sdl2 :: Mix :: default_frequency
Default frequency foropen_audio
sdl2 :: Mix :: defaultinit
sdl2 :: Mix :: expire_channel
in ticks
milliseconds and return the number of channels set to expire
sdl2 :: Mix :: initialize
Initialize supports for loading formats inflags
sdl2 :: Mix :: max_volume
Maximum volume value forvolume_music
and volume_chunk
sdl2 :: Mix :: open_audio
Initialize and configure the mixer APIsdl2 :: Mix :: play_channel
on channel
sdl2 :: Mix :: play_channel_timed
on channel
sdl2 :: Mix :: reserve_channels
channels from being used by play_channel(-1...)
sdl2 :: Mix :: volume_chunk
Set thevolume
for chunk
, out of mix.max_volume
sdl2 :: Mix :: volume_music
Set the music volume out ofmix.max_volume
and return the previous value
core :: Object :: class_factory
Implementation used byget_class
to create the specific class.
sdl2 :: Mix :: default_frequency
Default frequency foropen_audio
core :: Object :: defaultinit
sdl2 :: Mix :: defaultinit
sdl2 :: Mix :: expire_channel
in ticks
milliseconds and return the number of channels set to expire
sdl2 :: Mix :: initialize
Initialize supports for loading formats inflags
core :: Object :: is_same_instance
Return true ifself
and other
are the same instance (i.e. same identity).
core :: Object :: is_same_serialized
the same as other
in a serialization context?
core :: Object :: is_same_type
Return true ifself
and other
have the same dynamic type.
sdl2 :: Mix :: max_volume
Maximum volume value forvolume_music
and volume_chunk
sdl2 :: Mix :: open_audio
Initialize and configure the mixer APIcore :: Object :: output_class_name
Display class name on stdout (debug only).sdl2 :: Mix :: play_channel
on channel
sdl2 :: Mix :: play_channel_timed
on channel
sdl2 :: Mix :: reserve_channels
channels from being used by play_channel(-1...)
sdl2 :: Mix :: volume_chunk
Set thevolume
for chunk
, out of mix.max_volume
sdl2 :: Mix :: volume_music
Set the music volume out ofmix.max_volume
and return the previous value
# SDL2 mixer services
class Mix
# Initialize supports for loading formats in `flags`
# Returns the initialized supports.
fun initialize(flags: MixInitFlags): MixInitFlags `{
return Mix_Init(flags);
# FLAC format support, for `initialize`
fun flac: MixInitFlags `{ return MIX_INIT_FLAC; `}
# MOD format support, for `initialize`
fun mod: MixInitFlags `{ return MIX_INIT_MOD; `}
# MP3 format support, for `initialize`
fun mp3: MixInitFlags `{ return MIX_INIT_MP3; `}
# OGG format support, for `initialize`
fun ogg: MixInitFlags `{ return MIX_INIT_OGG; `}
# Clean up all dynamically loaded library handles
# May be called after loading all the sounds.
fun quit `{ Mix_Quit(); `}
# Initialize and configure the mixer API
# Playback is configured with:
# * The output sample `frequency`, in samples per second (Hz).
# * The output sample `format`, may be `mix_default_format`.
# * The number of sound `channels`, 1 for mono or 2 for stereo.
# * The number of bytes used by output sample size as `chunk_size`.
fun open_audio(frequency: Int, format: MixFormat, channels, chunk_size: Int): Bool `{
return Mix_OpenAudio(frequency, format, channels, chunk_size) == 0;
# Default frequency for `open_audio` (22050)
fun default_frequency: Int `{ return MIX_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY; `}
# Default format for `open_audio`
fun default_format: MixFormat `{ return MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT; `}
# TODO other formats: AUDIO_U8, AUDIO_S8, etc.
# Shutdown and cleanup the mixer API
fun close_audio `{ Mix_CloseAudio(); `}
# Last error produced by the mixer API
fun error: CString `{ return (char*)Mix_GetError(); `}
# ---
# Chunks/sounds
# Load `file` for use as a sample
# Returns a null pointer on error.
# Can load WAVE, AIFF, RIFF, OGG and VOC files.
fun load_wav(file: CString): MixChunk `{ return Mix_LoadWAV(file); `}
# Play `chunk` on `channel`
# If `channel == -1` the first unreserved channel is used.
# The sound is repeated `loops` times, `loops == 0` plays it once,
# `loops == 1` plays it twice and `loops == -1` loops infinitely.
# Returns the channel used, or `-1` on error.
fun play_channel(channel: Int, chunk: MixChunk, loops: Int): Int `{
return Mix_PlayChannel(channel, chunk, loops);
# Play `chunk` on `channel`
# If `channel == -1` the first unreserved channel is used.
# The sound is repeated `loops` times, `loops == 0` plays it once,
# `loops == 1` plays it twice and `loops == -1` loops infinitely.
# If `ticks != -1`, the sample plays for at most `ticks` milliseconds.
fun play_channel_timed(channel: Int, chunk: MixChunk, loops, ticks: Int): Int `{
return Mix_PlayChannelTimed(channel, chunk, loops, ticks);
# Halt/stop `channel` playback
# If `channel == -1`, halt all channels.
fun halt_channel(channel: Int) `{
# Halt `channel` in `ticks` milliseconds and return the number of channels set to expire
# If `channel == -1`, halt all channels.
fun expire_channel(channel, ticks: Int): Int `{
return Mix_ExpireChannel(channel, ticks);
# Reserve `num` channels from being used by `play_channel(-1...)`
# Returns the number of of channels reserved.
fun reserve_channels(num: Int): Int `{
return Mix_ReserveChannels(num);
# Set the `volume` of `channel`, out of `mix.max_volume`
# If `channel == -1`, set the volume of all channels.
# Returns the current volume of the channel, or if `channel == -1` the average volume.
fun volume(channel, volume: Int): Int `{
return Mix_Volume(channel, volume);
# Set the `volume` for `chunk`, out of `mix.max_volume`
# If `volume == -1`, only read the previous value.
# Returns the previous volume value.
fun volume_chunk(chunk: MixChunk, volume: Int) `{
Mix_VolumeChunk(chunk, volume);
# Pause `channel`, or all playing channels if -1
fun pause(channel: Int) `{
# Unpause `channel`, or all paused channels if -1
fun resume(channel: Int) `{
# ---
# Music
# Load music from `file`
# Returns a null pointer on error.
fun load_mus(file: CString): MixMusic `{ return Mix_LoadMUS(file); `}
# Play `music` `loops` times
# The music is plays once if `loops == 1` and repeats infinitely if `loops == -1`.
fun play_music(music: MixMusic, loops: Int): Bool `{
return Mix_PlayMusic(music, loops) == 0;
# Pause music playback
fun pause_music `{ Mix_PauseMusic(); `}
# Resume music playback
fun resume_music `{ Mix_ResumeMusic(); `}
# Set the music volume out of `mix.max_volume` and return the previous value
# Use `volume = -1` to only read the previous value.
fun volume_music(volume: Int): Int `{
return Mix_VolumeMusic(volume);
# Maximum volume value for `volume_music` and `volume_chunk`
fun max_volume: Int `{ return MIX_MAX_VOLUME; `}