# Socket observer
class NativeSocketObserver
# FIXME this implementation is broken. `reads`, `write` and `except`
# are boxed objects, passing them to a C function is illegal.
fun select(max: NativeSocket, reads: nullable NativeSocketSet, write: nullable NativeSocketSet,
except: nullable NativeSocketSet, timeout: NativeTimeval): Int `{
fd_set *rds = NULL,
*wts = NULL,
*exs = NULL;
struct timeval *tm = NULL;
if (reads != NULL) rds = (fd_set*)reads;
if (write != NULL) wts = (fd_set*)write;
if (except != NULL) exs = (fd_set*)except;
if (timeout != NULL) tm = (struct timeval*)timeout;
return select(*max, rds, wts, exs, tm);