Implementation of directed graphs, also called digraphs.


This module provides a simple interface together with a concrete implementation of directed graphs (or digraphs).

The upper level interface is Digraph and contains all methods for digraphs that do not depend on the underlying data structure. More precisely, if basic operations such as predecessors, successors, num_vertices, etc. are implemented, then high level operations (such as computing the connected components or a shortest path between two vertices) can be easily derived. Also, all methods found in Digraph do no modify the graph. For mutable methods, one needs to check the MutableDigraph child class. Vertices can be any Object, but there is no information stored in the arcs, which are simple arrays of the form [u,v], where u is the source of the arc and v is the target.

There is currently only one concrete implementation named HashDigraph that makes use of the HashMap class for storing the predecessors and successors. It is therefore simple to provide another implementation: One only has to create a concrete specialization of either Digraph or MutableDigraph.

Basic methods

To create an (empty) new graph whose keys are integers, one simply type

var g0 = new HashDigraph[Int]

Then we can add vertices and arcs. Note that if an arc is added whose source and target are not already in the digraph, the vertices are added beforehand.

var g1 = new HashDigraph[Int]
assert g1.to_s == "Digraph of 3 vertices and 2 arcs"

One might also create digraphs with strings in vertices, for instance to represent some directed relation. However, it is currently not possible to store values in the arcs.

var g2 = new HashDigraph[String]
g2.add_arc("Amy", "Bill")    # Amy likes Bill
g2.add_arc("Bill", "Amy")    # Bill likes Amy
g2.add_arc("Chris", "Diane") # and so on
g2.add_arc("Diane", "Amy")

HashDigraphs are mutable, i.e. one might remove arcs and/or vertices:

var g3 = new HashDigraph[Int]
g3.remove_arc(2, 4)
assert g3.to_s == "Digraph of 4 vertices and 2 arcs"

If one has installed Graphviz, it is easy to produce a dot file which Graphviz process into a picture:

var g4 = new HashDigraph[Int]
print g4.to_dot

A graph drawing produced by Graphviz

Other methods

There exist other methods available for digraphs and many other will be implemented in the future. For more details, one should look at the methods directly. For instance, the strongly connected components of a digraph are returned as a disjoint set data structure (i.e. a set of sets):

var g5 = new HashDigraph[Int]
for component in g5.strongly_connected_components.to_partitions
    print component

It is also possible to compute a shortest (directed) path between two vertices:

var g6 = new HashDigraph[Int]
var path = g6.a_shortest_path(2, 4)
if path != null then print path else print "No path"
# Prints [2,3,4]
path = g6.a_shortest_path(4, 2)
if path != null then print path else print "No path"

Extending the library

There are at least two ways of providing new methods on digraphs. If the method is standard and could be useful to other users, you should consider including your implementation directly in this library.

Otherwise, for personal use, you should simply define a new class inheriting from HashDigraph and add the new services.

Introduced classes

class ArcsIterator[V: Object]

graph :: ArcsIterator

Arcs iterator
interface Digraph[V: Object]

graph :: Digraph

Interface for digraphs
class HashDigraph[V: Object]

graph :: HashDigraph

A directed graph represented by hash maps
abstract class MutableDigraph[V: Object]

graph :: MutableDigraph

Mutable digraph
class ReflexiveHashDigraph[V: Object]

graph :: ReflexiveHashDigraph

A reflexive directed graph

All class definitions

class ArcsIterator[V: Object]

graph $ ArcsIterator

Arcs iterator
interface Digraph[V: Object]

graph $ Digraph

Interface for digraphs
class HashDigraph[V: Object]

graph $ HashDigraph

A directed graph represented by hash maps
abstract class MutableDigraph[V: Object]

graph $ MutableDigraph

Mutable digraph
class ReflexiveHashDigraph[V: Object]

graph $ ReflexiveHashDigraph

A reflexive directed graph
package_diagram graph::digraph digraph core core graph::digraph->core graph::pagerank pagerank graph::pagerank->graph::digraph a_star-m a_star-m a_star-m->graph::pagerank a_star-m... ... a_star-m...->a_star-m


