Nit object oriented interface to Github api.

This modules reifies Github API elements as Nit classes.

For most use-cases you need to use the GithubAPI client.

Introduced classes

class Branch

github :: Branch

A Github branch.
abstract class Comment

github :: Comment

A Github comment
class Commit

github :: Commit

A Github commit.
class CommitComment

github :: CommitComment

A comment made on a commit.
class CommitStatus

github :: CommitStatus

Status of a commit
class ContributorWeek

github :: ContributorWeek

Contributor stats weekly hash
class GitCommit

github :: GitCommit

A Git Commit representation
class GitUser

github :: GitUser

Git user authoring data
class GithubAPI

github :: GithubAPI

Client to Github API
class GithubAPIError

github :: GithubAPIError

An Error returned by
class GithubDeserializer

github :: GithubDeserializer

JsonDeserializer specific for Github objects.
class GithubDeserializerErrors

github :: GithubDeserializerErrors

An Error returned while deserializing objects from the API
class GithubError

github :: GithubError

An Error returned by GithubAPI
class GithubFile

github :: GithubFile

A Github file representation.
class Issue

github :: Issue

A Github issue.
class IssueComment

github :: IssueComment

Comments made on Github issue and pull request pages.
class IssueEvent

github :: IssueEvent

An event that occurs on a Github Issue.
class Label

github :: Label

A Github label.
class Milestone

github :: Milestone

A Github milestone.
class PullComment

github :: PullComment

Comments made on Github pull request diffs.
class PullRef

github :: PullRef

A pull request reference (used for head and base).
class PullRequest

github :: PullRequest

A Github pull request.
class RenameAction

github :: RenameAction

A rename action maintains the name before and after a renaming action.
class Repo

github :: Repo

A Github repository.
class RepoStatus

github :: RepoStatus

Sub status of a CommitStatus
class SearchResults

github :: SearchResults

A list of results returned buy /search
class User

github :: User

A Github user

Redefined classes

redef abstract class Deserializer

github :: api $ Deserializer

Abstract deserialization service
redef class Sys

github :: api $ Sys

The main class of the program.

All class definitions

class Branch

github $ Branch

A Github branch.
abstract class Comment

github $ Comment

A Github comment
class Commit

github $ Commit

A Github commit.
class CommitComment

github $ CommitComment

A comment made on a commit.
class CommitStatus

github $ CommitStatus

Status of a commit
class ContributorWeek

github $ ContributorWeek

Contributor stats weekly hash
redef abstract class Deserializer

github :: api $ Deserializer

Abstract deserialization service
class GitCommit

github $ GitCommit

A Git Commit representation
class GitUser

github $ GitUser

Git user authoring data
class GithubAPI

github $ GithubAPI

Client to Github API
class GithubAPIError

github $ GithubAPIError

An Error returned by
class GithubDeserializer

github $ GithubDeserializer

JsonDeserializer specific for Github objects.
class GithubDeserializerErrors

github $ GithubDeserializerErrors

An Error returned while deserializing objects from the API
class GithubError

github $ GithubError

An Error returned by GithubAPI
class GithubFile

github $ GithubFile

A Github file representation.
class Issue

github $ Issue

A Github issue.
class IssueComment

github $ IssueComment

Comments made on Github issue and pull request pages.
class IssueEvent

github $ IssueEvent

An event that occurs on a Github Issue.
class Label

github $ Label

A Github label.
class Milestone

github $ Milestone

A Github milestone.
class PullComment

github $ PullComment

Comments made on Github pull request diffs.
class PullRef

github $ PullRef

A pull request reference (used for head and base).
class PullRequest

github $ PullRequest

A Github pull request.
class RenameAction

github $ RenameAction

A rename action maintains the name before and after a renaming action.
class Repo

github $ Repo

A Github repository.
class RepoStatus

github $ RepoStatus

Sub status of a CommitStatus
class SearchResults

github $ SearchResults

A list of results returned buy /search
redef class Sys

github :: api $ Sys

The main class of the program.
class User

github $ User

A Github user
package_diagram github::api api base64 base64 github::api->base64 curl curl github::api->curl json json github::api->json core core base64->core curl->json curl->core ...core ... ...core->core ...json ... ...json->json github::cache cache github::cache->github::api github::events events github::events->github::api github::github github github::github->github::cache github::github... ... github::github...->github::github github::hooks hooks github::hooks->github::events github::loader loader github::loader->github::events github::hooks... ... github::hooks...->github::hooks github::loader... ... github::loader...->github::loader


