Property definitions

gamnit $ AbsoluteSubtexture :: defaultinit
# Subtexture created from pixel coordinates within `parent`
class AbsoluteSubtexture
	super Subtexture

	# Left border of this texture relative to `parent`
	var left: Float

	# Top border of this texture relative to `parent`
	var top: Float

	private fun set_wh(width, height: Float)
	is autoinit do
		self.width = width
		self.height = height

	redef var offset_left = parent.offset_left + left / root.width is lazy
	redef var offset_top = parent.offset_top + top / root.height is lazy
	redef var offset_right = offset_left + width / root.width is lazy
	redef var offset_bottom = offset_top + height / root.height is lazy