module abstract_collection

core :: abstract_collection

Abstract collection classes and services.
module abstract_text

core :: abstract_text

Abstract class for manipulation of sequences of characters
module array

core :: array

This module introduces the standard array structure.
module bitset

core :: bitset

Services to handle BitSet
module bytes

core :: bytes

Services for byte streams and arrays
module circular_array

core :: circular_array

Efficient data structure to access both end of the sequence.
module codec_base

core :: codec_base

Base for codecs to use with streams
module codecs

core :: codecs

Group module for all codec-related manipulations
module collection

core :: collection

This module define several collection classes.
module environ

core :: environ

Access to the environment variables of the process
module error

core :: error

Standard error-management infrastructure.
module exec

core :: exec

Invocation and management of operating system sub-processes.
module file

core :: file

File manipulations (create, read, write, etc.)
module fixed_ints

core :: fixed_ints

Basic integers of fixed-precision
module fixed_ints_text

core :: fixed_ints_text

Text services to complement fixed_ints
module flat

core :: flat

All the array-based text representations
module gc

core :: gc

Access to the Nit internal garbage collection mechanism
module hash_collection

core :: hash_collection

Introduce HashMap and HashSet.
module iso8859_1

core :: iso8859_1

Codec for ISO8859-1 I/O
module kernel

core :: kernel

Most basic classes and methods.
module list

core :: list

This module handle double linked lists
module math

core :: math

Mathematical operations
module native

core :: native

Native structures for text and bytes
module numeric

core :: numeric

Advanced services for Numeric types
module protocol

core :: protocol

module queue

core :: queue

Queuing data structures and wrappers
module range

core :: range

Module for range of discrete objects.
module re

core :: re

Regular expression support for all services based on Pattern
module ropes

core :: ropes

Tree-based representation of a String.
module sorter

core :: sorter

This module contains classes used to compare things and sorts arrays.
module stream

core :: stream

Input and output streams of characters
module text

core :: text

All the classes and methods related to the manipulation of text entities
module time

core :: time

Management of time and dates
module union_find

core :: union_find

union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
module utf8

core :: utf8

Codec for UTF-8 I/O


module core

core :: core

Standard classes and methods used by default by Nit programs and libraries.


module pagerank

graph :: pagerank

Add PageRank computation for vertices in Digraph.


module a_star-m


# Implementation of directed graphs, also called digraphs.
# Overview
# ========
# This module provides a simple interface together with a concrete
# implementation of directed graphs (or digraphs).
# The upper level interface is `Digraph` and contains all methods for digraphs
# that do not depend on the underlying data structure. More precisely, if basic
# operations such as `predecessors`, `successors`, `num_vertices`, etc.  are
# implemented, then high level operations (such as computing the connected
# components or a shortest path between two vertices) can be easily derived.
# Also, all methods found in `Digraph` do no modify the graph. For mutable
# methods, one needs to check the `MutableDigraph` child class. Vertices can be
# any `Object`, but there is no information stored in the arcs, which are
# simple arrays of the form `[u,v]`, where `u` is the source of the arc and `v`
# is the target.
# There is currently only one concrete implementation named `HashDigraph` that
# makes use of the HashMap class for storing the predecessors and successors.
# It is therefore simple to provide another implementation: One only has to
# create a concrete specialization of either `Digraph` or `MutableDigraph`.
# Basic methods
# =============
# To create an (empty) new graph whose keys are integers, one simply type
# ~~~
# var g0 = new HashDigraph[Int]
# ~~~
# Then we can add vertices and arcs. Note that if an arc is added whose source
# and target are not already in the digraph, the vertices are added beforehand.
# ~~~
# var g1 = new HashDigraph[Int]
# g1.add_vertex(0)
# g1.add_vertex(1)
# g1.add_arc(0,1)
# g1.add_arc(1,2)
# assert g1.to_s == "Digraph of 3 vertices and 2 arcs"
# ~~~
# One might also create digraphs with strings in vertices, for instance to
# represent some directed relation. However, it is currently not possible to
# store values in the arcs.
# ~~~
# var g2 = new HashDigraph[String]
# g2.add_vertex("Amy")
# g2.add_vertex("Bill")
# g2.add_vertex("Chris")
# g2.add_vertex("Diane")
# g2.add_arc("Amy", "Bill")    # Amy likes Bill
# g2.add_arc("Bill", "Amy")    # Bill likes Amy
# g2.add_arc("Chris", "Diane") # and so on
# g2.add_arc("Diane", "Amy")   # and so on
# ~~~
# `HashDigraph`s are mutable, i.e. one might remove arcs and/or vertices:
# ~~~
# var g3 = new HashDigraph[Int]
# g3.add_arc(0,1)
# g3.add_arc(0,2)
# g3.add_arc(1,2)
# g3.add_arc(2,3)
# g3.add_arc(2,4)
# g3.remove_vertex(1)
# g3.remove_arc(2, 4)
# assert g3.to_s == "Digraph of 4 vertices and 2 arcs"
# ~~~
# If one has installed [Graphviz](, it is easy to produce a
# *dot* file which Graphviz process into a picture:
# ~~~
# var g4 = new HashDigraph[Int]
# g4.add_arcs([[0,1],[0,2],[1,2],[2,3],[2,4]])
# print g4.to_dot
# # Then call "dot -Tpng -o graph.png"
# ~~~
# ![A graph drawing produced by Graphviz](
# Other methods
# =============
# There exist other methods available for digraphs and many other will be
# implemented in the future. For more details, one should look at the methods
# directly. For instance, the [strongly connected components]
# ( of a digraph are
# returned as a [disjoint set data structure]
# ( (i.e. a set of
# sets):
# ~~~
# var g5 = new HashDigraph[Int]
# g5.add_arcs([[1,2],[2,1],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5],[5,3]])
# for component in g5.strongly_connected_components.to_partitions
# do
#	print component
# end
# # Prints [1,2] and [3,4,5]
# ~~~
# It is also possible to compute a shortest (directed) path between two
# vertices:
# ~~~
# var g6 = new HashDigraph[Int]
# g6.add_arcs([[1,2],[2,1],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5],[5,3]])
# var path = g6.a_shortest_path(2, 4)
# if path != null then print path else print "No path"
# # Prints [2,3,4]
# path = g6.a_shortest_path(4, 2)
# if path != null then print path else print "No path"
# # Prints "No path"
# ~~~
# Extending the library
# =====================
# There are at least two ways of providing new methods on digraphs. If the
# method is standard and could be useful to other users, you should consider
# including your implementation directly in this library.
# Otherwise, for personal use, you should simply define a new class inheriting
# from `HashDigraph` and add the new services.
module digraph

