jvm :: JniEnv :: call_boolean_method
Call a method onobj
designed by method_id
with an array args
of arguments returning a Bool
jvm :: JniEnv :: call_char_method
Call a method onobj
designed by method_id
with an array args
of arguments returning a Char
jvm :: JniEnv :: call_float_method
Call a method onobj
designed by method_id
with an array args
of arguments returning a Float
jvm :: JniEnv :: call_int_method
Call a method onobj
designed by method_id
with an array args
of arguments returning an Int
jvm :: JniEnv :: call_object_method
Call a method onobj
designed by method_id
with an array args
of argument returning a JavaObject
jvm :: JniEnv :: call_string_method
Call a method onobj
designed by method_id
with an array args
of arguments returning a CString
jvm :: JniEnv :: call_void_method
Call a method onobj
designed by method_id
with an array args
of arguments
jvm :: JniEnv :: defaultinit
jvm :: JniEnv :: exception_check
Check for pending exception without creating a local reference to the exception objectjvm :: JniEnv :: exception_clear
clears any exception currently being thrown, has no effect if there is no exceptionjvm :: JniEnv :: exception_describe
prints an exception and backtrace to error channeljvm :: JniEnv :: exception_occurred
return the exception if there is one in the process of being thrown, or NULL if no exception is currently being thrownjvm :: JniEnv :: find_class
Get a class object from its fully-qualified name or null if the class cannot be foundjvm :: JniEnv :: get_boolean_field
jvm :: JniEnv :: get_char_field
jvm :: JniEnv :: get_field_id
Returns the field ID for an instance field of a class. The field is specified by its name and signaturejvm :: JniEnv :: get_float_field
jvm :: JniEnv :: get_int_field
jvm :: JniEnv :: get_method_id
Return the method id for an instance of a class or interfacejvm :: JniEnv :: get_object_class
Return the JClass ofobj
jvm :: JniEnv :: get_object_field
returns the value of an instance (nonstatic) field of an object. The field to access is specified by a field ID obtained by calling get_field_id()jvm :: JniEnv :: new_direct_byte_buffer
Create newJava.nio.ByteBuffer
referring to address
with the given capacity
in bytes
jvm :: JniEnv :: new_object
Construct a new Java object from theclazz
, using the constructor ̀ method_id`
jvm :: JniEnv :: pop_local_frame
Pops the current local reference frame on the JNI stackjvm :: JniEnv :: push_local_frame
Pushes a local reference frame on the JNI stackjvm :: JniEnv :: register_natives
Registers native methods with the class specified by theclazz
jvm :: JniEnv :: set_boolean_field
jvm :: JniEnv :: set_char_field
jvm :: JniEnv :: set_float_field
jvm :: JniEnv :: set_int_field
jvm :: JniEnv :: set_object_field
jvm :: JniEnv :: string_to_jobject
Transform a NIT String into a JavaObjectcore :: Pointer :: address_is_null
Is the address behind this Object at NULL?jvm :: JniEnv :: call_boolean_method
Call a method onobj
designed by method_id
with an array args
of arguments returning a Bool
jvm :: JniEnv :: call_char_method
Call a method onobj
designed by method_id
with an array args
of arguments returning a Char
jvm :: JniEnv :: call_float_method
Call a method onobj
designed by method_id
with an array args
of arguments returning a Float
jvm :: JniEnv :: call_int_method
Call a method onobj
designed by method_id
with an array args
of arguments returning an Int
jvm :: JniEnv :: call_object_method
Call a method onobj
designed by method_id
with an array args
of argument returning a JavaObject
jvm :: JniEnv :: call_string_method
Call a method onobj
designed by method_id
with an array args
of arguments returning a CString
jvm :: JniEnv :: call_void_method
Call a method onobj
designed by method_id
with an array args
of arguments
core :: Object :: class_factory
Implementation used byget_class
to create the specific class.
