Property definitions

gamnit $ BlinnPhongProgram :: defaultinit
# Graphic program to display 3D models with Blinn-Phong specular lighting
class BlinnPhongProgram
	super GamnitProgramFromSource

	redef var vertex_shader_source = """
		// Vertex coordinates
		attribute vec4 coord;

		// Vertex translation
		attribute vec4 translation;

		// Vertex scaling
		attribute float scale;

		attribute float alpha;

		// Vertex coordinates on textures
		attribute vec2 tex_coord;

		// Vertex normal
		attribute vec3 normal;

		// Camera model view projection matrix
		uniform mat4 mvp;

		// Actor rotation
		attribute vec4 rotation_row0;
		attribute vec4 rotation_row1;
		attribute vec4 rotation_row2;
		attribute vec4 rotation_row3;

		mat4 rotation()
			return mat4(rotation_row0, rotation_row1, rotation_row2, rotation_row3);

		// Lights config
		uniform lowp int light_kind;
		uniform vec3 light_center;
		uniform mat4 light_mvp;

		// Coordinates of the camera
		uniform vec3 camera;

		// Output for the fragment shader
		varying vec2 v_tex_coord;
		varying vec3 v_normal;
		varying vec4 v_to_light;
		varying vec4 v_to_camera;
		varying vec4 v_depth_pos;
		varying float v_alpha;

		void main()
			mat4 rotation = rotation();
			vec4 pos = (vec4( * scale, 1.0) * rotation + translation);
			gl_Position = pos * mvp;
			v_depth_pos = (pos * light_mvp) * 0.5 + 0.5;

			// Pass varyings to the fragment shader
			v_tex_coord = vec2(tex_coord.x, 1.0 - tex_coord.y);
			v_normal = normalize(vec4(normal, 0.0) * rotation).xyz;
			v_to_camera = normalize(vec4(camera, 1.0) - pos);

			if (light_kind == 0) {
				// No light
			} else if (light_kind == 1) {
				// Parallel
				v_to_light = normalize(vec4(light_center, 1.0));
			} else {
				// Point light (and others?)
				v_to_light = normalize(vec4(light_center, 1.0) - pos);

			v_alpha = alpha;
		""" @ glsl_vertex_shader

	redef var fragment_shader_source = """
		precision mediump float;

		// Input from the vertex shader
		varying vec2 v_tex_coord;
		varying vec3 v_normal;
		varying vec4 v_to_light;
		varying vec4 v_to_camera;
		varying vec4 v_depth_pos;
		varying float v_alpha;

		// Colors
		uniform vec4 ambient_color;
		uniform vec4 diffuse_color;
		uniform vec4 specular_color;

		// Ambient map
		uniform bool use_map_ambient;
		uniform sampler2D map_ambient;

		// Diffuse map
		uniform bool use_map_diffuse;
		uniform sampler2D map_diffuse;

		// Specular map
		uniform bool use_map_specular;
		uniform sampler2D map_specular;

		// Bump map
		uniform bool use_map_bump;
		uniform sampler2D map_bump;

		// Normal map
		uniform bool use_map_normal;
		uniform sampler2D map_normal;

		// Shadow
		uniform lowp int light_kind;
		uniform bool use_shadows;
		uniform sampler2D depth_texture;
		uniform float depth_size;
		uniform int depth_taps;

		// Shadow effect on the diffuse colors of the fragment at offset `x, y`
		float shadow_lookup(vec2 depth_coord, float x, float y) {
			float tap_width = 1.0;
			float pixel_size = tap_width/depth_size;

			vec2 offset = vec2(x * pixel_size * v_depth_pos.w,
			                   y * pixel_size * v_depth_pos.w);
			depth_coord += offset;

			float depth = v_depth_pos.z/v_depth_pos.w;
			//vec2 depth_coord = v_depth_pos.xy/v_depth_pos.w;
			if (depth_coord.x < 0.0 || depth_coord.x > 1.0 || depth_coord.y < 0.0 || depth_coord.y > 1.0) {
				// Out of the shadow map texture
				//gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // debug, red out of the light view
				return 1.0;

			float shadow_depth = texture2D(depth_texture, depth_coord).r;
			float bias = 0.0001;
			if (shadow_depth == 1.0) {
				// Too far to be in depth texture
				return 1.0;
			} else if (shadow_depth <= depth - bias) {
				// In a shadow
				//gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0); // debug, blue shadows
				return 0.2; // TODO replace with a configurable ambient light

			//gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 1.0-(shadow_depth-depth), 0.0, 1.0); // debug, green lit surfaces
			return 1.0;

		// Shadow effect on the diffuse colors of the fragment
		float shadow() {
			if (!use_shadows) return 1.0;

			vec2 depth_coord = v_depth_pos.xy/v_depth_pos.w;

			float taps = float(depth_taps);
			float tap_step = 2.00/taps;
			float sum = 0.0;
			for (float x = -1.0; x <= 0.99; x += tap_step)
				for (float y = -1.0; y <= 0.99; y += tap_step)
					sum += shadow_lookup(depth_coord, x, y);
			return sum / taps / taps;

		void main()
			// Normal
			vec3 normal = v_normal;
			if (use_map_bump) {
				// TODO
				vec3 bump = 2.0 * texture2D(map_bump, v_tex_coord).rgb - 1.0;