# Interface for digraphs
interface Digraph[V: Object]

	## ---------------- ##
	## Abstract methods ##
	## ---------------- ##

	# The number of vertices in this graph.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_vertex(0)
	# g.add_vertex(1)
	# assert g.num_vertices == 2
	# g.add_vertex(0)
	# assert g.num_vertices == 2
	# ~~~
	fun num_vertices: Int is abstract

	# The number of arcs in this graph.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(0, 1)
	# assert g.num_arcs == 1
	# g.add_arc(0, 1)
	# assert g.num_arcs == 1
	# g.add_arc(2, 3)
	# assert g.num_arcs == 2
	# ~~~
	fun num_arcs: Int is abstract

	# Returns true if and only if `u` exists in this graph.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_vertex(1)
	# assert g.has_vertex(1)
	# assert not g.has_vertex(0)
	# g.add_vertex(1)
	# assert g.has_vertex(1)
	# assert not g.has_vertex(0)
	# ~~~
	fun has_vertex(u: V): Bool is abstract

	# Returns true if and only if `(u,v)` is an arc in this graph.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(0, 1)
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# assert g.has_arc(0, 1)
	# assert g.has_arc(1, 2)
	# assert not g.has_arc(0, 2)
	# ~~~
	fun has_arc(u, v: V): Bool is abstract

	# Returns the predecessors of `u`.
	# If `u` does not exist, then it returns null.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(0, 1)
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# g.add_arc(0, 2)
	# assert g.predecessors(2).has(0)
	# assert g.predecessors(2).has(1)
	# assert not g.predecessors(2).has(2)
	# ~~~
	fun predecessors(u: V): Collection[V] is abstract

	# Returns the successors of `u`.
	# If `u` does not exist, then an empty collection is returned.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(0, 1)
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# g.add_arc(0, 2)
	# assert not g.successors(0).has(0)
	# assert g.successors(0).has(1)
	# assert g.successors(0).has(2)
	# ~~~
	fun successors(u: V): Collection[V] is abstract

	# Returns an iterator over the vertices of this graph.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(0, 1)
	# g.add_arc(0, 2)
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# var vs = new HashSet[Int]
	# for v in g.vertices_iterator do vs.add(v)
	# assert vs == new HashSet[Int].from([0,1,2])
	# ~~~
	fun vertices_iterator: Iterator[V] is abstract

	## -------------------- ##
	## Non abstract methods ##
	## -------------------- ##

	## ------------- ##
	## Basic methods ##
	## ------------- ##

	# Returns true if and only if this graph is empty.
	# An empty graph is a graph without vertex and arc.
	# ~~~
	# assert (new HashDigraph[Int]).is_empty
	# ~~~
	fun is_empty: Bool do return num_vertices == 0 and num_arcs == 0