core :: Pointer :: defaultinit
core :: Object :: defaultinit
jvm :: JniEnv :: defaultinit
jvm :: JniEnv :: exception_check
Check for pending exception without creating a local reference to the exception objectjvm :: JniEnv :: exception_clear
clears any exception currently being thrown, has no effect if there is no exceptionjvm :: JniEnv :: exception_describe
prints an exception and backtrace to error channeljvm :: JniEnv :: exception_occurred
return the exception if there is one in the process of being thrown, or NULL if no exception is currently being thrownjvm :: JniEnv :: find_class
Get a class object from its fully-qualified name or null if the class cannot be foundjvm :: JniEnv :: get_boolean_field
jvm :: JniEnv :: get_char_field
jvm :: JniEnv :: get_field_id
Returns the field ID for an instance field of a class. The field is specified by its name and signaturejvm :: JniEnv :: get_float_field
jvm :: JniEnv :: get_int_field
jvm :: JniEnv :: get_method_id
Return the method id for an instance of a class or interfacejvm :: JniEnv :: get_object_class
Return the JClass ofobj
jvm :: JniEnv :: get_object_field
returns the value of an instance (nonstatic) field of an object. The field to access is specified by a field ID obtained by calling get_field_id()core :: Object :: is_same_instance
Return true ifself
and other
are the same instance (i.e. same identity).
core :: Object :: is_same_serialized
the same as other
in a serialization context?
core :: Object :: is_same_type
Return true ifself
and other
have the same dynamic type.
jvm :: JniEnv :: new_direct_byte_buffer
Create newJava.nio.ByteBuffer
referring to address
with the given capacity
in bytes
jvm :: JniEnv :: new_object
Construct a new Java object from theclazz
, using the constructor ̀ method_id`
core :: Object :: output_class_name
Display class name on stdout (debug only).jvm :: JniEnv :: pop_local_frame
Pops the current local reference frame on the JNI stackjvm :: JniEnv :: push_local_frame
Pushes a local reference frame on the JNI stackjvm :: JniEnv :: register_natives
Registers native methods with the class specified by theclazz
jvm :: JniEnv :: set_boolean_field
jvm :: JniEnv :: set_char_field
jvm :: JniEnv :: set_float_field
jvm :: JniEnv :: set_int_field
jvm :: JniEnv :: set_object_field
jvm :: JniEnv :: string_to_jobject
Transform a NIT String into a JavaObject
# Represents a jni JNIEnv, which is a thread in a JavaVM
extern class JniEnv `{JNIEnv *`}
# Get a class object from its fully-qualified name or null if the class cannot be found
fun find_class(class_name : String): JClass import String.to_cstring `{
return (*self)->FindClass(self,String_to_cstring(class_name));
# Return the method id for an instance of a class or interface
# The method is determined by its name and signature
# To obtain the method ID of a constructor, supply "<init>" as the method name and "void(V)" as the return type
fun get_method_id(clazz : JClass, name : String, signature : String): JMethodID import String.to_cstring `{
return (*self)->GetMethodID(self, clazz, String_to_cstring(name), String_to_cstring(signature));
# Construct a new Java object from the `clazz`, using the constructor ̀ method_id`
fun new_object(clazz: JClass, method_id: JMethodID): JavaObject `{
return (*self)->NewObject(self, clazz, method_id);
# Return the JClass of `obj`
fun get_object_class(obj: JavaObject): JClass `{
return (*self)->GetObjectClass(self, obj);
# Registers native methods with the class specified by the `clazz` argument
fun register_natives(clazz: JClass, method: JNINativeMethod, n_method : Int): Int `{
return (*self)->RegisterNatives(self, clazz, method, n_method);
# Call a method on `obj` designed by `method_id` with an array `args` of arguments
fun call_void_method(obj: JavaObject, method_id: JMethodID, args: nullable Array[nullable Object]) import convert_args_to_jni `{
