core :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structureroot
to execute
# Services conforming to POSIX
module posix
in "C Header" `{
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <grp.h>
redef class Sys
# Set the real current user id of this process
fun uid=(uid: Int): Bool `{ return setuid(uid); `}
# Current real user id of this process
fun uid: Int `{ return getuid(); `}
# Set the current real group id of this process
fun gid=(gid: Int): Bool `{ return setgid(gid); `}
# Current real group id of this process
fun gid: Int `{ return getgid(); `}
# Set the effective user id of this process
fun euid=(uid: Int): Bool `{ return seteuid(uid); `}
# The effective user id of this process
fun euid: Int `{ return geteuid(); `}
# Set the effective group id of this process
fun egid=(gid: Int): Bool `{ return setegid(gid); `}
# The effective group id of this process
fun egid: Int `{ return getegid(); `}
# Information on a user account
extern class Passwd `{struct passwd*`}
# Get the `Passwd` of the user with the `uid`
new from_uid(uid: Int) `{ return getpwuid(uid); `}
# Get the `Passwd` of the user with the `name`
new from_name(name: String) import String.to_cstring `{ return getpwnam( String_to_cstring(name) ); `}
# Username
fun name: String import CString.to_s `{ return CString_to_s(self->pw_name); `}
# User password
fun passwd: String import CString.to_s `{ return CString_to_s(self->pw_passwd); `}
# User ID
fun uid: Int `{ return self->pw_uid; `}
# Group ID
fun gid: Int `{ return self->pw_gid; `}
# Home directory
fun dir: String import CString.to_s `{ return CString_to_s(self->pw_dir); `}
# Shell program
fun shell: String import CString.to_s `{ return CString_to_s(self->pw_shell); `}
# Information on a user group
extern class Group `{struct group*`}
# Get a group from its id
new from_gid(gid: Int) `{ return getgrgid(gid); `}
# Get a group from its name
new from_name(name: String) import String.to_cstring `{ return getgrnam( String_to_cstring(name) ); `}
# Name of this ground
fun name: String import CString.to_s `{ return CString_to_s(self->gr_name); `}
# Encrypted password of this group
fun passwd: String import CString.to_s `{ return CString_to_s(self->gr_passwd); `}
# Id of this group
fun gid: Int `{ return self->gr_gid; `}
# List of the members of the group
fun mem: Array[String] import Array[String], Array[String].add, CString.to_s `{
char **mem;
int m;
Array_of_String ret;
mem = self->gr_mem;
ret = new_Array_of_String();
for (m = 0; mem[m] != NULL; m++)
Array_of_String_add(ret, CString_to_s(mem[m]));
return ret;