Execute a GET request on Github API.

This method returns a deserialized result.

For raw data see send.

var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth)
var obj = api.get("/repos/nitlang/nit")
assert obj isa Repo
assert obj.name == "nit"

Returns null in case of error.

obj = api.get("/foo/bar/baz")
assert obj == null
assert api.was_error
assert api.last_error isa GithubError

Property definitions

github $ GithubAPI :: get
	# Execute a GET request on Github API.
	# This method returns a deserialized result.
	# For raw data see `send`.
	# ~~~nitish
	# var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth)
	# var obj = api.get("/repos/nitlang/nit")
	# assert obj isa Repo
	# assert obj.name == "nit"
	# ~~~
	# Returns `null` in case of `error`.
	# ~~~nitish
	# obj = api.get("/foo/bar/baz")
	# assert obj == null
	# assert api.was_error
	# assert api.last_error isa GithubError
	# ~~~
	fun get(path: String, headers: nullable HeaderMap, data: nullable String): nullable Object do
		return deserialize(send("GET", path, headers, data))

github :: cache $ GithubAPI :: get
	# If no cache data is found for `key` then json is loaded from Github API.
	redef fun get(key, headers, data) do
		if not enable_cache then return super
		if store.has_key(key) then
			# print "Get {key} (cache)" # debug
			was_error = false
			return deserialize(store.load_object(key).to_json)
		var obj = super
		if not was_error and obj isa Serializable then
			cache(key, obj)
		return obj