module abstract_collection

core :: abstract_collection

Abstract collection classes and services.
module abstract_text

core :: abstract_text

Abstract class for manipulation of sequences of characters
module array

core :: array

This module introduces the standard array structure.
module bitset

core :: bitset

Services to handle BitSet
module bytes

core :: bytes

Services for byte streams and arrays
module caching

serialization :: caching

Services for caching serialization engines
module circular_array

core :: circular_array

Efficient data structure to access both end of the sequence.
module codec_base

core :: codec_base

Base for codecs to use with streams
module codecs

core :: codecs

Group module for all codec-related manipulations
module collection

core :: collection

This module define several collection classes.
module core

core :: core

Standard classes and methods used by default by Nit programs and libraries.
module engine_tools

serialization :: engine_tools

Advanced services for serialization engines
module environ

core :: environ

Access to the environment variables of the process
module error

json :: error

Intro JsonParseError which is exposed by all JSON reading APIs
module error

core :: error

Standard error-management infrastructure.
module exec

core :: exec

Invocation and management of operating system sub-processes.
module file

core :: file

File manipulations (create, read, write, etc.)
module fixed_ints

core :: fixed_ints

Basic integers of fixed-precision
module fixed_ints_text

core :: fixed_ints_text

Text services to complement fixed_ints
module flat

core :: flat

All the array-based text representations
module gc

core :: gc

Access to the Nit internal garbage collection mechanism
module hash_collection

core :: hash_collection

Introduce HashMap and HashSet.
module inspect

serialization :: inspect

Refine Serializable::inspect to show more useful information
module iso8859_1

core :: iso8859_1

Codec for ISO8859-1 I/O
module kernel

core :: kernel

Most basic classes and methods.
module list

core :: list

This module handle double linked lists
module math

core :: math

Mathematical operations
module meta

meta :: meta

Simple user-defined meta-level to manipulate types of instances as object.
module native

core :: native

Native structures for text and bytes
module native_curl

curl :: native_curl

Binding of C libCurl which allow us to interact with network.
module numeric

core :: numeric

Advanced services for Numeric types
module parser_base

parser_base :: parser_base

Simple base for hand-made parsers of all kinds
module poset

poset :: poset

Pre order sets and partial order set (ie hierarchies)
module protocol

core :: protocol

module queue

core :: queue

Queuing data structures and wrappers
module range

core :: range

Module for range of discrete objects.
module re

core :: re

Regular expression support for all services based on Pattern
module ropes

core :: ropes

Tree-based representation of a String.
module safe

serialization :: safe

Services for safer deserialization engines
module serialization

serialization :: serialization

General serialization services
module serialization_core

serialization :: serialization_core

Abstract services to serialize Nit objects to different formats
module serialization_read

json :: serialization_read

Services to read JSON: deserialize_json and JsonDeserializer
module serialization_write

json :: serialization_write

Services to write Nit objects to JSON strings: serialize_to_json and JsonSerializer
module sorter

core :: sorter

This module contains classes used to compare things and sorts arrays.
module static

json :: static

Static interface to read Nit objects from JSON strings
module stream

core :: stream

Input and output streams of characters
module text

core :: text

All the classes and methods related to the manipulation of text entities
module time

core :: time

Management of time and dates
module union_find

core :: union_find

union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
module utf8

core :: utf8

Codec for UTF-8 I/O


module base64

base64 :: base64

Offers the base 64 encoding and decoding algorithms
module curl

curl :: curl

Data transfer powered by the native curl library
module json

json :: json

Read and write JSON formatted text using the standard serialization services


module cache

github :: cache

Enable caching on Github API accesses.
module events

github :: events

Events are emitted by Github Hooks.


module a_star-m


module github

github :: github

Nit wrapper for Github API
module hooks

github :: hooks

Github hook event listening with nitcorn.
module loader

github :: loader

module pop_auth

popcorn :: pop_auth

Authentification handlers.
module wallet

github :: wallet

Github OAuth tokens management
# Nit object oriented interface to [Github api](
# This modules reifies Github API elements as Nit classes.
# For most use-cases you need to use the `GithubAPI` client.
module api

intrude import json::serialization_read

import base64
import curl
import json

# Client to Github API
# To access the API you need an instance of a `GithubAPI` client.
# ~~~nitish
# # Get Github authentification token.
# var token = get_github_oauth
# assert not token.is_empty
# # Init the client.
# var api = new GithubAPI(token)
# ~~~
# The API client allows you to get Github API entities.
# ~~~nitish
# var repo = api.get_repo("nitlang/nit")
# assert repo != null
# assert == "nit"
# var user = api.get_user("Morriar")
# assert user != null
# assert user.login == "Morriar"
# ~~~
class GithubAPI