	# Returns an array containing the vertices of this graph.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_vertices([0,2,4,5])
	# assert g.vertices.length == 4
	# ~~~
	fun vertices: Array[V] do return [for u in vertices_iterator do u]

	# Returns an iterator over the arcs of this graph
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(0, 1)
	# g.add_arc(0, 2)
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# for arc in g.arcs_iterator do
	#	assert g.has_arc(arc[0], arc[1])
	# end
	# ~~~
	fun arcs_iterator: Iterator[Array[V]] do return new ArcsIterator[V](self)

	# Returns the arcs of this graph.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 3)
	# g.add_arc(2, 3)
	# assert g.arcs.length == 2
	# ~~~
	fun arcs: Array[Array[V]] do return [for arc in arcs_iterator do arc]

	# Returns the incoming arcs of vertex `u`.
	# If `u` is not in this graph, an empty array is returned.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 3)
	# g.add_arc(2, 3)
	# for arc in g.incoming_arcs(3) do
	#	assert g.is_predecessor(arc[0], arc[1])
	# end
	# ~~~
	fun incoming_arcs(u: V): Collection[Array[V]]
		if has_vertex(u) then
			return [for v in predecessors(u) do [v, u]]
			return new Array[Array[V]]

	# Returns the outgoing arcs of vertex `u`.
	# If `u` is not in this graph, an empty array is returned.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 3)
	# g.add_arc(2, 3)
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# for arc in g.outgoing_arcs(1) do
	#	assert g.is_successor(arc[1], arc[0])
	# end
	# ~~~
	fun outgoing_arcs(u: V): Collection[Array[V]]
		if has_vertex(u) then
			return [for v in successors(u) do [u, v]]
			return new Array[Array[V]]

	## ---------------------- ##
	## String representations ##
	## ---------------------- ##

	redef fun to_s
		var vertex_word = "vertices"
		var arc_word = "arcs"
		if num_vertices <= 1 then vertex_word = "vertex"
		if num_arcs <= 1 then arc_word = "arc"
		return "Digraph of {num_vertices} {vertex_word} and {num_arcs} {arc_word}"

	# Returns a GraphViz string representing this digraph.
	fun to_dot: String
		var s = "digraph \{\n"
		var id_set = new HashMap[V, Int]
		# Writing the vertices
		for u in vertices_iterator, i in [0 .. vertices.length[ do
			id_set[u] = i
			s += "   \"{i}\" "
			s += "[label=\"{u.to_s.escape_to_dot}\"];\n"
		# Writing the arcs
		for arc in arcs do
			s += "   {id_set[arc[0]]} "
			s += "-> {id_set[arc[1]]};"
		s += "\}"
		return s

	# Open Graphviz with `self.to_dot`.
	# Mainly used for debugging.
	fun show_dot do
		var f = new ProcessWriter("dot", "-Txlib")
		f.write to_dot

	## ------------ ##
	## Neighborhood ##
	## ------------ ##

	# Returns true if and only if `u` is a predecessor of `v`.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 3)
	# assert g.is_predecessor(1, 3)
	# assert not g.is_predecessor(3, 1)
	# ~~~
	fun is_predecessor(u, v: V): Bool do return has_arc(u, v)

	# Returns true if and only if `u` is a successor of `v`.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 3)
	# assert not g.is_successor(1, 3)
	# assert g.is_successor(3, 1)
	# ~~~
	fun is_successor(u, v: V): Bool do return has_arc(v, u)

	# Returns the number of arcs whose target is `u`.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 3)
	# g.add_arc(2, 3)
	# assert g.in_degree(3) == 2
	# assert g.in_degree(1) == 0
	# ~~~
	fun in_degree(u: V): Int do return predecessors(u).length

	# Returns the number of arcs whose source is `u`.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# g.add_arc(1, 3)
	# g.add_arc(2, 3)
	# assert g.out_degree(3) == 0
	# assert g.out_degree(1) == 2
	# ~~~
	fun out_degree(u: V): Int do return successors(u).length

	# ------------------ #
	# Paths and circuits #
	# ------------------ #

	# Returns true if and only if `vertices` is a path of this digraph.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# g.add_arc(2, 3)
	# g.add_arc(3, 4)
	# assert g.has_path([1,2,3])
	# assert not g.has_path([1,3,3])
	# ~~~
	fun has_path(vertices: SequenceRead[V]): Bool
		for i in [0..vertices.length - 1[ do
			if not has_arc(vertices[i], vertices[i + 1]) then return false
		return true

