Property definitions

posix $ Passwd :: defaultinit
# Information on a user account
extern class Passwd `{struct passwd*`}
	# Get the `Passwd` of the user with the `uid`
	new from_uid(uid: Int) `{ return getpwuid(uid); `}

	# Get the `Passwd` of the user with the `name`
	new from_name(name: String) import String.to_cstring `{ return getpwnam( String_to_cstring(name) ); `}

	# Username
	fun name: String import CString.to_s `{ return CString_to_s(self->pw_name); `}

	# User password
	fun passwd: String import CString.to_s `{ return CString_to_s(self->pw_passwd); `}

	# User ID
	fun uid: Int `{ return self->pw_uid; `}

	# Group ID
	fun gid: Int `{ return self->pw_gid; `}

	# Home directory
	fun dir: String import CString.to_s `{ return CString_to_s(self->pw_dir); `}

	# Shell program
	fun shell: String import CString.to_s `{ return CString_to_s(self->pw_shell); `}