	# Github API OAuth token
	# To access your private ressources, you must
	# [authenticate](
	# For client applications, Github recommands to use the
	# [OAuth tokens]( authentification method.
	# Be aware that there is [rate limits](
	# associated to the key.
	var auth: nullable String = null is optional

	# User agent used for HTTP requests.
	# Default is `nit_github_api`.
	# See <>
	var user_agent: String = "nit_github_api" is optional

	# Headers to use on all requests
	fun new_headers: HeaderMap do
		var map = new HeaderMap
		var auth = self.auth
		if auth != null then
			map["Authorization"] = "token {auth}"
		map["User-Agent"] = user_agent
		# FIXME remove when projects and team are no more in beta
		map["Accept"] = "application/vnd.github.inertia-preview+json"
		map["Accept"] = "application/vnd.github.hellcat-preview+json"
		return map

	# Github API base url.
	# Default is `` and should not be changed.
	var api_url = ""

	# Send a HTTPRequest to the Github API
	fun send(method, path: String, headers: nullable HeaderMap, body: nullable String): nullable String do
		last_error = null
		path = sanitize_uri(path)
		var uri = "{api_url}{path}"
		var request = new CurlHTTPRequest(uri)
		request.method = method
		request.user_agent = user_agent
		request.headers = headers or else self.new_headers
		request.body = body
		return check_response(uri, request.execute)

	private fun check_response(uri: String, response: CurlResponse): nullable String do
		if response isa CurlResponseSuccess then
			was_error = false
			return response.body_str
		else if response isa CurlResponseFailed then
			last_error = new GithubAPIError(
			was_error = true
			return null
		else abort

	# Deserialize an object
	fun deserialize(string: nullable Serializable): nullable Object do
		if string == null then return null
		var deserializer = new GithubDeserializer(string.to_s)
		var res = deserializer.deserialize
		if deserializer.errors.not_empty then
			was_error = true
			last_error = new GithubDeserializerErrors("Deserialization failed", deserializer.errors)
			return null
		else if res isa GithubError then
			was_error = true
			last_error = res
			return null
		was_error = false
		return res

	# Escape `uri` in an acceptable format for Github.
	private fun sanitize_uri(uri: String): String do
		# TODO better URI escape.
		return uri.replace(" ", "%20")

	# Last error occured during Github API communications.
	var last_error: nullable Error = null is public writable

	# Does the last request provoqued an error?
	var was_error = false is protected writable

	# Execute a GET request on Github API.
	# This method returns a deserialized result.
	# For raw data see `send`.
	# ~~~nitish
	# var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth)
	# var obj = api.get("/repos/nitlang/nit")
	# assert obj isa Repo
	# assert == "nit"
	# ~~~
	# Returns `null` in case of `error`.
	# ~~~nitish
	# obj = api.get("/foo/bar/baz")
	# assert obj == null
	# assert api.was_error
	# assert api.last_error isa GithubError
	# ~~~
	fun get(path: String, headers: nullable HeaderMap, data: nullable String): nullable Object do
		return deserialize(send("GET", path, headers, data))

	# Get the Github logged user from `auth` token.
	# Loads the `User` from the API or returns `null` if the user cannot be found.
	# ~~~nitish
	# var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth)
	# var user = api.get_auth_user
	# assert user.login == "Morriar"
	# ~~~
	fun get_auth_user: nullable User do
		return get("/user").as(nullable User)

	# Get the Github user with `login`
	# Loads the `User` from the API or returns `null` if the user cannot be found.
	# ~~~nitish
	# var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth)
	# var user = api.get_user("Morriar")
	# print user or else "null"
	# assert user.login == "Morriar"
	# ~~~
	fun get_user(login: String): nullable User do
		return get("/users/{login}").as(nullable User)

	# Get the Github repo with `full_name`.
	# Loads the `Repo` from the API or returns `null` if the repo cannot be found.
	# ~~~nitish
	# var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth)
	# var repo = api.get_repo("nitlang/nit")
	# assert == "nit"
	# assert repo.owner.login == "nitlang"
	# assert repo.default_branch == "master"
	# ~~~
	fun get_repo(repo_slug: String): nullable Repo do
		return get("/repos/{repo_slug}").as(nullable Repo)

	# List of repo branches.
	# Pagination:
	#	* `page`: page to fetch (default: 1)
	#	* `per_page`: number of branches by page (default: 30)
	fun get_repo_branches(repo_slug: String, page, per_page: nullable Int): Array[Branch] do
		return new GithubArray[Branch].from(get(
			"/repos/{repo_slug}/branches?{pagination(page, per_page)}"))

