curl :: CURLStatusCode :: accepted
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: bad_gateway
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: bad_request
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: conflict
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: created
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: defaultinit
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: forbidden
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: gone
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: no_content
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: not_acceptable
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: not_found
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: not_modified
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: ok
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: proceed
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: reset_content
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: see_other
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: to_i
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: use_proxy
curl $ CURLStatusCode :: SELF
Type of this instance, automatically specialized in every classcurl :: CURLStatusCode :: accepted
core :: Pointer :: address_is_null
Is the address behind this Object at NULL?curl :: CURLStatusCode :: bad_gateway
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: bad_request
core :: Object :: class_factory
Implementation used byget_class
to create the specific class.
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: conflict
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: created
core :: Pointer :: defaultinit
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: defaultinit
core :: Object :: defaultinit
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: forbidden
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: gone
core :: Object :: is_same_instance
Return true ifself
and other
are the same instance (i.e. same identity).
core :: Object :: is_same_serialized
the same as other
in a serialization context?
core :: Object :: is_same_type
Return true ifself
and other
have the same dynamic type.
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: no_content
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: not_acceptable
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: not_found
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: not_modified
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: ok
core :: Object :: output_class_name
Display class name on stdout (debug only).curl :: CURLStatusCode :: proceed
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: reset_content
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: see_other
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: to_i
curl :: CURLStatusCode :: use_proxy
# Reproduce Enum of HTTP Status Code
extern class CURLStatusCode `{ int `}
new proceed `{ return 100; `}
new switching_protocols `{ return 101; `}
new ok `{ return 200; `}
new created `{ return 201; `}
new accepted `{ return 202; `}
new non_authoritative_information `{ return 203; `}
new no_content `{ return 204; `}
new reset_content `{ return 205; `}
new partial_content `{ return 206; `}
new multiple_choices `{ return 300; `}
new moved_permanently `{ return 301; `}
new moved_temporarily `{ return 302; `}
new see_other `{ return 303; `}
new not_modified `{ return 304; `}
new use_proxy `{ return 305; `}
new bad_request `{ return 400; `}
new unauthorized `{ return 401; `}
new payment_required `{ return 402; `}
new forbidden `{ return 403; `}
new not_found `{ return 404; `}
new method_not_allowed `{ return 405; `}
new not_acceptable `{ return 406; `}
new proxy_authentication_required `{ return 407; `}
new request_timeout `{ return 408; `}
new conflict `{ return 409; `}
new gone `{ return 410; `}
new length_required `{ return 411; `}
new precondition_failed `{ return 412; `}
new request_entity_too_large `{ return 413; `}
new request_uri_too_large `{ return 414; `}
new unsupported_media_type `{ return 415; `}
new internal_server_error `{ return 500; `}
new not_implemented `{ return 501; `}
new bad_gateway `{ return 502; `}
new gateway_timeout `{ return 504; `}
new http_version_not_supported `{ return 505; `}
fun to_i: Int `{ return self; `}