			// Ambient light
			vec4 ambient = ambient_color * v_alpha;
			if (use_map_ambient) ambient *= texture2D(map_ambient, v_tex_coord);

			if (light_kind == 0) {
				// No light, show diffuse and ambient

				vec4 diffuse = diffuse_color * v_alpha;
				if (use_map_diffuse) diffuse *= texture2D(map_diffuse, v_tex_coord);

				gl_FragColor = ambient + diffuse;
			} else {
				// Parallel light or point light (1 or 2)

				// Diffuse Lambert light
				vec3 to_light =;
				float lambert = clamp(dot(normal, to_light), 0.0, 1.0);

				vec4 diffuse = lambert * diffuse_color;
				if (use_map_diffuse) diffuse *= texture2D(map_diffuse, v_tex_coord);

				// Specular Phong light
				float s = 0.0;
				if (lambert > 0.0) {
					// In light
					vec3 l = reflect(-to_light, normal);
					s = clamp(dot(l,, 0.0, 1.0);
					s = pow(s, 8.0); // TODO make this `shininess` a material attribute

					// Shadows
					diffuse *= shadow();

				vec4 specular = s * specular_color * v_alpha;
				if (use_map_specular) specular *= texture2D(map_specular, v_tex_coord).x;

				gl_FragColor = ambient + diffuse + specular;

			if (gl_FragColor.a < 0.01) discard;

			//gl_FragColor = vec4(normalize(normal).rgb, 1.0); // Debug normals
		""" @ glsl_fragment_shader

	# Vertices coordinates
	var coord = attributes["coord"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy

	# Should this program use the texture `map_ambient`?
	var use_map_ambient = uniforms["use_map_ambient"].as(UniformBool) is lazy

	# Ambient texture unit
	var map_ambient = uniforms["map_ambient"].as(UniformSampler2D) is lazy

	# Should this program use the texture `map_diffuse`?
	var use_map_diffuse = uniforms["use_map_diffuse"].as(UniformBool) is lazy

	# Diffuse texture unit
	var map_diffuse = uniforms["map_diffuse"].as(UniformSampler2D) is lazy

	# Should this program use the texture `map_specular`?
	var use_map_specular = uniforms["use_map_specular"].as(UniformBool) is lazy

	# Specularity texture unit
	var map_specular = uniforms["map_specular"].as(UniformSampler2D) is lazy

	# Should this program use the texture `map_bump`?
	var use_map_bump = uniforms["use_map_bump"].as(UniformBool) is lazy

	# Bump texture unit
	var map_bump = uniforms["map_bump"].as(UniformSampler2D) is lazy

	# Normal per vertex
	var normal = attributes["normal"].as(AttributeVec3) is lazy

	# Coordinates on the textures, per vertex
	var tex_coord = attributes["tex_coord"].as(AttributeVec2) is lazy

	# Ambient color
	var ambient_color = uniforms["ambient_color"].as(UniformVec4) is lazy

	# Diffuse color
	var diffuse_color = uniforms["diffuse_color"].as(UniformVec4) is lazy

	# Specular color
	var specular_color = uniforms["specular_color"].as(UniformVec4) is lazy

	# Kind of lights: 0 -> no light, 1 -> parallel, 2 -> point
	var light_kind = uniforms["light_kind"].as(UniformInt) is lazy

	# Center position of the light *or* vector to parallel light source
	var light_center = uniforms["light_center"].as(UniformVec3) is lazy

	# Light model view projection matrix
	var light_mvp = uniforms["light_mvp"].as(UniformMat4) is lazy

	# Should shadow be drawn? Would use `depth_texture` and `light_mvp`.
	var use_shadows = uniforms["use_shadows"].as(UniformBool) is lazy

	# Diffuse texture unit
	var depth_texture = uniforms["depth_texture"].as(UniformSampler2D) is lazy

	# Size, in pixels, of `depth_texture`
	var depth_texture_size = uniforms["depth_size"].as(UniformFloat) is lazy

	# Times to tap the `depth_texture`, square root (set to 3 for a total of 9 taps)
	var depth_texture_taps = uniforms["depth_taps"].as(UniformInt) is lazy

	# Camera position
	var camera = uniforms["camera"].as(UniformVec3) is lazy

	# Translation applied to each vertex
	var translation = attributes["translation"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy # TODO attribute

	# Set `mat` at the uniform rotation matrix
	fun rotation=(mat: Matrix)
		var i = 0
		for r in [rotation_row0, rotation_row1, rotation_row2, rotation_row3] do
			if r.is_active then
				glDisableVertexAttribArray r.location
				r.uniform(mat[0, i], mat[1, i], mat[2, i], mat[3, i])
			i += 1
		var gl_error = glGetError
		assert gl_error == gl_NO_ERROR else print_error gl_error

	# Rotation matrix, row0
	var rotation_row0 = attributes["rotation_row0"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy

	# Rotation matrix, row 1
	var rotation_row1 = attributes["rotation_row1"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy

	# Rotation matrix, row 2
	var rotation_row2 = attributes["rotation_row2"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy

	# Rotation matrix, row 3
	var rotation_row3 = attributes["rotation_row3"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy

	# Scaling per vertex
	var scale = attributes["scale"].as(AttributeFloat) is lazy

	# Scaling per vertex
	var alpha = attributes["alpha"].as(AttributeFloat) is lazy

	# Camera model view projection matrix
	var mvp = uniforms["mvp"].as(UniformMat4) is lazy