	# List of issues associated with their ids.
	fun get_repo_issues(repo_slug: String, page, per_page: nullable Int): Array[Issue] do
		return new GithubArray[Issue].from(get(
			"/repos/{repo_slug}/issues?{pagination(page, per_page)}"))

	# Search issues in this repo form an advanced query.
	# Example:
	# ~~~nitish
	# var issues = repo.search_issues("is:open label:need_review")
	# ~~~
	# See <>.
	fun search_repo_issues(repo_slug: String, query: String, page, per_page: nullable Int): nullable SearchResults do
		return get("/search/issues?q={query} repo:{repo_slug}&{pagination(page, per_page)}").as(nullable SearchResults)

	# List of labels associated with their names.
	fun get_repo_labels(repo_slug: String, page, per_page: nullable Int): Array[Label] do
		return new GithubArray[Label].from(get(
			"/repos/{repo_slug}/labels?{pagination(page, per_page)}"))

	# List of milestones associated with their ids.
	fun get_repo_milestones(repo_slug: String, page, per_page: nullable Int): Array[Milestone] do
		return new GithubArray[Milestone].from(get(
			"/repos/{repo_slug}/milestones?{pagination(page, per_page)}"))

	# List of pull-requests associated with their ids.
	# Implementation notes: because PR numbers are not consecutive,
	# PR are loaded from pages.
	# See:
	fun get_repo_pulls(repo_slug: String, page, per_page: nullable Int): Array[PullRequest] do
		return new GithubArray[PullRequest].from(get(
			"/repos/{repo_slug}/pulls?{pagination(page, per_page)}"))

	# List of contributor related statistics.
	fun get_repo_contrib_stats(repo_slug: String): Array[ContributorStats] do
		return new GithubArray[ContributorStats].from(get("/repos/{repo_slug}/stats/contributors"))

	# Get the Github branch with `name`.
	# Returns `null` if the branch cannot be found.
	# ~~~nitish
	# var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth)
	# var repo = api.get_repo("nitlang/nit")
	# assert repo != null
	# var branch = api.get_branch(repo, "master")
	# assert == "master"
	# assert branch.commit isa Commit
	# ~~~
	fun get_branch(repo_slug: String, name: String): nullable Branch do
		return get("/repos/{repo_slug}/branches/{name}").as(nullable Branch)

	# Get the Github commit with `sha`.
	# Returns `null` if the commit cannot be found.
	# ~~~nitish
	# var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth)
	# var repo = api.get_repo("nitlang/nit")
	# assert repo != null
	# var commit = api.get_commit(repo, "64ce1f")
	# assert commit isa Commit
	# ~~~
	fun get_commit(repo_slug: String, sha: String): nullable Commit do
		return get("/repos/{repo_slug}/commits/{sha}").as(nullable Commit)

	# Get the status of a commit
	# The status holds the result of each check ran on a commit like CI, reviews etc.
	fun get_commit_status(repo_slug: String, sha: String): nullable CommitStatus do
		return get("/repos/{repo_slug}/commits/{sha}/status").as(nullable CommitStatus)

	# Get the Github issue #`number`.
	# Returns `null` if the issue cannot be found.
	# ~~~nitish
	# var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth)
	# var repo = api.get_repo("nitlang/nit")
	# assert repo != null
	# var issue = api.get_issue(repo, 1)
	# assert issue.title == "Doc"
	# ~~~
	fun get_issue(repo_slug: String, number: Int): nullable Issue do
		return get("/repos/{repo_slug}/issues/{number}").as(nullable Issue)

	# List of event on this issue.
	fun get_issue_comments(repo_slug: String, issue_number: Int, page, per_page: nullable Int): Array[IssueComment] do
		return new GithubArray[IssueComment].from(get(
			"/repos/{repo_slug}/issues/{issue_number}/comments?{pagination(page, per_page)}"))

	# List of events on this issue.
	fun get_issue_events(repo_slug: String, issue_number: Int, page, per_page: nullable Int): Array[IssueEvent] do
		return new GithubArray[IssueEvent].from(get(
			"/repos/{repo_slug}/issues/{issue_number}/events?{pagination(page, per_page)}"))

	# Get the Github pull request #`number`.
	# Returns `null` if the pull request cannot be found.
	# ~~~nitish
	# var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth)
	# var repo = api.get_repo("nitlang/nit")
	# assert repo != null
	# var pull = api.get_pull(repo, 1)
	# assert pull.title == "Doc"
	# assert pull.user.login == "Morriar"
	# ~~~
	fun get_pull(repo_slug: String, number: Int): nullable PullRequest do
		return get("/repos/{repo_slug}/pulls/{number}").as(nullable PullRequest)

