graph :: MutableDigraph :: add_arcs
Adds all arcs ofarcs
to this digraph.
graph :: MutableDigraph :: add_vertex
Adds the vertexu
to this graph.
graph :: MutableDigraph :: add_vertices
Adds all vertices ofvertices
to this digraph.
graph :: MutableDigraph :: defaultinit
graph :: MutableDigraph :: get_all_predecessors
Returns the all predecessors ofu
graph :: MutableDigraph :: get_all_successors
Returns the all successors ofu
graph :: MutableDigraph :: remove_arc
Removes the arc(u,v)
from this graph.
graph :: MutableDigraph :: remove_eulerian_path
Build a path (or circuit) that removes every edge exactly once.graph :: MutableDigraph :: remove_vertex
Removes the vertexu
from this graph and all its incident arcs.
graph $ MutableDigraph :: SELF
Type of this instance, automatically specialized in every classgraph :: Digraph :: a_shortest_path
Returns a shortest path from vertexu
to v
graph :: MutableDigraph :: add_arcs
Adds all arcs ofarcs
to this digraph.
graph :: MutableDigraph :: add_vertex
Adds the vertexu
to this graph.
graph :: MutableDigraph :: add_vertices
Adds all vertices ofvertices
to this digraph.
graph :: Digraph :: arcs_iterator
Returns an iterator over the arcs of this graphcore :: Object :: class_factory
Implementation used byget_class
to create the specific class.
core :: Object :: defaultinit
graph :: Digraph :: defaultinit
graph :: MutableDigraph :: defaultinit
graph :: Digraph :: eulerian_path
Build a path (or circuit) from the vertexstart
that visits every edge exactly once.
graph :: MutableDigraph :: get_all_predecessors
Returns the all predecessors ofu
graph :: MutableDigraph :: get_all_successors
Returns the all successors ofu
graph :: Digraph :: has_circuit
Returns true if and only ifvertices
is a circuit of this digraph.
graph :: Digraph :: has_vertex
Returns true if and only ifu
exists in this graph.
graph :: Digraph :: incoming_arcs
Returns the incoming arcs of vertexu
graph :: Digraph :: is_predecessor
Returns true if and only ifu
is a predecessor of v
core :: Object :: is_same_instance
Return true ifself
and other
are the same instance (i.e. same identity).
core :: Object :: is_same_serialized
the same as other
in a serialization context?
core :: Object :: is_same_type
Return true ifself
and other
have the same dynamic type.
graph :: Digraph :: is_successor
Returns true if and only ifu
is a successor of v
graph :: Digraph :: num_vertices
The number of vertices in this graph.graph :: Digraph :: out_degree
Returns the number of arcs whose source isu
graph :: Digraph :: outgoing_arcs
Returns the outgoing arcs of vertexu
core :: Object :: output_class_name
Display class name on stdout (debug only).graph :: Digraph :: predecessors
Returns the predecessors ofu
graph :: MutableDigraph :: remove_arc
Removes the arc(u,v)
from this graph.
graph :: MutableDigraph :: remove_eulerian_path
Build a path (or circuit) that removes every edge exactly once.graph :: MutableDigraph :: remove_vertex
Removes the vertexu
from this graph and all its incident arcs.
graph :: Digraph :: strongly_connected_components
Returns the strongly connected components of this digraph.graph :: Digraph :: successors
Returns the successors ofu
graph :: Digraph :: vertices_iterator
Returns an iterator over the vertices of this graph.graph :: Digraph :: weakly_connected_components
Returns the weak connected components of this digraph.
# Mutable digraph
abstract class MutableDigraph[V: Object]
super Digraph[V]
