmongodb :: MongoMatch :: eq
Match documents wherefield
equals value
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: exists
Match documents wherefield
exists or not
core :: MapRead :: filter_keys
Return all elements ofkeys
that have a value.
serialization :: Serializable :: from_deserializer
Create an instance of this class from thedeserializer
core :: MapRead :: get_or_default
Get the item atkey
or return default
if not in map
core :: MapRead :: get_or_null
Get the item atkey
or null if key
is not in the map.
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: gt
Match documents wherefield
is greater than value
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: gte
Match documents wherefield
is greater or equal to value
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: is_in
Match documents wherefield
is in values
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: is_nin
Match documents wherefield
is not in values
core :: Object :: is_same_instance
Return true ifself
and other
are the same instance (i.e. same identity).
core :: Object :: is_same_serialized
the same as other
in a serialization context?
core :: Object :: is_same_type
Return true ifself
and other
have the same dynamic type.
core :: MapRead :: keys_sorted_by_values
Return an array of all keys sorted with their values usingcomparator
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: land
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: lnor
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: lnot
core :: MapRead :: lookup_all_values
Search all the values inpe.greaters
core :: MapRead :: lookup_values
Combine the values inpe.greaters
from the most smaller elements that have a value.
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: lor
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: lt
Match documents wherefield
is less than value
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: lte
Match documents wherefield
is less or equal to value
serialization :: Serializable :: msgpack_extra_array_items
Hook to request a larger than usual metadata arraymongodb :: MongoMatch :: ne
Match documents wherefield
not equals value
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: op
Define a custom operaton forfield
core :: Object :: output_class_name
Display class name on stdout (debug only).core :: MapRead :: provide_default_value
Called by the underling implementation of[]
to provide a default value when a key
has no value
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: regex
Match documents wherefield
matches pattern
serialization :: Serializable :: serialize_msgpack
to MessagePack bytes
serialization :: Serializable :: serialize_to
to serializer
serialization :: Serializable :: serialize_to_json
mongodb :: MongoMatch :: size
Array size matchcore :: MapRead :: to_map_comparator
A comparator that compares things with their values in self.serialization :: Serializable :: to_pretty_json
to plain pretty JSON
core :: MapRead :: values_sorted_by_key
Return an array of all values sorted with their keys usingcomparator
json :: JsonMapRead
A map that can be translated into a JSON object.Serializer::serialize
# A basic match query
# `MongoMatch` is used with most of the Mongo services like `find`, `find_all`,
# `remove` etc.
# Building a query can be done with the fluent interface:
# ~~~
# var query = (new MongoMatch).
# eq("login", "Morriar").
# gt("age", 18).
# exists("email", true).
# is_in("status", [1, 2, 3, 4])
# ~~~
# Fore more help on how to use the query operators of MongoDB please
# refer to the official MongoDB documentation:
class MongoMatch
super JsonObject
# Define a custom operaton for `field`
# If no `field` is specified, append the operator the the root object:
# ~~~json
# {$<name>: <value>}
# ~~~
# Else, append the operator to the field:
# ~~~json
# {field: {$<name>: <value>} }
# ~~~
fun op(name: String, field: nullable String, value: nullable Serializable): MongoMatch do
if field != null then
var q = new JsonObject
q["${name}"] = value
self[field] = q
self["${name}"] = value
return self
# Match documents where `field` equals `value`
# ~~~json
# {field: {$eq: value} }
# ~~~
fun eq(field: String, value: nullable Serializable): MongoMatch do
self[field] = value
return self
# Match documents where `field` not equals `value`
# ~~~json
# {field: {$ne: value} }
# ~~~
fun ne(field: String, value: nullable Serializable): MongoMatch do
op("ne", field, value)
return self
# Match documents where `field` is greater than `value`
# ~~~json
# {field: {$gt: value} }
# ~~~
fun gt(field: String, value: nullable Serializable): MongoMatch do
op("gt", field, value)
return self
# Match documents where `field` is greater or equal to `value`
# ~~~json
# {field: {$gte: value} }
# ~~~
fun gte(field: String, value: nullable Serializable): MongoMatch do
op("gte", field, value)
return self
# Match documents where `field` is less than `value`
# ~~~json
# {field: {$lt: value} }
# ~~~
fun lt(field: String, value: nullable Serializable): MongoMatch do
op("lt", field, value)
return self
# Match documents where `field` is less or equal to `value`
# ~~~json
# {field: {$lte: value} }
# ~~~
fun lte(field: String, value: nullable Serializable): MongoMatch do
op("lte", field, value)
