core :: Pointer :: address_is_null
Is the address behind this Object at NULL?core :: Pointer :: defaultinit
core :: Pointer :: address_is_null
Is the address behind this Object at NULL?core :: Object :: class_factory
Implementation used byget_class
to create the specific class.
core :: Object :: defaultinit
core :: Pointer :: defaultinit
core :: Object :: is_same_instance
Return true ifself
and other
are the same instance (i.e. same identity).
core :: Object :: is_same_serialized
the same as other
in a serialization context?
core :: Object :: is_same_type
Return true ifself
and other
have the same dynamic type.
core :: Object :: output_class_name
Display class name on stdout (debug only).curl :: CURLInfoLong
Reproduce Enum of available CURL Long information, used for NativeCurl.easy_getinfocurl :: CURLOption
Reproduce Enum of CURL Options usable, used for NativeCurl.easy_setoptlibevent :: ConnectionListener
A listener acting on an interface and port, spawnsConnection
on new connections
egl :: EGLConformant
egl :: EGLContext
egl :: EGLDisplay
egl :: EGLSurface
gtk :: GtkCalendarDisplayOptions
enum GtkCalendarDisplayOptionsGtkStack
c :: NativeCArray
A native C array, as in a pointer to the first element of the arraymongodb :: NativeMongoCollection
Wrapper formongoc_collection_t
struct sockaddr_in
struct hostent
socket :: NativeSocketOptNames
Options for socket, use with setsockoptsocket :: NativeSocketPollValues
Used for the poll function of a socket, mix several Poll values to check for events on more than one type of eventsocket :: NativeSocketProtocolFamilies
Socket protocol familiesNativeActivity
and SDLWindow::show_simple_message_box
and returned by SDLWindow::flags
's axis
ios :: UIStackViewDistribution
Defines the size and position of the arranged views along theUIStackView
's axis
android :: ASensorAccelerometer
Sensor event returned by the Accelerometer sensorandroid :: ASensorMagneticField
Sensor event returned by the Magnetic Field sensorandroid :: Android_widget_AbsListView
Java class: android.widget.AbsListViewandroid :: Android_widget_Adapter
Java class: android.widget.Adapterandroid :: Android_widget_ArrayAdapter
Java class: android.widget.ArrayAdapterandroid :: Android_widget_BaseAdapter
Java class: android.widget.BaseAdapterandroid :: Android_widget_CheckBox
Java class: android.widget.CheckBoxandroid :: Android_widget_Checkable
Java class: android.widget.Checkableandroid :: Android_widget_CompoundButton
Java abstract class: android.widget.CompoundButtonandroid :: Android_widget_ListAdapter
Java class: android.widget.ListAdapterandroid :: Android_widget_ListView
Java class: android.widget.ListViewandroid :: Android_widget_SpinnerAdapter
Java class: android.widget.SpinnerAdapterglBindBuffer
gtk :: GtkAlignment
A widget which controls the alignment and size of its childgtk :: GtkAssistant
A widget used to guide users through multi-step operationsgtk :: GtkCalendar
Displays a calendar and allows the user to select a dategtk :: GtkSpinButton
Retrieve an integer or floating-point number from the usercocoa :: NSIndexPath
Path to a specific node in a tree of nested array collectionsandroid :: NativeAssetFileDescriptor
Android AssetFileDescriptor, can be retrieve by AssetManager and used to load a sound in a SoundPooljava :: NativeFile
android :: NativeNativeActivity
Android SDK'
ios :: UIStackView
Lays out a collection of views in either a column or a rowios :: UITableView
View to display and edit hierarchical lists of informationUITableView
to configure selection, sections, cells and more
# Pointer classes are used to manipulate extern C structures.
extern class Pointer
# C `NULL` pointer
new nul `{ return NULL; `}
# Is the address behind this Object at NULL?
fun address_is_null: Bool `{ return self == NULL; `}
# Free the memory pointed by this pointer
fun free `{ free(self); `}
# Use the address value
redef fun hash `{ return (long)(intptr_t)self; `}
# Is equal to any instance pointing to the same address
redef fun ==(o) do return o isa Pointer and native_equals(o)
private fun native_equals(o: Pointer): Bool `{ return self == o; `}
redef class Pointer
# Multiply RGB values by their alpha value
private fun premultiply_alpha(width, height: Int) `{
uint8_t *bytes = (uint8_t *)self;
int x, y, i = 0;
for(y = 0; y < height; y ++) {
for(x = 0; x < width; x ++) {
int a = bytes[i+3];
bytes[i ] = bytes[i ] * a / 255;
bytes[i+1] = bytes[i+1] * a / 255;
bytes[i+2] = bytes[i+2] * a / 255;
i += 4;
redef class Pointer
# Disable out premultiply as we use only the one from Android
redef fun premultiply_alpha(width, height) do end