Play chunk on channel

If channel == -1 the first unreserved channel is used. The sound is repeated loops times, loops == 0 plays it once, loops == 1 plays it twice and loops == -1 loops infinitely. If ticks != -1, the sample plays for at most ticks milliseconds.

Property definitions

sdl2 $ Mix :: play_channel_timed
	# Play `chunk` on `channel`
	# If `channel == -1` the first unreserved channel is used.
	# The sound is repeated `loops` times, `loops == 0` plays it once,
	# `loops == 1` plays it twice and `loops == -1` loops infinitely.
	# If `ticks != -1`, the sample plays for at most `ticks` milliseconds.
	fun play_channel_timed(channel: Int, chunk: MixChunk, loops, ticks: Int): Int `{
		return Mix_PlayChannelTimed(channel, chunk, loops, ticks);