	# List of comments on a pull request
	fun get_pull_comments(repo_slug: String, pull_number: Int, page, per_page: nullable Int): Array[PullComment] do
		return new GithubArray[PullComment].from(get(
			"/repos/{repo_slug}/pulls/{pull_number}/comments?{pagination(page, per_page)}"))

	# Get a specific pull request comment
	fun get_pull_comment(repo_slug: String, id: Int): nullable PullComment do
		return get("/repos/{repo_slug}/pulls/comments/{id}").as(nullable PullComment)

	# Get the Github label with `name`.
	# Returns `null` if the label cannot be found.
	# ~~~nitish
	# var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth)
	# var repo = api.get_repo("nitlang/nit")
	# assert repo != null
	# var labl = api.get_label(repo, "ok_will_merge")
	# assert labl != null
	# ~~~
	fun get_label(repo_slug: String, name: String): nullable Label do
		return get("/repos/{repo_slug}/labels/{name}").as(nullable Label)

	# Get the Github milestone with `id`.
	# Returns `null` if the milestone cannot be found.
	# ~~~nitish
	# var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth)
	# var repo = api.get_repo("nitlang/nit")
	# assert repo != null
	# var stone = api.get_milestone(repo, 4)
	# assert stone.title == "v1.0prealpha"
	# ~~~
	fun get_milestone(repo_slug: String, id: Int): nullable Milestone do
		return get("/repos/{repo_slug}/milestones/{id}").as(nullable Milestone)

	# Get the Github issue event with `id`.
	# Returns `null` if the event cannot be found.
	# ~~~nitish
	# var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth)
	# var repo = api.get_repo("nitlang/nit")
	# assert repo isa Repo
	# var event = api.get_issue_event(repo, 199674194)
	# assert event isa IssueEvent
	# assert == "privat"
	# assert event.event == "labeled"
	# assert event.labl isa Label
	# assert == "need_review"
	# ~~~
	fun get_issue_event(repo_slug: String, id: Int): nullable IssueEvent do
		return get("/repos/{repo_slug}/issues/events/{id}").as(nullable IssueEvent)

	# Get the Github commit comment with `id`.
	# Returns `null` if the comment cannot be found.
	# ~~~nitish
	# var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth)
	# var repo = api.get_repo("nitlang/nit")
	# assert repo != null
	# var comment = api.get_commit_comment(repo, 8982707)
	# assert comment.user.login == "Morriar"
	# assert comment.body == "For testing purposes...\n"
	# assert comment.commit_id == "7eacb86d1e24b7e72bc9ac869bf7182c0300ceca"
	# ~~~
	fun get_commit_comment(repo_slug: String, id: Int): nullable CommitComment do
		return get("/repos/{repo_slug}/comments/{id}").as(nullable CommitComment)

	# Get the Github issue comment with `id`.
	# Returns `null` if the comment cannot be found.
	# ~~~nitish
	# var api = new GithubAPI(get_github_oauth)
	# var repo = api.get_repo("nitlang/nit")
	# assert repo != null
	# var comment = api.get_issue_comment(repo, 6020149)
	# assert comment.user.login == "privat"
	# assert comment.created_at.to_s == "2012-05-30T20:16:54Z"
	# assert comment.issue_number == 10
	# ~~~
	fun get_issue_comment(repo_slug: String, id: Int): nullable IssueComment do
		return get("/repos/{repo_slug}/issues/comments/{id}").as(nullable IssueComment)

	private fun pagination(page, per_page: nullable Int): String do
		return "page={page or else 1}&per_page={per_page or else 30}"

# Return deserialization as an array of E
# Non-subtypes will be ignored.
private class GithubArray[E]
	super Array[E]

	# Create `self` from an Array of objects
	# Objects non-subtyping E will be ignored.
	init from(res: nullable Object) do
		if not res isa Array[Object] then return
		for obj in res do
			if obj isa E then add obj

# An Error returned by GithubAPI
class GithubError
	super Error

# An Error returned by
# Anything that can occurs when sending request to the API:
# * Can't connect to API
# * Ressource not found
# * Validation error
# * ...
class GithubAPIError
	super GithubError

	# Status code obtained
	var status_code: Int

	# URI that returned the error
	var requested_uri: String

# An Error returned while deserializing objects from the API
class GithubDeserializerErrors
	super GithubError

	# Errors returned by the deserizalization process
	var deserizalization_errors: Array[Error]

# A Github user
# Provides access to [Github user data](
# Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::get_user`.
class User
	super GitUser