	# Returns true if and only if `vertices` is a circuit of this digraph.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# g.add_arc(2, 3)
	# g.add_arc(3, 1)
	# assert g.has_circuit([1,2,3,1])
	# assert not g.has_circuit([1,3,2,1])
	# ~~~
	fun has_circuit(vertices: SequenceRead[V]): Bool
		return vertices.is_empty or (has_path(vertices) and vertices.first == vertices.last)

	# Returns a shortest path from vertex `u` to `v`.
	# If no path exists between `u` and `v`, it returns `null`.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# g.add_arc(2, 3)
	# g.add_arc(3, 4)
	# assert g.a_shortest_path(1, 4).length == 4
	# g.add_arc(1, 3)
	# assert g.a_shortest_path(1, 4).length == 3
	# assert g.a_shortest_path(4, 1) == null
	# ~~~
	fun a_shortest_path(u, v: V): nullable Sequence[V]
		var queue = new List[V].from([u]).as_fifo
		var pred = new HashMap[V, nullable V]
		var visited = new HashSet[V]
		var w: nullable V = null
		pred[u] = null
		while not queue.is_empty do
			w = queue.take
			if not visited.has(w) then
				if w == v then break
				for wp in successors(w) do
					if not pred.keys.has(wp) then
						pred[wp] = w
		if w != v then
			return null
			var path = new List[V]
			w = v
			while pred[w] != null do
				path.unshift(pred[w].as(not null))
				w = pred[w]
			return path

	# Build a path (or circuit) from the vertex `start` that visits every edge exactly once.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# g.add_arc(2, 3)
	# g.add_arc(3, 4)
	# assert g.eulerian_path(1) == [1, 2, 3, 4]
	# ~~~
	fun eulerian_path(start: V): Array[V]
		var visited = new HashDigraph[V]
		return visited.remove_eulerian_path(start)

	# Returns the distance between `u` and `v`
	# If no path exists between `u` and `v`, it returns null. It is not
	# symmetric, i.e. we may have `dist(u, v) != dist(v, u)`.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# g.add_arc(2, 3)
	# g.add_arc(3, 4)
	# assert g.distance(1, 4) == 3
	# g.add_arc(1, 3)
	# assert g.distance(1, 4) == 2
	# assert g.distance(4, 1) == null
	# ~~~
	fun distance(u, v: V): nullable Int
		var queue = new List[V].from([u]).as_fifo
		var dist = new HashMap[V, Int]
		var visited = new HashSet[V]
		var w: nullable V
		dist[u] = 0
		while not queue.is_empty do
			w = queue.take
			if not visited.has(w) then
				if w == v then break
				for wp in successors(w) do
					if not dist.keys.has(wp) then
						dist[wp] = dist[w] + 1
		return dist.get_or_null(v)

	# -------------------- #
	# Connected components #
	# -------------------- #

	# Returns the weak connected components of this digraph.
	# The weak connected components of a digraph are the usual
	# connected components of its associated undirected graph,
	# i.e. the graph obtained by replacing each arc by an edge.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# g.add_arc(2, 3)
	# g.add_arc(4, 5)
	# assert g.weakly_connected_components.number_of_subsets == 2
	# ~~~
	fun weakly_connected_components: DisjointSet[V]
		var components = new DisjointSet[V]
		for arc in arcs_iterator do
			components.union(arc[0], arc[1])
		return components

	# Returns the strongly connected components of this digraph.
	# Two vertices `u` and `v` belong to the same strongly connected
	# component if and only if there exists a path from `u` to `v`
	# and there exists a path from `v` to `u`.
	# This is computed in linear time (Tarjan's algorithm).
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# g.add_arc(2, 3)
	# g.add_arc(3, 1)
	# g.add_arc(3, 4)
	# g.add_arc(4, 5)
	# g.add_arc(5, 6)
	# g.add_arc(6, 5)
	# assert g.strongly_connected_components.number_of_subsets == 3
	# ~~~
	fun strongly_connected_components: DisjointSet[V]
		var tarjanAlgorithm = new TarjanAlgorithm[V](self)
		return tarjanAlgorithm.strongly_connected_components