jvalue * args_tab = JniEnv_convert_args_to_jni(self, args);
(*self)->CallVoidMethodA(self, obj, method_id, args_tab);
# Call a method on `obj` designed by `method_id` with an array `args` of argument returning a JavaObject
fun call_object_method(obj: JavaObject, method_id: JMethodID, args: nullable Array[nullable Object]): JavaObject import convert_args_to_jni `{
jvalue * args_tab = JniEnv_convert_args_to_jni(self, args);
jobject res = (*self)->CallObjectMethod(self, obj, method_id, args_tab);
return res;
# Call a method on `obj` designed by `method_id` with an array `args` of arguments returning a Bool
fun call_boolean_method(obj: JavaObject, method_id: JMethodID, args: nullable Array[nullable Object]): Bool import convert_args_to_jni `{
jvalue * args_tab = JniEnv_convert_args_to_jni(self, args);
jboolean res = (*self)->CallBooleanMethod(self, obj, method_id, args_tab);
return res;
# Call a method on `obj` designed by `method_id` with an array `args` of arguments returning a Char
fun call_char_method(obj: JavaObject, method_id: JMethodID, args: nullable Array[nullable Object]): Char import convert_args_to_jni `{
jvalue * args_tab = JniEnv_convert_args_to_jni(self, args);
jchar res = (*self)->CallCharMethod(self, obj, method_id, args_tab);
return res;
# Call a method on `obj` designed by `method_id` with an array `args` of arguments returning an Int
fun call_int_method(obj: JavaObject, method_id: JMethodID, args: nullable Array[nullable Object]): Int import convert_args_to_jni `{
jvalue * args_tab = JniEnv_convert_args_to_jni(self, args);
jint res = (*self)->CallIntMethod(self, obj, method_id, args_tab);
return res;
# Call a method on `obj` designed by `method_id` with an array `args` of arguments returning a Float
fun call_float_method(obj: JavaObject, method_id: JMethodID, args: nullable Array[nullable Object]): Float import convert_args_to_jni `{
jvalue * args_tab = JniEnv_convert_args_to_jni(self, args);
jfloat res = (*self)->CallFloatMethod(self, obj, method_id, args_tab);
return res;
# Call a method on `obj` designed by `method_id` with an array `args` of arguments returning a CString
fun call_string_method(obj: JavaObject, method_id: JMethodID, args: nullable Array[nullable Object]): CString import convert_args_to_jni `{
jvalue * args_tab = JniEnv_convert_args_to_jni(self, args);
jobject jobj = (*self)->CallObjectMethod(self, obj, method_id, args_tab);
return (char*)(*self)->GetStringUTFChars(self, (jstring)jobj, NULL);
private fun convert_args_to_jni(args: nullable Array[nullable Object]): Pointer import Array[nullable Object].as not nullable, Array[nullable Object].[], Array[nullable Object].length, nullable Object.as(Int), nullable Object.as(Char), nullable Object.as(Bool), nullable Object.as(Float), nullable Object.as(JavaObject), nullable Object.as(String), String.to_cstring, String.length `{
return NULL;
Array_of_nullable_Object nit_array = nullable_Array_of_nullable_Object_as_Array_of_nullable_Object(args);
int nit_array_length = Array_of_nullable_Object_length(nit_array);
int i;
jvalue *c_array = malloc(sizeof(jvalue)*(nit_array_length));
for (i = 0; i < nit_array_length; i ++) {
nullable_Object nullable_obj = Array_of_nullable_Object__index(nit_array, i);
if(nullable_Object_is_a_Int(nullable_obj)) {
int val = nullable_Object_as_Int(nullable_obj);
c_array[i].i = val;
} else if (nullable_Object_is_a_Char(nullable_obj)){
char val = nullable_Object_as_Char(nullable_obj);
c_array[i].c = val;
} else if (nullable_Object_is_a_Bool(nullable_obj)){
int val = nullable_Object_as_Bool(nullable_obj);
c_array[i].z = val;
} else if(nullable_Object_is_a_Float(nullable_obj)){
float val = nullable_Object_as_Float(nullable_obj);
c_array[i].f = val;
} else if(nullable_Object_is_a_JavaObject(nullable_obj)){
jobject val = nullable_Object_as_JavaObject(nullable_obj);