	# Github login.
	var login: String is writable

	# Avatar image url for this user.
	var avatar_url: nullable String is writable

	# User public name if any.
	var name: nullable String is writable

	# User public email if any.
	var email: nullable String is writable

	# User public blog if any.
	var blog: nullable String is writable

# A Github repository.
# Provides access to [Github repo data](
# Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::get_repo`.
class Repo

	# Repo full name on Github.
	var full_name: String is writable

	# Repo short name on Github.
	var name: String is writable

	# Get the repo owner.
	var owner: User is writable

	# Repo default branch name.
	var default_branch: nullable String = null is optional, writable

# A Github branch.
# Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::get_branch`.
# See <>.
class Branch

	# Branch name.
	var name: String is writable

	# Get the last commit of `self`.
	var commit: Commit is writable

# A Github commit.
# Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::get_commit`.
# See <>.
class Commit

	# Commit SHA.
	var sha: String is writable

	# Parent commits of `self`.
	var parents: nullable Array[Commit] = null is writable

	# Author of the commit.
	var author: nullable GitUser is writable

	# Committer of the commit.
	var committer: nullable GitUser is writable

	# Authoring date as String.
	var author_date: nullable String is writable

	# Commit date as String.
	var commit_date: nullable String is writable

	# List files staged in this commit.
	var files: nullable Array[GithubFile] = null is optional, writable

	# Commit message.
	var message: nullable String is writable

	# Git commit representation linked to this commit.
	var commit: nullable GitCommit

# A Git Commit representation
class GitCommit

	# Commit SHA.
	var sha: nullable String is writable

	# Parent commits of `self`.
	var parents: nullable Array[GitCommit] = null is writable

	# Author of the commit.
	var author: nullable GitUser is writable

	# Committer of the commit.
	var committer: nullable GitUser is writable

	# Commit message.
	var message: nullable String is writable

# Git user authoring data
class GitUser

	# Authoring date.
	var date: nullable String = null is writable

# A Github issue.
# Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::get_issue`.
# See <>.
class Issue

	# Issue Github ID.
	var number: Int is writable

	# Issue id.
	var id: nullable Int is writable

	# Issue title.
	var title: String is writable

	# User that created this issue.
	var user: nullable User is writable

	# List of labels on this issue associated to their names.
	var labels: nullable Array[Label] is writable

	# State of the issue on Github.
	var state: String is writable

	# Is the issue locked?
	var locked: nullable Bool is writable

	# Assigned `User` (if any).
	var assignee: nullable User is writable

	# `Milestone` (if any).
	var milestone: nullable Milestone is writable

	# Number of comments on this issue.
	var comments: nullable Int is writable

	# Creation time as String.
	var created_at: String is writable

	# Last update time as String (if any).
	var updated_at: nullable String is writable

	# Close time as String (if any).
	var closed_at: nullable String is writable

	# Full description of the issue.
	var body: nullable String is writable

	# User that closed this issue (if any).
	var closed_by: nullable User is writable

	# Is this issue linked to a pull request?
	var is_pull_request: Bool = false is writable

# A Github pull request.
# Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::get_pull`.
# PullRequest are basically Issues with more data.
# See <>.
class PullRequest
	super Issue