# Computing the strongly connected components using Tarjan's algorithm
private class TarjanAlgorithm[V: Object]
	# The graph whose strongly connected components will be computed
	var graph: Digraph[V]
	# The strongly connected components computed in Tarjan's algorithm
	var sccs = new DisjointSet[V]
	# An index used for Tarjan's algorithm
	var index = 0
	# A stack used for Tarjan's algorithm
	var stack: Queue[V] = (new Array[V]).as_lifo
	# A map associating with each vertex its index
	var vertex_to_index = new HashMap[V, Int]
	# A map associating with each vertex its ancestor in Tarjan's algorithm
	var ancestor = new HashMap[V, Int]
	# True if and only if the vertex is in the stack
	var in_stack = new HashSet[V]

	# Returns the strongly connected components of a graph
	fun strongly_connected_components: DisjointSet[V]
		for u in graph.vertices_iterator do sccs.add(u)
		for v in graph.vertices_iterator do
		return sccs

	# The recursive part of Tarjan's algorithm
	fun visit(u: V)
		vertex_to_index[u] = index
		ancestor[u] = index
		index += 1
		for v in graph.successors(u) do
			if not vertex_to_index.keys.has(v) then
				ancestor[u] = ancestor[u].min(ancestor[v])
			else if in_stack.has(v) then
				ancestor[u] = ancestor[u].min(vertex_to_index[v])
		if vertex_to_index[u] == ancestor[u] then
			var v
				v = stack.take
				sccs.union(u, v)
				if u == v then break

# Arcs iterator
class ArcsIterator[V: Object]
	super Iterator[Array[V]]

	# The graph whose arcs are iterated over
	var graph: Digraph[V]
	# Attributes
	private var sources_iterator: Iterator[V] is noinit
	private var targets_iterator: Iterator[V] is noinit
		sources_iterator = graph.vertices_iterator
		if sources_iterator.is_ok then
			targets_iterator = graph.successors(sources_iterator.item).iterator
			if not targets_iterator.is_ok then update_iterators

	redef fun is_ok do return sources_iterator.is_ok and targets_iterator.is_ok

	redef fun item do return [sources_iterator.item, targets_iterator.item]

	redef fun next

	private fun update_iterators
		while not targets_iterator.is_ok and sources_iterator.is_ok
			if sources_iterator.is_ok then
				targets_iterator = graph.successors(sources_iterator.item).iterator

# Mutable digraph
abstract class MutableDigraph[V: Object]
	super Digraph[V]

	## ---------------- ##
	## Abstract methods ##
	## ---------------- ##

	# Adds the vertex `u` to this graph.
	# If `u` already belongs to the graph, then nothing happens.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_vertex(0)
	# assert g.has_vertex(0)
	# assert not g.has_vertex(1)
	# g.add_vertex(1)
	# assert g.num_vertices == 2
	# ~~~
	fun add_vertex(u: V) is abstract

	# Removes the vertex `u` from this graph and all its incident arcs.
	# If the vertex does not exist in the graph, then nothing happens.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_vertex(0)
	# g.add_vertex(1)
	# assert g.has_vertex(0)
	# g.remove_vertex(0)
	# assert not g.has_vertex(0)
	# ~~~
	fun remove_vertex(u: V) is abstract

	# Adds the arc `(u,v)` to this graph.
	# If there is already an arc from `u` to `v` in this graph, then
	# nothing happens. If vertex `u` or vertex `v` do not exist in the
	# graph, they are added.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(0, 1)
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# assert g.has_arc(0, 1)
	# assert g.has_arc(1, 2)
	# assert not g.has_arc(1, 0)
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# assert g.num_arcs == 2
	# ~~~
	fun add_arc(u, v: V) is abstract

	# Removes the arc `(u,v)` from this graph.
	# If the arc does not exist in the graph, then nothing happens.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(0, 1)
	# assert g.num_arcs == 1
	# g.remove_arc(0, 1)
	# assert g.num_arcs == 0
	# g.remove_arc(0, 1)
	# assert g.num_arcs == 0
	# ~~~
	fun remove_arc(u, v: V) is abstract

	## -------------------- ##
	## Non abstract methods ##
	## -------------------- ##

	# Adds all vertices of `vertices` to this digraph.
	# If vertices appear more than once, they are only added once.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_vertices([0,1,2,3])
	# assert g.num_vertices == 4
	# g.add_vertices([2,3,4,5])
	# assert g.num_vertices == 6
	# ~~~
	fun add_vertices(vertices: Collection[V])
		for u in vertices do add_vertex(u)

	# Adds all arcs of `arcs` to this digraph.
	# If arcs appear more than once, they are only added once.
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# var arcs = [[0,1], [1,2], [1,2]]
	# g.add_arcs(arcs)
	# assert g.num_arcs == 2
	# ~~~
	fun add_arcs(arcs: Collection[Array[V]])
		for a in arcs do add_arc(a[0], a[1])

