Unique identifier of this pointer among other active pointers

This value is useful to differentiate between pointers (or fingers) on multi-touch systems. This value does not change for the same pointer while it touches the screen.

Property definitions

mnit $ PointerEvent :: pointer_id
	# Unique identifier of this pointer among other active pointers
	# This value is useful to differentiate between pointers (or fingers) on
	# multi-touch systems. This value does not change for the same pointer
	# while it touches the screen.
	fun pointer_id: Int do return 0

gamnit $ GamnitIOSPointerEvent :: pointer_id
	redef var pointer_id = native_touch.to_i is lazy

android $ AndroidPointerEvent :: pointer_id
	# Unique id of this pointer since the beginning of the gesture
	redef fun pointer_id do return native_pointer_id(motion_event.native, pointer_index)