	# Merge time as String (if any).
	var merged_at: nullable String is writable

	# Merge commit SHA.
	var merge_commit_sha: nullable String is writable

	# Count of comments made on the pull request diff.
	var review_comments: nullable Int is writable

	# Pull request head (can be a commit SHA or a branch name).
	var head: PullRef is writable

	# Pull request base (can be a commit SHA or a branch name).
	var base: PullRef is writable

	# Is this pull request merged?
	var merged: nullable Bool is writable

	# Is this pull request mergeable?
	var mergeable: nullable Bool is writable

	# Mergeable state of this pull request.
	# See <>.
	var mergeable_state: nullable String is writable

	# User that merged this pull request (if any).
	var merged_by: nullable User is writable

	# Count of commits in this pull request.
	var commits: nullable Int is writable

	# Added line count.
	var additions: nullable Int is writable

	# Deleted line count.
	var deletions: nullable Int is writable

	# Changed files count.
	var changed_files: nullable Int is writable

	# URL to patch file
	var patch_url: nullable String is writable

# A pull request reference (used for head and base).
class PullRef

	# Label pointed by `self`.
	var labl: String is writable, serialize_as("label")

	# Reference pointed by `self`.
	var ref: String is writable

	# Commit SHA pointed by `self`.
	var sha: String is writable

	# User pointed by `self`.
	var user: User is writable

	# Repo pointed by `self` (if any).
	# A `null` value means the `repo` was deleted.
	var repo: nullable Repo is writable

# A Github label.
# Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::get_label`.
# See <>.
class Label

	# Label name.
	var name: String is writable

	# Label color code.
	var color: String is writable

# A Github milestone.
# Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::get_milestone`.
# See <>.
class Milestone

	# The milestone id on Github.
	var number: nullable Int = null is writable

	# Milestone title.
	var title: String is writable

	# Milestone long description.
	var description: nullable String is writable

	# Count of opened issues linked to this milestone.
	var open_issues: nullable Int = null is writable

	# Count of closed issues linked to this milestone.
	var closed_issues: nullable Int = null is writable

	# Milestone state.
	var state: nullable String is writable

	# Creation time as String.
	var created_at: nullable String is writable

	# User that created this milestone.
	var creator: nullable User is writable

	# Due time as String (if any).
	var due_on: nullable String is writable

	# Last update time as String (if any).
	var updated_at: nullable String is writable

	# Close time as String (if any).
	var closed_at: nullable String is writable

# A Github comment
# There is two kinds of comments:
# * `CommitComment` are made on a commit page.
# * `IssueComment` are made on an issue or pull request page.
# * `PullComment` are made on the diff associated to a pull request.
abstract class Comment

	# Identifier of this comment.
	var id: Int is writable

	# User that made this comment.
	var user: User is writable

	# Creation time as String.
	var created_at: String is writable

	# Last update time as String (if any).
	var updated_at: nullable String is writable

	# Comment body text.
	var body: String is writable

	# Does the comment contain an acknowledgement (+1)
	fun is_ack: Bool do
		return body.has("\\+1\\b".to_re) or body.has(":+1:") or body.has(":shipit:")

# A comment made on a commit.
class CommitComment
	super Comment

	# Commented commit.
	var commit_id: String is writable

	# Position of the comment on the line.
	var position: nullable Int is writable

	# Line of the comment.
	var line: nullable Int is writable

	# Path of the commented file.
	var path: nullable String is writable

# Status of a commit
# Can contain sub-status for reviews, CI etc.
class CommitStatus

	# Global state of this commit
	var state: nullable String = null is optional, writable

	# Sha of the commit this status is for
	var sha: nullable String = null is optional, writable

	# Repository the commit belongs to
	var repository: nullable Repo = null is optional, writable

	# All sub statuses (one for each check)
	var statuses = new Array[RepoStatus] is optional, writable

	# Total count of sub statuses
	var total_count: nullable Int = null is optional, writable

# Sub status of a CommitStatus
# Represents a check applied to a commit (reviews, CI, ...).
class RepoStatus

	# State of this check
	var state: nullable String = null is optional, writable

	# Description of this check
	var description: nullable String = null is optional, writable

	# External URL
	var target_url: nullable String = null is optional, writable

	# Context this status is related to
	# Used to hold the name of the check applied.
	var context: nullable String = null is optional, writable

	# Date when this status was created
	var created_at: nullable String = null is optional, writable

	# Last date this status was updated
	var updated_at: nullable String = null is optional, writable

# Comments made on Github issue and pull request pages.
# Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::get_issue_comment`.
# See <>.
class IssueComment
	super Comment

	# Issue that contains `self`.
	fun issue_number: Int do return issue_url.split("/").last.to_i

	# Link to the issue document on API.
	var issue_url: String is writable

# Comments made on Github pull request diffs.
# Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::get_diff_comment`.
# See <>.
class PullComment
	super Comment

	# Pull request that contains `self`.
	fun pull_number: Int do return pull_request_url.split("/").last.to_i

	# Link to the pull request on API.
	var pull_request_url: String is writable

	# Diff hunk.
	var diff_hunk: String is writable

	# Path of commented file.
	var path: String is writable

	# Position of the comment on the file.
	var position: nullable Int is writable

	# Original position in the diff.
	var original_position: Int is writable

	# Commit referenced by this comment.
	var commit_id: String is writable

	# Original commit id.
	var original_commit_id: String is writable

# An event that occurs on a Github `Issue`.
# Should be accessed from `GithubAPI::get_issue_event`.
# See <>.
class IssueEvent