c_array[i].l = val;
} else if(nullable_Object_is_a_String(nullable_obj)){
String val = nullable_Object_as_String(nullable_obj);
char* c = String_to_cstring(val);
jstring js = (*self)->NewStringUTF(self, c);
c_array[i].l = js;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "NOT YET SUPPORTED: nit objects are not supported\n");
return c_array;
# Returns the field ID for an instance field of a class. The field is specified by its name and signature
fun get_field_id(clazz: JClass, name: String, sign: String): JFieldID import String.to_cstring `{
return (*self)->GetFieldID(self, clazz, String_to_cstring(name), String_to_cstring(sign));
# returns the value of an instance (nonstatic) field of an object. The field to access is specified by a field ID obtained by calling get_field_id()
fun get_object_field(obj: JavaObject, fieldID: JFieldID): JavaObject `{
return (*self)->GetObjectField(self, obj, fieldID);
fun get_boolean_field(obj: JavaObject, fieldID: JFieldID): Bool `{
return (*self)->GetBooleanField(self, obj, fieldID);
fun get_char_field(obj: JavaObject, fieldID: JFieldID): Char `{
return (*self)->GetCharField(self, obj, fieldID);
fun get_int_field(obj: JavaObject, fieldID: JFieldID): Int `{
return (*self)->GetIntField(self, obj, fieldID);
fun get_float_field(obj: JavaObject, fieldID: JFieldID): Float `{
return (*self)->GetFloatField(self, obj, fieldID);
fun set_object_field(obj: JavaObject, fieldID: JFieldID, value: JavaObject) `{
(*self)->SetObjectField(self, obj, fieldID, value);
fun set_boolean_field(obj: JavaObject, fieldID: JFieldID, value: Bool) `{
(*self)->SetBooleanField(self, obj, fieldID, value);
fun set_char_field(obj: JavaObject, fieldID: JFieldID, value: Char) `{
(*self)->SetCharField(self, obj, fieldID, value);
fun set_int_field(obj: JavaObject, fieldID: JFieldID, value: Int) `{
(*self)->SetIntField(self, obj, fieldID, value);
fun set_float_field(obj: JavaObject, fieldID: JFieldID, value: Float) `{
(*self)->SetFloatField(self, obj, fieldID, value);
# Check for pending exception without creating a local reference to the exception object
fun exception_check: Bool `{
return (*self)->ExceptionCheck(self);
# Construct an exception object from the specified class with the message specified by `message` and causes that exception to be thrown
fun throw_new(clazz: JClass, message: String): Int import String.to_cstring `{
return (*self)->ThrowNew(self, clazz, String_to_cstring(message));
# return the exception if there is one in the process of being thrown, or NULL if no exception is currently being thrown
fun exception_occurred: JavaObject `{
return (*self)->ExceptionOccurred(self);
# prints an exception and backtrace to error channel
fun exception_describe `{
return (*self)->ExceptionDescribe(self);
# clears any exception currently being thrown, has no effect if there is no exception
fun exception_clear `{
return (*self)->ExceptionClear(self);
# Raise a fatal error
fun fatal_error(msg: String) import String.to_cstring `{
(*self)->FatalError(self, String_to_cstring(msg));
# Transform a NIT String into a JavaObject
fun string_to_jobject(string: String): JavaObject `{
return (*self)->NewStringUTF(self, String_to_cstring(string));
# Pushes a local reference frame on the JNI stack
fun push_local_frame(capacity: Int): Bool `{
return (*self)->PushLocalFrame(self, capacity);
# Pops the current local reference frame on the JNI stack
# Similiar to `JavaObject::pop_from_local_frame` which returns a value.
fun pop_local_frame `{
(*self)->PopLocalFrame(self, NULL);
redef class JniEnv
# Create new `Java.nio.ByteBuffer` referring to `address` with the given `capacity` in bytes
# JNI function: NewDirectByteBuffer
fun new_direct_byte_buffer(address: Pointer, capacity: Int): Java_nio_ByteBuffer `{
return (*self)->NewDirectByteBuffer(self, address, capacity);