## ---------------- ##
## Abstract methods ##
## ---------------- ##
# Adds the vertex `u` to this graph.
# If `u` already belongs to the graph, then nothing happens.
# ~~~
# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
# g.add_vertex(0)
# assert g.has_vertex(0)
# assert not g.has_vertex(1)
# g.add_vertex(1)
# assert g.num_vertices == 2
# ~~~
fun add_vertex(u: V) is abstract
# Removes the vertex `u` from this graph and all its incident arcs.
# If the vertex does not exist in the graph, then nothing happens.
# ~~~
# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
# g.add_vertex(0)
# g.add_vertex(1)
# assert g.has_vertex(0)
# g.remove_vertex(0)
# assert not g.has_vertex(0)
# ~~~
fun remove_vertex(u: V) is abstract
# Adds the arc `(u,v)` to this graph.
# If there is already an arc from `u` to `v` in this graph, then
# nothing happens. If vertex `u` or vertex `v` do not exist in the
# graph, they are added.
# ~~~
# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
# g.add_arc(0, 1)
# g.add_arc(1, 2)
# assert g.has_arc(0, 1)
# assert g.has_arc(1, 2)
# assert not g.has_arc(1, 0)
# g.add_arc(1, 2)
# assert g.num_arcs == 2
# ~~~
fun add_arc(u, v: V) is abstract
# Removes the arc `(u,v)` from this graph.
# If the arc does not exist in the graph, then nothing happens.
# ~~~
# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
# g.add_arc(0, 1)
# assert g.num_arcs == 1
# g.remove_arc(0, 1)
# assert g.num_arcs == 0
# g.remove_arc(0, 1)
# assert g.num_arcs == 0
# ~~~
fun remove_arc(u, v: V) is abstract
## -------------------- ##
## Non abstract methods ##
## -------------------- ##
# Adds all vertices of `vertices` to this digraph.
# If vertices appear more than once, they are only added once.
# ~~~
# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
# g.add_vertices([0,1,2,3])
# assert g.num_vertices == 4
# g.add_vertices([2,3,4,5])
# assert g.num_vertices == 6
# ~~~
fun add_vertices(vertices: Collection[V])
for u in vertices do add_vertex(u)
# Adds all arcs of `arcs` to this digraph.
# If arcs appear more than once, they are only added once.
# ~~~
# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
# var arcs = [[0,1], [1,2], [1,2]]
# g.add_arcs(arcs)
# assert g.num_arcs == 2
# ~~~
fun add_arcs(arcs: Collection[Array[V]])
for a in arcs do add_arc(a[0], a[1])
# Add all vertices and arcs from the `other` graph.
# ~~~
# var g1 = new HashDigraph[Int]
# var arcs1 = [[0,1], [1,2]]
# g1.add_arcs(arcs1)
# g1.add_arcs(arcs1)
# g1.add_vertex(3)
# var g2 = new HashDigraph[Int]
# var arcs2 = [[0,1], [1,4]]
# g2.add_arcs(arcs2)
# g2.add_vertex(5)
# g2.add_graph(g1)
# assert g2.vertices.has_exactly([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
# var arcs3 = [[0,1], [1,2], [1,4]]
# assert g2.arcs.has_exactly(arcs3)
# ~~~
fun add_graph(other: Digraph[V])
for v in other.vertices do
for w in other.successors(v) do
add_arc(v, w)
# Build a path (or circuit) that removes every edge exactly once.
# See `eulerian_path` for details
fun remove_eulerian_path(start: V): Array[V]
var stack = new Array[V]
var path = new Array[V]
var current = start
if out_degree(current) == 0 then
path.unshift current
if stack.is_empty then break
current = stack.pop
stack.add current
var n = successors(current).first
remove_arc(current, n)
current = n
return path
# Cache of all predecessors for each vertex.
# This attribute are lazy to compute the list use `get_all_predecessors` for each needed vertexe.
# Warning the cache must be invalidated after `add_arc`
private var cache_all_predecessors = new HashMap[V, Set[V]]
# Cache of all successors for each vertex.
# This attribute are lazy to compute the list use `get_all_successors` for each needed vertexe.
# Warning the cache must be invalidated after `add_arc`
private var cache_all_successors = new HashMap[V, Set[V]]
# Invalid all cache `cache_all_predecessors` and `cache_all_successors`
private fun invalidated_all_cache
if not cache_all_successors.is_empty then cache_all_successors = new HashMap[V, Set[V]]
if not cache_all_predecessors.is_empty then cache_all_predecessors = new HashMap[V, Set[V]]
# Returns the all predecessors of `u`.
# `u` is include in the returned collection
# Returns an empty Array is the `u` does not exist
# ~~~
# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
# g.add_arc(1, 2)
# g.add_arc(2, 3)
# g.add_arc(3, 4)
# assert g.get_all_predecessors(4).has(4)
# assert g.get_all_predecessors(4).has(3)
# assert g.get_all_predecessors(4).has(2)
# assert g.get_all_predecessors(4).has(1)
# ~~~
fun get_all_predecessors(u: V): Array[V]
if not vertices.has(u) then return new Array[V]
if not cache_all_predecessors.has_key(u) then compute_all_link(u)
return cache_all_predecessors[u].clone.to_a
# Returns the all successors of `u`.
# `u` is include in the returned collection
# Returns an empty Array is the `u` does not exist
# ~~~
# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
# g.add_arc(1, 2)
# g.add_arc(2, 3)
# g.add_arc(3, 4)
# assert g.get_all_successors(2).has(3)
# assert g.get_all_successors(2).has(4)
# assert g.get_all_successors(2).has(2)
# ~~~
fun get_all_successors(u: V): Array[V]
if not vertices.has(u) then return new Array[V]
if not cache_all_successors.has_key(u) then compute_all_link(u)
return cache_all_successors[u].clone.to_a
# Compute all succesors and all predecessors for the given `u`
# The result is stocked in `cache_all_predecessors` and `cache_all_predecessors`
private fun compute_all_link(u: V)
if not vertices.has(u) then return
if not cache_all_predecessors.has_key(u) then cache_all_predecessors[u] = new Set[V]
if not cache_all_successors.has_key(u) then cache_all_successors[u] = new Set[V]
for v in vertices do
if distance(v, u) != null then cache_all_predecessors[u].add(v)
if distance(u, v) != null then cache_all_successors[u].add(v)