	# Add all vertices and arcs from the `other` graph.
	# ~~~
	# var g1 = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# var arcs1 = [[0,1], [1,2]]
	# g1.add_arcs(arcs1)
	# g1.add_arcs(arcs1)
	# g1.add_vertex(3)
	# var g2 = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# var arcs2 = [[0,1], [1,4]]
	# g2.add_arcs(arcs2)
	# g2.add_vertex(5)
	# g2.add_graph(g1)
	# assert g2.vertices.has_exactly([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
	# var arcs3 = [[0,1], [1,2], [1,4]]
	# assert g2.arcs.has_exactly(arcs3)
	# ~~~
	fun add_graph(other: Digraph[V])
		for v in other.vertices do
			for w in other.successors(v) do
				add_arc(v, w)

	# Build a path (or circuit) that removes every edge exactly once.
	# See `eulerian_path` for details
	fun remove_eulerian_path(start: V): Array[V]
		var stack = new Array[V]
		var path = new Array[V]
		var current = start
			if out_degree(current) == 0 then
				path.unshift current
				if stack.is_empty then break
				current = stack.pop
				stack.add current
				var n = successors(current).first
				remove_arc(current, n)
				current = n
		return path

	# Cache of all predecessors for each vertex.
	# This attribute are lazy to compute the list use `get_all_predecessors` for each needed vertexe.
	# Warning the cache must be invalidated after `add_arc`
	private var cache_all_predecessors = new HashMap[V, Set[V]]

	# Cache of all successors for each vertex.
	# This attribute are lazy to compute the list use `get_all_successors` for each needed vertexe.
	# Warning the cache must be invalidated after `add_arc`
	private var cache_all_successors = new HashMap[V, Set[V]]

	# Invalid all cache `cache_all_predecessors` and `cache_all_successors`
	private fun invalidated_all_cache
		if not cache_all_successors.is_empty then cache_all_successors = new HashMap[V, Set[V]]
		if not cache_all_predecessors.is_empty then cache_all_predecessors = new HashMap[V, Set[V]]

	# Returns the all predecessors of `u`.
	# `u` is include in the returned collection
	# Returns an empty Array is the `u` does not exist
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# g.add_arc(2, 3)
	# g.add_arc(3, 4)
	# assert g.get_all_predecessors(4).has(4)
	# assert g.get_all_predecessors(4).has(3)
	# assert g.get_all_predecessors(4).has(2)
	# assert g.get_all_predecessors(4).has(1)
	# ~~~
	fun get_all_predecessors(u: V): Array[V]
		if not vertices.has(u) then return new Array[V]
		if not cache_all_predecessors.has_key(u) then compute_all_link(u)
		return cache_all_predecessors[u].clone.to_a

	# Returns the all successors of `u`.
	# `u` is include in the returned collection
	# Returns an empty Array is the `u` does not exist
	# ~~~
	# var g = new HashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# g.add_arc(2, 3)
	# g.add_arc(3, 4)
	# assert g.get_all_successors(2).has(3)
	# assert g.get_all_successors(2).has(4)
	# assert g.get_all_successors(2).has(2)
	# ~~~
	fun get_all_successors(u: V): Array[V]
		if not vertices.has(u) then return new Array[V]
		if not cache_all_successors.has_key(u) then compute_all_link(u)
		return cache_all_successors[u].clone.to_a

	# Compute all succesors and all predecessors for the given `u`
	# The result is stocked in `cache_all_predecessors` and `cache_all_predecessors`
	private fun compute_all_link(u: V)
		if not vertices.has(u) then return
		if not cache_all_predecessors.has_key(u) then cache_all_predecessors[u] = new Set[V]
		if not cache_all_successors.has_key(u) then cache_all_successors[u] = new Set[V]
		for v in vertices do
			if distance(v, u) != null then cache_all_predecessors[u].add(v)
			if distance(u, v) != null then cache_all_successors[u].add(v)
# A directed graph represented by hash maps
class HashDigraph[V: Object]
	super MutableDigraph[V]