return self
# Match documents where `field` exists or not
# ~~~json
# {field: {$exists: boolean} }
# ~~~
# When `exists` is true, `$exists` matches the documents that contain the
# field, including documents where the field value is null.
# If <boolean> is false, the query returns only the documents that do not
# contain the field.
fun exists(field: String, exists: Bool): MongoMatch do
op("exists", field, exists)
return self
# Match documents where `field` matches `pattern`
# To read more about the available options, see:
# ~~~json
# {field: {$regex: 'pattern', $options: '<options>'} }
# ~~~
# Provides regular expression capabilities for pattern matching strings in queries.
# MongoDB uses Perl compatible regular expressions (i.e. "PCRE" ).
fun regex(field: String, pattern: String, options: nullable String): MongoMatch do
var q = new JsonObject
q["$regex"] = pattern
if options != null then q["$options"] = options
self[field] = q
return self
# Match documents where `field` is in `values`
# ~~~json
# { field: { $in: [<value1>, <value2>, ... <valueN> ] } }
# ~~~
# `$in` selects the documents where the value of a field equals any value
# in the specified array.
fun is_in(field: String, values: Array[nullable Serializable]): MongoMatch do
op("in", field, new JsonArray.from(values))
return self
# Match documents where `field` is not in `values`
# ~~~json
# { field: { $nin: [<value1>, <value2>, ... <valueN> ] } }
# ~~~
# `$nin` selects the documents where:
# * the field value is not in the specified array or
# * the field does not exist.
fun is_nin(field: String, values: Array[nullable Serializable]): MongoMatch do
op("nin", field, new JsonArray.from(values))
return self
# Logical `or`
# The `$or` operator performs a logical OR operation on an array of two or
# more `expressions` and selects the documents that satisfy at least one of
# the `expressions`.
# The `$or` has the following syntax:
# ~~~json
# { field: { $or: [ { <expression1> }, { <expression2> }, ... , { <expressionN> } ] } }
# ~~~
fun lor(field: nullable String, expressions: Array[Serializable]): MongoMatch do
op("or", field, new JsonArray.from(expressions))
return self
# Logical `and`
# The `$and` operator performs a logical AND operation on an array of two or
# more `expressions` and selects the documents that satisfy all of the `expressions`.
# The `$and` has the following syntax:
# ~~~json
# { field: { $and: [ { <expression1> }, { <expression2> }, ... , { <expressionN> } ] } }
# ~~~
fun land(field: nullable String, expressions: Array[Serializable]): MongoMatch do
op("and", field, new JsonArray.from(expressions))
return self
# Logical `not`
# `$not` performs a logical NOT operation on the specified `expression` and
# selects the documents that do not match the `expression`.
# This includes documents that do not contain the field.
# The $not has the following syntax:
# ~~~json
# { field: { $not: { <expression> } } }
# ~~~
fun lnot(field: nullable String, expression: Serializable): MongoMatch do
op("not", field, expression)
return self
# Logical `nor`
# `$nor` performs a logical NOR operation on an array of one or more query
# expression and selects the documents that fail all the query expressions
# in the array.
# The $nor has the following syntax:
# ~~~json
# { field: { $nor: [ { <expression1> }, { <expression2> }, ... , { <expressionN> } ] } }
# ~~~
fun lnor(field: nullable String, expressions: Array[Serializable]): MongoMatch do
op("nor", field, new JsonArray.from(expressions))
return self
# Array contains all
# `$all` selects the documents where the value of a field is an array that
# contains all the specified elements.
# ~~~json
# { field: { $all: [ <value1>, <value2>, ... ] } }
# ~~~
fun all(field: nullable String, values: Array[Serializable]): MongoMatch do
op("all", field, new JsonArray.from(values))
return self
# Array element match
# `$elemMatch` matches documents that contain an array field with at least
# one element that matches all the specified query criteria.
# ~~~json
# { field: { $elemMatch: <query> } }
# ~~~
fun elem_match(field: nullable String, query: Serializable): MongoMatch do
op("elemMatch", field, query)
return self
# Array size match
# `$size` matches any array with the number of elements specified by the argument
# ~~~json
# { field: { $size: <size> } }
# ~~~
fun size(field: nullable String, size: Int): MongoMatch do
op("size", field, size)
return self