	# Event id on Github.
	var id: Int is writable

	# User that initiated the event.
	var actor: User is writable

	# Creation time as String.
	var created_at: String is writable

	# Event descriptor.
	var event: String is writable

	# Commit linked to this event (if any).
	var commit_id: nullable String is writable

	# Label linked to this event (if any).
	var labl: nullable Label is writable, serialize_as("label")

	# User linked to this event (if any).
	var assignee: nullable User is writable

	# Milestone linked to this event (if any).
	var milestone: nullable Milestone is writable

	# Rename linked to this event (if any).
	var rename: nullable RenameAction is writable

# A rename action maintains the name before and after a renaming action.
class RenameAction

	# Name before renaming.
	var from: String is writable

	# Name after renaming.
	var to: String is writable

# Should be accessed from `Repo::contrib_stats`.
# See <>.
class ContributorStats
	super Comparable

	redef type OTHER: ContributorStats

	# User these statistics are about.
	var author: User is writable

	# Total number of commit.
	var total: Int is writable

	# Array of weeks of activity with detailed statistics.
	var weeks: Array[ContributorWeek] is writable

	# ContributorStats can be compared on the total amount of commits.
	redef fun <(o) do return total <

# Contributor stats weekly hash
class ContributorWeek

	# Start of week given a Unix timestamp
	var w: Int

	# Number of additions
	var a: Int

	# Number of deletions
	var d: Int

	# Number of commits
	var c: Int

# A Github file representation.
# Mostly a wrapper around a json object.
class GithubFile

	# File name.
	var filename: String is writable

# A list of results returned buy `/search`
class SearchResults

	# Total count with other pages
	var total_count: Int

	# Does this page contain all the results?
	var incomplete_results: Bool

	# Results in this page
	var items: Array[Object]

# JsonDeserializer specific for Github objects.
class GithubDeserializer
	super JsonDeserializer

	private var pattern_base = ""

	# Url patterns to class names
	var url_patterns: Map[Regex, String] is lazy do
		var map = new HashMap[Regex, String]
		map["{pattern_base}/users/[^/]*$".to_re] = "User"
		map["{pattern_base}/repos/[^/]*/[^/]*$".to_re] = "Repo"
		map["{pattern_base}/repos/[^/]*/[^/]*/labels/[^/]+$".to_re] = "Label"
		map["{pattern_base}/repos/[^/]*/[^/]*/milestones/[0-9]+$".to_re] = "Milestone"
		map["{pattern_base}/repos/[^/]*/[^/]*/issues/[0-9]+$".to_re] = "Issue"
		map["{pattern_base}/repos/[^/]*/[^/]*/issues/comments/[0-9]+$".to_re] = "IssueComment"
		map["{pattern_base}/repos/[^/]*/[^/]*/issues/events/[0-9]+$".to_re] = "IssueEvent"
		map["{pattern_base}/repos/[^/]*/[^/]*/pulls/[0-9]+$".to_re] = "PullRequest"
		map["{pattern_base}/repos/[^/]*/[^/]*/pulls/comments/[0-9]+$".to_re] = "PullComment"
		map["{pattern_base}/repos/[^/]*/[^/]*/comments/[0-9]+$".to_re] = "CommitComment"
		map["{pattern_base}/repos/[^/]*/[^/]*/commits/[a-f0-9]+$".to_re] = "Commit"
		map["{pattern_base}/repos/[^/]*/[^/]*/commits/[a-f0-9]+/status$".to_re] = "CommitStatus"
		map["{pattern_base}/repos/[^/]*/[^/]*/statuses/[a-f0-9]+$".to_re] = "RepoStatus"
		return map

	# Match `url` property in object to a class name
	fun url_heuristic(raw: Map[String, nullable Object]): nullable String do
		if not raw.has_key("url") then return null

		var url = raw["url"].as(String)
		for re, class_name in url_patterns do
			if url.has(re) then return class_name
		return null

	redef fun class_name_heuristic(raw) do
		# Try with url
		var class_name = url_heuristic(raw)
		if class_name != null then return class_name

		# print raw.serialize_to_json(true, true) # debug

		# Use properties heuristics
		if raw.has_key("name") and raw.has_key("commit") then
			return "Branch"
		else if raw.has_key("total_count") and raw.has_key("items") then
			return "SearchResults"
		else if raw.has_key("total") and raw.has_key("weeks") then
			return "ContributorStats"
		else if raw.has_key("a") and raw.has_key("d") and raw.has_key("c") then
			return "ContributorWeek"
		return null

	redef fun deserialize_class(name) do
		if name == "Issue" then
			var issue =
			if path.last.has_key("pull_request") then
				issue.is_pull_request = true
			return issue
		else if name == "Commit" then
			var commit =
			var git_commit = commit.commit
			if git_commit != null then commit.message = git_commit.message
			return commit
		return super

# Gets the Github token from `git` configuration
# Return the value of `git config --get github.oauthtoken`
# or `""` if no key exists.
fun get_github_oauth: String
	var p = new ProcessReader("git", "config", "--get", "github.oauthtoken")
	var token = p.read_line
	return token.trim