	# Attributes
	private var incoming_vertices_map = new HashMap[V, Array[V]]
	private var outgoing_vertices_map = new HashMap[V, Array[V]]
	private var number_of_arcs = 0

	redef fun num_vertices do return outgoing_vertices_map.keys.length end

	redef fun num_arcs do return number_of_arcs end

	redef fun add_vertex(u)
		if not has_vertex(u) then
			incoming_vertices_map[u] = new Array[V]
			outgoing_vertices_map[u] = new Array[V]

	redef fun has_vertex(u) do return outgoing_vertices_map.keys.has(u)

	redef fun remove_vertex(u)
		if has_vertex(u) then
			for v in successors(u) do
				remove_arc(u, v)
			for v in predecessors(u) do
				remove_arc(v, u)

	redef fun add_arc(u, v)
		if not has_vertex(u) then add_vertex(u)
		if not has_vertex(v) then add_vertex(v)
		if not has_arc(u, v) then
			number_of_arcs += 1

	redef fun has_arc(u, v)
		return outgoing_vertices_map[u].has(v)

	redef fun remove_arc(u, v)
		if has_arc(u, v) then
			number_of_arcs -= 1

	redef fun predecessors(u): Array[V]
		if incoming_vertices_map.keys.has(u) then
			return incoming_vertices_map[u].clone
			return new Array[V]

	redef fun successors(u): Array[V]
		if outgoing_vertices_map.keys.has(u) then
			return outgoing_vertices_map[u].clone
			return new Array[V]

	redef fun vertices_iterator: Iterator[V] do return outgoing_vertices_map.keys.iterator

# A reflexive directed graph
# i.e an element is in relation with itself (ie is implies `self.has_arc(u,u)`))
# This class avoids manually adding the reflexive vertices and at the same time it's avoids adding useless data to the hashmap.
class ReflexiveHashDigraph[V: Object]
	super HashDigraph[V]

	# Adds the arc (u,v) to this graph.
	# if `u` is the same as `v` do nothing
	# ~~~
	# var g = new ReflexiveHashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# g.add_arc(3, 1)
	# assert g.has_arc(2,2)
	# assert g.has_arc(1,2)
	# assert g.has_arc(3,1)
	# ~~~
	redef fun add_arc(u, v)
		# Check `u` is the same as `v`
		if u != v then

	# Is (u,v) an arc in this graph?
	# If `u` is the same as `v` return true
	# ~~~
	# var g = new ReflexiveHashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# g.add_arc(3, 1)
	# g.add_vertex(4)
	# assert g.has_arc(1,1)
	# assert g.has_arc(2,2)
	# assert g.has_arc(2,2)
	# assert g.has_arc(3,2) == false
	# assert g.has_arc(4,4)
	# ~~~
	redef fun has_arc(u, v)
		return u == v or super

	redef fun show_dot
		var f = new ProcessWriter("dot", "-Txlib")
		f.write to_dot

	# Returns a shortest path from vertex `u` to `v`.
	# If `u` is the same as `v` return `[u]`
	# ~~~
	# var g = new ReflexiveHashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# g.add_arc(2, 3)
	# g.add_arc(3, 4)
	# assert g.a_shortest_path(1, 4).length == 4
	# assert g.a_shortest_path(1, 1).length == 1
	# ~~~
	redef fun a_shortest_path(u, v)
		if u == v then
			var path = new List[V]
			return path
		return super

	# Returns the distance between `u` and `v`
	# If `u` is the same as `v` return `1`
	# ~~~
	# var g = new ReflexiveHashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# g.add_arc(2, 3)
	# g.add_arc(3, 4)
	# assert g.distance(1, 1) == 1
	# assert g.distance(2, 2) == 1
	# ~~~
	redef fun distance(u, v)
		if has_arc(u, v) and u == v then return 1
		return super

	# Returns the predecessors of `u`.
	# `u` is include in the returned collection
	# ~~~
	# var g = new ReflexiveHashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# g.add_arc(2, 3)
	# g.add_arc(3, 1)
	# assert g.predecessors(2).has(1)
	# assert g.predecessors(2).has(2)
	# ~~~
	redef fun predecessors(u)
		var super_predecessors = super
		if incoming_vertices_map.has_key(u) then super_predecessors.add(u)
		return super_predecessors

	# Returns the successors of `u`.
	# `u` is include in the returned collection
	# ~~~
	# var g = new ReflexiveHashDigraph[Int]
	# g.add_arc(1, 2)
	# g.add_arc(2, 3)
	# g.add_arc(3, 1)
	# assert g.successors(2).has(3)
	# assert g.successors(2).has(2)
	# ~~~
	redef fun successors(u: V)
		var super_successors = super
		if outgoing_vertices_map.has_key(u) then super_successors.add(u)
		return super_successors